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Data Entry Helper Work PDF
Foreign Tnde
TABLE _ 23.1
Current Account Ttansactions as Per Cent of GDp at Market prices
TABLE - 23.2
Value of Exports and Imports in the Planning Period
(US $ Million)
Year Exports Imports Trade Rate of Change
Balance Exports Imports
Source: Government of India, Economic Survey, 1998-99, Statement 7.1 (B) p. S-81 and
E c onomi c Su rv ey, 2O0O -0 1, 200 1 -02, 2OO3 -04, 2OO4-05, 2005-06, p. S-79.
TABLE _ 23.3
Current Account Tlansactions as a Percentage of GDP
at Current Market Prices 90s
Note : * Export-Import ratio is not given as a percentage of GDP at cunent market prices
Source: Economic Suneys.
TABLE _ 23.4
Performance of the Foreign Trade Sector
(Annual Percentage Change)
2000-0 1 21 .0 1.1
1995; but, since 2003, it has lagged behind the export growth of
developing countries taken together, mainly because of China,s
explosive export growth. India's share in world merchandise exports,
after rising from 0.5 per cent in 1990 to 0.8 per cent in 2003, haJbeen
stagnating at that level since then with marginal variation at the second
decimal place (Table 23.5). This is a cause for concern. Foreign Trade
Policy (FTP) 2004-2009 envisages a doubling of India's share in world
exports from 0.75 per cent to 1.5 per cent by 2009. To achieve this
target, Indian exports may need to exceed US$ 150 billion by 2009 as
world exports are also growing fast.
TABLE - 23,5
imports was the 59.6 per cent growth of gold and silver on the back of
a 59.9 per cent growth in 2003-04, due to the high international gold
prices. The duty reduction on imported gold from Rs.250 to Rs.100 per
10 gram and liberalisation of such imports as per trade facilitation
measures announced in January, 2004 could also have provided a fillip.
Non-oil, non-bullion imports increased by 31 per cent in 2OO4-05,
compared to a rise of 28.5 per cent in 2003-04.
Unlike in 2003-04, the surge in POL imports in 2004-05 and 2005-
06 (April-November) was dominated by the price impact. International
crude oil (Brent variety, per barrel) prices, trending upwards since 2002,
on average, rose from US$ 27.6 in 2002-03 to US$ 28.9 in 2003-04,
US$ 42.1 in 2004-05, and further to US$ 56.64 per barrel in April-
November 2005 with a peak of US$ 67.33 on August 12,2005'The
stiffening of global crude oil prices was contributed by a combination
of heightened demand, limited spare capacity and geopolitical threats
to the existing capacity. The surge in crude oil prices has sharpened the
focus on the adverse impact of such volatility on domestic prices and
the need to minimise such impact. Given India's relatively high oil
intensity and increasing dependence on imported crude oil, efforts are
being made to diversify sourcing of such imports away from the
geopolitically sensitive regions. Another development has been the
decision to build up strategic oil reserves, equivalent of about 15 days
requirement, to minimise the impact of crude price volatility in the short
term. In a related initiative, India is coordinating with large oil importing
countries in Asia, in exploring possibilities for evolving an Asian
products marker, in place of an Asian premium, which would reduce
the premium paid by Asian countries and thus, to some extent help in
controlling the country's oil import bill.
Bulk of the increase was contributed by growth in non-oil imports,
which shot up from 17.0 per cent in2002-03 to 31.5 per cent in2003-04.
The acceleration of such imports was mainly due to higher imports of
capital goods, industrial raw materials and intermediate goods. It reflected
the higher domestic demand and firming up of industrial growth'
India moved one notch up the rankings in both exports and imports
in 2004 to become the 30th leading merchandise exporter and 23rd
leading merchandise importer of the world.
TABLE - 23.8
manufactured exports is that, by and large, major export items within the
category for which internal composition remained unchanged between
the eighties and the nineties (e.g., leather and leather products, ready-
made garments) recorded relatively poor export performance as
compared with groups which recorded changes in their internal
composition (e.g., chemicals and allied products, engineering goods).
This indicates the existence of a close link between export performance
and structural change in the case of India's manufactured exports.
As mentioned earlier, since 1996-97 therc has been a marked
deceleration in the growth of India's manufactured exports. Apart from
its negative impact on the overall export growth, a fall in the growth of
manufactured exports also likely to have constrained structural
transformation within the category of manufactured exports. A number
of external as well as domestic factors contributed to the process of
slowdown in India's exports in general and manufactured exports in
particular. These included: decline in international manufactured prices,
increased protectionism by the industrialised countries coupled with
non-implementation of the transitional agreements on integration of
trade in textiles and clothing with the WTO by the industrialised
countries. While these factors had adverse implications for Indian
manufacturing exports, particularly exports of engineering goods,
chemicals and allied products and textiles and clothing, the sharp price
fluctuation in the international market for raw diamonds and gold
between 1996 and 1998, had contributed to the decline in gems and
jewellery exports, the single largest export item of India.
export items for which India's global market shares were high while
growth in world trade for those products was low. It is argued that
lack of alignment between the composition of India's export basket
and the demand structure in foreign markets has been a major
constraint for expansion of India's exports. Reversing such trends,
during the nineties, by and large, India's global shares have improved
for those commodities for which world trade showed relatively high
growth potential and India's global shares declined for those
commodities for which growth in world trade decelerated. In other
words, the alignment between the structure of world demand and the
composition of India's exports has improved during the nineties as
compared to the eighties. This is likely to have major impact on the
future behaviour of India's exports.
India's export share in world trade has increased perceptibly during
the recent period. India's exports as a percentage of world exports
improved to 0.56 per cent during 199l-1996 and further to 0.65 per
cent during 1996-2002 from 0.48 per cent in the 1980s. The ratio was
0.71 per cent in 2000-01, the highest achieved so far since the 1970s.
Nonetheless, India's share in world exports is still very low and appears
unimpressive when compared with the other major trading Asian
countries, such as, China and other East Asian economies like Malaysia,
Thailand, Singapore, Korea and Indonesia (Table 23.9). China
demonstrated the most dramatic change as its share in world exports
more than doubled in a decade from 2.0 per cent in 1991 to 4.4 per
cent in 2001. Group-wise, India's share in the imports of industrialised
countries in the 1990s declined as compared to that in 1986. Inrespect
of the developing countries as a group, however, it has increased from
0.5 per cent in 1986 to 1.1 per cent during 1996-2000.
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India has
set an export target of I per cent share of world exports by 2006-07 for
the medium-term which would be co-terminus with the Tenth Five year
Plan. This target is based on historical trends, current prospects and
the requirement of a compound annual growth rate of about 12 per cent
for exports till the year 2006-07 (Government of India, 2002a). The
export performance is known to depend on price competitiveness, as
well as non-price factors. As regards the price competitiveness, a
number of earlier studies have emphasised that real exchange rate may
be an important variable influencing the price competitiveness of India's
exports. In India, large exchange rate misalignment has not oCcured in
the last one decade as the market itself has corrected the misalignment
gradually over different episodes.
504 Inlian Econanl: Prfornance and Po/icies
TABLE _ 23.9
Share of Select East Asian Countries in World Exports
(Per Cenr)
Country I99I 1995 1999 2001 I99r- 1996-
1995 2000
and chemicals and related products. This brings into focus the
importance of non-price factors like quality, packaging and the like
mentioned earlier, where India still seems to be lacking as compared to
the international standards. This has adversely affected India's export
performance vis-d-vis other developing countries which may have an
improved standing in these non-price factors.
same year. With other capitalist countries like France, Germany, Italy,
Japan, etc. India either did not have trade relations at all or they were
very insignificant. As political and diplomatic contacts developed with
other countries, economic relations also made a headway. Thus new
vistas for developing trade relations with other countries opened up.
The situation has changed very much since, and now after four and a
half decades of planning, the trading relations exhibit marked changes.
The diversification in trade relations has reduced the vulnerability of
the economy to outside political pressures.
In the year 1950-51, the share of UK in India's imports was 20.8
per cent and that of USA was 18.3 per cent. Thus, the combined share
of these two countries was 39.1 per cent. This reflected the colonial
heritage of the country. Within a decade, the picture started showing
some changes. New trading partners like West Germany, Canada and
USSR emerged. There was a change in the relative position of UK and
USA as well, with the latter pushing down the former to the second
place. Excepting a year or two, USA has continuously maintained the
first position thereafter. During the planning period as a whole, India
has obtained maximum imports from USA, the reason being that India
has imported large scale quantities of capital goods, intermediate
products and foodgrains (under P.L.480 agreement) from that country.
With the expansion of trading relations with Japan, West Germany and
USSR, the dependence on the UK declined considerably. Thus the share
of UK in Indian imports declined from 19.4 per cent in 1960-61 to 5.7
per cent in 1997-98. On the other hand, the share of Japan increased
from 1.5 per cent in 1950-51 to 5.4 per cent in 1960-61 and further to
7 .5 per cent in 1990-9 1 . However, thereafter, it decreased in percentage
terms to 6.5 per cent in 1995-96 and 5.2 per cent in 1997-98.
Another significant development was the expansion in trading
relations with the socialist countries especially the erstwhile USSR.
Imports from USSR were negligible in 1950-51. In 1960-61 they
amounted to a meagre Rs. 16 crore. However, thereafter, they
increased rapidly increasing the share of USSR in India's imports from
l.4per cent in 1960-61 to 6.5 per cent in 1970-71. For a number of
years it occupied the second place after USA. For instance, during
1980-81 to 1983-84, USA occupied the first place in India's imports
and USSR was second. In 1984-85, the share of USSR was 10.4 per
cent and it displaced USA from the first place. The picture changed
thereafter. In 1985-86, USA was first, Japan second and USSR third.
In 1990-91, with a share of l2.l per cent, USA occupied the first
place. It was followed by Germany with a share of 8.0 per cent (the
508 Indiau Econnl: Perfornarce aul Policiet
figure is for unified Germany). Japan had the third position (share 7.5
per cent). UK and Saudi Arabia shared the fourth position with a share
of 6.7 per cent each, Belgium had the fifth position (share 6.3 per cent)
while USSR had the sixth position (share 5.9 per cent). With the
disintegration of USSR the direction of imports has now changed
markedly. For instance, in 1997-98, USA occupied the first position
in India's imports (share 8.9 per cent), followed by Saudi Arabia (share
6,2 per cent), Germany (share 6.1 per cent), Belgium (share 6.0 per
cent), Kuwait and UK (share 5.7 pet cent each) in that order.
Direction of Exports
As is clear from Table 23.10, OECD group accounts for a major
portion of India's exports. The share of this group in 1960-61 was 66.1
per cent and in 1997 -98 was 55.7 per cent. Almost 46 per cent of these
exports were accounted for by the EU countries in 1997-98. The OPEC
group accounted for 4.1 per cent of exports in 1960-61 and its share in
1997-98 rose to 10.0 per cent. Most significant was the rapid increase
in exports to the countries of Eastern Europe particularly USSR For
instance, Eastern Europe accounted for 7.0 per cent of export earnings
in 1960-61 and its share shot up to 22.1per cent in 1980-81. During
recent years, exports to this group have suffered a setback due to marked
political upheavals in these countries and the disintegration of the
USSR. In 1997-98 the share of Eastern Europe in total exports had
slumped to a mere 3.1 per cent. Developing nations of Africa, Asia
and Latin America accounted for more than one-fourth of India's
export earnings in 1997-98. Most important in this group have been
the countries of Asia. In fact, exports to Asian countries accounted
for 21.3 per cent of India's total export earnings in 1997-98. Thus,
countries of Asia now account for more than one-fourth of India's export
Direction of exports in 1999-2000 show significant increases in
India's exports to its major destinations like OECD, Asia and OPEC
regions. Exports in US Dollar value, grew by 12.8 per cent to OECD,
20.1 per cent to Asia (other than OPEC countries) ar,d I2.3 per cent
to OPEC in 1999-2000 as compared with declines of 1.5 per cent,l4.4
per cent and low growth of 0.8 per cent respectively in 1998-99. Other
regions recording robust growth in exports included Eastern Europe
(due mainly to turnaround in exports to Russia) and Latin America
and Carribbean region with Mexico, Peru, Chile, Barbados and Panama
accounting for major increases. Exports to developing countries in
Africa, however, declined by 5.4 per cent in 1999-00 as against a rise
Indian Ecoroml: Perlornance ad Policiet
Direction of Imports
Sources of imports reveal a sharp decline in share of imports in
total imports from OECD countries from 51.6 per cent in 1998-99 to
44.8 per cent in 1999-2000 as imports from these countries declined by
3.2pu cent in 1999-2000. Bulk of this decline in share was appropriated
by imports from the OPEC region whose share rose to 23.8 per cent in
1999-00 (as compared to 18.3 per cent in 1998-99) mainly because of
increase in international petroleum crude oil prices. Similarly, the share
of imports sourced from non-OPEC developing countries (of Africa,
Asia and Latin America and Carribbean) improved from 21.1 per cent
in 1998-99 to 22.6 per cent in 1999-2000. The share of imports from
Eastern Europe was broadly maintained in 1999-2000 due mainly to
recovery in imports from Russia. Imports from developing countries of
Africa and Latin America and Carribbean regions grew by 21.9 per cent
afi,20.3 per cent respectively in 1999-2000 and was contributed among
others, by countries like Egypt, Ghana, Brazil, Chile and South Africa.
Imports from developing countries from Asia also recorded a high
increase of 18.5 per cent with robust growth from countries like China,
Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand. The share of selected East Asian
countries in total imports increased from 14.9 per cent in 1998-99 to
15.5 per cent in 1999-2000 due partly to the share depreciation of
currencies of these countries during the Asian crisis.
Foreign Trade
A sharp increase in imports from other residual destinations,
coupled with decline in share of OPEC region, may suggest a change in
sourcing of oil imports away from the OPEC region during the current
financial year.
Structural changes are also discernible from the data on sources of
India's imports. While there has been a sharp increase in the relative
share of the developing countries, that of the industrialised countries
declined. Between 1987-1991 and 1992-1999, the relative share of the
developing countries as a group moved up from 18.0 per cent to 23.0
per cent. This was largely on account of the increase in the imports from
the newly industrialised countries in South East Asia. Among the
commodities that contributed to the import growth, petroleum (crude
and products) from Malaysia and Singapore, vegetable oils from
Malaysia, chemicals from Republic of Korea and Singapore, and
electronic goods from Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Malaysia and
Thailand were prominent. Between the two periods, the relative shares
of the countries belonging to the OPEC group also increased from 14.5
per cent to 2l .9 per cent. This is mainly reflective of the surge in the
oil import bill on account of higher prices.
The share of the OECD as a group in India's imports dropped
considerably from 59.4 per cent during 1987-199I to 52.1 per cent
during 1992-1999. Within this group, the relative share of the EU
countries fell from 31.8 per cent during 1987-199I to 26.9 per cent
during 1992-1999. The import shares of some of the individual EU
countries such as Denmark, Greece, Ireland and Italy, however,
recorded relatively high growth, while those from traditionally
important countries such as Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and UK
showed lower rise. The relative share of the UK fell to 5.8 per cent
during 1992-1999 from 7.9 per cent during 1987-199I. Among other
OECD countries, the imports from Australia, New Zealand and
Switzerland recorded relatively large growth. The relative share of
Switzerland moved up from 1.1 per cent during 1987-I99I to 4.0 per
cent during 1992-1999. This was largely on account of the import of
gold and silver and non-electrical machinery. It may be indicated that
during 1992-1999, the import of gold and silver formed as much as 69.2
per cent of India's total import from Switzerland, while Switzerland
along accounted for 58.1 per cent of India's total import of gold and
silver during this period. The relative share of the East European
countries declined from 8.1 per cant during 1987-1991 to just 2.9 per
cent during 1992-1999 with absolute decline in the imports from most
of the countries belonging to this group.
5r2 Itdian Etauantlt Perlotaunu and policies
Summing Up
Notwithstanding the earlier policy initiatives aimed at
liberalisation of India's foreign trade, the outward-looking trade policy
measures announced in lggl marks the initiation of a new era
India's foreign trade. India's foreign trade performance improved
significantly during the recent years and there has been a perceptible
change in the structure of India's foreign trade between the eighties
the nineties.
The share of manufactured products has increased in India's total
exports' At the same time, since the introduction of reforms, the
proportions of high-value and differentiated products have increased
India's export basket.
Along with the increase in India's aggrelate share in world trade,
the alignment between the country's export basket and world demand
has increased during the nineties.
The relative share of certain capital goods in India's totar imports
has also increased in this period. Imports of manufactured fertilizers
and edible oils also recorded higher growth during the post-1991
TABLE - 23.11
India's Baiance of Trade
Arerage Annual
Exports Imports
External Factors
(i) Low World Demand: The world demand for many goods has
remained low due to continuing recession and economic downturn in
many countries.
(ii) Low fncome and Price Elasticity of Goods Exported: Many
of the goods exported by India are primary products such as cereal
preparations, fish and marine products, etc. The demand for these goods
is generally less elastic, i.e., the demand does not change'much with
change in income or prices. Thus, when we make efforts to sell more
5t6 Indian Econony: Performaue ad Policiet
and increase supply, prices fall but demand does not increase much.
Hence, we end up earning lower value even for larger quantity sold and
our export earnings either do not increase much or sometimes may even
(iii) Import Restriction on Our Goods Entering Foreign
Countries: Many countries have imposed restrictions on goods
imported by them and this adversely affects our exports. These
restrictions may be in the form of quotas, (not more than a certain given
quantity of a given product is to be imported from outside), tariff
restrictions (imposition of import duty on goods entering the country
and thus making them costlier for purchasers in the home market of the
importing country) or non-tariff restrictions such as health laws that do
not permit import of agricultural goods from underdeveloped countries
in USA and some other countries on grounds of posing health hazard to
the people. Such physical restrictions and tariff as well as non-tariff
barriers by USA and countries of European Union have contributed to
slow growth of exports from India.
(iv) Disintegration of the Soviet Union: The Soviet Union/USSR
was among our largest trading partners and a big market for Indian
goods. Its disintegration caused a major setback to our exports.
Internal Factors
(i) Increasing Domestic Demand: Increase in income of people
due to growth of the economy has contributed to higher domestic
demand. The supply side has however not been able to match this
increased demand due to slow growth in agricultural and industrial
output. Not much is thus left for exports as producers sell bulk of
output at home quite profitably. This reduction in surplus of goods
(over domestic consumption) for exports has contributed to their slow
(ii) Low Quality and High Cost of Production: India emerged
as high cost low quality production country which could not face
foreign competition either at home or abroad. Hence, Indian goods
were not favoured by foreign buyers and, therefore, our exports
remained low.
Restrictions on Imports
Following measures have been taken to regulate imports:
(i) Licensing of Imports: For quite a long time, the import of non-
essential consumer goods was not permitted while the importers of
capital goods essential for country's delvelopment were given import
licences. However, now under the liberalised trade policy, licensing
requirements for most of the goods have been abolished; only a small
negative list of import items remains under licensing system.
(ii) Tariff Restrictions: For the goods that are permitted to be
imported under licence from the government, further restrictions are
imposed by way of custom duties or import duties also called import
tariffs. This means a tax is imposed on the goods which arrive at the
Indian ports and thus the price of such goods becomes higher for the
Indian buyers. The higher the rate of custom duty, the greater is the
price that Indian buyers need to pay for imported goods. These high
prices of imported goods are expected to reduce their demand in the
domestic market and thereby to restrict imports.
(iii) Quantitative Restrictions: The government may determine the
total import quota of goods, i.e., the total amount of goods that can be
imported and allot this quota to various importers. Nothing beyond the
quota is allowed to be imported. This naturally limits the quantity of
imports. However, under an agreement with the World Trade
Organization (WTO), such quantitative restrictions have been removed
on many goods, while for others they are to be removed in near future.
Export Promotion
With the continuing large deficits in India's balance of trade and
limited scope for imports reduction, the only long-term solution to the
problem lies in promotion of exports to earn sufficient foreign exchange
to pay for our growing imports. Export promotion measures opening
up wider international market for our entrepreneurs will stimulate
industrial development in the country under the incentive of larger world
demand for our goods.
than the official rate. This indeed was a great liberalisation measure
and a bigger incentive. In March 1997 even this was replaced by a
system of full convertibility of rupee on the trade account.
(ix) System ofAdvanced Licensing: Exporters are given advance
licences for duty free import of goods used in production of export
(x) Relaxation of Controls on Exports and Simplification of
Procedures: Controls on exports have been relaxed. Exports of many
items have been decontrolled while export procedures and formalities
have been simplified.
(xi) Export Processing Zones: Many export processing zones have
been set up. The units operating there are allowed free trade with other
countries. They also enjoy various concessions like five-year tax
(xii) Export Promotion Organisations: Some such organisations
are Export Advisory Council, Export Promotion Councils, Directorate
of Export Promotion, etc.
(xiii) Export Import Bank: The EXIM Bank provides financial
services to exporters and importers and coordinates the work of other
institutions engaged in financing export trade. It pays special attention
to export of capital goods.
BALANCE of payments (BoP) is a systematic record of all
economic transactions between the residents of a country and the rest
of the world. Like all double-entry book keeping accounts it always
balances i.e., Sum of credit entries = Sum of debit entries.
There are two types of accounts in BoP, namely, (i) Current Account
and (ii) Capital Account.
Current Account records transfers of goods and services i.e.,
merchandise trade and net invisibles which includes services like travel,
transportation, insurance, etc. and transfer payments.
Capital Account shows transfers of claims to money or titles to
investment between a country and the rest of the world. It includes
foreign investment inflow minus the foreign investment outflow, loans
including external assistance and external commercial borrowings
(inflow - outflow) and other capital which includes rupee debt service,
IMF transactions and SDR allocation.
A current account deficit is financed through net inflow of capital
on the capital account and the change in the Government's foreign
exchange reserve position.
except consumer goods. It was recognised that trade, exchange rate and
industrial policies must form part of an integrated policy frinework
the aim was to improve the productivity and efficiency oi the economic
Balance of Palment: and Tiade Poticl
. Contd
from the SSI reservation list to provide space to these units to grow into
medium enterprises; proposal to set up a Fund for regeneration of traditional
employment generating industries (like coir, handloom, handicrafts,
sericulture, leather, pottery and other cottage industries) for development
of their export potential; abolition of the mandatory Cenvat duty regime
and introduction of a new tax regime for the textile sector to make the sector
more efficient and competitive; and a proposal to set up a National
Manufacturing Competitiveness Council as a continuing forum for policy
dialogue to energise and sustain the growth of manufacturing industries and
to enhance competitiveness in the manufacturing sector. Various trade
facilitation measures announced in the review of credit policy by the RBI
in October 2004 included liberalisation of guarantee by Authorised Dealers
(ADs) for trade credit, relaxation of time limit for export realisation for
Export Oriented Units (EOUs). Government also announced, on August
31,2004, a new Foreign Trade Policy for the period 2004-2009, replacing
the hitherto nomenclature of EXIM Policy by Foreign Trade Policy (FTp).
A vigorous export-led growth strategy of doubling India's share in global
merchandise trade in the next five years, with a focus on the sectors having
prospects for export expansion and potential for employment generation,
constitute the main plank of the Policy (Box 24.2). These measures are
expected to enhance international competitiveness and aid in further
increasing the acceptability of Indian exports.
BOX - 24.2
52E Inlian Ecarunty: Pclbrnance and Po/iciet
current year, robust FII inflows were more than eleven times higher than
such inflows during April-September 2004. The bulk of this increase
occurred during July-September 2005, in response to the rising
buoyancy in the stock markets. The period also witnessed an increase
in inflows of commercial borrowings and short term credits on account
of lower interest rate spreads on external borrowings and higher import
financing requirements. The cumulative impact of higher debt and non-
debt creating flows was a notable expansion in the size of the capital
account surplus. The expansion succeeded in retaining an overall
surplus in the balance of payments and resulted in a net reserve
accretion of US$6.5 billion during April-September 2005, which was
only marginally lower than the accretion of US$ 6.9 billion during April-
September 2004.
In the three successive years of current account surpluses ending
in 2003-04, buoyant net earnings from invisibles more than
compensated for the trade deficits. In 2004-05, with growth of more
than 12 per cent, earnings from invisibles crossed US$30 billion; but
with the trade deficit growing by a much larger 167 per cent to over
US$36 billion, the current account balance turned into a deficit. In the
first half of 2005-06 as well, while invisibles grew by 3l per cent, the
trade deficit grew much faster by ll4 per cent, and resulted in a sharp
widening of the current account deficit.
Within invisibles, the contribution of different categories to overall
invisible earnings has changed significantly since the early 1990s.
Traditionally, private transfers, comprising mainly remittances from
Indians working abroad, had been the main source of invisible earnings.
Over time, however, non-factor services have emerged as another key
component of invisibles. Indeed, beginning from 1991-92 till 2OOl-02
(except 1999-2000), private transfers always exceeded invisibles (net).
However, since 2002-03, overall invisibles have been higher than
private transfers, mainly due to rising contribution of non-factor
services. As a proportion of total invisibles (net), the share of private
transfers has declined from 121 per cent in 1996-97 to around 65 per
cent in 2004-05, while that of non-factor services has improved from 7
per cent to 45.5 per cent during this period.
The increasing share of non-factor services in invisibles can be
traced to the buoyancy in export of software services. Net earnings from
software services increased by 34.1 per cent from US$12.3 billion in
542 Iulittn Ennon)': Pelbrttance atl Po/icies
BOX - 24.3
Trade in Services
Services account for more than 60 per cent of world GDP, and trade in
services has grown more rapidly than merchandise trade since 1985.
Ln2004, while India's share in world merchandise exports was 0.8 per
cent, the corresponding share in world commercial services was 1.9
per cent. Services, accounting for 54.1 per cent of GDP in 2005-06, is
a sector of critical interest in India.
In terms of annual average rate of growth, world exports of commercial
services, i.e. non-factor services (services henceforth), not only
increased faster (7 per cent) than such exports of merchandise (5 per
cent) between 2000 and 2003, but also accelerated from 7 per cent in
2002 to 13 per cent in 2003. Reflecting the importance of services in
their overall economic activities, industrial countries dominate global
exports of services. Nearly two-thirds of the global trade in services is
contributed by the EU, US and Japan. While the share of US and Spain
continue to rise, that of UK, France, Italy, Japan and the Netherlands
have registered declines over the years. India accounted for 1.4 Per cent
Balance of Paymenx and Trade Policl
of total exports and 1.2 per cent of world imports of services in 2003.
China, Ireland, Korea and India have emerged as important service
exporters. Between 1992 and 2003, China's and India's export of
services increased from US$ 9.1 billion to US$ 46.4 billion, and from
US$ 4.9 billion to US$25.0 billion, respectively. A sharp rise in
earnings from tourism and increased earnings from IT and ITES,
including software exports, were the reasons for the enhanced services
exports in China and India, respectively. India was the 20th leading
exporter of services in 2003.
Export of Major Services as per cent of Total Services Exports
)++ Itdi,tu Etauaq^: Peryotu,tn,e auJ Poli,ie:
.. Contd
Balance of Paymentt and Trade Policy
..Contd. ...
BOX - 24.4
With the growing role of private capital flows and the possibility of
occasional sharp reversals, the issue of capital account liberalisation
and convertibility has spurred extensive debate since 1992-the period
which witnessed a series of currency.crises; in Europe (1992-93),
Mexico (1994-95), East Asia (1991-98), Russia (1998), Brazil (1999),
Turkey (2000) and Argentina (200I-02). These crises have raised the
question of desirability of liberalisation and whether it is advisable to
vest the IMF with the responsibility for promoting the orderly
liberalisation of capital flows. The IMF in its study (1998) stated that
"As liberalised systems afford opportunities for individuals, enterprises
and financial institutions to undertake greater and sometimes imprudent
risks, they create the potential for systematic disturbances. There is no
way to completely suppress these dangers other than through draconian
financial repression, which is more damaging." The view of IMF itself
has changed over time (RBI, 2001). While opening up of the capital
account may be conducive to economic growth as it could make
available larger stocks of capital at a lower cost for a capital-deficient
country, the actual performance of the economy, however, typically
depends on a host of other factors. For a successful liberalised capital
account, emerging market countries could: (i) pursue sound
macroeconomic policies; (ii) strengthen the domestic financial system;
(iii) phase capital account liberalisation appropriately, and (iv) provide
information to the market. At the international level, there is also the
role of surveillance to consider, including the provision of information
and the potential need for financing (Fischer, 1997).
In India, the move towards full capital account liberalisation has been
approached with extreme caution. The Report of the Committee on
Capital Account Convertibility, 1997 (Chairman: S.S.Tarapore) taking
into account lessons from international experience suggested a number
of signposts, the attainment of which are a necessary concomitant in
the move towards capital account convertibility. Fiscal consolidation,
Iower inflation and a stronger financial system were seen as crucial
signposts for India.
Foreign Investment
During the first three decades after Independence, foreign
investment in India was highly regulated. In the 1980s, there was some
easing in foreign investment policy in line with the industrial policy
regime of the time. The major policy thrust towards attracting foreign
direct investment (FDI) was outlined in the New Industrial Policy
Statement of 1991. Since then, continuous efforts have been made to
liberalise and simplify the norms and procedures pertaining to FDI. At
present, FDI is permitted under automatic route subject to specific
guidelines except for a small negative list. In the recent period, a number
of measures have been taken to further promote FDI. These include:
raising the foreign ownership cap to 100 per cent in most of the sectors,
ending state monopoly in insurance and telecommunications, opening
up of banking and manufacturing to competition and disinvestment of
state ownership in Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). Though the FDI
companies have generally performed better than the domestic
companies, FDI to India has been attracted mainly by the lure of the
large market.
Responding to the policy efforts, foreign investment inflows to India
(direct and portfolio investments taken together) picked up sharply in
1993-94 and have been sustained at a higher level with an aberration in
1998-99, when global capital flows were affected by contagion from
the East Asian crisis. Total foreign investment has averaged at US $
5.4 billion during the three year period 1999-2000 to 2001-02 as against
negligible levels of the 1980s.
NRI Deposits
NRI deposits in the form of Non-Resident (External) Rupee Account
(NR(E)RA) and Foreign Currency Non-Resident Account (FCNR(A))
emerged as a steady flow of foreign capital in India from the 1970s,
following the labour migration boom in West Asia in the wake of the
first oil shock. The onset of the 1990s saw the introduction of as many
as five NRI deposit schemes [Foreign Currency Bank and Ordinary
(FC(B&O)), Foreign Currency Ordinary Non-Resident (FC(ON)), Non-
Resident Non-Repatriable Rupee Deposit (NR(NR)RD), Non-Resident
Special Rupee Account (NR(S)RA) and Foreign Currency Non-Resident
Bank (FCNR(B))I between 1990 and 1993 designed to attract foreign
exchange in the face of external payments crisis of 1991. The policies
with regard to NRI deposits during the 1990s have been aimed at
attracting stable deposits. This has been achieved through: (i) a policy
induced shift in favour of local currency denominated deposits; (ii)
rationalisation of interest rates on rupee denominated NRI deposits; (iii)
linking of the interest rates to LIBoR for foreign currency denominated
deposits; (iv) de-emphasising short-term deposits (up to 12 months) in
case of foreign currency denominated deposits; and (v) withdrawal of
exchange rate guarantees on various deposits. The Reserve Bank has
also made an active use of reserve requirements on these deposits as an
instrument to influence monetary and exchange rate management and
to regulate the size of the inflows depending on the country's
TABLE _ 24.3
Balance of Payments - Key Indicators
(Per Cent)
l. Trade
i) Exports/GDP 5.8 9t 8.4 9.8 9.3
ii) Imports/GDP 8.8 r2.3 r2.4 t2.9 12.0
iii) Trade Balance/GDP -3.0 -3.2 -4.0 -3.1 -2.'7
2. Invisibles Account
i) Invisible Receipts/GDP 2.4 5.0 6.8 '7.5 t.4
ii) Invisible Payments/GDP 2.4 3.5 3.8 4.9 4.s
iii) Invisibles (NeI)/GDP -0.1 1.6 3.0 2.6 2.9
3. Current Account
i) Current Receipts@/ GDP 8.0 14.0 15.1 17 .2 16.7
ii) Current Receipts Growth@ 6.6 t8.2 12.9 t7 .t 1.4
iii) Current Receipts@/
Current Payments 7 r.5 88.8 93.0 96.4 r}t.2
iv) CAD/GDP -3.1 -1.7 - 1.0 -0.5 0.3
4. Capital Account
i) ForeignlnvestmenI/GDP 1.4 1.2 1.1 r.2
ii) Foreign Investment/
Exports 0.6 r4.9 13.8 r1.4 r3.2
5. Others
i) Debt-cDP Rario 287 2'7.0 22.2 22.3 20,8
ii) Debt Service Ratio 353 24.3 16.2 17.3 t4,t
iii) Liability Service Ratio 356 24.'t t7 .0 18.3 15.3
iv) Import Cover of
Reserves (in months) 25 60 82 8.6 11.3
TABLE _ 24.4
Major Indicators of External Debt
(as at end-March)
(Per Cent)