Name: Adamu Hamis Kingwande
Form four index number: S5490/0051/2021
Applicant number: 119512-MU-2024
Mzumbe University is pleased to inform you that you have been selected for admission into BACHELOR
OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE IN PUBLIC SECTOR programme oered at Mzumbe University
MAIN (MOROGORO) campus for the academic year 2024/2025. This is a three (3) years programme
commencing on the 21st October, 2024 .
Before you report on the opening date 21st October, 2024 make sure you complete online registration
through the link that will be provided in your admission account available at
(use your username and password you created during application to log in you admission account). You will
be required to pay the minimum tuition fees and other incidental costs using payment control number
that will be collected at some stages in your online registration process. Please nd the schedule of payment
instalments in the joining instructions appended to this admission letter. Kindly observe that no student
is allowed to report at Mzumbe University without completion of the online registration process.
You will receive notication through your mobile phone after we have veried your online registration.
You will be assigned student s registration number and new password for your student online account.
When you report at the campus please submit at the admission oce a printed registration
form from your student account, CERTIFIED copies of your birth certicate, all academic
certicates, transcripts and other relevant certicates that supported your application.
You will make booking for accommodation upon completion of your online registration. It should however
be noted that a priority for on-campus accommodation will be given to those who will complete online
registration earlier.
Enclosed herein nd our joining instructions to this University for more details.
Dr.Orest Masue
For: Vice Chancellor
Mzumbe University