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PP2551 Soteria Dimension Specialist O Detector Datasheet

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PP2551/2020/Issue 6

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Soteria Dimension
Specialist Optical Detector
Technical data
All data is supplied subject to change without notice. Specifications
are typical at 24V, +25°C and 50% RH unless otherwise stated.

Detection principle Photo-electric light scattering

Sensor configuration Chamberless detector with two photo-
diodes. Microcontroller provides sensor
timings, digital signal processing and
alarm decision.
Sampling frequency Once per second
Terminal functions –L1 in Loop in negative
(note: L1 & L2 are polarity –L1 out Loop out negative
+L2 Loop in and out positive
Product overview +R Remote indicator positive
Product Soteria Specialist Optical connection (internal
Detector connection to positive)
–R Remote indicator
Part No. FL6100-600APO negative connection
(4.7 mA maximum)
Digital Communication XP95®, Discovery® and
Supply voltage (Vmin–Vmax) 17 - 35 V dc
CoreProtocol® compatible
Digital communication XP95, Discovery compatible and
Approvals protocol CoreProtocol ready
5 - 13 V peak to peak
Quiescent current 1 mA
Power-up surge current 1 mA
Maximum power-up time 15 s
Alarm current, LED 4.5 mA
Maximum loop current 2A
Product information through isolator
Clean-air analogue value 23 +4/-0
The innovative design of the Soteria Dimension Specialist
Alarm level analogue value 55
Optical Detector differs from standard fire detectors, having
Status indicator Alarm Continuous Red
no chamber and being flush mounted. A new optical sensing
technology is used to detect smoke particles outside the Fault Flashing Yellow
detector housing. Isolated Continuous Yellow
Poll Flashing Green
• Flush Mounted Operating temperature –20 °C to +55 °C
• Integrated switchable isolator as standard Humidity 0% to 95% RH
(no condensation or icing)
• 8-way DIL switch addressing
Effect of atmospheric pressure None
• Drift compensation Effect of wind speed None
• FasTest® for quicker testing Vibration, impact and shock EN 54-7
IP Rating IP55 - rating not EN 54 approved
• Tricoloured LED status indicator
Standards and approvals EN 54-7, EN 54-17, CPR, LPCB, VdS,
• Comprehensively tested to exceed EN 54-7 and BOSEC, FG, SBSC and DHF TS001
EN 54-17 standards (anti-ligature)
• Sturdy metal face plate which is secured with anti- Dimensions:
Detector 170 mm diameter x 36.45 mm depth
tamper screws
with backbox 170 mm diameter x 71 mm depth
• Designed and tested to meet the requirements of Weight:
Ministry of Justice specification STD/E/SPEC/038 Detector 321 g
with backbox 445 g
• Independently certified to DHF TS001 for anti-ligature
use in specialist areas Materials:
Housing White flame-retardant polycarbonate
*Note: Not all features may be available when Soteria devices are connected to an Terminals Nickel plated stainless steel
XP95 or Discovery fire control panel Frontplate Stainless steel (painted)

All information in this document is given in good faith but Apollo

Fire Detectors Ltd cannot be held responsible for any omissions or
36 Brookside Road, Havant Tel: +44 (0)23 9249 2412 Email: sales@apollo-fire.com errors. The company reserves the right to change the specifications
Hampshire, PO9 1JR, UK. Fax: +44 (0)23 9249 2754 Web: www.apollo-fire.co.uk of products at any time and without prior notice.



Assessed to ISO 9001:2015 Assessed to ISO 14001:2015 Cert/LPCB ref. 010

© Apollo Fire Detectors Ltd 2020
Cert/LPCB ref. 010 Cert/LPCB ref. 010 EMS
PP2551/2020/Issue 6
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Electrical description Application

The Soteria Dimension Specialist Optical Detector is designed Fire detectors should always be installed in accordance with
to be connected to a two-wire loop circuit carrying both data all local and national laws and codes of practice.
and a 17 V to 35 V dc supply. A short-circuit isolator is also
Optical smoke detectors are recommended for general use,
integrated into the detector head.
particularly where there is a risk of slow burning fires.
The Soteria Dimension Specialist Optical Detector contains
The Soteria Dimension Specialist Optical Detector uses
two daylight filtered photo-diodes and three IR emitters
the Apollo digital CoreProtocol to allow more advanced
in different positions and angles. Different combinations
control and configuration, whilst maintaining backwards
of these are used to act as smoke sensors and proximity
compatibility with previous generations of Apollo products
sensors, to measure the smoke level at the detector and to
– Discovery and XP95. For future feature availability, please
detect any physical obstruction or in the event of a fire.
check with your panel partner.
As this detector is chamberless an IR LED emits light outside
It should be noted that not all features of the Soteria
the detector. The light is scattered by smoke back towards
Dimension Optical Detector will be available when used
the detector and registered by a photo-diode.
with Discovery or XP95 fire control panels. If the Soteria
A pair of microprocessors control these sensors, setting the Dimension Optical Detectors are used with XP95 fire control
sensor timings and using a digital phase-sensitive detection panels incorporating drift compensation algorithms, these
algorithm to reduce noise and the effect of background light. must be disabled when communicating with the Soteria
They then provide digital filtering for transient rejection, Dimension Optical Detectors.
compensation for drift and temperature, and ultimately make
an alarm decision. Device Addressing
The mode of operation may be selected at the fire control The device address may be set using an 8-bit DIL switch on
panel (see Table 1). the detector head.
Note: On mixed systems addresses 127 and 128 are reserved.
Table 1: Soteria Dimension Specialist Optical Refer to system’s panel manufacturer for further information.
Detector operating modes
Minimum Backward Compatibility
Time to
Response Value Time to
Mode Proximity The Soteria Dimension Specialist Optical Detectors have
Fault been designed to operate on XP95 and Discovery loops.
%/m* dB/m** Seconds Seconds
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
1 4.8 0.27 15 5
The Soteria Dimension Specialist Optical Detector complies
2 4.8 0.27 30 5 with the essential requirements of the EMC Directive
3 4.8 0.27 15 10 2014/30/EU, provided that it is used as described in this data
4 4.8 0.27 30 10
5 4.8 0.27 30 15 A copy of the Declaration of Conformity is available from
Apollo on request.
* Tested in grey smoke
Conformity of the Soteria Dimension Specialist Optical
** Tested in oil mist to EN 54-7 standard
Detector with the EMC Directive, does not confer compliance
With the detection region external to the detector case, The with the directive on any apparatus or systems connected to
Soteria Dimension Specialist Optical Detector is designed to it.
be flush mounted, with a very low profile.
Construction Products Regulation EU 305/2011
The device has a metal frontplate which can be locked into
place using four anti-tamper screws. This enables the device The Soteria Dimension Specialist Optical Detector complies
to be installed in rugged environments where the devices with the essential requirements of the Construction Products
may be susceptible to tampering. Regulation EU 305/2011.

Three LEDs provide status indication as detailed in the A copy of the Declaration of Performance is available from
Technical Data table (see page 1). Apollo on request.

The Soteria Dimension Specialist Optical Detector has been

designed and manufactured in the UK to exacting standards
using advanced simulation and development processes.
PP2551/2020/Issue 6
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Detector Location Testing

Correct alignment of the detector can be done by The preferred method of testing the detector is with a
positioning the arrow marked on the backbox with the Solo 365 using a special Solo 367 adapter, the process is
longest clear line of sight which is free from any ceiling described in the test equipment’s installation guide. We
mounted obstructions. The commissioning label present recommend cleaning detectors after testing using a dry
on the faceplate of the detector should line up with the lint-free cloth. For more information visit www.apollo-fire.
backbox arrow when fitted. co.uk

Refer to Figure 1 & 2 for best practice. The new FasTest® mode (CoreProtocol® only) facility on
Soteria Dimension Optical Detector, which can be enabled
Necessary Requirements: on a compatible fire control panel, facilitates quicker
testing of detectors with appropriate test equipment. The
• Always maintain the minimum clearance of 500 mm in FasTest disables both a portion of the signal processing
all directions (Figure 1) algorithm and proximity sensing to allow for a faster
• Position backbox arrow towards the longest clear line detector response, whilst ensuring that the detectors
of sight which is free from any ceiling obstructions absolute sensitivity remains identical to that of mode 3
(Figure 2) (refer to Operating Modes Table). This helps to reduce
• Only remove commissioning label, on commissioning commissioning time.
the system
• For internal use only

Figure 1: Soteria Dimension Optical Detector Siting

The commissioning label is used to aid installation,
Requirements (Minimum Clearance)
to shield from dust and to protect the lenses from
fingerprints. It must only be removed upon commisioning
of the system, as leaving the label on will report a fault to
the panel.

The installation must conform to BS5839–1 (or applicable
local codes). Because of the way Soteria Dimension >500 mm >500 mm
works, it is imperative that the windows are kept free Ensure that there are no objects within

from damage, scratches, dirt and fingerprints. The >500 mm this clearance area (e.g. tops of doors,
aircon vents, light fittings etc)
commissioning label present on the faceplate of the
detector must not be removed before any installation work
is carried out. Before commissioning please remove the
label and ensure the windows are free from fingerprints,
residue and dirt.
Figure 2: Soteria Dimension Optical Detector Siting
Maintenance & Cleaning Requirements (Correct Alignment)
Maintenance should be performed in accordance with
applicable local codes. Clean the detector with a dry, lint-
free cloth. Ensure the fire system is suitably isolated before
cleaning detectors.
>500 mm

Before investigating individual units for faults, it is >500 mm
important to check that the system wiring is fault free.
Earth faults on data loops may cause communication
errors. Many fault conditions are the result of simple wiring
errors. Check all connections to the unit.

For wiring best practices please reference our Screened

Cable Wiring in Fire Systems document (Ref.No. TSD 162),
this can be found on our website: www.apollo-fire.co.uk

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