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ELSEVIER Thermochimica Acta 285 (1996) 259 267
Methods are described to determine nonisothermal kinetic parameters from a TG curve. The
first method uses the theory of overdetermined systems while the others use the inflection points.
These inflection point methods are an alternative to those described earlier by Viswanath and
1. Introduction
* Corresponding author.
of reaction to get a linear plot. In these two methods, the pre-exponential factor and
activation energy are determined graphically.
Viswanath and Gupta [5] reported several methods for the estimation of all the
kinetic parameters by considering the inflection point of the TG curve. The accuracy of
the evaluation of the parameters by these methods depends on the ability to locate the
inflection point accurately from the curve. We have applied this method [5] to the
study of the thermal decomposition of polycarbonate bisphenol A in the presence and
absence of some metal oxides [6]. In this communication, new derivative methods are
reported for the estimation of all nonisothermal kinetic parameters. The first method
uses the overdetermined system method. The order of reaction obtained from this
method is used for the graphical method for ascertaining the correctness of the
estimates of the parameters. Other methods use the inflection point as the basis for the
determination of kinetic parameters.
To illustrate these methods, the data for calcium oxalate decomposition reported by
Schempt et al. [7], the thermal decomposition of the solid complex formed by the
ligand 2-carboxyl-2'-hydroxyl-3',5'-dimethyl azobenzene (CHDMA) and cobalt [8],
and the TG measurements on the thermal decomposition of Cu, Ni and Co sulfates
have been re-examined.
2. Experimental
where Wo, We, and Wr, are the initial mass, final residual mass and mass of the sample at
any temperature T, respectively. The logarithmic form Arrhenius rate equation is
written as
where n, A fl and E~ are the order, pre-exponential factor, rate of heating and activation
energy of a reaction, respectively.
For x data points, there should be x equations of the above type and there are three
unknowns, namely n, A and E~, to be determined; if there are more equations than
unknowns to be determined, such a set of equations forms an overdetermined system.
The theory for finding the least-square solution of an overdetermined system of
S.G. Viswanath,M.C. Gupta/ThermochimicaActa 285 (1996) 259-267 261
=~1 =n ln(1-~xi)--~E~; ~ 1
i= In -d-~i i=1 (gJi=l Tii + l n x (3)
lnfde) 1 x 1 ~E~ 1 2
-- --=n21n(1-~/) - 2 +In ~ 1
,=, (dTJ, T, i=l Tii [ R J,=, ~ ,=, ~ (5)
Eqs.(3)-(5) are solved by either an analytical or a matrix m e t h o d to obtain the
parameters; in the present case, they are solved as described earlier [4].
The correct order of reaction obtained from the analytical solution of Eqs. (3)-(5) is
substituted into Eq. (2), which can be rewritten as
d~ 1-
ln(k) = In { [ ~ 1 / [ c~]"} = - {R@} + l n { ~ } (6)
The plot of ln(k) against 1000/T results in a straight line. The results of both solutions
are presented in Table 1 and plots are shown in Fig. 1. The correlation coefficient (C.R.)
and percent average deviation (A.D.) [5] of the points from the regression line are also
presented in Table 1.
Table 1
Nonisothermal decomposition kinetic parameters from the overdetermined system method
Analytical solution Graphical solution
- 4.757
"-" ~ - 5 0 0
- 8 . ~-OS J
0.890 0.99,3 1. 0 9 6 1.1Sl9 1...-302 1.4-05 ?, ~5C)~
Fig. 1. Plots from the solution of the overdetermined system method: ©, Co(II)CHDMA; X~
CAC204; + ,NiSO¢; 121,COSO4; and A, CuSO 4.
At the inflection point, the second derivative (d20~/d T 2) = 0 and (da/d T) is maximum.
The equation at the inflection point can be written
Table 2
Nonisothermal decomposition kinetic parameters from the alternate absolute method
44.5 IG -
X )~ X × xXX
z- Cz - o c ) .
Fig. 2. Plots from the alternate absolute method: o, CaC20,,; x, NiSO4; +, COSO4; and [], CuSO~.
Table 3
Nonisothermal decomposition kinetic parameters from the alternate standard method
I -6,573
"D - 7 . 20.-0
-~9. z ~ 5 9 I I I I I I
-38 -1.009 -0.92
1ooo{1,~ (' I - < ) /~-1/T } .----.
Fig. 3. Plots from the alternate standard method: (3, CAC204; x , NiSO4; + , COSO4; and C3, CuSO4.
a straight line, from which E= and A are determined. Table 4 lists the results obtained
using n values from the alternate absolute method and Fig. 4 depicts the plots.
Similarly, n obtained from the alternate standard method can also be used to obtain
such plots.
3. Discussion
Table 4
Nonisothermal decomposition kinetic parameters from the additional standard method
t -6.704-
-7. 5 5 3
-8.4.0 I I I
0.890 0.993 1.09~; 1.199 1.302 L~05 1.508
Fig. 4. Plots from the additional standard method: ©, Co(II)CHDMA; ×, CAC204; + , NiSO4; [], COSO4:
and ~, CuSO 4.
T~, E,, and (dcqdt)s. The parameters obtained for the thermal decomposition of the
compounds by all the methods are in good agreement, except for Co(II)CHDMA
complex. Therefore, the parameters calculated from the overdetermined system
method give more accurate results, as the A.D. values are lower while the C.R. values
are higher than for other methods.
The pre-exponential factor A for the Co(II)CHDMA complex is almost zero and the
activation energy is small. This may indicate that this is a weak complex and its
decomposition is kinetically favored. In the present treatment of nonisothermal
kinetics, it is assumed that (a) a reaction follows a simple order, (b) the temperature
dependence of the rate of mass loss is governed by the Arrhenius equation, and (c) the
266 S.G. Viswanath, M.C. Gupta/Thermochimica Acta 285 (1996) 259 267
reaction mechanism takes no account of the solid state decomposition reaction, the
kinetic parameters of which may vary with various factors. However, the entire analysis
is based on the criterion of the degree of fit of the data.
Furthermore, it may be noted that the physical properties and the chemical
stoichiometry change during nonisothermal analysis. Such changes may result in
a change in the activation energy. Therefore, in the method it is desirable to define
a region in the space (c~,T) for which E~ is constant in the analysis of the T G
experiments. A constant activation energy suggests that a single mechanism will
describe the kinetics in this region. Conversely, if E~ is changing, it is certain that
a change in kinetics or a physical or chemical change, or both, is taking place. Hence, in
the data analysis by these methods, the criterion of the fit reasonably exhibits the
constancy of E~ in the range of temperature. A change in kinetics of the decomposing
spectrum frequently results from a shift in a physical-diffusion-limited case to a chemi-
cal-reaction-limited case, or vice versa [9]. It can be observed that the direct fitting of
thermoanalytical data leads to more exact kinetic parameters compared to the usual
methods of linearizing. The large variation in the values of A may be attributed to
enthalpy-entropy compensation. As the E~ increases, A must increase so that the
reaction is thermodynamically (entropy) favored. This will mean that the magnitude of
n, A, and E~ provide the understanding of the reactivity of solids. In solid state
reactions, the crystal is an association of molecules/atoms/ions with long-range
interaction between them; the relative arrangement determines the physical and
chemical properties as well as the disturbances and the reactivity of solids [10].
All thermal decomposition reactions can be classified into two groups. The first
includes chemical reactions in which rupture and formation of new bonds occur locally.
The second group covers reactions in which changes are transferred within a path
length much longer than interatomic distances. The change can be carried by electrons
or ions. Reactions which belong to the first group usually start at the surface. The
second group of reactions involves the volume of the crystal [11]. Thus defects may
play an important role in solid state reactions. The creation and distribution of defects
are entropy-favored. Therefore, a large value of A indicates that the reaction is a surface
reaction. The process involves a mechanism which is due to a large disturbance in the
solids (entropy-favored), such as the nucleation and growth of active centers on the
surface or the diffusion of species (electron or ion) through the lattice. Thus the rate
constant is related to the formation of the active centers at the surface.
It has been shown by Mental and Anderson [12] that the decomposition of C a C 2 0 4
is a first-order process, that there is an electron transition from oxalate to metal (Ca)
through interstitial defects, and that the reaction is a surface reaction which occurs at
the interface separating the parent crystal and the product.
The decomposition of NiSO 4 leads to the product NiO and order is 1/3. This gives
the functional form of the rate law similar to the Arvami-Erofeev mechanism of
nucleation and growth. Koga and Tanaka [13] reported that the decomposition of
NiSO 4 proceeds by surface and random nucleation and growth near the reaction front
as well as in bulk.
The decomposition of CoSO 4 is characterized by a contracting area geometry
model and is affected by the distribution of the active surface centers. The decompo-
S.G. Viswanath, M.C. Gupta/Thermochimica Acta 285 (1996) 259-267 267
4. Conclusions