Cable Laying 833
Cable Laying 833
Cable Laying 833
Major 5 10 15 20 25
Serious 4 8 12 16 20
Average 3 6 9 12 15
Slight 2 4 6 8 10
Minor 1 2 3 4 5
Risk Level
Green/Low Risk
Yellow /Medium Risk
Orange / High Risk
Red /Serious
Locatio DATE:
(Break the activity (Consequences)
down into logical job Controls & Recovery Measures
steps) Required
Mobilization of people, 1. Traffic Incident X X X X 1. Fatality Major Likely 20 1. IVMS Fitted vehicles Major Rare 5
Equipment and tools to 2. Untrained 2. Roll over 2. Trained Driver (DDT)
the work site. personnel 3. Personnel Injury / 3. Wear Seat belt
4. Follow the speed limit
3. Vehicle stuck by Illness
5. No distracted driving /Do not use
muddy condition 4. Property damage mobile phone while driving
4. Driving in adverse 5. Environmental 6. Load shall be secured
weather condition damage 7. Driving policy and land
5. Slip, trip and falls transportation policy shall be
6. Struck in between followed.
7. Exposure to 8. Vehicle Inspection use daily checklist
9. If possible don't drive in adverse
adverse weather.
10. Emergency equipment shall be
available in the vehicle.
11. Driver shall be given adequate rest
12. No drug policy shall be followed
13. Competent personnel
14. Provide adequate signages
15. Monitoring system shall be in place
1. Unauthorized
tools and 1. Provide certified tools and
equipment equipment
2. Lack of 2. Competent personal shall be
competency assigned for the task
3. Sharp edge 3. All tools must be inspected before
4. Pinch point each use and checklist shall be
5. Failure of the maintained as per the requirement
tools and 4. Sharp edges shall be identified and
1. Serious personal
equipment protected with softeners
Use of hand tools 6. Electrocution X X Average Likely 12 5. Don't use or repair damage tools Average Rare 3
2. Property damage
7. Fire and explosion until unless you are certified to do so
3. Environmental
8. Using of 6. Maintain good cable management
homemade tools 7. Adequate earthing and grounding
9. Poor cable shall be provided
management 8. Don’t use damaged tools
10. Improper 9. Provide adequate Information,
grounding instruction, training and supervision
11. Unprotected 10. Provide adequate PPEs and shall
rotating parts comply at the site.
12. Entanglement
13. Line of fire
1. Cable laying,connection will be
carried out by trained and competent
personnel using suitable tools.
2. Only properly selected hand tools to
be used.
Cable laying,cable 1. Use of knives and
hand tools 1. Personal Injury Possibl 3. Only properly selected gloves to be
glanding termination X X Average 9 worn during work. Only authorized Average Rare 3
works 2. Line of Fire 2. Property damage e
personnel to use knives.
3. Sharp edges
4. Provide adequate
Informationinstruction, training and
5. Adequate PPE shall be provided and
compliance at the site.
Working in a 1. Flammable P E A R Fatality Major Likely 20 Pressure/leakage test for all lines & Major Unlikel 10
flanges prior to first oil.
hydrocarbon area gases and Ventilation systems for controlling
liquids. Serious flammable vapors and gases.
Working in a hot 1. Exposure to the X X 1. High Heat Major Likely 20 1. Increase awareness and train Average Possibl 9
environment heat stress 2. Fatigue workers to recognize the signs and
3. Weakness symptoms of heat-related illnesses
4. Skin eruptions 2. Provide drinking water and Remind
5. Low blood workers to drink water often
pressure 3. Air conditioning (such as air-
6. Dizziness, conditioned cranes, construction
headache equipment cabs, and air conditioning
7. Heat stroke in break rooms)
8. Dehydration 4. Schedule frequent breaks in a cool,
9. Breathing shaded area
difficulty 5. Develop work/rest schedules / Set up
10. Body stress buddy system/instruct supervisors to
watch workers for signs of heat-
related illness
6. Shaded areas for resting are provided
with Misting fans that produce a
spray of fine water droplets
7. 4- Local exhaust ventilation at points
of high heat production or moisture
(such as exhaust hoods in laundry
8. 5- Insulation of hot surfaces (such as
furnace walls)
9. All working areas should provide cool
water for workers to drink Proper
hydration is essential to prevent
heat-related illness Those working
two hours or more also provide
access to additional fluids containing
10. Schedule strenuous jobs during
cooler times of the day
11. In extreme summer, enhance lunch
timings to reduce heat exposure
12. Ensure first aid responders are
trained to deal with heat-related
13. Report and investigate any heat-
related incidents
1. Personal Protective Equipment such
as ( Lightcoloured clothing, reflective
clothing, Dark Eye protection, and
Neck wraps)
working in a venom 1. bitten by a snake X X 1. Fatality Major Expecte 25 1. Leave snakes alone –almost all snake Major Unlikel 10
creatures environment or camel spider, 2. Infections bites occur when people attempt to
or stung by a 3. Bites
d catch, pick up, or kill snakes
scorpion 4. Itches, rashes 2. Use specialty snake handling tools
5. Intense Pain when picking up or transporting
6. Swelling around snakes you cannot identify
the bite area 3. Wear tall neck boots and prevent
going out with slippers or regular
4. Avoid putting your hands or feet in
places you cannot see
5. Avoid sleeping on the ground
whenever possible Most snakes are
nocturnal, hunting at night
6. Wear gloves and look before placing
your hands or feet in places you
cannot see
7. Never sit down on the ground
8. Never handle a snake, even if it looks
dead or seems harmless
9. Never leave food sitting out
10. Do not keep materials piled up
outside (wood, brick piles, etc.)
11. If you see a snake while working,
back up slowly and call for help
12. First Aid: Catch the casualty, not the
13. Calm the casualty, Clean the
wound /don't flush with water
14. Cover the bite with a clean, dry
dressing; immobilize the limb & splint
if possible; position the casualty so
the bite is below the heart, Remove
jewelry & restrictions if swelling
15. Maintain airway; call for MEDEVAC as
a stretcher case
16. Do Not –Apply a tourniquet (unless
17. Do Not –Cut, suck, or squeeze the
18. Do Not –Apply electric shock
19. Do Not –Give alcohol or coffee
20. Do not –Try to kill creature –general
description OK
21. Do Not –Administer anti-venom
RA Team member Name, Last Name: KRISHNAKUMAR Job Title: PO Signature: Date:
RA Team member Name, Last Name: SIVAPRASAD Job Title: P0 Signature: Date: