Nahda Thesis
Nahda Thesis
Nahda Thesis
Nahdatul Zannah
c. Research Questions
1. How do teachers at SMPN 1 Atap Muara Tupuh utilize non-digital
learning materials in their English language teaching?
2. What are the perceptions of students regarding the effectiveness of non-
digital materials in enhancing their learning experience?
3. How do teacher-student interactions during lessons involving non-digital
materials influence student engagement and learning outcomes?
d. Research Objectives
1. To explore the methods employed by teachers at SMPN 1 Atap Muara
Tupuh in utilizing non-digital learning materials in their teaching practices.
2. To assess students' perceptions of the effectiveness and impact of non-
digital materials on their language learning experience.
3. To analyze the nature of teacher-student interactions when non-digital
materials are used and how these interactions contribute to student
e. Research Significance
This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of non-digital
resources in modern English language teaching, providing a framework for
recognizing the relevance and efficacy of traditional materials within
contemporary pedagogical practices. Additionally, the research findings
will inform educators and curriculum designers on the effective use of non-
digital resources in language teaching. The insights derived from this study
may aid in developing teaching strategies that leverage these materials to
enhance engagement and improve learning outcomes, particularly in
contexts where access to digital tools is limited.
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