1 A Survey On Wired and Wireless Network

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ISSN: 2519-7991

LGU R Jounral for

Computer Sciences IT

Vol. 2 Issue 3, July - September 2018

A Survey on Wired and Wireless Network

Rafaqat Alam Khan, Muhammad Arslan Tariq
Department of Computer Science Lahore Garrison University (LGU), Pakistan


The wireless industry is going very fast nowadays. We can easily see the evolution from 2G to
3G and now advance to the 4G and 5G network. Before wireless networks, wired networks were
commonly used in every field. But there were some disadvantages regarding mobility, quality of service
and connectivity. Wired network bounded the region of the working area for the internet and it requires
multiple wires to connect computer from one device to another. While on the other hand wireless
network is an open source for everyone to use the internet. There is no limitation of the region and no
issue regarding connectivity because data is transfer through signal which includes frequency in the
form of waves. But there are also some disadvantages of wireless network regarding cost, speed,
coverage, bandwidth etc. If we talk about the better network so it depends on the situation and problem.

Keywords: Wired, Wireless, Network, Security, Internet

1. INTRODUCTION CAT 5, CAT 6 both wires used for fast and
gigabit Ethernet [3]. The wireless network was
The network is a set of communication also established by IEEE in 1997 with standard
devices connected by media links. There are two 802 [4], its first connection was of 2 Mb and that
types of network wired network and wireless time it was not so much advance and familiar to
network [1]. Bob Metcalfe and D.R. Boggs are anyone but later with the generating of new
the two engineers who developed the Ethernet versions of wireless, it become famous over the
(Wired network) [2].They started their work in world. Wireless network refers to a medium
1972 and established their development in 1980 such as electromagnetic waves or infrared waves
under the standards IEEE (802.3).Wired through which data passes. All the wireless
network defines as a low-level transfer of data network devices have antennas and sensor in
and for its usage, they build the cards and cables, them [5]. The wireless network is based upon on
through which data can be transfer from one PC frequency without using any kind of wire .it is an
to another computer. The term wired refer some open source for every person. In a wired
solid thing which consists of the cable. Wired network, the region is bound for the user to use
network means that connection through cables, the internet and to communicate with another
modem or any other source. The data transfer computer. But because of the wireless network
from one place to another through the cables. region is not bound for the user and connectivity
The cables are consists of copper, fiber optic, to become easy. Wired network is inexpensive
and twisted pair. In a wired network internet and has high reliability and high bandwidth with
connection is taken up from only one source high speed. Whereas wireless network is
(single wire), modem or any other kind of expensive, have lower quality and lower
means. The wired network also includes bandwidth. Wireless network infrastructure
Ethernet in it. Ethernet wire has been using for a requires little more than the single access point.
long time period. The wired network usually On the other hand, the wired network has more
transfers the data up to 10 Mbps. Fast Ethernet difficulty and complexity with the cable
and Giga Ethernet also used in the wired connections. Using wireless network many
network. The speed of fast Ethernet is 100 Mbps people can access the internet but in wired
and the speed of Giga Ethernet is 1000 Mbps and

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network additional user need the additional different policies due to which the data is secure
wiring. There are some problems in the wired and cannot be easily hacked by the other [8].
network which we are going to discuss in detail
in a wireless network which works as a solution. 2.3. Type of Connection

2. LITERATURE REVIEW There are two main and important

connections [9] of the network as follow:
A network is a device which is used to Ÿ Point to point
connect by a communication link. The device Ÿ Multipoint
through which it is connected is also called Node
which can be a printer, scanner, and computer. It 2.3.1.Point to Point Connection
may be any kind of devices which have the
ability to send or receive the data generated by A point to point connection provides the
the other devices on the network [6]. All the path between two devices. The transmission of
network work upon the protocols (which are the the data is reserved between those two points. It
set of rules made for the network). all the uses the length of the cable.
networks must have the following:
2.3.2.Multipoint Connection
Ÿ Resource
Ÿ Transmission medium A multipoint connection is used to connect
two or more devices by a single link. The
2.1. Reasons for Using Network channel shared the capacity with each other in
the environment.
There are the following main reasons for
using the network: 2.4. Physical Topology of Network

Ÿ Provide service The word physical topology refers to the

Ÿ Reduce equipment cost way in which network is carried out physically,
Ÿ Sharing the files from one to another when two or more devices connect with each
medium other with the help of some certain path then it
Ÿ Sharing the printers and other devices forms a topology [10]. It is basically a geometric
Ÿ Manage the security of the resources representation between the devices.
Ÿ · Support the network application
2.4.1.Types of Topology
2.2. Performance of the Network
Ÿ Mesh
The most important performances of the Ÿ Star
network are: Ÿ Bus
Ÿ Ring
Ÿ Reliability
Ÿ Security 2.5. Network Models
There are two main models in networks:
2.2.1.Reliability Ÿ Open system interconnect(OSI)
Ÿ Internet model
The network is reliable [7] because if the
data is lost due to the failure then the network has These models are depending upon the
the capacity to recover the data. It provides the standard. Standards are needed to connect the
accuracy and failure of the network can be heterogeneous network with other
measured by the frequency. computer/devices.

2.2.2.Security 2.6. Categories of Networks

It provides the facility of recovering of the Ÿ LAN (higher bandwidth and limited in size
lost data. It secures the data from damage and up to few kilometers)
protects it from external resources. It implies the Ÿ WAN (lower bandwidth, have long distance

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and multiple of different LAN) Ÿ Ethernet
Ÿ MAN(size between LAN and WAN and Ÿ Fast Ethernet
accessible inside the town) Ÿ Local talk
Ÿ Now let discuss in detail about the network Ÿ Token ring
types on is wired network and the other is a Ÿ FDDI
wireless network.



Robert Metcalfe develops the first Ethernet

(wired) system at Xerox PARC [11]. It
connected more than 100 workstations by using
the 1 km cable length at the speed of Figure 4.2. Protocols of Wired Network
2.94Mbits/sec. In 1983 the IEEE 802.3 gave it
4.1.1. Ethernet
the specification. It is used for the long distance
and the fiber optical cable is used for this
It is one of the protocols of a wired network
purpose for two decades. Now a day's Ethernet
and it is mostly used in the world. Ethernet uses
gave us the reliability, higher speed, higher
the access method which is called CSMA/CD
bandwidth. But it is the beginning because
(carrier sense multiple access/collision
Ethernet is becoming faster and faster up to
detection). This is basically a system in which
400Gbit to 1Tbit.in future it will further simplify
each computer before sending some
by automated service and delivery etc. The
information/data through the network must
speed of the Ethernet (wired) depends upon the
listen to the cable. In this only one by one link is
cable we used.
made. If there is multiple networks in a single
line then computer have to wait until the line is
clear after that it sends the data to the receiver. If
two devices send the data through the cable, this
The word wired [12] refers to any kind of
work is done by one by one. First, one device
physical medium which is consisting of the
receives the data from the sender and the other
cable. The cables made up of the copper, fiber
device have to wait until the first data transfer
optics, and twisted pair. Wired network is mostly
completed and wait for his turn and try again
used to carry different types of signals in the
later. When the first receiver receives the data
form of electricity from one medium to another.
the second will start. Because of this sometimes
In a wired network, only one internet connection
collision occurs and the computer has to wait
is used in the cable. Only one device is attached
and lots of time consumes. But this collision is
to one internet cable and data is shared among
occurring for a very small time and it does not
the different devices by using this same concept
affect the transmission of the network. The
of wire network.
Ethernet protocol uses the method of bus, star
and tree topologies [13]. Data can be transferred
through the coaxial wire, optical fiber wire at a
speed of 10Mbps up to 1000Mbps.

4.1.2. Fast Ethernet

It is another type of protocol which is used

to increase the speed of transmission and it
develops the new standards that have the speed
of 100Mbps [14].this is called fast Ethernet. Fast
Figure 4.1: Diagram of Wired Network Ethernet requires the hub, networks interface
cards and category 5(CAT5), fiber optics and
4.1 Protocols of Wired Network twisted pair cable is required. This Ethernet is
Wired network has the following protocols and commonly used in school nowadays.
let's discuss this protocols one by one:

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4.1.3. Local talk
4.3. Disadvantages of the wired network
Local talk is a wired network protocol
which was developing by the Apple computer Ÿ It is not useful for the mobile or Smart-
for Macintosh computer [15]. The data is phone. Because it requires some physical sort of
transfer by using the special twisted pair cable. It connection to use the internet.
allows the linear bus, star or tree topologies Ÿ One wired network cable is attached to only
using twisted pair cable. Disadvantages of the one computer so it does not facilitate another
local talk are the low speed of transmission computer by single wire.
which is 230Kbps. Ÿ Cable can be easily damaged after some
time, so the user has to be very careful while
4.1.4. Token ring arranging and connect the cable with PC and
protect the cable from any cuts and water.
The token ring [16] protocol was Ÿ It messes the room where you are gathering
developing by IBM in 1980 mid. The the wire
information is carried out in the form of token Ÿ If you want to connect more devices with
and move round in the circle/ring. Two computer each other you need an Ethernet connection. But
cannot connect to each other until the will finish it also requires more wires to connect and if you
the task. After that, it connects with the other are doing this then it is difficult for you to find
system and its application on 2,23 computers out that which wire is connected to which PC and
system and rarely used because its performance it takes your lots of time.
is very low and lots of time is consumed and lots Ÿ If you want to expand your network then you
of trouble is there .its speed is 4Mbps 0r need more cables and it becomes more costly
16Mbps. and takes lots of time to establish the network. If
you want to expand your network widely then
4.1.5. FDDI you have to rewire all the devices and then again
establish the wider network.
Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) Ÿ There is no freedom of movement for users.
[17] is another protocol of a wired network that Ÿ Wired network is not suitable for openly
is used to connect two or more LAN. This is far public usage.
away over a long distance. It is used as the token Ÿ Lots of cables need to connect to the certain
ring method. But it uses the two rings for the port.
transfer of the data. If one system is busy then the Ÿ Set up is difficult sometimes but it's
other systems are automatically activated and expensive.
transmit the data. Its advantages are high speed
and it works on the fiber optic cable at 100Mbps. 5. WIRELESS NETWORK

4.2. Advantages of the wired network The wireless network was also established by
IEEE in 1947 with a standard 802. It first
Ÿ Power is not consumed so much. connection was of 2Mb and that time it was not
Ÿ Wired network is easy to use, plug in the wire so much advance and familiar to anyone but later
and ready to use the internet. with the passage of time and generating the new
Ÿ There are varieties of cables available in the version of wireless, it becomes famous over the
market nowadays. The user can choose world. Wireless word is used to refer to medium
according to its need and budget. which is made up of electromagnetic waves or
Ÿ It provides the constant, stable and faster infrared waves. All the devices, which are
speed because it provides one to one connection. wireless that has sensor or antennas embedded in
Ÿ Security is very strong in a wired network. them. It includes mobile, wireless sensor, TV
Ÿ It is beneficial for small area network like at remote, laptop etc. It does not use the wire for the
home or at the office. connection between two devices or to transfer
Ÿ It is most reliable than a wireless network. the data. It uses the radio frequency waves. Fiber
Ÿ It is good for business, home, office, school optic and broadband ADSL are also used.
Ÿ Bandwidth is higher.
Ÿ It can extend to the longer distance by using
the optical fiber.
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5.1.2. Medium Range

WLAN is usually used for the medium

range protocol which is used for the
communication between the computers to
enhance wired LAN or replace it. These all
protocols are the parts of IEEE (Institute of
electrical and electronics engineers) 802.11
Figure 5: Diagram of the Wireless Network Wi-Fi
5.1. Types of wireless protocols:
Wi-Fi is mostly used nowadays because of
There are three protocols of wireless its range and access to another device. It
network: provides the facility of a hotspot as well. It
Ÿ Long range (measured in miles) becomes popular in 1990 for the hardware
Ÿ Medium range (measured in tens or hundreds usages. Wi-Fi can be controlled in the
of feet) environment according to the range. Its speed is
Ÿ Short range (less than 10 feet) lower as compared to the other wireless network
protocols speed but mobile device easily support
5.1.1. Long range the Wi-Fi and LTE and give the flexibility to the
Long range protocols are used for speed to
transfer the data over the longer distance. It may WAP
be used as back-haul between two sites such as
Smart-phone etc. GSM (Global System for The wireless application protocol is
Mobile Communication) is the most important standardizing a protocol for communication. It
protocol of wireless network which is using in is used to provide the security and privacy to the
all world and its connections are between the network. There are other types of protocols .one
cellular phones and mobiles. is WEP and the other is WPA. Both used for
security. LTE
5.1.3. Short range
Before newer Smart-phone, older generation
used GPRS, EV-DO for the communication. Wireless Personal Area network or WPAN
Because of that companies and industry have to is also called short wireless protocols. Which
spend lots of money to upgrade it and made it work on the lower frequencies between the
supportive for 4G. LTE (long-term evaluation) is devices which are just a few feet away from each
used to improve the low data rates and other other? Bluetooth is an example of a short range
issues that occur in older phone . The protocol protocol. Its common usage is that it allows the
can carry the 100Mbps of data which is divided wireless headset to communicate with a portable
into the users to use and each user gave the phone. Infrared data association or IRDA is
10Mbps. older and used for every short range protocol. 60 GHz protocol Bluetooth

Most of the video which is running on the It is the oldest wireless network protocol
computer needs 60GHz and they are using it as which is commonly used now a day. It transfers
well. It requires a lot of bandwidth. There are the data from one device to another device. It
two different standard called wirelesses HD and needs a lower amount of power to work then Wi-
WiGig. It gives the best high-quality definition Fi and from most other wireless protocols. It is a
for the video streaming. short distance wireless network protocol. Wi-Fi
has been replaced with the Bluetooth [18] but
some Smart-phone still has the features of
Bluetooth in their system.

LGU R. R.J. Computer Sciences IT 2(3) LGURJCSIT 23 Wireless Home Automation protocols Ÿ We can also use the network in business
because everyone can easily access each other;
It is used to control the remote control of no matter where they are now and what are they
light, home appliances, and gadgets. Two basic doing. Because of this, they can run they're
protocols for home automation are z-wave and smaller to smaller business and larger also and
Zigbee. They have low data rates and support the earn lots of profit.
low energy consumption for home automation Ÿ We can use the wireless network in mobile
.0.25Mbps for Zigbee and 0.01Mbps for Z- communication. By using this technology
wave. multimedia approach, interconnection and
transfer of data and all other things related to Ultra Wide Band wireless are in your control and range.
Ÿ We can also use this technology in voice
It is UWB and also called digital pulse communication. It gave the facility to in contact
wireless. It used for short distance and have a with two or more users via video calls or text
wide frequency band with lower power. And messaging.
take that kind of data which was bend due to Ÿ We can also use the technology in the remote
some obstacle or due to some higher power. control. There are many different uses of a
remote control system such as doorbell at home,
5.2. Factor affecting the performance of the TV, car, remote, garage opener etc.
wireless network Ÿ We can use this technology in entertainment
and also in the navigation system.
Ÿ Physical obstruction
Ÿ The range of the network and distance
between the devices
Ÿ Sharing of signal
Ÿ Usage of network and load on the network
Ÿ Poor antennas
Ÿ Reflection back of the signal
Ÿ Spectrum channel limitation
Ÿ Restriction of the wireless signal
Ÿ The polarization of the signal Figure5.3. open source Wi-Fi usage
Ÿ Speed loss due to wireless overhead
Ÿ Lower performance 5.4. Properties of wireless network

5.3. Uses of wireless network Ÿ Home

Ÿ Space
Ÿ We can easily use the wireless network [19] Ÿ Performance
in medical science without any kind of issue or Ÿ Wireless network element
danger. It is used in the remote monitoring of the
patient, biometric data of wireless network and 5.4.1. Home
dispensers application.
Ÿ We can also use the wireless technology Wireless technologies are effective for
while traveling with the help of an airline. Now sharing printer, scanner, and high-speed internet
we can travel from place to another without any connection. It saves the cost and time and creates
ticket. Because all documentation is available on the mobility for the devices which are connected
your mobile and can be accessed by using the to the devices.
hotspot wireless.
Ÿ We can also use the wireless network on 5.4.2. Space
hotels. [20]It enhances the business of the hotel.
The management uses the wireless internet as It is sometimes become difficult to connect
wireless network checking of hotel .we can the wires and cables. Wireless technology
check the guest list through mobile or tablet. allows a specific space to the user through which
Opening and closing of the door are also because it will be able to communicate with the other
of the wireless network. device.

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5.4.3. Wireless Network Element wireless becomes difficult.
Ÿ Speed is effective and slower while sending
It is a device used by a carrier to support for some sort of file.
the back-end network and it also supports the Ÿ If you go far away from the router it becomes
mobile switching center. Wireless technologies difficult for you to access the internet. The range
depend upon the network element. It is used in a is limited.
wireless network in the physical layer. Ÿ Less secure because anyone can steal your
internet bandwidth if your password is not
5.4.4. Performance secure and not protected.
Ÿ Easily hacked the information.
It enhances the performance of network Ÿ It depends upon the wave-like radio.
from 2G to 3G and now mostly using the 4G
network with high speed. 5.7. How Wi-Fi has changed the world

5.5. Advantages of wireless network Before the internet, nobody familiar with
each other but after the internet has arrived
Ÿ Users are free to move with a wireless people started using it and it becomes so popular
network and can easily access the internet that it demands increases day by day. And Wi-Fi
anywhere with their laptop and other handsets becomes the life of people more easily because
devices. anyone can access the internet through laptop,
Ÿ The user can easily share the files with other mobile and can be accessed by the nearest Wi-Fi,
devices without any connection of cables. hotspot or booster. Now a day 88% people come
Ÿ There is no need of cable connection. [5] So online according to the research through Wi-Fi.it
it is cheap and not a time consumer. played a most important and significant role in
Ÿ Easily connected to more than one PC or human life. With the help of Wi-Fi, we can
device at the same time. improve our society and as well as ourselves
Ÿ They are convenient and easily accessible. steadily and speedily. Through Wi-Fi two or
Ÿ It handles a large number of users because it more cities are now able to connect to each other
is an open source and unlimited to use. .it provide the online shopping facility to the
Ÿ By using the wireless network social media people and this type of shopping criteria is very
information becomes easy to access and become common in Europe because with the help of this
easy to transfer. technology people compare the prizes and
Ÿ It is convincing because the user can access purchase the item. Wi-Fi [14] is also giving
from any nearly located resources. facility of the communication and
Ÿ It is useful to enhance the productivity. communication become easier through this
Ÿ In wireless network number of user connect technology. Healthcare center is also available
with each other easily but in wired they all need for the people online; people can easily connect
their wire to connect to the hospital through this technology because
Ÿ It is cheap. now a day's doctor carries Personal Digital
Ÿ Network security is becoming good and Assistant (PDA), through which they can
stronger than the system cannot be easily hacked communicate with the people easily, no matter
because they insert the strong password in where are they, at home or outside. Wi-Fi is the
hardware and in software. best solution for a whole geometric location and
Ÿ Although it is slow in speed it fulfills the they can share their data easily. It going forward
requirement of the user and the user easily gets and forward and day by day its technologies is
the desired thing from the internet. increases and its speed also up to 866.7Mb/s
Ÿ Healthy and safe. because of 802.11ac and 802.11n.
Ÿ Wi-Fi is cost effective.

5.6. Disadvantages of wireless network

Ÿ It can require extra cost and other equipment
to set up.
Ÿ The person who is not so much familiar with
a computer for that type person setting up the
Figure5.7. Wi-Fi advance technology

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5.8. Future of wireless technologies working to increase the working capacity of the
wireless technology more and more enhanced
Wireless technology has changed the mean with better security and high speed.
of communication .business industry are
running and highly progressed because of the 6. CONCLUSION
wireless network. It is now more suitable for the
business because of its awesome features like The wireless network is better than wired
speed, security, mobility, and Wi-Fi hotspot. network. 80% of the world using the wireless
Voice application can be successfully running network now a day. Its future is brighter than
because of the wireless network. By using this wired network according to research. Wireless
you can easily access the internet with high gives the freedom of movement and sharing of
speed and including text, audio, video messages, files becomes easier, no matter of slower speed.
and many more things become easier due to the But there have been made some changes in the
wireless network. wireless network properties related to the speed,
cost, and security. It gives the flexibility as data
is transfer from one medium to another through
radio waves. But in the wired network, there is a
concept of cables, which sometimes mess the
working place and become dangerous also.
Cables can be easily damaged. There is a single
connection and no multiple connections can be
made or accessible on a single cable network. It
is time-consuming and costly as compared to the
Figure 5.8 5G network latest technology wireless network. The wireless network is
opposite to the wired network and its protocol is
Wireless technology is going faster and much beneficial than that of a wired network.
faster each year and day by day. [9]In Europe Wired technology does not provide the
large number of people are using 4G internet and generations of the internet to the users. It is
it is not so much common yet in some countries limited and gives the connection through the
but now they looking forward for a new and wire to wire that's why wireless is commonly use
advance generation of network which is 5G.it is nowadays and further going on we will see the
probably introduced into the market in 2020 and brighter and brighter future of Wi-Fi technology.
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Computing, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 1713-1731, Dec.
2010. doi: 10.1109/TMC.2010.151.

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