4ut (B) 09 Aug 2022
4ut (B) 09 Aug 2022
4ut (B) 09 Aug 2022
M.Com. V Sem
Interest on capital
R 48,000
interestof loan capital
48,000 48,000
R 48,000 48,000
Rent of the house occupied
by Jand R equally 60,00060,000
Maintenance expenses of
Rs Rs
Book-profits 19,88,000
Rahui Prublications
Less: (a) Remuneration
8,00,000, or
(b) Statutony limit:
75,000 90%
60% 45,000
18,38,000 40% 7,35,200
Distribution of post-tax profit to J&R: 6,91,000-1,00,380+2 J
(d) Computation of the personal income of the Managing Directors Jand R:
Income from salary
) Salary 4,00,000 4,00,000
(i) Rent-free unfurnished house 15% of
salary (60,000) or
rent paid (30,000) which ever is less, is the value of 30,000 30,000
Free medical treatment
exempt up to Rs 15,000
(iv) Free conveyance facility
4,30,000 4,30,000
Income from other sources:
4.1.3 Tax
Planning with Reference to Industrial EstabisT
New nent
1 Newly established industrial
undertaking in free trade zones (sec. 10
2 Newly established hundred percernt export oriented undertakings. 10B)
3. Venture capital (Se
companies (Sec. 10 (23FB)1.
44. Ifrastructure capital
companies [Sec. 10(23G)]
5. Tea development account (Sec. 33AB)
b. Site restoration fund
(Sec. 33 ABA)
7. Telecommunication Services (Sec. 35ABB)
8. Reserves forshipping business (Sec. 33 AC)
9 Amortisation of certain
preliminary expenses (Sec. 35D)
10. Deduction for expenditure on
prospecting for certain minerals (Sec. 39E
11. Deduction for special reserve created
by a financial corporation under secuo
36(1) (vii).
12. Special provision for deduction in the case of business for prospecting for mineral
oil (Secs. 42 and 44BB).
13. Special provisions for computing profits & gains of business of civil construction
(Sec. 44 AD)
14. Speical provisions in the case of business of plying hiring or leasing goods
cariages(sec. 44 AE)
15. Special provisions for computing profits & gains of retail business (Sec. 44AF)
16. Special provisions in the case of shipping business (Sec. 44B)
17. Special provisions in the case of business of operation of aircraft (sec. 44BBA)
18. Special provisions in the case of certain turmkey power projects (Sec. 44BBB)
19. Special provisions in the case of royalty income of foreign companies (Sec. 44D)
20 Profits& Gains from certain inducstrial undertakings engaged in infrastructure,
etc (Sec. 80 - IA)
21. Profits & gains from certain industrial undertaking other than infrastructure
development undertaking (Sec. 80-1B)
22 Profits from industial undertakings situated in certain states (Sec. 80-1C)
23. Profits & gains from the business of collecting & processing of bio-degradable
waste (Sec. 80 JJA)
Rahul Publicatin
24. Employment of new
workmen (Sec. 80JJAA)
25. Special tax
provision under sections 115A, 115AB, 115AC, 115AD,
115BB, 115BBA and 115D. 115B,
Special Provisions in Respect of Newly Established
Free Trade Zone, etc. Undertakings in
(Sec. 10A) (or) Export-Processing Zones (EPZ)
The provisions of Sec. 10A are
given below:
Condition to be Satisfied
In order to get
undertaking must satisfy the following
1 Must begin manufacture or
production in free trade zone
2 Should not be formed by
spliting/ Reconstruction of business
3 Should not be formed by transfer of
old machinery.
There must be
repatriation of sale proceeds into India.
The assessee should furnish audit
report in form No. 56F along with the return of
Return of inocme should be submitted on or before the due date of submission of
return of income given by sec. 139(1). If return is not submitted or submitted
belatedly, deduction under this section is not available.
Amount of Deduction
If the a fore said conditions are satisfied, the deduction U/S 10A may be computed
as under:
Profits of the business of the
undertaking x
Export turnover
Total turnover of the bu sin ess caried on
by the undertaking
The following points should be considered
1. Sale of software by one STP to another STP within the
as deemed
country cannot be treated
export for the purpose of exemption U/S 10 A.
2 On site development of computer software outside India shall be
deemed to be
export of computer software outside Inida.
Ruhnl Publications
Amount of Deduction
If the above conditions are satisfied, the d US 10B may be computed as under:
Profits of the business of the undertakingx
Export turnover
Total turnover of the bu sin ess camied on by the undertaking
Export Turnover
It means the consideration in respect of export by the undertaking of articles or
3 Any excess deposit in special account made during a previous year is not
treated as deposit made in the next year or my other year.
The assessee must satisfy the following condtitons.
M.Com. V Sem UNIT-IV
previous year.
The accounts of the assessee should be audited.
Amount of Deduction
Amount of deduction is
dUS 35ABB is availableif the following conditions are satisfied:
T h e expenditure is capital in nature.
Expenses incured at the foll two stages are qualitied for d U's 35D:
Rahul Publicatieus
M.Com. IV Sem
Qualifying Expenditure
The heads of qualifying expenditure specified
for this purpose are the following:
Amount of Deduction
five successive years beginning with the year in which the business commences, or as
the case may be, the previous year in which the extension of the industrial under taking
is completed or the new-industrial unit commences production or operation.
Sec. 35E provides for the amortization of expenditure incurred wholly and
exclusively on any operation relating to prospecting for the minerals or group of
associated minerals or on the development of a mine or other natural deposit of my
such minerals or group of assOciated minerals.
Rahut Puhlications
Who can claim deduction:
d u/s 35E is allowed only in the case of Indian companies and resident asseSsees
other than companies. The benefit of amortisation is
not available to a foreign company
even if such company declares its dividends in India.
qualiftying expenditure should be incured during the "year of commercial
production" and four years
immediately preceding that year.
The foll
are not
included in qualifying expenditure
1. Expenditure which is met directly or indirectly by any
person or authority.
2. Any proceeds realised by the assessee from sale,
salvage, compensation etc.
3 Expenditure on the acquisition of the site of the source and on the acquisition of
the deposits.
4 Expenditure ofcapital nature in respect of any building, machinery, plant
furniture for which deposit is admissible u/s 32.
Amount and Period of Deduction
The amortisation of
qualifying expenditure is allowed in equal instalments over a
period of 10 years.
a one-tenth of qualifying expenditure or
b) Income of the previous year arising from
deposit of minerals of any other nature. Whichever isexploitation
of any mine or
11. Deduction for special reserve
created by a financial
36(1)(vii): corporation u/s
The scheme of sec. 36(1)(ii) is given below :
Who can claim deduction: du/s
36(1)(vii) is available to the foll.
a) a financial corporation (including a
public co, and a govt. co.) which is
in providing
long-term finance for industrial or agricultural engaged
development of infrastructure facility in India or development or
b) a public
company formed and registered in India with the
on the business of main object of carrying
providing long-term finance for construction or purchase of
residential houses in India.
Amount of Deduction
An amount of d u/s 36(1)(vii) is as follows
a the amount transferred during the previous year to the
special reserve account
created for the purpose of sec.36(1)(vii) or
20% (40% upto the assessment year 2007-08) of the profits derived from the
b business activities which is computed u/s 28 but before claiming d /s 36(1)(vii)
c) 200% of (paid up share capital and general reserve as on the last day of the
previous year) minus the balance of the special reserve account of the first day of
the previous year.
whichever is lower.
12. Special provision for deduction in the case of business for prospecting
for mineral oil (Sec. 42)
Sec.42 is applicableifthe foil. Conditions are satistied
1 The taxpayer may be a resident or non-resident.
2 The taxpayer has a business consisting of the prospecting for or extraction or
production of mineral oils. For this purpose "mineral oil" includes petroleum and
natural gas.
3. In relation to the above business, the central govt. hasenteredintoanagreement
with the taxpayer for the association or participation of the cental govt in such
The agreement has been laid on the table of each house of parliament.
If the above conditions are satisfied, then the foll deduction shall be allowed as
arespecified in the agreement.
bb) after the beginning of commercial production, expenditure incumed by the assessee
in respect of drilling or exploration activities or services or in respect of physical
assets used in that connection.
c)allowances in relation to the depletion of mineral oil in the mining area in respect
of the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which commercial
production is begun and for such succeeding year or years as may be specitied
in the agreement.
income from activities connected with
b) Computation of taxable
exploration of mineral oils (Sec.44BB):
The provisions of sec.44BB are given below
2 Ine assessee is
engaged in the business of providing services
connection with, ör and tacilities In
the exploration
supplying plant and machinery on hire, used or to be used in
for, and exploitation of mineral oils.
Consequences if the above
conditions are satisfied The foll provisions
applicable, if the above are
1. The
conditions are satisfied
provisions of sections 28 to 41, 43 and 43A are not
2. Income is calculated at the applicable.
rate of 10% of the amounts
3 The amounts in
given below:
respect of which the provisions to the tax
on his behalf payer or to any perso
whether in or out of India. On account of the
services or facilities or provision of atoresaid
supplying plant and machinery for the aforesaid purposes.
This amount also includes the amouns received or deemed to be received in
India on account of such services or facilities or
supply of plant and machinery.
4 The aforesaid
provision shall not, however, apply to any income to which the
provisions of sec. 42, 44D, 115A or 293A apply.
13. Special provisions for computing profits and gains of business of
civil construction (Sec. 44AD) : The
provisions of sec.44AD are given
Conditions : Sec.44AD is applicable only if the foll conditions are satisfied
1. The tax payer may be an
individual, HUF; AOP BOI, firm, company co-operative
society or any other person. He or it may be a resident non-resident.
or a
2. He is not required to get his books of account audited u/s 44AB in respect of
the aforesaid business.
14. Special provisions in the case of business of plying. hiring or leasing
goods carriages (Sec. 44AE)
The provisions of Sec.44AE are given below
Conditions Sec.44AE applicable only if the foll. conditions are satisfied:
1 The taxpayer may be in
individual, HUF, AOP BOI, firm, cormpany, co-operative
sOCXiety or any other person. He or it may be a resident or a
Tax payer is engaged in the business of
plying, hiring or leasing goods carriages.
3. The taxpayer runs not more than 10 goods carriages at anytime during the
previous year. For this purpose, a taxpayer who is in possession of a goods
carriage, whether taken on hire purchase or on instalments and for which the
whole or part of the anount payable is still due, shall be deemed to be the owner
of such goods caiage.
Consequences : The following are the consequences if Sec.44AE is applicable.
1 Income to be calculated on estimated basis as follows
Types of Goods carriage Estimated Income
Heavy goods vehicle Rs.3,500 for every month (or part of a month)
during which the goods carriage is owned by
the taxpayer.
Other than heavy goods vehicle Rs. 3,150 for everymonth (or part of a month)
during which the goods carriage is owned by
the taxpayer.
tu iiu! Publieations
18. Special provisions in the case of certain turn key power projects
Sec.44BBB is applicable if the following conditions are satistied
The taxpayer is a foreign company or non-resident non-corporate asessee.
The taxpayer carries on a business in India through a permanent establishment
situeted in india.
The taxpayer gets income by way of royalty orfees for technical services.
ihe above royalty or technical fees is received from -
Pib?icut?ons 332 J-
6 The right, property or contract in respect of which the royalties or fees for technical
services are paid to the taxpaver is effectively connected Witn
establishment or fixed place of profession.
20. Profits and gains from industrial
etc. (sec. 801A) :
undertakings.engaged in infrastructure
d u/s 801A is available only to the following undertakings
1. provision of infrastructure facility
2. Telecommunication services
3. Industrial parks
Power generation, transmission and distriution or substantial renovation and
modernisation of existing distribution lines.
5 Undertaking setup for reconstruction of a power unit.
6 (From the assessment year 2008-09 onwards) a cross-countey natural gas
distribution network.
The provision of Sec.80IA are given below:
the following
Conditions : An undertking providing infrastructure facility must satisty
1. It should provide infrastructure facility
Amount of Deduction
If all the above conditions
are satistied, then 100% of the profit is deductible for
the first 10 years.
other than
21. Profits and gains from certain industrial under-takings
infrastructure development undertakings
(sec.801B) :
to difterent industrial undertakings as follows
d u/s 80 IB is available
industrial undertaking
1. Business of an
2. Operation of ship
3. Hotels
4. Industrial research
5. Production of mineral oil
1. It should be a new undertaking
Raul Publications
Amount of Deduction
Amount deductible
1. Sikkim, North-eastem
U0% of profit& gains of the industrial undertaking for 10
states i.e., Arunachal years commencing from the initial assessment year
pradesh, Assam,
Manipur, Meghalaya
Mizoram, Nagaland
2. Himachal pradeshor undertaking for the
uttaranchal. OU% of profit & grains of the industrial
irst years commencing with the initial assessment year&
25%(30% in the case of a company) for the next 5 years.
28. Profits & gains from the business of collecting and processing ot b i o
degradable waste (sec. 80JJA) : Sec. 80JJA is applicable where the gross
TOal income of an assessee includes any profits and gains derived from the
Amount of Deduction : The whole of the profits and gains of the above
with the
shall be deductible for a period of 5 consequtive asessment years beginning
assessment year relevant to the previous year in which such business commences.
oteia w Rahul Publications
Amount of Deduction
The amount of deduction is equal to 30% of additional wages paid to the new
On the other
hand, no such contractual oavments are if
the project Is tinanced required to be
7. Future rate of return (after tax): The effect of the proposed capital structure
on the future rate of return (after tax) on equity should also be kept in mind while
making the capital structure decision.
The cost of raising borrowed capital, that is, stamp duty, registration fees, legal
expenses, etc., is deductible in computing taxable profits
iv Debt equity may not be preferred in cases where gestation period is quite long.
The liability to pay interest and repayment of the loan instalment will be a burden
on the resources of the concern. Unabsorbed interest will increase business loss
which cannot be caried forward for more than 8 years.
vv) Where interest on debt equity is payable outside India, or it is payable to a non-
resident in India, no deduction is allowed unless the tax has been deducted at
source and paid within the prescribed time under Sec. 200(1). To avoid
disallowance of interest, tax should be deducted and paid within the prescribed
vi) Rate of internal returm on investment should also be taken into account in deciding
debt equity ratio. Where rate of internal return is less than the rate of interest,
owner's equity should be preferred instead of debt equity.
Z Ltd., needs an investment of Rs 6 crore for a project during the previous year
2008-2009. Rate of tax is 33.99%. Rate of interest is 20%. Determine a suitable
combination of owner's equity and debt equity if the rate of return is expected at ()
25%; (i) 15%. Equity will be divided into shares of Rs 100 each.
Selecting optimum combination of debt equity and owner equity: 6,00,00,000
Rahul Publicatio#s
shareholderholding substantial interest provided the loan should not have been
made in the ordinary course of
business and money-lending should not be a
substantial of
part the company's business.
If dividend comes
tax u/s 115-0 & in the hands of
then the
payer-company will pay dividend
receipent shareholders, it is not chargeable
to tax.