Group 3 D1 Report Perla Beltran

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2ND WORKSHEET Thursday 03. 10. 2024.




Political del párrafo Economic Factors
Global policies on recycling construction materials focus The economic factors of reusing and recycling
on promoting the circular economy, improving waste construction materials include the reduction of costs
management and reducing the environmental impact of associated with purchasing new materials, since recycling
the construction industry. International organizations such decreases the need for virgin resources. Additionally,
as the ONU and the European Union promote regulations these practices encourage energy efficiency in production
that encourage the reuse of resources and the reduction and construction processes, which can lead to significant
of waste. As well as agreements to take measures and savings. New employment opportunities are also created
reduce their carbon emissions by recycling materials. in sectors such as waste management and the circular
Goal 11 Sustainable cities and communities economy. In the long term, recycling contributes to price
Paris Agreement (2015) stability of materials by reducing dependence on limited
LEED standards (US and global) natural resources, protecting economies from raw
International Green Building Code) materials market volatility.

Social factors Technological Factors

The social factors of reusing and recycling construction Technologies in the reuse and recycling of construction
materials include improving quality of life by reducing materials include the development of new technologies
pollution and waste in communities. These practices for the efficient separation, processing and reuse of
promote greater environmental awareness and educate waste, such as concrete or metal recycling. Innovation in
society about the importance of preserving natural sustainable materials and selective demolition techniques
resources. In addition, they generate new employment reduces the demand for virgin materials.
opportunities in green sectors, boosting local economies Waste Framework Directive (EU)
and strengthening social well-being. National Waste Management Plans (E.U.)
Goal 9: industry, innovation and infrastructure. Safety and Quality Regulations in Materials
Goal11: Sustainable cities and communities. Restrictions on the Import and Export of Waste
Goal12: Responsible production and consumption. (International Regulation)

Environmental Factors Legal Factors

By recycling materials, the need to extract new resources Extended producer responsibility policies force
is minimized, which in turn reduces activities that affect manufacturers to assume management of their products
the environment and carbon footprint. at the end of their useful life, thus incentivizing the design
Goal 6: Clean water of more recyclable materials. Likewise, environmental
Goal 7: Affordable energy certifications such as LEED and BREEAM promote the
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure use of recycled materials by offering credits for their
Goal 11: Responsible cities and communities inclusion in construction projects. These laws and
Goal 12: Responsible production and consumption regulations create a legal framework that supports the
Goal 13: Climate action transition to a circular economy, reducing demand for
Goal 14: Underwater life natural resources.
Goal 15: Life in terrestrial ecosystems Incentives for Sustainable Design
Recycling Financing
2ND WORKSHEET Thursday. 03. 10. 2024.



Political del párrafo Economic Factors
Sustainability Certifications: Certification programs such as Based on a lower capital charge, banks will offer the
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), possibility of a preferential interest rate or additional
BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental funds at the time of mortgage origination or remortgage
Assessment Method.
in exchange for a measurable energy efficiency
La Directiva relativa a la eficiencia energética de los edificios improvement (EeMAP, 2018).
(EPBD) es el principal instrumento legislativo de la Unión
Europea destinado a promover la mejora del rendimiento According to DANE's ICOCED (Building Construction
energético de los edificios. Cost Index), for January 2024 a variation of 2.89% is
reported compared to December 2023, in the expenses
Protocolo de Kyoto, que compromete a la UE y a todas sus of educational buildings and apartments (DANE, 2024).
partes al establecimiento de objetivos vinculantes de
reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

Social factors Technological Factors

Management of the life cycle of buildings through the use of
Given the changing environment and the impact of climate specialized software such as Autodesk Revit that allows for
change, communities increase their environmental awareness energy efficiency improvements, final disposal of materials at
by generating support for sustainable projects (Esguerra the end of the useful life of buildings and the use of renewable
Rubio, 2022). energy systems (SEYS, 2024 ).
The EPBD provides direction for all new buildings to be
In order to improve policies aimed at re-educating consumer “shovel-ready” by including a “smart readiness indicator.” This
behavior, the European Commission, through the Intelligent would measure a building's ability to use ICT to adapt the
Energy for Europe programme, decided to co-finance the operation of buildings to better meet the needs of occupants,
BEHAVE project. The objective of this project is to draw and provide resilience to the network and contribute to energy
conclusions from the evaluation of 41 programs to modify savings through the automation of building systems (European
energy consumption habits carried out throughout Europe. Parliament , 2018a).

Environmental Factors Legal Factors

Preference for the use of green technologies: LED Resolution 0549 of 2015 presents two annexes: (i) the
lighting, energy-saving taps and gas installations, Sustainable Construction Guide for Saving Water and
efficient ventilation systems, solar panels (CCCS, Energy in Buildings and (ii) the Climate Classification
2021). Map in Colombia for the identification of the
requirements of the resolution according to the thermal
The submission of NDCs is the international process floor (Ministry of Housing, City and Territory, 2015)
of making national-level commitments to reduce
EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU): This
emissions to limit the rise in average global
directive establishes a framework to promote energy
temperature to less than 2 degrees Celsius (°C) above
efficiency throughout the European Union, including
pre-industrial levels in 2100 as set out in the Paris
standards for building construction.
2ND WORKSHEET Thursday. 03. 10. 2024.




Political del párrafo Economic Factors
These factors can interact to promote a more
The EU directive 2008/98/EC, also known as the
sustainable approach in construction in Spain,
Waste Framework Directive, establishes a
contributing to the reduction of waste.
comprehensive legal framework for waste
Waste Management Costs: Reducing garbage
management in the EU, laying the foundations for
production can reduce expenses.
the prevention, reuse, recycling and recovery of
Regulatory Compliance Costs: Regulations
requiring waste reduction can increase operating
The EU amending directive 2018/851 introducing
improvements to EU waste management, such as
Investor Pressure: Investors seek sustainable and
new municipal waste recycling targets or incentives
responsible projects, driving construction
to apply the hierarchy of waste. waste mentioned
companies to adopt practices that minimize waste

Social factors Technological Factors

The main social factor that can help the practice of this There are diferent technologies that contribute to the
type of construction is environmental awareness, reduction of waste in construction:
which lead society to demand more sustainable Modular Construction:The prefabrication of
construction practices, encouraging companies to adopt components for better control of materials.
methods that reduce waste. Consequently, there are Materials Recycling:Technologies that allow the
groups and organizations that promote sustainability recovery and recycling of construction materials.
and also put pressure to implement policies that favor Ecological Materials:Development and use of new
the wasting reduction in construction, such as the construction materials that generate less waste.
Construction Waste Management Plan (PGR). Finally Building Information Modeling (BIM): This
there are consumer preferences, as they are more technology allows for more precise planning of
interested in sustainable properties, which encourages projects, which reduces errors and, therefore, the
companies to reduce waste in their projects. generation of waste during construction.

Environmental Factors Legal Factors

In 2014, the UK generated 202.8 million tonnes of The following laws presented tell us about construction
waste and the construction sector created 59% of that waste management, coming from the Boletín Oficial del
figure, where the generation of dust, vegetation Estado (BOE) in Madrid
removal operations and air pollution are the most Law 22/2011, of July 28, on waste and
significant environmental impacts of the projects. It is contaminated soils
known that construction generates a massive Royal Decree 1304/2009, of July 31, which modifies
amount of waste because it depends on quick and Royal Decree 1481/2001, of December 27, which
cheap solutions that must be replaced every year or regulates the disposal of waste through landfilling.
even every few months. At the same time, recycling is Royal Decree 105/2008, of February 1, which
still not an obligation on construction sites, so many regulates the production and management of
valuable materials are wasted. So it is important to construction and demolition waste
introduce the construction in sustainable technologies.
2ND WORKSHEET Thursday. 03. 10. 2024.




Political del párrafo Economic Factors

Environmental regulations: The European Union Material savings: Adopting circular practices, such
and other governments are implementing stricter as reusing demolition materials and recycling
regulations to promote the circular economy in the construction components, reduces costs. This
construction sector, such as the EU Circular translates into a competitive advantage as
Economy Action Plan (CEAP), which sets specific resources are limited and costs of new materials
targets on recycling and reuse of materials. continue to rise.
Financial and tax incentives: Many countries are Demand for sustainable buildings: Growing
offering subsidies, tax credits and exemptions to consumer awareness and regulatory pressure are
encourage the adoption of circular practices in increasing the demand for sustainable buildings.
construction companies. These incentives facilitate Companies that offer circular construction solutions
investment in sustainable business models and in will have improved access to new markets and
materials recycling and reuse technologies. 1 customers looking for spaces with lower
environmental impact. 2

Social factors Technological Factors

Increase in green employability: The circular Digital technologies: The adoption of technologies
economy is generating new job opportunities in such as building information modeling (BIM) and
areas such as product design, waste management, digital twins allows for better management and
sustainability consulting and reverse logistics. This tracking of materials, promoting more efficient
approach supports the development of green skills, construction and facilitating the traceability of
highly valued in today's workforce. materials for reuse. 4
Consumer preferences: Interest in sustainable Innovation in materials: The development of
buildings and green building practices is increasing, innovative and recyclable construction materials,
encouraging companies to invest in circular such as self-healing biocement and mycelium-
economy technology and processes to align with based composites, is driving the circular economy
these consumer preferences​. 3 by offering more durable and recyclable alternatives​

Environmental Factors Legal Factors

Reduction of emissions: The circular economy International and local regulations: Regulations
makes it possible to minimize greenhouse gas such as the Construction Products Regulations in
emissions in the construction sector through the Europe and national sustainability standards are
use of recycled materials and energy efficiency putting pressure on companies to adopt circular
practices. According to the Ellen MacArthur models and meet sustainability and reuse criteria in
Foundation, implementing these principles could their processes.
reduce the sector's emissions by 38% by 2050. Construction certifications and standards:
Conservation of natural resources: The reuse and Certifications, such as LEED and BREEAM, that
recycling of materials reduces dependence on incorporate circular economy criteria, are driving
natural resources, promoting construction that companies to adapt their construction practices to
respects planetary limits and favors the meet more stringent sustainability requirements,
regeneration of ecosystems. 5 facilitating their access to global markets and
funded projects. publicly. 6
2ND WORKSHEET Thursday. 03. 10. 2024.



S.A, 2020. “Arquitectura Sostenible” Recuperado el 4 de octubre del 2024, del sitio web:
Mirabal Rafael, 2023. “Gestión de residuos de construcción: PGR y normativa asociada”. Recuperado el 4
de octubre del 2024 del sitio web:
Archdesk, 2021. “¿Cómo afecta la construcción al medio ambiente?” Recuperado el 4 de octubre del 2024,
del sitio web:

1 Unión Europea. (2020). Plan de Acción para la Economía Circular (CEAP). Recuperado de
2 Ellen MacArthur Foundation. (2013). Towards the Circular Economy (Vol. 2). Retrieved from
3 European Parliament. (2023). Circular economy: definition, importance and benefits. Retrieved from
4 European Commission. (2023). European Digital Twin of the Ocean (DTO). Retrieved from https://research-
5 Ellen MacArthur Foundation. (2013). Towards the Circular Economy (Vol. 2). Retrieved from
6 US Green Building Council. (2023). LEED certification. Retrieved from

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