Discovery: Heat Detector
Discovery: Heat Detector
Discovery: Heat Detector
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Heat Detector
Technical data
All data is supplied subject to change without notice. Specifications
are typical at 24V, 25°C and 50% RH unless otherwise stated.
© Apollo Fire Detectors Ltd 2019
Assessed to ISO 9001:2015 Assessed to ISO 14001:2015 Cert/LPCB ref. 010
Cert/LPCB ref. 010 Cert/LPCB ref. 010 EMS
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Operation Features
In the Discovery Heat Detector, the five response modes Response modes
correspond to the five ‘classes’ as defined in EN 54-5. The
classes in this standard correspond to different behaviour, Discovery Heat Detectors can be operated in any one of five
each of which is designed to be suitable for a range of EN54 approved response modes, which can be selected
application temperatures. All modes incorporate ‘fixed through the fire control panel. Each mode corresponds to a
temperature’ response, which is defined in the standard by the unique response behaviour, which is related to sensitivity to
‘static response temperature’. The application temperatures fire. Mode 1 gives a higher sensitivity to fire than Mode 5.
and static response temperatures for all response modes
are given in the table on the right.
Discovery Heat Detector response modes
Application Static Response
In addition to the basic classification, each detector mode has Class temperature Temperature ºC
an ‘R’ or ‘S’ suffix. EN54- 5
Typ Max Min Typ Max
The ‘R’ suffix indicates that the detector has been shown to 1 A1R 25OC 50OC 54OC 57OC 65OC
have a rate-of-rise characteristic. Such a detector will still 2 A2R 25 C
50 C
54 C
61 C
give a rapid response even when starting from an ambient
3 A2S 25 C
50 C
54 C
61 C
temperature well below its typical application temperature.
This type of detector is therefore suitable for unheated areas 4 CR 55OC 80OC 84OC 90OC 100OC
The Discovery Heat Detector is designed to be connected to A copy of the Declaration of Conformity is available from Apollo
a two wire loop circuit carrying both data and a 17 V to 28 upon request.
V dc supply. The detector is connected to the incoming and
outgoing supply via terminals L1 and L2 in the mounting base. Conformity of the Discovery Heat Detector with the EMC
A remote LED indicator requiring not more than 4 mA at 5 V Directive, does not confer compliance with the directive on
may be connected between the +R and -R terminals. An earth any apparatus or systems connected to it.
connection terminal is also provided. Construction Products Regulation 305/2011/EU
The Discovery Heat Detector complies with the essential
requirements of the Construction Products Regulation 305/
2011 / EU.
A copy of the Declaration of Performance is available from
Apollo upon request.