1 A Survey On Wired and Wireless Network
1 A Survey On Wired and Wireless Network
1 A Survey On Wired and Wireless Network
ISSN: 2519-7991
The wireless industry is going very fast nowadays. We can easily see the evolution from 2G to
3G and now advance to the 4G and 5G network. Before wireless networks, wired networks were
commonly used in every field. But there were some disadvantages regarding mobility, quality of service
and connectivity. Wired network bounded the region of the working area for the internet and it requires
multiple wires to connect computer from one device to another. While on the other hand wireless
network is an open source for everyone to use the internet. There is no limitation of the region and no
issue regarding connectivity because data is transfer through signal which includes frequency in the
form of waves. But there are also some disadvantages of wireless network regarding cost, speed,
coverage, bandwidth etc. If we talk about the better network so it depends on the situation and problem.
It provides the facility of recovering of the Ÿ LAN (higher bandwidth and limited in size
lost data. It secures the data from damage and up to few kilometers)
protects it from external resources. It implies the Ÿ WAN (lower bandwidth, have long distance
4.2. Advantages of the wired network The wireless network was also established by
IEEE in 1947 with a standard 802. It first
Ÿ Power is not consumed so much. connection was of 2Mb and that time it was not
Ÿ Wired network is easy to use, plug in the wire so much advance and familiar to anyone but later
and ready to use the internet. with the passage of time and generating the new
Ÿ There are varieties of cables available in the version of wireless, it becomes famous over the
market nowadays. The user can choose world. Wireless word is used to refer to medium
according to its need and budget. which is made up of electromagnetic waves or
Ÿ It provides the constant, stable and faster infrared waves. All the devices, which are
speed because it provides one to one connection. wireless that has sensor or antennas embedded in
Ÿ Security is very strong in a wired network. them. It includes mobile, wireless sensor, TV
Ÿ It is beneficial for small area network like at remote, laptop etc. It does not use the wire for the
home or at the office. connection between two devices or to transfer
Ÿ It is most reliable than a wireless network. the data. It uses the radio frequency waves. Fiber
Ÿ It is good for business, home, office, school optic and broadband ADSL are also used.
Ÿ Bandwidth is higher.
Ÿ It can extend to the longer distance by using
the optical fiber.
LGU R. R.J. Computer Sciences IT 2(3) LGURJCSIT 22
5.1.2. Medium Range
Most of the video which is running on the It is the oldest wireless network protocol
computer needs 60GHz and they are using it as which is commonly used now a day. It transfers
well. It requires a lot of bandwidth. There are the data from one device to another device. It
two different standard called wirelesses HD and needs a lower amount of power to work then Wi-
WiGig. It gives the best high-quality definition Fi and from most other wireless protocols. It is a
for the video streaming. short distance wireless network protocol. Wi-Fi
has been replaced with the Bluetooth [18] but
some Smart-phone still has the features of
Bluetooth in their system.
5.5. Advantages of wireless network Before the internet, nobody familiar with
each other but after the internet has arrived
Ÿ Users are free to move with a wireless people started using it and it becomes so popular
network and can easily access the internet that it demands increases day by day. And Wi-Fi
anywhere with their laptop and other handsets becomes the life of people more easily because
devices. anyone can access the internet through laptop,
Ÿ The user can easily share the files with other mobile and can be accessed by the nearest Wi-Fi,
devices without any connection of cables. hotspot or booster. Now a day 88% people come
Ÿ There is no need of cable connection. [5] So online according to the research through Wi-Fi.it
it is cheap and not a time consumer. played a most important and significant role in
Ÿ Easily connected to more than one PC or human life. With the help of Wi-Fi, we can
device at the same time. improve our society and as well as ourselves
Ÿ They are convenient and easily accessible. steadily and speedily. Through Wi-Fi two or
Ÿ It handles a large number of users because it more cities are now able to connect to each other
is an open source and unlimited to use. .it provide the online shopping facility to the
Ÿ By using the wireless network social media people and this type of shopping criteria is very
information becomes easy to access and become common in Europe because with the help of this
easy to transfer. technology people compare the prizes and
Ÿ It is convincing because the user can access purchase the item. Wi-Fi [14] is also giving
from any nearly located resources. facility of the communication and
Ÿ It is useful to enhance the productivity. communication become easier through this
Ÿ In wireless network number of user connect technology. Healthcare center is also available
with each other easily but in wired they all need for the people online; people can easily connect
their wire to connect to the hospital through this technology because
Ÿ It is cheap. now a day's doctor carries Personal Digital
Ÿ Network security is becoming good and Assistant (PDA), through which they can
stronger than the system cannot be easily hacked communicate with the people easily, no matter
because they insert the strong password in where are they, at home or outside. Wi-Fi is the
hardware and in software. best solution for a whole geometric location and
Ÿ Although it is slow in speed it fulfills the they can share their data easily. It going forward
requirement of the user and the user easily gets and forward and day by day its technologies is
the desired thing from the internet. increases and its speed also up to 866.7Mb/s
Ÿ Healthy and safe. because of 802.11ac and 802.11n.
Ÿ Wi-Fi is cost effective.