Right Pay Agreement 121108 03.2020 EN

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RBC Right Pay® reloadable Visa‡ prepaid 121108 (03/2020)

card agreement


This Agreement, including the attached “Answers to Important Questions About Your Card”, You can use your Card and your Card number in a number of ways. These include:
outlines the terms that apply when you use your Visa prepaid card (the “Card”) issued by  paying for goods and services, either in person, by phone, on the Internet or by mail order;
Royal Bank of Canada. It also tells you what your rights and duties are as a cardholder and
 withdrawing cash at any Royal Bank ATMs, non-Royal Bank ATMs or ATMs outside Canada, up
what the duties of Royal Bank of Canada are as the Card issuer.
to a daily limit that is determined by Royal Bank.
When you activate, sign or use the Card, it means that you have received and read this Agreement
You cannot use your Card for “cashback” transactions where a retailer charges you an amount
and agree to all of its terms. You must not transfer this Card to someone else. Only the person
greater than the price of the goods or services purchased. You must not use your Card or your
eligible to receive payments from the Province of Ontario (the “Government”) or an Ontario Works
Card number for any illegal or improper purpose. Royal Bank may prevent your Card or your Card
delivery agent (“OW delivery agent”) and to whom the Card is provided is allowed to use it.
number from being used for certain types of transactions as decided by Royal Bank, including
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR CARD transactions connected to Internet gambling.
Card Issuer: Your Card is issued by Royal Bank of Canada. Here are some other things you should know:
Information, Card Balance: For questions about this Agreement or your Card, including your  Your Card balance is not a deposit with Royal Bank, or connected in any way to a bank account
Card balance, you can go online to www.rbcrightpay.com or call Royal Bank toll-free at with Royal Bank. Royal Bank will not pay you any interest on Card balances, and the Card
1-855-232-0675 or the TTY toll-free line at 1-866-317-9343 within Canada or the United States. balance is not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Card Restrictions: Your Card cannot be used for “cashback” transactions where a retailer  Your Card, your Card balance and any record related to the Card is not evidence of
charges you an amount greater than the price of the goods or services purchased. indebtedness or liability by Royal Bank to you, except to honour transactions that you make
using the Card in accordance with this Agreement.
No Funds Expiry: Your right to use the funds that are loaded on the Card will not expire, but your
Card expires at the end of the month shown on the Card. Approximately sixty (60) days before Government-Loaded Cards
the expiry of your Card, a new Card will be sent to you by Royal Bank unless there has not been Your Card may only be loaded with funds from the Government or an OW delivery agent. Royal Bank
a load, reload, purchase, cash withdrawal, balance enquiry, PIN change, call to RBC Right Pay may remove funds from your Card if instructed to do so by the Government or OW delivery agent.
cardholder support or RBC Right Pay cardholder website login using your Card within the
Personal Identification Number (PIN) and Protection Against Unauthorized Use
previous 12 months and the Card has a zero balance. If you are no longer eligible to receive
Government or OW payments, your Card will still expire at the end of the month shown on your Your Card and PIN provide access to the funds loaded on the Card. That’s why you must keep
Card, but the funds on your Card will not expire and you can always request a new Card. them safe. If you don’t and someone else uses your Card or Card number, you will be held
responsible. To keep your Card and PIN safe, you must do the following:
Card Fees and Limits: The following fees apply to your Card:
 Do not tell anyone your PIN. If you record your PIN, keep it separate from your Card at all
Type of Fee Amount of Fee times.
Purchases – using your Card to buy goods or pay for services No fee  Choose a PIN that cannot be easily guessed. For example, you must not use numbers based
on your name, date of birth, telephone numbers, address or social insurance number.
Cardholder Support via RBC Right Pay Cardholder Website No fee
No one but you is allowed to know or use your PIN or Card number – or any other security
Automated Telephone Cardholder Support No fee codes such as passwords or access codes that may be used or required for Internet or other
Live Agent Cardholder Support No fee transactions. You must keep these security codes confidential and separate as well. If someone
uses your Card or your Card number to make a purchase or otherwise benefit from your Card,
Cash Withdrawal from an RBC Royal Bank® ATM – making cash Four no fee withdrawals per month. you will be fully liable for all charges made to it. However, if there has been fraudulent or
withdrawals at Royal Bank ATMs Additional withdrawals are $2 each. unauthorized use of your Card, Card number or PIN, you will not be responsible for charges to
Cash Withdrawal from a non-RBC Royal Bank ATM – making cash $2 per withdrawal. Convenience fee your Card as a result of this fraudulent or unauthorized use as long as you meet the following
withdrawals from a non-Royal Bank ATM in Canada as set by ATM owner may also apply. three conditions:
Cash Withdrawal from an ATM Outside Canada – making cash $5 per withdrawal. Convenience fee  you are able to establish to Royal Bank’s reasonable satisfaction that you have taken
withdrawals at any ATM outside Canada as set by ATM owner may also apply. reasonable steps to protect your Card against loss or theft and to safeguard your PIN and
other security codes in the manner set out in this Agreement;
ATM Balance Inquiry Fee – checking your balance at any Two no fee Card balance requests
Royal Bank ATM per month. Additional Card balance  you cooperate fully with Royal Bank’s investigation; and
requests are $0.50 each.  you did not contribute to the unauthorized use in any way, such as by voluntarily revealing
your PIN or other security code to anyone else.
Replacement Card Fee – replacing your Card, including if it is lost No fee
or stolen. Make sure your profile is up-to-date as this information Treat this Card as you would cash, and contact Royal Bank immediately if your Card is lost or
is used to replace a Card. stolen or if someone else may know your Card number or PIN. “Unauthorized use” means use
by a person other than you who does not have actual, implied or apparent authority for such
Inactivity Fee – fee charged after 12 consecutive months of inactivity. $2.50 per month
use, and from which you do not receive any benefit.
Your Card is considered inactive in any month where money is not
loaded onto the Card and you do not use your Card to make a Problems with a Purchase or ATM Withdrawal
purchase, cash withdrawal, balance inquiry, PIN change; or to call
RBC Right Pay Cardholder Support or visit the RBC Right Pay website.
If you have problems with anything you buy using your Card or your Card number, you must
settle the problem directly with the store or retailer. For ATM withdrawals, you must settle any
Foreign Currency Conversion – transactions in a foreign currency will be converted to Canadian dollars no later disputes with the ATM provider directly by calling the customer service number appearing on
than the date Royal Bank posts the transaction to the Card at an exchange rate that is 2.5% over a benchmark the ATM. However, in some cases, for problems with a purchase or ATM withdrawal, Royal Bank
rate Royal Bank of Canada pays the payment card network that is in effect on the date of conversion. may be able to help resolve disputed or declined transactions.
The Limits That Apply to Your Card Limitations on Royal Bank’s Liability
Cash Withdrawal Limits at an ATM – the amount you can withdraw $500 per withdrawal Royal Bank tries to ensure that your Card or Card number is accepted when presented. Royal Bank
from ATMs $2,000 withdrawal limit per will not be liable to you for any damages (including special, indirect or consequential damages)
calendar day that may result from the use of your Card; for example if, for any reason, your Card or Card number
is not accepted (including the Government or OW delivery agent fails to load funds onto your Card).
Maximum Daily Purchases – based on the available balance on $4,000 per calendar day
your Card, the maximum amount you can purchase using your Changing or Ending this Agreement
Card per calendar day
Royal Bank may add or change the terms of this Agreement at any time. If Royal Bank increases
The fees that apply to your Card, as set out in the information box above, will be provided with your Card a fee or establishes a new fee, Royal Bank will let you know by sending a notice to the most
and are also available online at www.rbcrightpay.com or by calling Royal Bank toll-free at 1-855-232-0675 recent address Royal Bank has for you at least 30 days in advance and by posting a notice on
or TTY toll-free at 1-866-317-9343 within Canada or the United States. Fees may change. If they do, Royal www.rbcrightpay.com at least 60 days in advance. If Royal Bank makes any other type of
Bank will tell you in advance as described below under “Changing or Ending this Agreement”. change, Royal Bank will let you know at least 30 days before the change takes effect by posting
No CDIC Insurance: Your Card balance is not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. a notice on www.rbcrightpay.com or by sending you a written or electronic notice. Any changes
What happens if my Card gets lost, stolen or misused? will become effective on the date shown on the notice.
You must contact Royal Bank immediately: Royal Bank may end this Agreement at any time without telling you in advance if Royal Bank
 if your Card is lost, stolen or misused; reasonably believes that:
 if you suspect that someone else is using your Card or your Card number; or
 if you suspect that your Card is missing.  your Card or Card number is being, or is likely to be, misused; or
Once you have told Royal Bank that your Card has been lost, stolen or misused, Royal Bank will be able to  you are in breach of this Agreement.
prevent use of the Card and the Card number. Royal Bank can also block use of your Card and prevent use Royal Bank may also end this Agreement at any time without telling you in advance if requested by the
of your Card number without telling you if Royal Bank suspects unauthorized or fraudulent use of the Card Government or OW delivery agent or if there has not been a load, reload, purchase, cash withdrawal,
or the Card number. balance enquiry, PIN change, call to RBC Right Pay cardholder support or RBC Right Pay cardholder
How do I pay for something that is more expensive than the amount I have on my Card? website login using your Card within the previous 12 months and the Card has a zero balance.
To make a purchase that is greater than the balance on your Card, let the retailer know in advance that In all other instances, Royal Bank will let you know about ending this Agreement at least 30
you will be splitting the payment. Tell the retailer the amount available on your Card and use a second
days in advance by posting a notice on www.rbcrightpay.com or by sending you written or
form of payment, such as a credit card, a debit card, cash or a cheque, to cover the difference. You will
need to know the available balance on your Card because retailers cannot check it for you. You can check electronic notice. Royal Bank will also let you know in the same way how you may receive any
your balance online at www.rbcrightpay.com or by calling Royal Bank toll-free at 1-855-232-0675 or the balance remaining on your Card. You may obtain the current version of this Agreement at any
TTY toll-free line at 1-866-317-9343. Some retailers will not let you make a split payment, or make a split time by visiting www.rbcrightpay.com or calling Royal Bank toll-free at 1-855-232-0675 or the
payment with two prepaid cards. TTY toll-free line at 1-866-317-9343 to request that a copy of the Agreement be mailed to you.
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
If you think that federal consumer protection laws have not been followed, you may contact
Here are some key terms used in this Agreement, and what they mean: Royal Bank or you may contact the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada in writing at 6th Floor,
 “You”, “your” or “cardholder” means the person in whose name the Card is registered to Enterprise Building, 427 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1B9. You may also contact
with Royal Bank and is the person who must activate, sign and use the Card. them at 1-866-461-3222 (English) or 1-866-461-2232 (French), or through their website at
 “Royal Bank” means Royal Bank of Canada. www.fcac-acfc.gc.ca.
YOUR RIGHTS AND DUTIES Laws that Apply to this Agreement
Activating Your Card This Agreement will be governed by and interpreted according to the applicable laws of Ontario
and the applicable laws of Canada. If there is a dispute about this Agreement, you agree that
You must activate your Card before you begin using it. You will have received a letter with your
Ontario courts shall be competent to hear that dispute and you agree to be bound by any
Card that tells you how to do this. Your Card requires that a PIN be selected. The letter also lets
judgment of that court.
you know how to select your PIN.
PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY Can I travel with my Card? How do foreign currency transactions work?
Collecting your personal information Yes. The balance on the Card is in Canadian dollars and Royal Bank will bill you in Canadian
currency. Some international retailers may not be familiar with these types of cards, so
Royal Bank may from time to time collect financial and other information about you such as:
Royal Bank recommends that you have another form of payment (credit card, debit card, cash
 information establishing your identity (for example, name, address, phone number, date of or traveller’s cheques) when making purchases outside of Canada. If you use your Card or your
birth, etc.); Card number outside Canada or charge amounts to your Card in a foreign currency, Royal Bank
 information related to your Card transactions arising with and through Royal Bank and other will convert the charges to Canadian dollars no later than the date Royal Bank posts the
financial institutions; transaction to your Card at an exchange rate that is 2.5% over the benchmark rate Royal Bank
 information for the issuance and provision of your Card; and pays to the payment card network that is in effect on the date of conversion. Royal Bank will
 information about financial behaviour. show the exchange rate for each transaction on your transaction history.
Royal Bank may collect and confirm this information during the course of its relationship with you. Can I use my Card to pay for services such as hotel reservations, car rentals or restaurants?
Royal Bank may obtain this information from a variety of sources, including from you, from the Yes. The Card can be used to pay for services including hotel reservations, car rentals,
Government or OW delivery agent office that is providing you with the payments, from service restaurants and other service providers. It is important to remember that when using your Card
arrangements you make with or through Royal Bank, from other financial institutions and from to pay for services where tips are generally given, such as hotels, restaurants, hair salons and
other sources, as is necessary for the provision of your Card. taxis, among others, these retailers may pre-authorize your Card so that the payment covers the
Using your personal information bill plus a 20% estimated tip. If the balance on your Card is less than the bill plus the 20% tip,
your Card may be declined. In order to avoid any issues and to make sure the balance on your
This information may be used from time to time for the following purposes: Card is enough to cover the pre-authorization, before using your Card you should contact the
 to verify your identity; retailer to ask them about their policies regarding the use of prepaid cards.
 to open and operate your Card; Can I use my Card at unattended terminals, such as parking or gas terminals?
 to communicate to you any benefit, feature and other information about your Card; No. Your Card cannot be used at unattended terminals, such as parking or gas terminals, but
 to help Royal Bank better manage its business and its relationship with you; you can use your Card to pay for parking and gas through an attendant. For example, when you
 to operate your Card through the payment card network; and buy gas, you cannot use your Card to pay at the pump; you must pay the cashier directly.
 as required or permitted by law. What should I do if I want to return something I bought with my Card?
For these purposes, Royal Bank may make this information available to its employees, agents For merchandise returns, you must deal directly with the retailer from whom you made the
and service providers, who are required to maintain the confidentiality of this information, and purchase. If a retailer gives a refund to you, Royal Bank will increase the balance available
share this information with other financial institutions. In the event a service provider is located on your Card by the amount of the refund. If you use your Card or your Card number for a
outside of Canada, the service provider is bound by, and the information may be disclosed in transaction in a foreign currency and the retailer gives you a refund, the charge and the credit
accordance with, the laws of the jurisdiction in which the service provider is located. Upon your will not be exactly the same because of changes to the exchange rate and any foreign currency
request, or where permitted or required by law, Royal Bank may give this information to other conversion fee that Royal Bank charges. In all cases, be sure to keep your Card and purchase
persons. Royal Bank may also use this information and share it with RBC companies (i) to receipts (even after the balance reaches zero) as you may be asked to present them in order to
manage its risks and operations and those of RBC companies; and (ii) to comply with valid process the refund or return.
requests for information about you from regulators, government agencies, public bodies or
other entities who have a right to issue such requests. Royal Bank may also share information Can I cancel my Card?
you provided related to your Card with the Government or OW delivery agent office that provides No. You cannot cancel your Card. If you would like to receive your payments through another
your payments. The file containing your personal information will be maintained on Royal Bank method, please contact the Government or OW delivery agent office that is providing you with
servers or those of its service providers. the payments to make these arrangements.
Your right to access your personal information Can I reload my Card?
You may obtain access to the personal information Royal Bank holds about you at any time and No. Your Card can only be reloaded by the Government or OW delivery agent. It is your
review its content and accuracy, and have it amended as appropriate; however, access may be responsibility to find out from the Government or OW delivery agent office that is providing you
restricted as permitted or required by law. To request access to your personal information or to with the payments how often your Card will be reloaded and what amounts will be loaded onto
ask questions about Royal Bank privacy policies, visit www.rbcrightpay.com or call Royal Bank your Card.
toll-free at 1-855-232-0675 or the TTY toll-free line at 1-866-317-9343. Can I make recurring payments with my Card?
Royal Bank privacy policies Yes, you can set up recurring payments using your Card. You are responsible for ensuring
Learn more about Royal Bank privacy policies any time by visiting www.rbc.com/privacysecurity/ca. that the balance on your Card is enough to cover any recurring payment on the date of the
transaction. Because your Card does not carry a credit line, a retailer that you have authorized
ANSWERS TO IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR CARD to submit recurring transactions may suspend or cancel the service if the balance on the Card is
Read these questions and answers carefully as they contain important information about using not enough to cover the payment when the recurring transaction is submitted. Some retailers
your Card and are part of your Agreement with Royal Bank. may charge a “not sufficient funds” fee if the balance on your Card is not enough to cover a
How do I ensure my personal information with Royal Bank is accurate? recurring payment. Make sure you understand the retailer’s terms and conditions that apply
to the recurring payment before you use your Card for that payment. If you have pre-authorized
It is important that your personal information is accurate and up to date. When you receive your payments using your Card, you can only stop these payments by contacting the retailer to
Card, check that your personal information, such as your name or address, is accurate by whom you provided the authorization. If you are having trouble getting the retailer to stop
visiting www.rbcrightpay.com or by calling Royal Bank toll-free at 1-855-232-0675 or the TTY the pre-authorized payments, please call Royal Bank toll-free at 1-855-232-0675 or the TTY
toll-free line at 1-866-317-9343. If any of your personal information changes, you must contact toll-free line at 1-866-317-9343.
the Government or OW delivery agent office that is providing you with the payments.
Whom do I contact to access my personal information?
How and why should I check my Card balance?
To request access to the personal information Royal Bank holds about you and review its
You can check your Card balance at any time by visiting www.rbcrightpay.com or by calling content and accuracy, visit www.rbcrightpay.com or call Royal Bank toll-free at 1-855-232-0675
Royal Bank toll-free at 1-855-232-0675 or the TTY toll-free line at 1-866-317-9343. Each time or the TTY toll-free line at 1-866-317-9343. If any of the personal information held by Royal Bank
you use the Card, the total purchase amount is deducted from the Card balance. The Card about you is incorrect or has changed, please contact the Government or OW delivery agent
balance is also reduced when any of the applicable fees are charged. It is important to know office that is providing you with the payments. You may contact the Government or OW delivery
your Card balance because retailers are unable to check it for you. agent office to obtain access to the personal information that the Government or OW delivery
Your Card can only be used if the balance is high enough to cover your transaction. Otherwise, agent holds about you and review its content and accuracy, and request that it be changed as
the transaction will in most cases be declined. However, if due to a systems error or for any other appropriate; however, access may be restricted as permitted or required by law.
reason, a transaction occurs that is higher than the balance on your Card, Royal Bank will deduct
the difference the next time your Card is reloaded by the Government or OW delivery agent. Whom do I contact if I have questions about my government benefit program?
If you have any questions about the government benefit program, including any of your benefit
How and why should I check my transaction history? payments, whether you continue to be eligible for payments or the amount and timing of any
You can check your transaction history at any time by visiting www.rbcrightpay.com or by calling payment, please contact the Government or OW delivery agent office that is providing you with
Royal Bank toll-free at 1-855-232-0675 or the TTY toll-free line at 1-866-317-9343. It is up to the payments.
you to review your transaction history and to check all transactions and applicable fees. If you
think there is an error in your transaction history, you must tell Royal Bank immediately. If you How do I contact Royal Bank if I have questions about my Card?
do not tell Royal Bank within 30 days of the transaction date, the transaction history and You can go online to www.rbcrightpay.com or call Royal Bank toll-free at 1-855-232-0675 or the
Royal Bank’s records will be considered correct and you may not later make a claim against TTY toll-free line at 1-866-317-9343 within Canada or the United States if you need help or
Royal Bank relating to any charges on the Card. have questions about your Card, including:
What happens if my Card is about to expire or has expired? Will the funds on my Card expire?  if your Card is lost, stolen or misused;
Your Card expires at the end of the month shown on the Card. You may not use your Card or your  about the fees that apply to your Card;
Card number if your Card has expired. Approximately sixty (60) days before the expiry of your  about any transactions that are on your Card or your transaction history; or
Card, a new Card will be sent to you unless there has not been a load, reload, purchase, cash  about your Card balance.
withdrawal, balance enquiry, PIN change, call to RBC Right Pay cardholder support or if you If Royal Bank makes any changes to this Agreement or ends this Agreement, Royal Bank may post
have not logged in to www.rbcrightpay.com using your Card within the previous 12 months and a notice online at www.rbcrightpay.com. If you have a complaint, Royal Bank has a complaint/
the Card has a zero balance. If you do not use your Card in 12 consecutive months or thereafter, dispute resolution process in place for dealing with these problems. Royal Bank will tell you all
any unused funds on your Card remain subject to applicable fees until the Card has a zero about it if you ask. Royal Bank also publishes a brochure — “How to make a complaint” — that
balance. If you are no longer eligible to receive payments from the Government or OW delivery explains that process. You may obtain a copy of this brochure at any Royal Bank branch or by
agent, your Card will still expire at the end of the month shown on your Card, but the funds on visiting www.rbc.com/customercare.
your Card will not expire and you can always request a new Card.
What happens to the funds on my Card if I report my Card lost, stolen or misused?
Once you have told Royal Bank that your Card has been lost, stolen or misused, Royal Bank will
be able to prevent use of the Card and the Card number and your Card will no longer work.
Royal Bank will also send you a replacement Card. Once the replacement Card is activated, the
balance from the Card you reported lost, stolen or misused will be transferred to the
replacement Card.

® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s).
VPS106948 121108 (03/2020)

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