Science 3 MOCK EXAM

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Science 3

Mock Exam
Name: ________________________________________ Score:

I. Circle the letter of the correct answer. (pp. 96, 111, 130, 148-149, 169-170)

1. These are substances that living things have to eat, drink, or take in for them to grow well.
a. nutrients b. food c. shelter
2. These are important materials contained in food.
a. water b. air c. nutrients
3. This is a structure that protects people and animals from extreme conditions in their surroundings.
a. shelter b. air c. soil
4. This is the uppermost layer of the ground.
a. sand b. soil c. rocks
5. This is the sugar that plants make through photosynthesis.
a. glucose b. soil c. sand
6.This is made up of all things that surround you.
a. pollutant b. pollution c. environment
7. This is the act by which something unclean or unsafe is introduced into the environment, and such
act harms or destroys it.
a. pollution b. pollutant c. garbage
8. This is a thing that harms the environment.
a. pollution b. place c. pollutant
9. This is the sense organ for seeing.
a. nose b. eye c. skin
10. This is the white part of the eye.
a. iris b. sclera c. lens
11. This is the colored part of the eye.
a. iris b. pupil c. retina
12. This is the transparent film that covers the iris and pupil.
a. retina b. sclera c. optic nerve
13. This is the colorless part of the eye behind the iris.
a. lens b. pupil c. eyelid
14. This is the sense organ for hearing.
a. eye b. nose c. ear
15. This is the part of the ear that is responsible for keeping balance.
a. semicircular canal b. middle ear c. cochlea
16. This is the passageway through which nerve signals pass on the way to the brain.
a. auditory nerve b. cochlea c. middle ear
17. This is the part of the ear that contains three small bones.
a. middle ear b. hammer c. auricle
18. This is the sense organ for smell.
a. nose b. ear c. tongue
19. These are small hairs that trap dust, dirt, and germs.
a. nostrils b. cilia c. papillae
20. These are openings in the nose that are entry and exit ways for air.
a. cilia b. nostrils c. septum
21. This is the sense organ for taste.
a. skin b. tongue c. nose
22. These are tiny bumps on the surface of the tongue.
a. papillae b. taste buds c. frenulum
23. This attaches the tongue to the base of the mouth.
a. frenulum b. taste buds c. skin
24. These are nerve endings that let the tongue identify the taste of food.
a. taste buds b. skin c. papillae
25. This is the sense organ for touch.
a. skin b. nose c. ear
26. This is the outer layer of the skin.
a. dermis b. fatty layer c. epidermis
27. This is the layer of the skin that contains the hair follicles.
a. dermis b. fatty layer c. epidermis
28. This is an animal with a backbone.
a. vertebrate b. invertebrate c. insect
29. This is an animal without backbone.
a. vertebrate b. invertebrate c. insect
30. This is an animal that produces milk for its young.
a. insects b. bird c. mammals
31. This is an animal that has six legs.
a. insect b. arachnid c. reptile
32. This is an animal with eight legs.
a. insect b. arachnid c. reptile
33. This is an animal that has feather.
a. insects b. bird c. mammals
34. This is an animal that has dry and scaly skin.
a. insect b. arachnid c. reptile
35. This is an animal that stats out living in water but later is able to live on land too.
a. amphibians b. insect c. reptile
36. This is an animal that has gills.
a. fish b. insect c. birds
37. This is an animal that has an outer skeleton and jointed legs.
a. reptile b. crustacean c. fish

II. Circle the number if the statement is TRUE and cross it out if not. (pp: 82, 114)
1. Plants get their food only from people.
2. Animals do not respond to changes in their environment.
3. Some animals reproduce by laying eggs.
4. Plants do not rid their bodies of waste.
5. Nonliving things can move on their own.
6. All living things experience growth.
7. Only people need food and water for energy.
8. Nonliving things also reproduce.
9. Plants release carbon dioxide that people need.
10. Animals can move by themselves.
11. Plants do not need food.
12. Only people reproduce.
13. Different kinds of animals feed on different kinds of food.
14. During photosynthesis, plants release carbon dioxide.
15. The four basic needs of people and animals are air, water, food, and shelter.
16. During respiration, animals take in carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen.
17. Living things have the ability to excrete.
18. Plants cannot move by themselves.
19. Animals respond to changes in their environment.
20. Through reproduction, parents pass on their characteristics to their offspring.
III. Fill in the blanks with the correct terms. Choose from the box. (pp: 152)

Sclera mucous membrane

Sebum blood vessels
Septum papillae
Stirrup fatty layer
Microvilli olfactory epithelium

1. The small tubes that carry blood to different parts of the body.
2. Nasal cavities are lined with a thin layer of skin.
3. The middle ear is composed of three small and delicate bones
namely hammer, anvil, and .
4. These are tiny bumps on the tongue. They contain the taste buds.
5. This is a natural oil produced by the skin.
6. The wall that separates the nostrils from the inner nasal passages.
7. This is made up of millions of tiny receptors that detect odors.
8. The layer of skin from which the hair follicles originate.
9. This deliver the signals on taste to the brain.
10. The white part of the eye.

IV. Circle four (4) VERTEBRATES in each row. (pp: 164, 170)

1. whale lobster bat dolphin catfish

2. scorpion shark owl frog toad

3. tilapia butterfly snake lizard alligator

4. cow cat spider chicken horse

5. bee birds zebra lion tiger

6. elephant crab monkey bear crocodile

7. dogs cats ant goat rabbit

8. tarantula eagle giraffes camel pig

9. sheep carabao bug buffalo donkey

10. ducks beetle fish bird deer

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