Ratios and Proportions

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Teacher(s Subject group and Math

) discipline
Unit title Ratios and proportions MYP year 2 Unit duration

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Logic Equivalence, quantity, representation Identities and relationships:

Competition and cooperation

Statement of inquiry

Using a logical process to simplify quantities and establish equivalence can help analyse competition and cooperation.

Inquiry questions
Factual— What is a ratio? What is a proportion?

Conceptual— How can you establish equivalence? How are simplification and equivalence related?

Debatable— What makes for healthy and fair competition? Which is more about being equal, competition or cooperation? Explain.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative
including assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
i. select appropriate mathematics inquiry:
when solving problems in both
familiar and unfamiliar situations
ii. apply the selected mathematics Unit Test: (criterion A)
successfully when solving The Unit Test will allow students to apply
problems In this task, students will answer a wide
the content they have learned to a wide
iii. solve problems correctly in a range of questions, from simple to
range of questions and verify that they
variety of contexts. complex to challenging (in both familiar
can simplify quantities, establish
and unfamiliar situations), all related to
equivalence and apply these skills to
B: Investigating patterns simplifying quantities and establishing
solve problems. Many of the questions
equivalence. (Students will simplify ratios,
will include applications involving
i. select and apply mathematical write equivalent ratios and apply ratios to
competition and cooperation.
problem- solving techniques to solve problems.) The test will be
discover complex patterns completed individually during one class
ii. describe patterns as relationships period.
and/or general rules consistent
with findings
iii. verify and justify relationships
and/or general rules. Investigation: Equivalent Ratios The investigation will help students
(criterion B) discover and develop a basic skill related
C: Communicating In this task, students will develop the to the statement of inquiry: determining
process for creating equivalent ratios. and creating simplified, equivalent ratios.
i. use appropriate mathematical They will be given examples of equivalent After learning this skill, students will then
language (notation, symbols and ratios and then asked to determine not be able to use proportional reasoning to
terminology) in both oral and only what makes them equivalent but also analyze different examples of competition

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

written explanations what a simplified ratio might look like. The and cooperation.
ii. use appropriate forms of ultimate goal is to determine a process for
mathematical representation to simplifying any ratio. The investigation will
present information be done during one class period under test
iii. move between different forms of conditions.
mathematical representation
iv. communicate complete and
coherent mathematical lines of Fair Competition: (criteria C, D) In the Fair Competition task, students use
reasoning In this task, students will analyze different ratios and proportions to redesign
v. organize information using a competitions in the Olympic Games to see Olympic events to determine if the height
logical structure. if height makes a difference in athletic of an athlete makes a difference in the
performance. They will use ratios and outcome. They will use a logical process
D: Applying mathematics in real-life proportions to determine whether some to establish proportional relationships and
contexts events should be organized no only by apply these to find the results of the
gender, but by height as well. Students redesigned events. This analysis will help
i. identify relevant elements of will create new distances for events that them evaluate whether current Olympic
authentic real-life situations are proportional to each athlete’s height events are fair or if they should be
ii. select appropriate mathematical and use their speed (rate) to determine the redesigned so that they are even more
strategies when solving authentic time in this “proportional event”. After so.
real-life situations analysing several competitions, students
iii. apply the selected mathematical will then determine whether or not height
strategies successfully to reach a gives athletes an advantage and if these
solution events could/should be made fairer.
iv. explain the degree of accuracy of
a solution
v. explain whether a solution makes
sense in the context of the
authentic real-life situation.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Approaches to learning (ATL)

In order for students to be successful in the Unit Test and Fair Competition tasks, students will create plans to prepare for
summative assessments (examinations and performances) (Self-management: Organization skills). One strategy students will
learn and practice is “making plans” where they will write out a detailed plan to complete summative assessments on time and
study for the unit test. Another strategy is “mind maps” where students create a mind map for the content to summarize what they
have learned in the unit.

In order for students to develop perseverance and persistence in learning and problem solving, students will practice positive
thinking (Self-management: Affective skills). The strategies students will learn and practice are “periodic check-ins” and “positive
self-talk”, where students take stock of how well they are doing and practice looking for positive aspects of themselves as students.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Formative assessment



Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

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Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6

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