1-1: What Is Organizational Behavior? These functions are applied to human, financial,
Figure 1.1: The Nature of Organizational Behavior physical, and information resources with the
● The field of organizational behavior attempts to ultimate purpose of efficiently and effectively
understand human behavior in organizational attaining organizational goals.
settings, the organization itself, and the
individual-organization interface. As illustrated
here, these areas are highly interrelated. Thus,
although it is possible to focus on only one of
these areas at a time, a complete understanding
of organizational behavior requires knowledge of
all three areas.
Functions of Management
● Planning: Determining an organization’s desired
future position and the best means of getting
● Organizing: Designing jobs, grouping jobs into
units, and establishing patterns of authority
Why Study OB? between jobs and units.
● Studying OB can help you: ● Leading: Getting the organization’s members to
○ Become a better employee work together toward the organization’s goals.
○ Become a better manager ● Controlling: Monitoring and correcting the actions
○ Understand how people behave and why they of the organization and its members to keep
do what they do them directed toward their goals.
○ Help you focus on developing a global mindset
● Organizations that successfully implement OB Critical Management Skills
principles have: ● Technical Skills: The skills necessary to
○ Motivated, engaged employees whose goals accomplish specific tasks within the organization.
align with business strategy ● Interpersonal Skills: The ability to effectively
○ Strong leadership and direction communicate with, understand, and motivate
○ Better bottom lines
individuals and groups.
● Conceptual Skills: The ability to think in the
1-2: The Managerial Context of Organizational
abstract and to consider the “big picture”.
● Diagnostic Skills: The ability to understand
Basic Management Functions and Organizational
cause-and-effect relationships and to recognize
the optimal solutions to problems.
● Management Functions
○ Planning
Human Resource Management
○ Organizing
● Human Resource Management (HRM)
○ Leading
○ The set of organizational activities directed at
○ Controlling
attracting, developing, and maintaining an
● Resources used by Managers
effective workforce.
○ Human
● Questions OB helps HR managers answer:
○ Financial
1. Which applicants should be hired?
○ Physical
2. Which rewards will be more motivating than
○ Information
● Correlation – strength of the relationship between
the two variables
○ Ranges between −1 and +1.
○ A correlation of +1 is a perfect positive
relationship: as one variable increases, the
other always increases.
○ A correlation of −1 is a perfect negative
relationship: as one variable increases, the
other always decreases.
○ A correlation of 0 means that there is no
relationship between the two variables.
● Meta-Analysis – used to combine the results of
many different research studies done for a
variety or organizations and jobs.
Figure 2.1: The Changing Environment of corporate governance, and new employment
Business relationships.
● The changing environment of business presents
both opportunities and challenges for managers
today. Five important environmental forces are
globalization, diversity, technology, ethics and
almost 62% of those aged 55–64 are still
working, while 18% of those aged 65 or older
continue to work.
Employee Engagement
● Employee Engagement – heightened emotional
and intellectual connection that an employee has
for their job, organization, manager, or coworkers
that, in turn, influences them to apply additional
Cognitive Dissonance discretionary effort to their work.
● Cognitive Dissonance – an incompatibility or ● Evidence suggests that high employee
conflict between behavior and an attitude or engagement is related to superior business
between two different attitudes. performance.
● Approaches to cope with Cognitive Dissonance: ● Engagement is enhanced when employees:
○ Change the conflicting behavior ○ Have clear goals
○ Change the conflicting attitude ○ Have the resources needed to do a good job
○ Reason that one of the conflicting attitudes or ○ Get meaningful performance feedback
behaviors is not important in this context. ○ Are able to use their talents
○ Seek additional information to better reason ○ Are recognized for doing a good job
that the benefits of one conflicting attitude or ○ Have positive relationships with coworkers
behavior outweigh the costs of the other. ○ Have opportunities to learn and grow
● Recognize that attitudes can change ○ Have supportive leadership
Figure 4.2: Influences on Job Satisfaction Top Three Worldwide Drivers of Employee
● Job satisfaction is one of the most important Attraction, Retention, and Engagement for
job-related attitudes in organizations. It reflects Different Age Groups
both our attitudes and our feelings about our job.
Job satisfaction is strongly influenced by our
personality, values, other attitudes, and the work