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Thyssenkrupp Elevator Qatar: Risk Assessment

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Doc Ref Nos.

tkeQ /HSE / RA / 04 /2019

thyssenkrupp Elevator Qatar Revision / Issue :
Risk Assessment Date : 02/09/2019
Discription : Risk Assessment for Elevator Maintenance
likelihood Certain Highly Likely Likely Unlikely Highly Unlikely Severity Catastrophic Substantial Moderate Minor Trivial Critical High Meduim Low Insignificant
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Classification 21-25 16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5
Risk Rating Residual Risk


Job Step Hazards Consequences



(Sequence of working activities) (The potential to cause harm ) (The harm which could possibly Recommended Control Measures & Mitigations

Partially Blocked access / Uneven Follow site safety rules

1 Site Condition (Common access & Egress) Trip/fall 3 3 9 1 3 3
Suface /Loose soil Use only designated access
Barricading elevator entrances (ground, first and Safety barricade and fence to be placed in fornt of the
2 Unauthorized Entry Fall to Pit 3 3 9 1 3 3
second) landing door .
Open the landing door with emergency key when Keep an eye on floor level when exit from cabin.When
Cabin top stationed below the
3 elevator is in the correct position to access to Fall to cabin top / injury 4 3 12 cabin reach almoast 500MM ,stop the unit by means of 1 3 3
landing level.
cabin top. unlocking key.
When access to cabin top ,check and apply stop button .
Cabin top stationed below the
4 Access to cabin top Fall to cabin top / injury 3 4 12 Inspection switch and light switch ON.(Strictly follow the 1 4 4
landing level.
tkeQ access procedure).
Always station the cabin top in level to the landing doors
Cabintop stationed in improper Trip or fall from cabin top to and exit. Release the stop button, switch to normal mode
5 Egress from the cabintop 4 3 12 1 3 3
level. landing levels and switch off the lights. Never leave any tools and
materials over the cabintop.
Keep an eye on floor level when exit from cabin.When
Pit Access (Register call inside the cabin to UP Uneven cabin and landing door Slip,trip and fall on the same
6 3 3 9 cabin move and reach over the head level ,stop the unit by 1 3 3
level and exit). sills. level.
means of unlocking key.
Stop the cabin when it reached above operatives Keep a safe distance from the landing sill.Verify the cabin
7 head level height by means of door unlocking standing near to pit. Falling to pit / Fracture 4 3 12 is in correct position by opening the both landing door 1 3 3
device. 100mm.
Always keep an eye for cabin movement.Hold one hand
wrist firmly on outside shaft column.Lean carefully into the
8 Applying the stop button inside the pit. standing near to pit. Falling to pit / Fracture 4 3 12 shaft and with the other hand apply the stop button located 1 3 3
inside the pit. Switch on the shaft or pit light.
Apply the stop button
Always maintain three mode contact on fixed ladder whilst
access/egress to the pit.Never use buffer as ladder.Grip
9 Access to Pit Improper use of fixed ladder Falling to pit / Fracture 4 4 16 firmly on handrail and then step on fixed ladder 1 4 4
properly.Ensure to Pit stop ON, Keep landing door open
with a 100mm gap by means of door stopper.
Always maintained three mode contact whilst access/egress
to the pit.Never use buffer as ladder.Grip firmly on handrail
10 Egress from Pit Improper use of fixed ladder Fall to pit 3 3 9 and then step on fixed ladder properly. Release the Pit stop 1 3 3
switch and close the landing door after maintaning safe
distance form landing area.
Doc Ref Nos. tkeQ /HSE / RA / 04 /2019
thyssenkrupp Elevator Qatar Revision / Issue :
Risk Assessment Date : 02/09/2019
Discription : Risk Assessment for Elevator Maintenance
likelihood Certain Highly Likely Likely Unlikely Highly Unlikely Severity Catastrophic Substantial Moderate Minor Trivial Critical High Meduim Low Insignificant
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Classification 21-25 16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5
Risk Rating Residual Risk


Job Step Hazards Consequences



(Sequence of working activities) (The potential to cause harm ) (The harm which could possibly Recommended Control Measures & Mitigations

Provide signboard on the landing doors at all levels

indicating, Lift is Under Service.
Do not leave the landing doors open.
Ensure proper lighting, ventilation and housekeeping
Inadequate access Fall of person 3 4 12 Proper ladder to be provided to access to pit 1 4 4
Suitable working platform shall be installed in the pit to
access the bottom of car, especially for high speed
elevators, where the clearance from the pit bottom will be
more than 2mtr
Make sure adequate rest break and provision of drinking
11 Working in pit Humidity Heat stress 4 3 12 1 3 3
Loose Materials Material falling to pit 3 3 9 Maintain good housekeeping 1 3 3
Test and verify the door lock circuit and pit stop switch, or
two means of stopping operation of the elevator, before
entering the pit
Hit by cabin/counter weight in Ensure proper lighting, ventilation and housekeeping
Moving Car & Counter weight 3 4 12 1 4 4
multiplex hoist way While working in the pit, other related work on the car top
should not be carried out
Temporary barricade should be provided to prevent the
technicians from entering the running elevator pit
All works related to the car top and bottom should be
carried out keeping the car at the lower most possible floor
Hand rails should be made available on the car top while
working ,if not ensure about the full body harness and shall
hooked in acceptable points.
Working at height Person falling from car top 5 5 25 1 5 5
Existing hand rails on car top shall never be removed
Do not stand on the hand rail for any reason what so ever
Avoid loose materials(tools, nut & bolts) grease spillage
on the car top
Suitable ladders shall be provided on the car top
12 Working on Cabin top temporarily to access the rail top.
In duplex/triplex hoist way avoid jumping from one car top
to another car top.
Technicians shall not over reach beyond the hand rails
Ensure that car top light of the other elevator is switched
Working near Rotatable Parts Entanglement /Crush Injury 4 4 16 ON so that the technicians are cautioned, whenever the 1 4 4
nearby elevator crosses the work place.
Doc Ref Nos. tkeQ /HSE / RA / 04 /2019
thyssenkrupp Elevator Qatar Revision / Issue :
Risk Assessment Date : 02/09/2019
Discription : Risk Assessment for Elevator Maintenance
12 Working Highly
on Cabin top Likely Likely Unlikely Highly Unlikely Severity Catastrophic Substantial Moderate Minor Trivial Risk Critical High Meduim Low Insignificant
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Classification 21-25 16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5
Risk Rating Residual Risk


Job Step Hazards Consequences



(Sequence of working activities) (The potential to cause harm ) (The harm which could possibly Recommended Control Measures & Mitigations
No Working near Rotatable Parts Entanglementoccur).
/Crush Injury 4 4 16 1 4 4

All technicians should aware of the head room clearance of

car top & overhead obstructions
Before moving the car up or down, ensure the car top
person makes proper instruction.
Restrict working on live conditions to bare minimum
While carrying out any maintenance activity in the control
panel, car top station & car operating panel, the power
supply should be isolated and lock out/tag out procedure to
be followed.
Proper warning signs to be displayed
Use only approved hand tools with insulation
13 Function test in live control panel Electricity Electrocution 5 4 20 No metallic ornaments shall be worn by technician 1 4 4
Change the operation of elevator to manual mode before
carrying out any maintenance adjustments in the control
unit, while carrying out function test
Use only approved and calibrated instruments
Ensure the use of proper jumpers
Check the earth resistance of elevator before attempting
any live working to ensure that the earthling is effective
Ensure the usage of good quality hand gloves
Doc Ref Nos. tkeQ /HSE / RA / 04 /2019
thyssenkrupp Elevator Qatar Revision / Issue :
Risk Assessment Date : 02/09/2019
Discription : Risk Assessment for Elevator Maintenance
likelihood Certain Highly Likely Likely Unlikely Highly Unlikely Severity Catastrophic Substantial Moderate Minor Trivial Critical High Meduim Low Insignificant
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Classification 21-25 16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5
Risk Rating Residual Risk


Job Step Hazards Consequences



(Sequence of working activities) (The potential to cause harm ) (The harm which could possibly Recommended Control Measures & Mitigations

Ensure proper lighting

Before carrying out any work in motor, power supply
should be switched off and follow lock out/tag out
procedure strictly
No loose clothing shall be allowed
No metallic ornaments shall worn.
Trap between, Caught in,Pinch Guards shall not be removed unnecessarily, if the guards
14 Working on traction machine Rotating Parts 4 3 12 1 3 3
point are removed during maintenance activities, It shall be fixed
back immediately.
Ensure that there is no physical contact with moving parts
before starting any test.
Maintain a safe working distance from the rotating parts of
the motor while inspection
Beware of pinch points.
Ensure that all power tools are double insulated.
Inspect all power tools, cable, plug and socket periodically
and before each use.
Take power supply from only approved sources and
15 Use of power tools Electricity Electrocution 3 4 12 1 4 4
through ELCB
Do not use power tools in wet hand or wet environment.
Avoid loose materials, cables from rotating parts
Maintain good cable management
Do not keep any hand tools on the separator beam/call
button cut out.
Slip from hand Falling of tools 3 3 9 Use restraining strap with hand tools to avoid falling 1 3 3
hazards, make sure to carry safe load and correctly.
All hand tools should be maintained in a small tool box at
the place of work
Get mushroomed head of impact tools such as chisels,
16 Use of hand tools wedges or drift pins ground off. Otherwise the heads might
Impact tools Flying obtacts 4 3 12 shatter on impact, sending sharp fragments flying 1 3 3
Do not use screw driver as a chisel, it’s handle can break
and fly, hitting the user and others
Inspect the wrenches for worn out jaws since it might slip
while working.
Worn out tools Strike against 3 3 9 Do not use screw driver as a chisel ,it’s handle can break 1 3 3
and fly, hitting the user and others
Maintain good cable management
Use only Registered vehicle & Licensed driver
17 Transportation & Maintenance Improper securing of materials Falling of materials 4 3 12 1 3 3
Doc Ref Nos. tkeQ /HSE / RA / 04 /2019
thyssenkrupp Elevator Qatar Revision / Issue :
Risk Assessment Date : 02/09/2019
Discription : Risk Assessment for Elevator Maintenance
likelihood Certain Highly Likely Likely Unlikely Highly Unlikely Severity Catastrophic Substantial Moderate Minor Trivial Critical High Meduim Low Insignificant
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Classification 21-25 16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5
Risk Rating Residual Risk


Job Step Hazards Consequences



(Sequence of working activities) (The potential to cause harm ) (The harm which could possibly Recommended Control Measures & Mitigations

17 Transportation & Maintenance Improper securing of materials Falling of materials 4 3 12 Secured the materials with ratchet binders . Never exceed 1 3 3
the S.W.L.
Conduct several run tests in normal mode by Passenger may lead to another Never allow passengers during run tests.Standby technician
18 unauthorized entry 3 3 9 1 3 3
registering all possible elevator calls. levels should be inside the cabin.
Remove the barricade from all levels (ground, Hitting of barricading with Barricade to be removed properly. Ensure good housekeeping
19 Passenger movement 4 3 12 1 3 3
first and second) passenger before leaving the area of work
Prepared By : Binu.P.Raphal (HSE ) Reviewed & Approved By :
Date : 02/09/2019 Date : 02/09/2019

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