Yds Tense Çikmiş

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TEST 1 5. With its superior fire power, NATO ---- any

battle, but it ---- the war in Afghanistan.
1. The number of foreign students ---- at
Canadian universities ---- fast over the last A) had won / loses
B) can win / is losing
A) having studied / had been increasing
C) has won / lost
B) studying / has been increasing
D) would have won / had lost
C) to study / was increasing
E) is winning / was losing
D) to have studied / had increased

E) to be studying / is increasing
6. Scientists fear that if we ---- to use our
natural resources so unwisely, we ---- them
up completely by the end of this century.
2. For a long time now, Asia’s emerging
economies---- the world’s most dynamic, A) have continued / have used
with GDP ---- at an annual rate of 7.5%.
B) are continuing / are using
A) were / to have grown
C) continued / had used
B) would have been / having grown
D) had continued / would have used
C) have been / growing
E) continue / will have used
D) would be / to be growing

E) are / to grow
7. Although there ---- some growth in the
3. During the past 40 years, research ---- to nonoil sector, Nigeria ---- dangerously
support the hypothesis that physical activity reliant on hydrocarbon revenues.
---- with both cardiovascular health and
A) has been / remains
improved psychological functioning.
B) had been / would remain
A) is accumulating / has been associated
C) was / would have remained
B) accumulates / will be associated
D) must be / has remained
C) accumulated / had been associated
E) is / had remained
D) has accumulated / would be associated

E) has accumulated / is associated

8. At the end of 1998, Estonia ---- the strict

4. The price of crude oil ---- by 40% this year
citizenship requirements that ---- the
due to the continuing risk of disruption in
country‘s Russian minority from gaining
the Middle East, which ---- for one-third of
global production.
A) relaxes / kept
A) surges / accounted
B) had relaxed / have kept
B) had surged / has accounted
C) has relaxed / were keeping
C) has surged / accounts
D) relaxed / had kept
D) urged / had accounted
E) will relax / are keeping
E) will surge / could have accounted



9. Today one third of the carbon dioxide 13. North Korea still ---- a vast police state
(CO2) given off by burning fossil fuels ---- that ---- a network of concentration camps
the oceans, thus ---- their naturally alkaline spanning the country.
A) was maintaining / has included
A) is entering / reduces
B) had maintained / would include
B) enters / reducing
C) is maintaining / had included
C) had entered / will reduce
D) maintains / includes
D) will enter / reduced
E) maintained / will include
E) would enter / having reduced
14. In an article published in 1990, scientists
10. Tablet computers ---- some advantages of the National Institute of Medical Research
for form-filling or updating your status on a ---- more than 300 biological theories that ---
social network, but you ---- it hard to get any -to account for senescence – the
real work done. progressive and general deterioration that
accompanies aging in humans.
A) are offering / must find
A) were reviewing / attempted
B) have been offering / should find
B) have reviewed / should attempt
C) can offer / will have to find
C) reviewed / had attempted
D) had offered / would have found
D) would review / have attempted
E) might offer / could find
E) may have reviewed / attempt
11. Investigators ---- various methods over
the years to search for genes that ---- to 15. In 1989, Jennifer Johnson of Sanford,
intelligence, which is a so-called Florida, ---- the first woman ---- of
quantitative trait. transferring cocaine to her unborn baby
through the umbilical cord.
A) use / will contribute
A) was becoming / having been convicted
B) may use / contributed
B) has become / to convict
C) would use / are going to contribute
C) would become / to be convicting
D) are using / should contribute
D) became / to be convicted
E) have used / might contribute
E) had become / convicting

16. Researchers realized that the Cuban

12. Although she ---- properly yet, the experience with dengue fever through two
recipient of the world‘s first face transplant - separate outbreaks of the disease ---- that
--- well, according to the first scientific immune enhancement ---- even 20 years
report of the operation. after the primary dengue virus infection.
A) hadn‘t smiled / would have done A) had indicated / must have been seen
B) didn‘t smile / will do B) indicates / had been seen
C) doesn‘t smile / may have done C) was indicating / would be seen
D) couldn‘t have smiled / does D) would have indicated / is seen
E) can‘t smile / is doing E) indicated / could be seen



17. In 1972, two collective burials ---- under 21. Underwater archaeology is generally
an overhanging rock at Qilakitsoq, a small considered to ---- its first major
Inuit settlement on the west coast of encouragement during the winter of 1853-
Greenland, ---- to about A.D. 1475. 54, when a particularly low water level in a
Swiss lake ---- bare enormous quantities of
A) are discovered / dated
wooden posts, pottery and other artifacts.
B) were discovered / dating
A) be receiving / has laid
C) have been discovered / having dated
B) be received / would lay
D) had been discovered / having been dated
C) have been received / had laid
E) were being discovered / to be dated
D) receive / could have laid
18. Until recently, some scientists ---- that
E) have received / laid
many individuals of the same species ----
specific tasks better than the same number 22. When governments finally ---- measures
of ndividuals from different species. to control the spread of Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in March
A) will think / are performing
2003, the infection ----more than 580 lives in
B) were thinking / will perform 29 countries.

C) think / ought to perform A) had taken / has already cost

D) had thought / would be performing B) had taken / were already costing

E) thought / could perform C) were taking / are already costing

D) took / had already cost

19. Until quite recently, no one ---- the deadly E) were taken / already cost
germ that causes anthrax ---- outside a living
23. Until recently, people ---- that the global
system for mobile communication network -
A) had thought / would have thrived --- the most secure method of long-distance
communication, but this is not so any
B) thinks / is thriving longer.
C) has thought / will thrive A) had believed / can be
D) would think / had thrived B) believe / is
E) thought / could thrive C) would have believed / will have been

D) believed / was
20. One of the great advances of astronomy E) will believe / will be
over recent years ---- the discovery of
planets outside our solar system, and it is 24.The scientific method ---- mankind’s
the first real clue that we ---- alone in the greatest means of discovery and progress
universe. ever since it was formulated.

A) is going to be / mustn’t be A) would have been

B) is / were not B) was

C) had been / will not be C) would be

D) was / would not be D) had been

E) has been / may not be E) has been



25. In general, the body ----nutrients best 29. It ---- that, by 2050, global life expectancy
from foods in which the nutrients are diluted ---- by another ten years.
and dispersed among other ingredients that
----their absorption. A) seemed / would have been increasing

A) can absorb / would have facilitated B) seems / will have increased

B) absorbs / may facilitate C) has seemed / will be increasing

C) were to absorb / would facilitate D) would seem / has increased

D) has absorbed / used to facilitate E) will seem / would increase

E) might absorb / must have facilitated

30. It is hoped that the construction of the
world’s tallest residential building, the
26. Over the past eight years, the TES Chicago Spire, which ---- at the end of last
instrument ---- that Martian rocks and sands year, ---- by late 2010.
---- almost entirely of volcanic minerals.
A) was commenced / will have been completed
A) would discover / had been composed
B) commences / will complete
B) has discovered / are composed
C) has commenced / would be completed
C) would discover / were composed
D) has commenced / has been completed
D) had discovered / had been composed
E) had commenced / is to be completed
E) was discovering / would be composed

31. Included with the account of his journey

25. Pirates ---- a threat since ancient times; down the Amazon there ---- engaging stories
in fact, even hundreds of years ago, they ---- ---- by the unusual people he meets.
in the Mediterranean Sea in search of
A) have been / recounting
valuable cargo.
B) were / being recounted
A) would have been / had sailed
C) are / recounted
B) had been / have been sailing
D) will be / to have been recounted
C) have been / were sailing
E) would be / to be recounted
D) were / had been sailing

E) would be / have been sailing

32. It ---- that Brazil's new surveillance
system ---- a useful tool in the protection of
28. The ruins of ancient Troy ---- as the rain forests.
breathtaking as those of Ephesus or
A) may be hoped / would have proved
Aphrodisias, but, for anyone who has ever
read Homer‘s Iliad or Odyssey, they have a B) was hoped / had proved
romance few places on Earth ----.
C) has been hoped / would proved
A) have not been / hoped to have matched
D) could be hoped / might have proved
B) had not been / would hope to match
E) is hoped / will proved
C) may not be / can hope to match

D) are not / hoped to match

E) could not have been / hope to match



33. After the Germanic invasions, Celtic 37.It was during Queen Victoria’s
cultures, which in pre-Roman times ---- most reign(1837-1901) that there ---- a more
of Western Europe, ---- almost entirely to the democratic system of government, which ---
British Isles. - with the Reform Bill of 1832.

A) had covered / were confined A) had developed / began

B) have been covering / have been confined B) has developed / has begun

C) had been covering / would be confined C) develops / was to begin

D) have covered / could have been confined D) developed / had begun

E) were covering / had been confined E) was developing / would begin

34. Children learn the language ---- to them 38. Often it is only when people ---- to do
and reinforce the unique features that are their job that they ---- our attention.
characteristic of the dialect ----.
A) fail / get
A) speaking / being used
B) have failed / had got
B) to be spoken / to use
C) failed / have got
C) spoken / used
D) will fail / are getting
D) being spoken / using
E) will have failed / got
E) to speak / to be used

39. The nuclear accident that ---- at the

35. The interviewer ---- during her interview Chernobyl reactor in April, 1986, ---- to new
with the retired politician that he still ---- the fears about the safety of nuclear reactors.
dynamic presence that had once inspired
the entire country. A) has occurred / was to lead

A) was realizing / had B) would have occurred / led

B) will realize / would have C) occurred / has led

C) realizes / is having D) could occur / had led

D) has realized / will have E) had occurred / may have led

E) realized / had
40. The new recordings of Corelli’s
concertos ---- a welcome opportunity to
36. From fossil analysis it ---- that, at reflect on some of the changes in taste that
thedawn of the Cambrian period, which ---- since 1989.
was542 million years ago, there ---- a
dramatic increase in animal diversity. A) have offered / developed

A) had been established / has occurred B) offer / have developed

B) has been established / occurred C) had offered / develop

C) was established / occurs D) offered / would develop

D) is to be established / had occurred E) will offer / had developed

E) would be established / would have occurred




1. California ---- an earthquake that ---- San 5. Individuals who ---- that animals ----
Francisco, just before a 1989 World Series feelings are usually accused of
Game, killing large numbers of people. anthropomorphism, or ascribing human
traits to nonhuman beings.
A) would have suffered / shakes
A) had claimed / had
B) suffers / had shaken
B) claimed / will have
C) had suffered / would shake
C) are claiming / would have
D) has suffered / will shake
D) claim / have
E) suffered / shook
E) would claim / must have had
2. More than 500 million years ago, most of
what ---- now the Colorado Plateau ---- by
6. Having read so many contemporary
A) is / was covered American writers, I ---- to feel impatient with
the kind of fiction that ---- in England.
B) has been / will be covered
A) was beginning / will have been written
C) would be / has been covered
B) had begun / has been written
D) could be / is covered
C) have begun / would have been written
E) would have been / had been covered
D) would begin / is being written

E) began / was being written

3. Some Italian film-makers believe that once
Americans ---- making films in Rome again,
local films ---- as well.
7. The 1980s ---- a surge of new interest ----
A) would start / had flourished the definition of intelligence.

B) have started / will have flourished A) have brought / to be expanding

C) will start / are flourishing B) had brought / having expanded

D) start / will flourish C) were bringing / to have expanded

E) started / would flourish D) brought / in expanding

E) would have brought / to expand

4. The reason why the moon doesn’t orbit

the Sun is because the Earth is also ----
towards the Sun, and so the two ---- through 8. This morning it ---- in the news that the
space together. great Italian tenor Pavarotti ---- of pancreatic
cancer soon after midnight.
A) going to pull / will have been moving
A) had been reported / died
B) having been pulled / moved
B) is reported / would die
C) pulling / were moving
C) is being reported / dies
D) to pull / move
D) was reported / had died
E) being pulled / are moving
E) has been reported / could have died



9. Of all the arts it ---- to classical music that 13. In a clever experiment carried out during
Germany ---- the greatestcontribution. the 1980s, a team of psychologists at
Cornell University ---- that being in a happy
A) had been / made mood ---- people generate more creative
B) is / has made solutions to problems.

C) has been / had made A) have found / will help

D) was / will have made B) had found / helped

E) might be / would have made C) are to find / would help

D) found / helps

10. The British government ---- details of the E) would find / has helped
next stage of its genetically modified
cropfield trials, thus ---- off a now familiar
cycle of debate and demonstration. 14. Scientists ---- the common cold as ---- by
a family of over 200 viruses.
A) has released / setting
A) were regarded / having been caused
B) will release / to set
B) are regarded / having caused
C) would have released / having set
C) regard / being caused
D) is releasing / to have set
D) have regarded / to have caused
E) released / to be set
E) regarded / to have been caused
15. Mount Etna, which is one of the world’s
11. Investigations by modern doctors ---- largest active volcanoes, ---- by the ancient
that Catherine the Great of Russia ---- from Romans ----the home of Vulcan, the
syphilis. mythological god of fire.
A) have suggested / has suffered A) would be thought / being
B) suggest / suffered B) has been thought / having to be
C) had suggested / was suffering C) is thought / to have been
D) may have suggested / would have suffered D) was thought / to be
E) suggested / suffers E) had been thought / having been

12. In 1998, 16 per cent of the world’s coral 16. Wisconsin ---- the US dairy capital, and
reefs ---- by bleaching caused by El Nino, but each year the village of Little Chute ---- the
half of those reefs ---- signs of recovery, Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival.
especially in protected areas where it is
illegal to harvest coral. A) has been / would host

A) have been killed / showed B) is / hosts

B) were killed / are showing C) was / shall host

C) had been killed / would have shown D) can be / had hosted

D) have been killed / show E) will be / used to host

E) could be killed / had shown



17. On long space flights, astronauts’ bones 21. A modest amount of champagne every
----, much as if they ---- from osteoporosis, at day ---- to have a beneficial effect on the
a rate of1-2% per month. walls of blood vessels, which ---- that
champagne has the potential to reduce the
A) thin / were suffering incidence of strokes and heart attacks.
B) will thin / suffer A) is being found / has suggested
C) are thinning / have suffered B) has been found / suggests
D) will have thinned / would have suffered C) had been found / would have suggested
E) have thinned / will suffer D) was found / had suggested

E) will be found / suggested

18. Free radicals ---- the by-products of 22. In general, the political ideas of classical
certain metabolic functions like eating and liberalism ---- rapidly in the nations of
breathing, and they ---- to accelerate the Western Europe, whereas Eastern Europe --
aging process. -- by autocratic monarchies.
A) are / are known A) advanced / was dominated
B) are being / know B) had advanced / has been dominated
C) were / knew C) advance / must be dominated
D) have been / are knowing D) were advancing / is dominated
E) would be / had known E) have advanced/ could be dominated

23. The first known idea of the stars---- to a

19. ---- a new 3.6 metre telescope, sphere, or hemisphere, rotating around us -
astronomers ---- more than 50 new --- to Anaximenes of Miletus in the 6th
exoplanets, which are defined as planets century BC.
that orbit other stars. A) to fix / had been attributed
A) Being used / discovered B) being fixed / is attributed
B) To be used / would discover C) fixing / has been attributed
C) Having used / discover D) to be fixed / will be attributed
D) To use / had discovered E) having fixed / was attributed
E) Using / have discovered

24. Upon the completion next month of its

20. Humanity ---- an unusual period of food renovation and expansion, the museum ----
surplus since the Green Revolution ---- in the its exhibition space and added an
mid-1960s. auditorium ---- for performances and
A) enjoyed / was beginning
A) will have doubled / to be used
B) was enjoying / had begun
B) doubled / to have used
C) has enjoyed / began
C) has doubled / to have been used
D) has been enjoying / has begun
D) doubles / being used
E) is enjoying / would begin
E) had doubled / to use



25. A battery cell that ---- popular during the 29. Unlike broadcast television, an
nineteenth century ---- in 1836 by the English interactive TV service provider ----
chemist John Frederick Daniell. customers to choose which service to use at
any giventime, whether it ---- shopping,
A) had become / had been constructed watching a film or playing games.
B) would have become / has been constructed A) has allowed / might have been
C) is to become / is constructed B) allows / is
D) became / was constructed C) allowed / would be
E) will become / may have been constructed D) would allow / should have been

E) is allowing / was
26. Numerous empty pots ---- in the cellars 30. The US presidential election of 1800 ----
of houses in Germany between the 16th and notorious on account of the unforeseen
19th centuries---- by archaeologist Dietmar constitutional problems it ----.
Waidelich in the 20th century.
A) is / has presented
A) buried / were excavated
B) has been / presented
B) have been buried / had been excavated
C) would be / presents
C) were buried / were being excavated
D) had been / would present
D) were burying / were to be excavated
E) was / presented
E) had been buried / were going to excavate

31. Imhotep, god of medicine, ---- as a

27. Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition mythological figure in the minds of many
which---- from extreme exposure to heat, in scholars until the end of the 19th century,
which a person ---- enough to lower body when it ---- that he was a real historical
temperature. personage.
A) had resulted / does not sweat A) existed / was established
B) resulted / won’t sweat B) has existed / has been established
C) has resulted / would not sweat C) had existed / was being established
D) results / cannot sweat D) will exist / will have been established
E) will result / did not sweat E) exists / had been established

32. Although human contamination of the

28. When Germany ---- Yugoslavia 1941, Earth’s atmosphere ---- long before the
Bosnia and Herzegovina ----- part of the Industrial Revolution, air pollution ---- a
Nazicontrolled Croatia. major problem until the 18th and 19th
A) has invaded / had been made
A) has existed / would not be
B) had invaded / would have been made
B) would exist / had not been
C) invaded / were made
C) exists / has not been
D) invades / have been made
D) would have existed / would not have been
E) was to invade / could have been made
E) existed / was not



33. Having found the appropriate archives, it 37. The authorities in India ---- that the
is now possible ---- with some degree of country’s highly qualified young
certainty what really ----. researchers ---- by multinational companies
as cheap labour.
A) reconstructing / happens
A) have worried / will have been used
B) to reconstruct / happened
B) are worrying / were used
C) to have reconstructed / has happened
C) were worried / have been used
D) having reconstructed / had happened
D) worry / had been used
E) to be reconstructed / was happening
E) are worried / are being used
38. The Society ---- to assist scientific
34. The Proctor Prize ---- annually since 1950 achievement and ---- forward to a century of
to an outstanding scientist who ---- known even greater innovation and exploration.
for effective communication of complex
ideas. A) will continue / has looked

A) was being presented / is being B) has continued / had looked

B) was presented / had been C) continues / is looking

C) would be presented / will be D) had continued / looks

D) had been presented / has been E) would continue / will be looking

E) has been presented / is 39. For a long time, scientists believed that
functional deficits in certain brain regions --
-- autism – the result of complications in
35. Many parts of rural America ---- to reflect brain structure that no change in wiring
the values and traditions of the European among neural networks ----.
immigrants who ---- in the country during the A) might cause / had fixed
nineteenth century.
B) caused / could fix
A) continued / have arrived
C) have caused / fixes
B) have continued / would have arrived
D) cause / could have fixed
C) continue / arrived
E) would have caused / fixed
D) would have continued / were arriving
40. Though the scholars of the previous
E) will continue / would arrive centuries ---- great contributions to the
study of economics, the birth of economics
is often traced to the year 1776, when the
36. Cabbage ---- as early as 2000 B.C., and Scottish philosopher Adam Smith---- An
the commercial varieties now ---- Brussels Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the
sprouts, common cabbage, sprouting Wealth of Nations.
broccoli, and kohlrabi.
A) made / had published
A) might have been cultivated / have included
B) had made / published
B) had been cultivated / included
C) were making / was publishing
C) would be cultivated / used to include
D) have made / was published
D) would have been cultivated / can include
E) have been made / has published
E) was cultivated / include




5. Any drug development effort ---- neuro

degenerative disorders ---- carefully any
1. In their quest to build a computer that ---- possible side effects.
advantage of the weirdness of quantum
mechanics, physicists ---- a number of A) combating / would have examined
disparate technologies.
B) to combat / will have to examine
A) is taking / will be testing
C) to have combated / will examine
B) will take / are testing
D) having combated / had examined
C) must take / had tested
E) to be combated / would have to examine
D) took / have had to test

E) had taken / have tested

6. The EU ---- that the establishment of the
2. Most of the world’s population ---- on International Criminal Court ---- a milestone
natural exposure to sunlight ---- adequate achievement in global human rights
vitamin D nutrition. protection.

A) relies / to maintain A) believed / may have represented

B) has relied / to have maintained B) had believed / has represented

C) used to rely / would have maintained C) has believed / represented

D) will rely / having maintained D) believes / represents

E) is relying / to be maintaining E) would have believed / had represented

3. In Mozambique, the 1992 peace accord
that ---- 15 years of civil war ---- a blanket
amnesty for all those who had committed 7. He certainly ---- party members last
war crimes. weekend when he announced that he ---- to
regain his party chairmanship.
A) has ended / had mandated
A) has shocked / had not sought
B) had ended / would have mandated
B) would have shocked / will not seek
C) ended / mandated
C) had shocked / would not have sought
D) ends / will mandate
D) was to shock / is not seeking
E) could have ended / has mandated
E) shocked / would not seek
4. In Britain, the highest-level medical jobs
continue to be dominated by men of 55 or
more, but these distinguished consultants 8. Various agencies ---- to keep pesticide use
and professors ----within the next ten years, within safe limits, and most consumers feel
and this ---- more women to reach the top they ---- on them.
A) were set up / have depended
A) will have been retiring / is allowing
B) have been set up / can depend
B) have retired / allowed
C) would be set up / were depending
C) would have retired / will be allowing
D) are being set up / must have depended
D) had been retiring / has allowed
E) would have been set up / must depend
E) will be retiring / will allow



9. Training schemes in the United Kingdom 13. Smoking ---- in almost all segments of
----by the government as unemployment ----. the American population, so that, in various
polls, 60 to 65% of Americans ----
A) were encouraged / will have worsened nonsmokers today.
B) would be encouraged / had been worsened A) declines / may have been
C) have been encouraged / has worsened B) has declined / are
D) had been encouraged / may worsen C) had declined / would be
E) are encouraged / would have worsened D) could have declined / will be

E) declined / were
10. Sea bindweed Calystegia soldanella ----
a fleshy leaved cousin of the more
widespread, white flowered hedge bindweed 14. More than 50 years ago, six European
(C. sepium) that ---- fences and hedges nations ---- to submit their coal and steel
everywhere in the summer. industries to common management, so that
no single country ---- the weapons of war to
A) might be / had clothed be used against another.
B) is / clothes A) have agreed / had fabricated
C) should be / has clothed B) agreed / could fabricate
D) could be / would have clothed C) had agreed / have fabricated
E) was / will be clothed D) agree / will fabricate

E) may have agreed / had been fabricating

11. Although archaeological exploration of
Tibet ----, evidence of civilization in the
region ----back to at least 4000 B.C. 15. There ---- various indications that the
current financial crisis ---- a damaging effect
A) was limited / will have to date on technology companies.
B) is limited / had dated A) are / is having
C) had been limited / has dated B) were / will have
D) has been limited / dates C) had been / has had
E) will be limited / must have dated D) have been / would have had

E) would have been / had had

12. Russia ---- earlier this week that it ---- all
its troops out of Georgia.
16. In a study carried out over a period of six
A) had announced / pulled months, researchers ---- that smoking ---- far
B) announces / would have pulled more heart attacks than haemochromatosis.

C) announced / had pulled A) have found / had caused

D) is announcing / has pulled B) had found / has caused

E) has announced / was pulling C) found / caused

D) find / could have caused

E) would have found / causes



17. Alcohol ---- every organ of the body, but 21. To the astronomers of the Middle Ages,
the most dramatic evidence of its disruptive the most important classical authorities on
behaviour ----in the liver. natural philosophy ---- Aristotle and
Ptolemy, since both ---- frameworks that
A) affected / has appeared explained the whole universe.
B) affects / appears A) had been / created
C) is affecting / appeared B) are / have created
D) had affected / would appear C) were / had created
E) has affected / had appeared D) have been / create

E) may have been / were creating

18. Although constipation usually ----
lifestyle habits, in some cases it may be a
side effect of medication or may reflect a 22. Recent excavations in Algeria ---- that
medical problem such as tumours that ---- Homo erectus ---- there between 500, 000
the passage of waste. and 750, 000 years ago.

A) had reflected / obstruct A) have indicated / resided

B) has reflected / obstructed B) had indicated / has resided

C) reflected / had obstructed C) indicated / would reside

D) will reflect / have obstructed D) could have indicated / had been residing

E) reflects / are obstructing E) indicate / had resided

19. Meteorites ---- the best available record
of the chemical and physical processes that
---- during the first million years of our solar 23. In April 1953, Watson and Crick ---- the
system’s history. scientific world with a succinct paper ----
their model for DNA.
A) provide / occurred
A) were shaking / to explain
B) are providing / have occurred
B) had been shaking / to have explained
C) had provided / occurred
C) have shaken / to be explaining
D) could provide / would occur
D) shook / explaining
E) provided / might occur
E) had shaken / having explained

20. A deeply hypnotized subject ---- to

initiate activity and would rather wait for the 24. Evil ---- when good people allow bad
hypnotist ----something to do. things ----.

A) does not like / to suggest A) came / happened

B) had not liked / suggesting B) comes / to happen

C) did not like / should suggest C) will come / will happen

D) may not like / has suggested D) may come / happening

E) will not like / to be suggesting E) had come / to have happened



25. Before he ---- in museums, he ---- law in 29. Geology and biology ---- since life ----.
hopes of becoming a specialist in the legal
aspects of antiquities. A) are intertwined / has begun

A) will work / has studied B) were intertwined / had begun

B) works / would study C) have been intertwined / began

C) worked / had studied D) would be intertwined / begins

D) had worked / was studying E) could be intertwined / will begin

E) has worked / studied

30. It ---- until the 17th century that military
leaders began to realize that stress on
26. Most anthropologists think man ---- soldiers ---- a profound influence on the
South America around 12, 000 years ago, success of military operations.
although some ---- it much earlier.
A) had not been / is having
A) has settled / may have put
B) is not / has
B) settles / are putting
C) was not / could have
C) had settled / were putting
D) has not been / had
D) was settling / had put
E) may not be / must have
E) settled / have put

31. Ever since James R. Flynn ---- his

27. Though warfare ---- a characteristic startling results, psychologists and
feature of international relations in the Late educators ---- to figure out whether people
Bronze Age, the most powerful states of the really are getting smarter.
time in the Mediterranean basin ---- a
balance of power that stabilized trade and A) has published / had struggled
diplomacy. B) published / have struggled
A) had remained / were creating C) had published / will struggle
B) remained / created D) was publishing / had been struggling
C) has remained / would have created E) publishes / are struggling
D) remains / had created

E) must have remained / have created 32. The moon ---- more energy every second
28. Prevention is the ideal way to approach than humans ---- in the next million years.
pain, and several educational programmes A) releases / will use
that ---- workers to avoid lower back injuries
---- some effectiveness. B) is releasing / are using

A) are training / would show C) has released / could have used

B) would train / had shown D) will release / have used

C) have trained / showed E) would release / had used

D) train / have shown

E) trained / will show



33. ---- missing heat-shield tiles or a failed 37. Of every 10, 000 children born in the US,
undercarriage door have allowed the air almost 7 ---- from health problems because
frame ----? their mothers ---- alcohol during pregnancy.

A) Could / to melt A) suffered / have consumed

B) Would / melt B) were suffering / consume

C) Might / to be melting C) had suffered / were consuming

D) Can / melting D) will have suffered / will consume

E) Will / be melting E) suffer / consumed

34. Epidemiology, which ---- as a science 38. It ---- true that property prices in Ireland
until the19th century, is a branch of and Spain ---- by 208 and 150 per cent,
medicine that investigates factors ---- to respectively, since 1997.
improved health, or the occurrence of a
disease in a A) may be / would increase
particular population. B) has been / had increased
A) could not have evolved / having contributed C) was / increased
B) had not evolved / to contribute D) could be / would have increased
C) has not evolved / to have contributed E) is / have increased
D) did not evolve / contributing

E) could not evolve / to be contributing 39. Rockets ---- to have originated with the
35. With few exceptions, most totalitarian Chinese before the thirteenth century, which
governments ---- more liberal since 1989 is when they---- to appear in Europe.
when the Berlin Wall ----. A) may be believed / were beginning
A) became / falls B) could be believed / have begun
B) are becoming / would fall C) were believed / had begun
C) were becoming / has fallen D) have been believed / could begin
D) had become / was falling E) are believed / began
E) have become / fell

40. Scientists predict that should the current

36. During pregnancy, lead ingested by the rate of deforestation in the rainforests ----, a
mother---- across the placenta, ---- severe great many of the species they support ----
damage on the developing foetal nervous completely by the turn of the 22nd century.
system. A) continue / will have disappeared
A) has moved / to have inflicted B) is continued / will disappear
B) moves / inflicting C) was continued / would disappear
C) had moved / having inflicted D) had continued / would have disappeared
D) would move / to be inflicted E) will continue / would have disappeared
E) moved / having been inflicted




5. People who ---- it hard to give up smoking

often---- outside assistance.
1. Some African countries ---- a great variety
of natural resources like oil and minerals, A) are finding / are sought
but they still ---- from poverty.
B) had found / are seeking
A) are having / had suffered
C) could have found / will seek
B) have had / suffered
D) find / seek
C) will have / have suffered
E) would have found / had been sought
D) had had / are suffering
6. Scientists in the seventeenth century ----
E) have / suffer the universe as a gigantic clockwork
machine that ---- according to a few
2. The first evidence that there are genetic straightforward principles.
factors in smoking ---- in the 1950s from
studies which ---- that identical twins tended A) viewed / worked
to be more similar in their choice to smoke
or not than did fraternal twins. B) had viewed / would work

A) could appear / would indicate C) have viewed / could have worked

B) has appeared / had indicated D) would have viewed / had worked

C) had appeared / have indicated E) may have viewed / had been working

D) would appear / were indicating

E) appeared / indicated 7. Modern humans, Homo sapiens, ---- in

Africa around 200, 000 years ago and by
3. In Belfast, where dependence on just two about 30, 000 years ago they ---- all other
industries ---- to massive unemployment, a forms of early humans, such as
new policy was soon introduced whereby Neanderthals and Homo erectus.
new industries ---- encouraged.
A) have been evolving / replaced
A) leads / will be
B) would evolve / are replacing
B) has led / had been
C) were evolving / have replaced
C) would lead / are
D) evolved / had replaced
D) had led / were
E) had evolved / had been replacing
E) will lead / has been
4. Congereels, which ----any large marine
eels of the family Congridae, ---- in shallow 8.Contrary to popular belief, psychodynamic
water, hiding in crevices during the day and studies ---- that older adults ---- less
are active by night, feeding on fish and psychologically resistant than younger
crabs. persons to unpleasant thoughts.

A) were to be / used to live A) had revealed / will be

B) used to be / will live B) revealed / have been

C) are to be / might have lived C) have revealed / are

D) are / live D) reveal / should have been

E) could be / have lived E) will reveal / had been



9. The tradition of sculpting in clay ---- as 13. Nineteenth-century military helmets ----
early as AD800, and ultimately it ---- as the than they now appear, but even at their best
point of departure for related works that they ---- the way to the future of head
were cast in metal. protection.

A) should have developed / has served A) have been better designed / do not point

B) has developed / had served B) could be better designed / would not point

C) may have developed / served C) are better designed / will not point

D) would have developed / will serve D) may have been better designed / did not
E) could have developed / will have served
E) can be better designed / had not pointed

10. Cross-border shopping is a fundamental

right under EU law and ---- as a form of tax 14. An ideal anticancer drug ---- cancer cells
evasion. without harming normal cells, but no such
drug ----.
A) must not have been regarded
A) would destroy / exists
B) had not been regarded
B) destroyed / existed
C) should not be regarded
C) may have destroyed / has existed
D) would not have been regarded
D) has destroyed / had existed
E) was not being regarded
E) had destroyed / would exist

15. Germany and Poland ---- pivotal

11. At the end of the First World War, the positions in Europe, and the foreign policy
leaders of victorious countries gathered at challenges each has faced ---- profound and,
Versailles, and there, they ---- to decide what in some senses, revolutionary.
penalties Germany, Austria and other allies
----. A) would have occupied / will be

A) tried / would have to pay B) would be occupied / were

B) had tried / must have paid C) were occupying / had been

C) were trying / were paying D) occupy / have been

D) used to try / might have paid E) have occupied / would have been

E) could try / should have paid 16. The World Trade Organization ---- the
scope of trading agreements in services and
12. Sub-Saharan Africa ---- at a relatively investments since it began operating in the
stable rate since the mid-1990s, and its 1990s.
growth ----in the following years.
A) had increased
A) was growing / continues
B) will have increased
B) has been growing / should continue
C) is increasing
C) has grown / should have continued
D) has increased
D) grew / has continued
E) was increasing
E) is growing / will have continued



17. Janet Malcolm, who is an admired 21. Infertility is a problem that ---- more and
photographer and ---- pictures since the more couples than ever before, as people ---
early 1960s, generally---- her summers - longer to have children.
photographing people and places in Africa.
A) had affected / could wait
A) took / has been spending
B) was affecting / waited
B) had been taking / will spend
C) has affected / will wait
C) has been taking / spends
D) is affecting / wait
D) takes / has spent
E) will be affecting / were waiting
E) had taken / would spend

22. The basin of the Amazon River ---- by

18. Long ---- as a rat poison, arsenic ---- to rainforests and, therefore, ---- the wettest
halt a deadly blood cancer called acute region on Earth.
promyelocytic leukaemia.
A) had been covered / would be
A) being used / can be shown
B) was covered / had been
B) using / was shown
C) covers / has been
C) used / has been shown
D) was covering / was
D) to be used / is shown
E) is covered / is
E) having used / had been shown

23. Earthquake rupture ---- to occur by

19. By organizing the trade efficiently, a enlargement of a crack, but more recent
country ---- its revenue, since more taxes --- observations ---- a“pulse-like” mode of
-. rupture enlargement.

A) will increase / were being paid A) had been thought / would be indicated

B) increases / have been paid B) can be thought / had indicated

C) has increased / had been paid C) was thought / will have indicated

D) may increase / will be paid D) has been thought / indicate

E) had increased / will have been paid E) must be thought / may have indicated

20. Evidence that humans ---- to cultivate 24. Recent evidence ---- that dinosaurs ----
crops approximately 10, 000 years ago ---- warm blooded and capable of moving
the presence of agricultural tools at extremely fast.
archaeological sites.
A) has suggested / can be
A) have begun / will include
B) will suggest / would be
B) might have begun / would have included
C) suggested / should have been
C) had begun / had included
D) suggests / may have been
D) were beginning / has included
E) had suggested / might be
E) began / includes



25. I can still remember my excitement when 29. The shuttle ---- the atmosphere at
I ---- for the first time how one’s precisely 38°for heat shields below the
understanding of the concepts of probability fuselage and the wings---- the craft from heat
and risk ---- to and enhance diagnostic and damage.
therapeutic problems inclinical care.
A) must re-enter / to protect
A) saw / could be applied
B) has re-entered / having protected
B) had seen / could have been applied
C) re-entered / to have protected
C) could see / will be applied
D) re-enters / to be protecting
D) have seen / was applied
E) should re-enter / to have been protecting
E) see / had been applied

30. Many observers predict that as China ---

26. Film music ---- significant in many ways, - to open itself, state control ----.
of course, but not as music, which is why the
proposition that better composers ---- better A) has continued / had eased
film music is not necessarily true. B) continues / will ease
A) had been / shall produce C) continued / could have eased
B) has been / should have produced D) will continue / has eased
C) is / could produce E) had continued / may have eased
D) can be / had produced

E) would be / produced 31. Scientists who ---- alert the world to the
existence of a hole in the stratospheric
ozone layer recently reported that this
27. The United States ---- expensive high- feature of the atmosphere ---- widening
tech solutions to the problem of land-mine soon.
clearance, but simpler methods ---- more
preferable. A) help / would stop

A) should pursue / were B) have helped / might have stopped

B) pursues / had been C) helped / may stop

C) pursued / will have been D) will help / might stop

D) would pursue / would have been E) had helped / has stopped

E) has pursued / may be 32. Some evolutionary biologists argue that

if the clock of evolution ---- to the beginning
28. Doctors who had been studying and allowed to run again to the present day,
longevity ---- an assortment of genes that --- the resulting animals on Earth ---- very
- life span in different organisms. different from the ones we know now.

A) will identify / had influenced A) has been rewound / would have been

B) have identified / will be influencing B) is rewound / will be

C) identified / will have influenced C) might be rewound / will have been

D) had identified / could influence D) had been rewound / had been

E) identify / could have influenced E) could be rewound / might be



33. Although 25 to 30 per cent of all people - 37. Ideally, the end of the Cold War between
---some form of excessive mood the United States and the Soviet Union ---- a
disturbance during their lifetime, only about substantial lessening of security concerns
10 per cent ---- a disorder severe enough to in the world; however, in practice, the focus
require medical attention. ---- to terrorism and subnational groups.

A) would experience / have had might have signified / will have moved

B) experienced / will have had would have signified / used to move

C) had experienced / had had must have signified / had moved

D) will have experienced / would have could have signified / had been moving

E) experience / have should have signified / moved

34. French authorities ---- trials of gene

therapy after a boy ---- a disease similar to 38. Recently, nutritional scientists ----
leukaemia. strong evidence that the eating, drinking,
and exercise habits of the Mediterranean
A) had suspended / has contracted people ---- a major role in their low risk for
B) suspend / may have contracted heart disease.

C) suspended / contracts uncover / are playing

D) will have suspended / had contracted are uncovering / had been playing

E) have suspended / contracted have uncovered / play

may uncover / have played

35. The potential dangers of global warming uncovered / had played

----by a wide consortium of scientists, who - 39. There are some people who ---- objects
---about its long-term effects on the planet. from 6 metres away with the same
sharpness that a normal-sighted person ----
A) had been studied/might be increasingly
in to 4.5 metres to achieve.

B) have been studied/were increasingly may view / had to move

concerned must view / could move
C) will have been studied/would be increasingly can view / would have to move
ought to view / should have moved
D) are being studied/are increasingly concerned
might view / can move
E) are studied/had been increasingly concerned

40. If an age could ever be rightly described

as ‘dark’ in European history, it ---- the two
36. A seminal study ---- that people who ----
centuries that ---- the collapse of Roman
less than seven hours a night are at
authority in Britain at the beginning of the
increased risk of mortality.
fifth century.
A) revealed / will sleep
may be / follow
B) has revealed / sleep
would be / followed
C) reveals / will be sleeping
used to be / had followed
D) will reveal / have slept
must be / have followed
E) had revealed / had been sleeping
had to be / were following





1-B 2-C 3-E 4-C 5-B TEST 3

6-E 7-A 8-D 9-B 10-E 1-B 2-A 3-C 4-E 5-B
11-E 12-E 13-D 14-C 15-D 6-D 7-E 8-B 9-C 10-B
16-E 17-B 18-E 19-E 20-E
11-D 12-C 13-B 14-B 15-A
21-E 22-D 23-D 24-E 25-B 16-C 17-B 18-E 19-A 20-A
26-B 27-C 28-C 29-B 30-A 21-E 22-A 23-D 24-B 25-C
31-C 32-E 33-A 34-C 35-E
26-E 27-B 28-D 29-C 30-C
36-B 37-D 38-A 39-C 40-B
31-B 32-A 33-A 34-D 35-E
36-B 37-E 38-E 39-E 40-A


1-D 2-A 3-D 4-E 5-D TEST 4

6-E 7-D 8-D 9-B 10-A 1-E 2-E 3-E 4-E 5-D
11-B 12-B 13-D 14-C 15-D
6-C 7-A 8-D 9-C 10-C
16-B 17-A 18-A 19-E 20-C
11-C 12-A 13-B 14-D 15-A
21-B 22-A 23-B 24-A 25-D 16-D 17-D 18-C 19-C 20-D
26-A 27-D 28-C 29-B 30-E 21-E 22-D 23-E 24-D 25-D
31-A 32-E 33-B 34-E 35-C
26-A 27-C 28-E 29-D 30-B
36-E 37-E 38-C 39-B 40-B
31-C 32-E 33-E 34-E 35-D
36-B 37-E 38-C 39-C 40-B


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