Dialectic 2690 Berry
Dialectic 2690 Berry
Dialectic 2690 Berry
Suggested citation: Berry, A., Dee, M., Laker, P., and Tegtmeyer, R., Prioritizing our values: Design Educators Collectively Building
Inclusive and Equitable Teaching Practices in a (post-) Pandemic era, Dialectic, 5.1 (2023): pgs. 8-60.
Published by the AIGA Design Educators Community (DEC) and Michigan Publishing.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3998/dialectic.2690
Stable URL: https://journals.publishing.umich.edu/dialectic/article/id/2690/
A Positionality Statement
As university-level design educators—and, more specifically, women and women of color—who
represent groups that have been systematically marginalized in the U.S. and in many other so-called
developed and developing nations, and who experience the impact of sexism and racism in our daily
lives, the authors recognize that equitable design teaching practices are essential to the effective
sustenance of their pedagogy because they fundamentally affect how they interact with others,
especially their students. Specifically, they define equitable teaching practices as those that equip all
Copyright © 2023, Dialectic and the AIGA Design Educators Community (DEC). All rights reserved.
students with the tools, resources, and quality of instruction and learning environments necessary
to foster and sustain effective design learning, such that each individual learner in a given design
classroom has the opportunity to thrive as a knowledge seeker and builder within that setting. Each
student comes into a design classroom informed by a unique set of life experiences, socio-cultural
biases, and distinct levels of expertise. The authors bear witness to the impact and results of inequita-
ble teaching practices (also known as debilitating teaching practices 1) when these result in students
being disadvantaged and losing opportunities to contribute and grow within given design learning
environments. In this context, “disadvantaged” refers to a student or students being excluded from
design learning activities due to their being unfairly and cursorily assessed as possessing knowledge
acquisition, construction and synthesis abilities that are “less than” those possessed by other stu-
dents of similar age and experience 2. The authors believe that professional career development for
all students preparing to embark on and sustain design careers should include the intellectual and
emotional preparation and skill-building necessary for working in a diversely populated and rapidly
evolving world, regardless of an individual student’s socio-economic and socio-cultural background.
The audience for the explorations and analyses described in this case study is diverse. Although
the authors do not personally know all of the design educators who participated in and contributed
to the pledge initiative chronicled in this article, they do know that these people represent a broad
range of university-level institutions, programs, experiences, and students, and the data that was
collected during this case study is framed by a shared viewpoint that diversity, equity, and inclusion
are integral and essential to the effective facilitation of design education. The authors primary objec-
tives as they formulated and operated the activities that inform this case study included determining
whether or not this pledge initiative, which henceforth in this piece will be referred to as the Value
Design Education Pledge, or, more simply as “the pledge,” was 1) sustainable and successful for design
educators, and 2) meaningful, effectively consequential, and worthwhile for design educators and/or
their students.
Additionally, despite the lack of data in the scholarly literature that currently informs design
regarding the effect of virtual/remote learning on the efficacy of design education specifically, there
is an abundance of data regarding the broader impacts of virtual/remote learning on many different
types of students and disciplines. Consequently, this case study builds on existing trends (such as the
increased emphasis on accounting for student mental health and maintaining awareness of and about
multiple types of learners 3) that inform education research, while also contributing key insights into
the specific field of inquiry that is framing this case study in design education.
The Value Design Education Pledge was co-developed by the co-authors of this article: Associate
Professor Anne H. Berry, Associate Professor Meaghan A. Dee, Assistant Professor Penina Laker,
and Associate Professor Rebecca Tegtmeyer, with contributions by Kelly Walters (Assistant Profes-
sor, Communication Design, Parsons, The New School, New York City, N.Y., U.S.A.), to develop and
promote long-term, inclusive, and equitable teaching practices that could positively affect design
Copyright © 2023, Dialectic and the AIGA Design Educators Community (DEC). All rights reserved.
education. The pledge was initiated in the wake of events that transpired during the spring and
summer of 2020—namely, the COVID-19 global pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests, both
of which evolved across the United States during that time. It was also undertaken in recognition
of 1) the changes and challenges that evolved as a result of remote and online learning having to be
implemented across most U.S.-based, university-level and K–12 design education programs, and 2) the
need for pedagogic accountability when decisions have been taken by faculty and administrators to
commit to inclusive and equitable teaching practices.
This case study provides an overview of the timeline of events and the decision-making that
preceded the development of the pledge, including the first AIGA (the professional association for
design, and the primary funder of this journal) Design Educators Community (DEC) virtual roundtable
in May 2020 that spawned a draft of actionable items and outcomes from educators (working at K-12,
non-traditional, undergraduate, and post-graduate levels) who participated in the pledge initiative.
As a key point of planning and emphasis, the Value Design Education Pledge was developed to meet
two key goals. The first was to facilitate manageable and sustainable commitments to students and
communities for design educators already overburdened by the strain of adapting curricula and the
course materials that support them. The second was to encourage remote and online learning in
ways that could effectively provide emotional and academic support to design students throughout
the progression of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the social, political, and cultural upheavals that
accompanied it. The authors research fueled the generation of ideas for further exploration of initia-
tives that could effectively support these goals, including:
• developing mechanisms for measuring design students’ learning before and after they leave
particular classes and programs;
• identifying ways to emphasize that the outcomes of design processes can provide humanis-
tic, tangible, and positively transformative products, services, experiences, and systems; and
• building better mentor models that could be facilitated inside and outside of a variety of
types of design classrooms.
While the disciplinary focus of the pledge as it was initially developed was centered on design educa-
tion, the authors believe that several items and ideas that emerged from operating it can be adapted
to benefit education across a broader array of disciplines.
Copyright © 2023, Dialectic and the AIGA Design Educators Community (DEC). All rights reserved.
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
Prioritizing Our Values
Figure 1: This image depicts a virtual roundtable facilitated in May of 2020 by the
AIGA’s Design Educators Community (DEC) during which the co-authors of this case
study—Professors Meaghan Dee, Anne H. Berry, Rebecca Tegtmeyer, and Penina
Laker—hosted a variety of critical discussions among about 35 university-level design
educators that addressed how they might begin to effectively alter their teaching
practices to accommodate pandemically induced restrictions on in-classroom, face-to-
face learning. Source: Image provided by the Authors.
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
8 Lives Matter (BLM) protests began in various locations across the country.
Mahdy, M., “The Impact of COVID-19
They served as a painful reminder that even a global health crisis could not
Pandemic on the Academic Performance
of Veterinary Medical Students,” stymie the pervasiveness of American racism. The murders of George Floyd,
Front. Vet. Sci., 06 October, 2020,
Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor at the hands of police, as well as the
Sec. Veterinary Humanities and
Social Sciences. Online. Available subsequent increase of anti-Asian violence in the U.S., required additional
at: https://doi.org/10.3389/
socio-cultural, economic, emotional, and intellectual responses. Trying to
(Accessed April 19, 2023). conduct “business as usual” in many American design learning settings in
9 the midst of several waves of social, cultural, and political upheaval became
Goyal, N., Abdulahad, A., Privett,
unrealistic. 8 On top of this, for many college students across the globe, “the
J., Verma, A., Foroozesh, M.,
and Coston, T., “Student Grade COVID-19 pandemic [had] induced a variety of negative emotions, including
Evaluation, Survey Feedback, and
frustration, anxiety, and isolation.” 9 Compounding this, there began to be
Lessons Learned during the COVID-
19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study a flood of misinformation and disinformation that sought to undermine the
of Virtual vs. In-Person Offering
peaceful intent of many BLM protests 10, 11 which also began to fuel anti-Asian
of a Freshman-Level General
Chemistry II Course in Summer at hate in many areas of the U.S., and fomented false ideas about how several
Xavier University of Louisiana,”
unfounded conspiracies had caused the outbreak and exacerbated the rapid
Educational Sciences, 12.3 (2022).
Online. Available at: https:// spread of the virus. 12 Many of these efforts also disputed the efficacy of vac-
cines that U.S. government Center for Disease Control (C.D.C.) had certified
(Accessed February 24, 2023).
as safe and recommended for broad public use as a means to prevent further
10 spread. 13, 14 During the transpiration of these tumultuous events, there was
ADL. “ADL Debunk: Disinformation
a high demand for American design educators to demonstrate unequivocal
and the BLM Protests.” Online.
Available at: https://www.adl.org/ support for their students as they struggled to sustain the levels of engage-
ment in their coursework necessary to build the knowledge and skills they
(Accessed April 27, 2022). would need to advance their careers. As the pandemic grew in severity and
11 the BLM movement simultaneously increased its momentum, there were
Corley, C. “Black Lives Matter
calls for these efforts to be coupled with inclusive and equitable learning
Fights Disinformation To Keep
The Movement Strong,” NPR, last experiences. Questions remained, however, about the ideal methods for
modified 25 May, 2021. Online.
doing this effectively. How could design educators address these growing
Available at: https://www.
npr.org/2021/05/25/999841030/ challenges without creating additional burdens for weary students
and faculty?
(Accessed April 2, 2022). Along with the many other design educators (in the U.S. 15 and
12 internationally 16 ), the co-authors of this piece, found themselves having to
Chin, J. “Covid fueled anti-Asian
address the effects that a bevy of new social and economic challenges were
racism. Now elderly Asian Americans
are being attacked,” Washington having on their students that began with the global onset of the pandemic in
Post, 9 February, 2021. Online.
March of 2020 (and would last until roughly May of 2021). These were the
Available at: https://www.wash-
ingtonpost.com/nation/2021/02/09/ direct and indirect results of U.S. government-mandated school and work-
place closings, and the subsequent losses of income, disruption of familial
(Accessed April 25, 2022).
and other support networks, and (for some) an inability to consistently
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
17 them across multiple modalities (e.g. through discussion, writing, the iter-
van den Hooff, B., & de Ridder, J.
ative and heuristically informed creation of visual artifacts, systems, and
A. Knowledge sharing in context: The
influence of organizational commit- products, etc.).
ment, communication climate and CMC
Sharing knowledge is described in this article as “the process where
use on knowledge sharing. Journal of
Knowledge Management, 8.6 (2004): individuals mutually exchange their implicit (tacit) and explicit knowledge to
pgs. 117–130; (p.119).
create new knowledge” 17 to leverage collective expertise and contribute new
18 insights. In their book Collaboration in Design Education, Marty Maxwell Lane
Maxwell Lane, M. & Tegtmeyer, R.
and Rebecca Tegtmeyer (a co-author of this piece) 18 posit that it is necessary
Collaboration in Design Education.
London, U.K.: Bloomsbury, to exchange and share knowledge in order to build on and expand it, an idea
2020, p. 16.
that can be traced back as far as John Dewey’s early work regarding teaching
19 and learning. 19 Establishing an environment for knowledge sharing in a given
Dewey, J. Logic: The Theory of
design classroom culture begins with creating trust and openness, which the
Inquiry. New York, U.S.A.: Henry
Holt and Company, 1938, p. 140. authors hereby postulate are core values in design education. These values
20 are the foundation that the authors believe is crucial to create the condi-
Conklin, S. & Garrett Dikkers, A.
tions that shape the development and sustenance of what they are defining
“Instructor social presence and
connectedness in quick shift from as a positive classroom culture. Initiating these values at the beginning of a
face-to-face to online instruc-
course of study in design, or in the early days of the operation of a particular
tion.” Online Learning, 25.1 (2021):
pgs. 135-150. Online. Available design class, demonstrates the goals that the authors believe design educa-
at: https://doi.org/10.24059/olj.
tors should strive to attain as they attempt to guide learning activities and
v25i1.2482 (Accessed on September 5,
2022). “Empathic facilitation” is behaviors that benefit and inspire design students. Finally, the authors have
defined as “demonstrating
learned and now believe that attaining these goals enables students to oper-
an understanding of others’
situations through processes ationalize design processes that contribute to more equitable, inclusive, and
and practices” (p. 142).
holistically informed community cultures.
Prioritizing Our Values
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
23 about issues that include the following: how to structure curricula and the
Abdrasheva, D., Escribens,
courses that constitute these, and how to conduct assessments of students’
M., Sabzalieva, E., Vieira do
Nascimento, D. & and Yerovi, C. work output and learning over time. 23 Most importantly, many of the design
Resuming or Reforming? Tracking the
educators initially involved in this roundtable exchange expressed that they
global impact of the COVID-19 pan-
demic on higher education after two were being affected—in some cases profoundly—by a pandemic-induced
years of disruption. Paris, France;
fatigue. As the group discussed this phenomenon more deeply, the exchange
Caracas, Venezuela: United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural spawned a series of ideas rooted in the need to re-imagine and re-shape how
Organization, 2022.
some aspects of design curricula and the learning experiences that constitute
them, particularly in the U.S., should be structured and facilitated in new
ways. Of particular interest and importance were ideas that could effectively
address how design and design education were affecting and being affected by
the sweeping socio-cultural, political, and economic changes that had trans-
pired—and were still transpiring—since the onset of the pandemic. The
group also quickly reached a consensus that any changes they might suggest
regarding curricular structures and classroom learning experiences would
have to be implemented in ways that could satisfy two key criteria. The first
was that they would have to be formulated and implemented in ways that
ensured that they would be effectively and efficiently manageable and
sustainable for those who would be charged with doing this. The second was
that this would have to be accomplished without adding to what many in
the group felt had become an undue and almost unbearable set of burdens
imposed upon them since the onset of the pandemic that involved incor-
porating new types of planning, teaching, and documenting their and their
students’ activities.
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
These six pledge ideas, or commitments, have been articulated to address the
needs and aspirations—from narrow to broad—of the increasingly diverse
groups of students to whom we, as design educators, are accountable. This
became the approach for further defining the essential principle or principles
that each pledge sought to address. Actionable strategies were then created
to serve as starting points to help the 100 participants effectively implement
these endeavors, or “pledges,” across their various curricula, within indi-
vidual courses, and as essential aspects of individual project or assignment
parameters. A collection of resources, such as peer-reviewed articles from
Prioritizing Our Values
26 scholarly journals 26, 27 and book chapters that inform design education and
McIntosh, P., “White Privilege:
practice, AIGA Eye on Design articles (available at https://eyeondesign.aiga.
Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack"
first appeared in Peace and Freedom org), and other web-based resources were amassed, curated, and shared to
Magazine, July/August, 1989, pgs.
support the development of other possible undertakings that could
10-12, a publication of the Women’s
International League for Peace improve the array of content that would come to constitute the Value Design
and Freedom, Philadelphia,
Education Pledge. An online-facilitated, follow-up survey was also conducted
Pennsylvania, U.S.A..
for a period of 90 days across the AIGA Design Educators Community during
27 the summer of 2020 to collect more suggestions for ideas and action items,
Benson, E., Jennings, J., & Gibson,
and this was further augmented with information cultivated from an addi-
M.R. “Dezombies and the Coming
Design Apocalypse: Confronting tional virtual discussion session facilitated by the authors.
the Urgent Need to Increase
Racial Diversity and Environmental
Awareness in University-Level A Description of the Timeline and the Decision-Making
American Communication Design
Processes That Guided the Development and Execution of the
Programs.” Dialectic, 1.2 (2017):
pgs. 129-154. Value Design Education Pledge Initiative
The following section of this article articulates the timeline of events the
authors forumlated and operated and that allowed us to develop and execute
this initiative (diagram 2).
March 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic began, which triggered a rapid shift to remote and
online learning in and across pre-Kindergarten to doctoral-level learning
environments around the world.
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
April 2020
Associate Professor Anne H. Berry of the Department of Art and Design in
the College of Arts and Sciences at Cleveland State University in Cleveland,
Ohio, U.S.A. contacted her colleagues on the national steering committee of
the AIGA Design Educators Community (DEC) about the possibility of
engaging other design educators across the U.S. and abroad in discussions
about their efforts regarding making the transition to online teaching. She
also raised questions to this group about how best to address what she was
quickly learning were some of the most significant challenges to teaching
design in the unforeseen circumstances that now faced design educators who
were being challenged to teach effectively as the pandemic progressed. What
she articulated at this time is expressed as follows:
How can we continue providing quality learning experiences for our design
students when 1) we are accustomed to (and find value in) our in-person
interactions with them, and 2) we don’t necessarily know how long we will
be teaching online?
May 2020
The Value of Design Education During a time of Online Teaching virtual
28 roundtable discussion was hosted by the AIGA’s Design Educators
Design Educators Community.
Community (DEC) 28
“Virtual Event Recording: The Value
of Design Education,” AIGA.org, AIGA DEC Steering committee members Associate Professor
22 May, 2020. Online. Available
Meaghan Dee of Virginia Tech, Assistant Professor Kelly Walters of the New
at: https://educators.aiga.org/
virtual-roundtable-the-value-of-de- School at The Parsons School of Design and Rebecca Tegtmeyer of Michigan
sign-education/ (Accessed
State University coordinated a virtual event that involved hosting Anne H.
March 29, 2022).
Berry and Penina Laker (two of the authors of this piece) as they
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
Figure 2: The Value Design Education virtual roundtable discussion was held
on Friday, May 15, 2020, and was moderated by co-authors and design educators
Anne H. Berry (Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.) and Penina Laker
(Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.). Over thirty participants listened
to Professors Berry and Laker share their perspectives and approaches to ensuring
value and equity across the spectrum of their students’ learning experiences in both
their classrooms and in their interactions with community organizations. Group
discussions included responding to the following questions: What value do we provide
to our students, our institutions, and our collaborators as design educators? How do
we measure and demonstrate that value? Additional questions were prefaced by the
statement: we can’t recreate in-person experiences online. Given this fact, what are
some reasonable expectations we should set for ourselves? For our students? Source:
Image provided by the Authors.
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
Diagram 3: As led by the authors, the Value Design Education virtual roundtable
opened with a short poll that queried the participants about how confident they felt
in bringing value to their students and programs as a design educator. This diagram
represents the poll results. Source: Diagram provided by Rebecca Tegtmeyer. .
Prioritizing Our Values
The following key points surfaced as a result of engaging in these break-out dis-
cussion groups:
• We now have more and better ways to measure the efficacy of our
teaching, particularly in areas like UX/UI; analytics and usability
testing allow us to evaluate metrics in ways we couldn’t before.
• As educators, we are providing mentorship, facilitating experiences,
counseling students, and modeling behavior; we are also actively
engaged in helping students identify opportunities to grow, devel-
op, and build their skill sets (soft skills, design aesthetics, etc.) and
the bases of knowledge and understandings that inform their criti-
cal thinking abilities.
• Students value the one-on-one feedback their faculty provide
because it offers them a personalized response to their design
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
This roundtable event also generated other ideas for broader consideration
among the design education community, such as developing mechanisms
for measuring students’ learning before and after they leave our classes and
programs, and co-creating methods for mentoring design students inside and
outside of the classroom.
Summer 2020
The discussions that occurred during the May roundtable event motivated
the authors to think of ways to elevate the discourse they had helped initiate
to a higher level of active engagement with a more diverse array of design
educators. As so many across the design education landscape were facing the
specter of having to continue teaching remotely in the Fall of 2020, the
authors felt it was critical to sustain the conversation that they had started
the previous spring that had been focused on course planning and teaching.
They met frequently during the summer months of 2020 to analyze the data
they had documented in notes from the roundtable, and to brainstorm ideas
that could effectively guide what would be the best “next steps” that could
be taken. As their discussions evolved, they decided that their primary goal
should be to develop an initiative that:
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
August 2020
The authors launched the Value Design Education Pledge 29 across the online
communication networks operated by the AIGA Design Educators
Community (DEC).
29 The call for participants was promoted and shared across all of
Design Educators Community. “Value
the AIGA DEC social media channels (Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook).
Design Education Pledge,” AIGA.org,
20 August, 2020. Online. Available This call directed those interested in participating to a webpage on the AIGA
at: https://educators.aiga.org/val-
uedesigneducation/ (Accessed
DEC website that articulated detailed instructions for participating. This
March 29, 2022). included a video introduction that featured commentary and instructional
30 language from Professors Berry and Laker (figure 3 and figures 7-14), as well
Design Educators Community. “Value
as a downloadable PDF that articulated each of the pledges in clear and
Design Education Pledge,” SCRIBD.
Online. Available at: https://www. concise language. 30
In the call for participation, the authors posed the following preface
Pledge#download&from_embed (Accessed question-and-response to help introduce the Value Design Education Pledge
April 1, 2022).
initiative to the AIGA Design Education Community (DEC):
Figure 3: Still images taken from the video introduction to the Value Design
Education Pledge that featured co-authors Professors Anne H. Berry and Penina Laker
articulating instructions about how other design educators could participate in this
initiative. This video was featured on the AIGA DEC website during the summer and
fall of 2020, and was accompanied by the call for participation. Source: Image provided
by the Authors.
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
Figures 4-11: The authors met regularly following the initial Value of Design
Education virtual roundtable discussion to brainstorm ideas and to develop a set of
approaches to fostering and facilitating learning experiences for their design students
and their collaborators that could eventually be adopted by other design educators.
They initially discussed many possible goals, but in order to make what they were
proposing manageable for a wide variety of design educators, they narrowed their
ideas down to the six the pledge statements depicted here, and that were originally in-
troduced on p. 19. The structure and content of these statements have been informed
by many of the people and communities that they perceive as being affected by the
Prioritizing Our Values
work of design educators: the societies within which they teach and work, professional
b According to American educational psy-
designers, other design educators, the audiences for whom they teach their students
chologist Jere Brophy, classroom norms are to design (and for whom they themselves design), specific social classes and other
“…a teacher’s stated expectations for stu- socially organized groups, the physical and cultural environments within which their
dent behavior…” and they constitute “… a and students’ work is perceived and acted upon, and the individual students that they
dependable system of rules and procedures
teach. The images presented here were posted on Instagram to promote the Value
[that] provides structure for students. This
Design Education Pledge initiative. Source: Image provided by the Authors.
structure helps students to be engaged with
instructional tasks, and communicates to
students that the teacher cares for them.”
Finally, Brophy states that, “…authoritative What do you value?
implementation of rules includes com-
municating care and respect for students,
teaching students what is expected of them Re-imagining and then re-building a given university-level design curric-
and why this is of value, and responding to
ulum so that it can be equitable and inclusive within the timeframe of a
students’ actions and interactions in ways
that help them to become more responsible single academic year, or at least more equitable and inclusive than it is
self-regulated learners.” Brophy, J.E.
Motivating students to learn, second
currently, may not be feasible for many design educators in the U.S. and
edition. Boston, MA, USA: McGraw-Hill, abroad. Many institutions require several types of approvals to actuate
2004: pgs. 4-24.
any major curricular overhaul, and these can occur at the department-
or university-level, even requiring approval at the state-level or by one
or more accrediting bodies (especially at the graduate level). However,
incremental modifications such as 1) the inclusion of shared classroom
norms b and anti-racism statements to course syllabi, 2) broadening the
scope of resource materials so that students can easily find credible ref-
erences for design work created by and/or on behalf of underrepresented
population can be an important part of implementing positive changes
and then sustaining them over the course of at least a semester. In light of
this, design educators are hereby encouraged to commit to one of the six
pledge statements (as articulated on p. 19 of this piece), and then adopt
one or two corresponding action items so that these can be incorporated
into their Fall 2020 curricula, in either a single course or across several
design courses in a given program.
A Google Form, which posed the following questions, was used to track inter-
est and participation:
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
• How do you plan to actualize the one or two Value Design Education
Pledges to which you have committed with YOUR students in YOUR/
THEIR classroom settings?
• What resources do you foresee needing to make this happen?
• Are you willing to participate in a follow-up discussion mid-way
through the F20 semester?
The authors used email to follow up with participants who filled out this
form in order to confirm their participation. The authors also provided par-
ticipants with a PDF that listed resources cultivated specifically to support
each Value Design Education Pledge from existing articles in the AIGA DEC ar-
chive (table 1). Additionally, they emphasized accountability by encouraging
educators to share their pledge(s) with their students and colleagues at the
beginning of the semester. Participants could commit to the pledges through
September 15, 2020.
The authors then used email to plan and announce a special virtual
roundtable discussion to allow pledge participants to share their knowledge
and perspectives that was to be held in December of that year (2020). Once
participants completed the survey, the authors asked them to complete
a Google Form that would provide us with content to guide and fuel the
December discussion. The Google Form asked participants to respond to the
following questions:
December 2020
The authors hosted a virtual roundtable discussion for approximately
three-dozen participants. This event was dedicated to discussing partici-
pants’ pledge commitments, the actions they took as a result of committing
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
Prioritizing Our Values
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
responses from participants to each of the six pledge items (diagram 4)—
items which were proposed by design educators who contributed to the Value
of Design Education Pledge—are articulated as follows:
Table 2: An articulation of the content that constituted Pledge #1. Source: Image
provided by the Authors.
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
Diagram 4: At the onset of the Value Design Education Pledge initiative, participants
pledged a commitment to one or more of the six pledges. This infographic indicates
the priorities of the 100 design educators who participated in the initiative. Source:
Diagram provided by Rebecca Tegtmeyer.
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
Prioritizing Our Values
Table 3: An articulation of the content that constituted Pledge #2. Source: Image
provided by the Authors.
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
Table 4: An articulation of the content that constituted Pledge #3. Source: Image
provided by the Authors.
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
Table 5: An articulation of the content that constituted Pledge #4. Source: Image
provided by the Authors.
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
Table 6: An articulation of the content that constituted Pledge #5. Source: Image
provided by the Authors.
Prioritizing Our Values
Table 7: An articulation of the content that constituted Pledge #6. Source: Image
provided by the Authors.
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
Pledge Available Resources From The AIGA Resources That Institutions Can
Design Educators Community Implement
I commit to being anti-racist. Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion Provide students and faculty with access
I will be engaged (read + listen) and Resources Archive—AIGA to learning resources that feature BIPOC
contribute to the current dialog. I will DEC—June2020 designers and their work
actively educate myself about the systems
of oppression. Anti-Asian Racism and Violence Invest in tech resources for students and
Resources faculty to reach people in times of limited
mobility — Such as through supporting
A Toolkit for Breaking Down Racialized legislation for universal access to WiFi
Design in the Classroom, Racism
Untaught Facilitate connections to communities of
color (e.g. hosting conferences,
promoting cross-collaboration and
outside partnerships)
I commit to upholding all design Beyond the Bauhaus Designate honoraria for guest lectures
histories. from BIPOC designers and underrepre-
I will highlight design contributions from Perspectives and Reflections sented groups
underrepresented cultural and social
groups that do not have roots in Can We Teach Graphic Design History Expand access to more textbooks,
modernist or Bauhaus methods. Without the Cult of Hero Worship? articles, and information providing
knowledge of design history
I commit to demonstrating impact. A Blended Perspective: Social Impact Provide training to faculty
I will define and determine what impacts Assessment in Graphic Design
are present from the get-go (tangible Establish models for evaluating and
or intangible). I will document and AIGA Design Futures: Core Values measuring impact
share these with myself,students, Matter
and other stakeholders.
Discursive Design and the Question of
Impact: Perspective, Pedagogy,
I commit to creating culture. Critiques + Community | SHIFT Virtual Create safe environments for learning
I will give students opportunities to Summit 2020
engage and interact with each other in Make technological support readily
fun ways. I will facilitate activities in the Panel: Who Gets to Teach? | SHIFT available to better facilitate remote
online space that enable students to share Virtual Summit 2020 learning and teaching
their voice in a safe environment.
Fund purchases for students and faculty
to make remote learning more equitable
I commit to promoting healthy Value Design Education Checklist Hire counselors and mental health
student life experiences. professionals to meet the needs of
Confronting Stress & Anxiety: Mental students health and well-being
I will prioritize and encourage student
Health Techniques for Design
mental health; reconsider what
Educators Offer training for faculty on how to
assumptions I might be making about
manage mental health related challenges
students and their access to tools,
in the classroom
resources, and opportunities. I will also
revisit and analyze my syllabi, project
Foster a culture of care
briefs, and assessment practices.
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
Prioritizing Our Values
Almost all of us are struggling with a unique set of challenges these days,
38 brought about by the remote start, COVID-19 pandemic, economic fallout,
Pyle, K., “Ideas for Inclusive
ongoing efforts for social justice, and other experiences.
Language for Course Syllabi,”
Michigan State University, 2020.
Online. Available at: https://
ci/assets/File/Diversity/PDF/ While I am not a trained mental health professional, I am someone you
can reach out to if you’re struggling, whether or not your concerns pertain
(Accessed April 10, 2022).
directly to this course. Our conversations will be confidential, though please
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
I’m a good listener, and I can help connect you to campus and other
resources that are here to help you. As your course instructor, I am com-
mitted to helping you successfully complete this course, but it’s even more
important to me that you experience our classroom as a space that is open,
inclusive, and supportive.
Rebecca’s statement made room for her students to share information about
their needs for emotional support and revealed some of her own challeng-
es (being a mom and a commuter) that are rooted in meeting her pedagogic
responsibilities. This allows her students to be empathetic about her circum-
stances, and, in so doing, helps them build empathy for those who face both
familiar and unfamiliar situations as they attempt to engage in their studies.
The statement articulated above may be adapted for use by anyone reading this
piece who wishes to include similar language in their own materials.
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
“We are committed to the ongoing work of anti-racism and we ask you to do
the same. To move forward, we must acknowledge the role that designers
have contributed to the creation and perpetuation of unjust systems and
institutions. We also realize that this work takes time and sustained in-
volvement; let us all work together and approach new knowledge with a
learning mindset.”
Prioritizing Our Values
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
Educators observed that sharing real-life examples and personal stories can
be powerful ways to connect with students, but could also leave them feeling
vulnerable by exposing a side of themselves that they often choose to keep
out of the classroom. Some faculty said they struggled with “how personal
to get with their students,” and how available to their students they thought
they should be outside of their classrooms. The changes that the pandemic
imposed on many long-practiced design classroom teaching practices broke
down many traditional boundaries between faculty and their students (such
as the mutual sharing of cell phone numbers), as their students came to rely
more heavily on their instructors for emotional support than they might have
during pre-pandemic times. As a result, many faculty felt as if they were able
to “bring their whole self into the classroom” (including sharing their own
experiences, that often extended beyond sharing their knowledge of design
strategies and principles), and found that their students were newly empow-
ered to learn differently, which led them to operate a more proactive and
engaged approach in the classroom, and by developing deeper connections
with their communities.
Incorporating the Value Design Education Pledge items
into their teaching, course-planning and curricular planning and facilitation
inspired some of the university-level design faculty that participated in this
initiative to fundamentally restructure some of their classroom activities.
Many included activities that afforded students opportunities to be more
self-reflective, and that involved them having to take time to think more
broadly and deeply about their respective levels of social awareness, and the
responsibilities they have to assume on behalf of their audiences, user groups
and clients as designers. Many students also focused on critically exam-
ining more contemporary issues in the design classroom, which infused
their work outcomes with heightened levels of social, cultural, and political
purpose, awareness, and impact. When faculty provided a more welcoming
classroom environment, students faced tough questions and explored cur-
rent events with higher levels of respect and kindness. Karin Jager, Associate
Professor of Graphic and Digital Design at the University of the Fraser
Valley in Abbottsforf, BC, Canada, opined that “…I was deeply moved by the
issues students chose to focus on. [They] began to connect with purpose,
awareness, and impact in their work.” Nancy Wynn, Associate Professor of
Graphic Design and Chair of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts
at Merrimack College in North Andover, MA, U.S.A., shared that “…[my]
Prioritizing Our Values
students would embrace tough questions and current events with respect
and kindness. Their thoughtfulness, exploration, conversation, and critique
of each other’s work went beyond my expectations.” Many educators shared
that while some students were indifferent or resistant to the discussions
and projects, others became much more involved. Additionally, as Professor
Jason Tselentis of Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC, U.S.A. stated, “…stu-
dents felt proud about the work that was ‘more personal’ to them, but were
also a tad more private about that work.” Inspiration drawn from students’
own experiences positively influenced their engagement, despite a degree
of reticence in sharing those ideas. And though receiving critical feedback
can still present challenges for many design students, particularly when they
c Venit, E. ”The Pandemic Ripple Effect: are emotionally invested in work that is deeply personal to them, providing
Four Potential Long Term Impacts on
guidelines for (and fostering) classroom respect between students (both
College Enrollment and Student Success.”
EAB, 2022. Online. Available at https:// toward one-another and their instructors) can ensure that critiques of
student design work are constructive and meaningful (i.e., they strive to
pandemic-ripple-effect/ (Accessed 6 Febru-
ary 2023). According to an Active Minds improve each participants’ design knowledge and abilities as well as elevate
Survey, which was reported in the EAB
them emotionally).
white paper, “three quarters of students
reported that their mental health worsened In reflecting upon the essential ideas that were developed to sup-
during the pandemic, with 18% saying that
port the instantiation of the Value Design Education Pledge, the authors strove
it ‘worsened significantly.’”
to place increased focus on promoting faculty well-being and mental health. c
Additionally, although the authors viewed hybrid and remote learning as a
46 temporary challenge, an EAB (Educational Advisory Board) report on “The
Buchanan, R., “Wicked Problems in
Pandemic Ripple Effect” cautions about the long-term effects of “Social
Design Thinking,” Design Issues, 8.2
(1992), pgs.5–21. Online. Available Disengagement, Mental Health, Availability of Transfers, and Unfinished
at https://web.mit.edu/jrankin/www/
Learning in K12” on the overall preparedness of students for college educa-
pdf?utm_campaign=Explorations%20 tion. 47 The authors believe that it is crucial for design educators to strive to
ensure that students learning in these virtual spaces are able to effectively
source=Revue%20newsletter (Accessed
20 February 2023.) construct knowledge and gain new understandings while working within
47 them. During the pandemic, virtual learning among all student populations in
the U.S. jumped by 97% (from 2019 to 2020), with 75% having to take at least
48 one distance-learning course, and 44% taking exclusively online courses. 48
National Center for Education
The authors research fueled the generation of the following key ideas:
Statistics, “Postbaccalaureate
Enrollment. Condition of Education.
U.S. Department of Education,
• reminders about the need to accurately measure design students’
Institute of Education Sciences,”
2022. Online. Available at: https:// learning before and after they leave design classes and programs,
particularly in the midst of and in the aftermath of a global
chb (Accessed September 7, 2022).
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
While the authors primary goal for planning and operating the Value of Design
Education Pledge initiative was to improve the scope of ideas and approaches
that frame and guide contemporary design education, they believe that the
Value Design Education Pledge items can be adapted to education more broadly.
In the book What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles and Practices for Excellence
in College Teaching, the authors, representing a range of academic fields—
including education/teaching and learning, biology, nursing, and public
policy—speak to the efficacy of these same values in the classroom. In short,
inclusive teaching practices are necessary to make education more accessible
to more students. Additionally, inclusive practices provide a sense of belong-
ing which has been shown to contribute to higher achievement, “particularly
49 for students from marginalized groups.” 49
Addy, T. M., D. Dube, K. A.
Regardless of how design faculty are faring in the aftermath of a
Mitchell, and M SoRelle. What inclu-
sive instructors do: Principles and demanding two- to three-year period imposed by the COVID pandemic during
practices for excellence in col-
which they were forced to teach design processes using virtual means, design
lege teaching. Sterling, Virginia,
U.S.A.: Stylus Publishing, educators must remain committed to creating positive learning experiences
LLC, 2021.
on behalf of their students. The experiential knowledge the authors construct-
ed for success helped ensure that they felt safe, supported, and included. For
some, this might mean including equity and inclusivity statements in course
syllabi and making sure that the work of a diverse range of designers are
featured in various design classrooms and the assignment parameters that
guide the learning expriences that transpire within them. For others, it may
mean engaging with communities, locally and on-campus, by forging and
sustaining partnerships and continuing journeys of self-education by reading
broadly—including in disciplines outside design—and/or by building long-term
relationships with other university faculty, activists, and community advocates.
As one faculty member responded in our survey “I certainly have more work to
do,” as do we all.
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
p7smo/edit (Accessed February 20, 2023).
Bartlett, T., “The Antiracist College: This may be a watershed moment in
the history of higher education and race,” The Chronicle of Higher
Education, February 15, 2021. Available at https://www.chronicle.com/
article/the-antiracist-college (Accessed September 7, 2022).
Benson, E., Jennings, J., and Gibson, M.R., “Dezombies and the Coming Design
Apocalypse: Confronting the Urgent Need to Increase Racial Diversity
and Environmental Awareness in University-Level American
Communication Design Programs,” Dialectic, 1.2 (2017): pgs. 129–154.
Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dialectic.14932326.0001.207.
Bolsen, T. & Palm, R., “Politicization and COVID-19 vaccine resistance in
the U.S.” Progress in molecular biology and translational science, 188.1
(2022): pgs. 81-100. doi:10.1016/bs.pmbts.2021.10.002.
Brophy, J.E. Motivating students to learn, second edition. Boston, MA, USA:
McGraw-Hill, 2004: pgs. 4-24.
Buchanan, R., “Wicked Problems in Design Thinking,” Design Issues, 8.2 (1992):
pgs. 5–21. Online. Available at: https://web.mit.edu/jrankin/www/
newsletter (Accessed February 20, 2023).
Cameron, M., Lacy, T.A., Siegel, P., Wu, J., Wilson, A., Johnson, R., Burns,
R., and Wine, J. (2021). 2019–20 National Postsecondary Student Aid
Study (NPSAS:20): First Look at the Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-
19) Pandemic on Undergraduate Student Enrollment, Housing, and
Finances (Preliminary Data) (NCES 2021-456). U.S. Department of
Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
Online. Available at https://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pu-
bid=2021456 (Accessed September 5, 2022).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “CDC Museum COVID-19
Timeline,” CDC.gov. Online. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/muse-
um/timeline/covid19.html (Accessed April 28, 2022).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Vaccines & Immunizations: How
to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation,” CDC.gov. Online.
Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-depart-
ments/addressing-vaccine-misinformation.html (Accessed April 25,
Prioritizing Our Values
Berry, D e e, Laker, & Tegtmeyer
Dialectic: Volume V, Issue I
A Long-Form Case Study Report and Position Paper
Prioritizing Our Values