Formica Laminate Patterns Collection en
Formica Laminate Patterns Collection en
Formica Laminate Patterns Collection en
The first and original
Formica Group invented high pressure laminates in 1913.
Pioneers by definition, our iconic Formica® brand
represents the quintessence of laminates.
Inspired by life
Laminates entered people’s daily lives and made modernity
dreams come true and accessible. Similarly, the demand for
multifunctional, practical and durable designed surfaces is a
constant inspiration for our Formica® Collections. At rest, at
leisure, at work.
enhance the overall look of your interior through design
and texture. Our innovative design process combines
reclaimed materials, handcrafted artworks and modern
techniques to create surfaces that exude a contemporary
and timeless appeal.
F0193 Xenon
F8382 White Chip
F1535 Tornado
F8381 Spectra Chip
F8822 Denim
F8578 Sund Elm
F7902 Iron
F5935 Purbeck Flint
F8239 Henna
F8578 Sund Elm
F1194 Iris
F3209 Sol
F8812 F8813
Tinted Paper Terrazzo Paper Tonal Paper Terrazzo Paper
F9684 F9685
Natural Recycled Kraft Essence Black Recycled Kraft Essence
F3476 F7403
Jet Sequoia AR Plus® Nero Marquina Satin NDF
Engineered Style & Functionality
Offering a sleek and modern look, These calm and mottled decors are
the Engineered series is inspired by adaptable to any colour scheme with
materials used throughout the built low-contrast colour options and warm
environment and embraces the variety tones reminiscent of plaster effects.
of colours and patterns that they offer. Perfectly complemented with our new
Perfectly engineered for contemporary Arcosa texture, the decors are enhanced
interior spaces. with this slightly eroded, grainy and matt
surface finish.
Our new Chip decors make a feature
palette of the collection, delivering a Taking inspiration from engineered stones,
contemporary twist on classic terrazzo. our new Neo decors present an element of
Developed in collaboration with UK based tranquillity and harmony to any space. The
designer Olivia Aspinall, the decors bring gentle clouded pattern and colourways
a bold and artisanal look, to create spaces allow for versatility and flexibility, making
that exude energy and expression. With the palette suitable for a wide range of
four diverse and versatile colourations, the design styles and applications.
Chip decors seamlessly combine with the
Formica® Colors Collection, allowing for The Engineered series offers a
a truly integrated design experience. contemporary and sophisticated look to
interior surfaces through innovative decors,
While concrete and plaster are a mainstay diverse colourations and complementary
in interior design, our new Lulworth and design possibilities.
Purbeck Flint decors embrace a subtle
and sophisticated appearance, compared
to what can be a harsh industrial trend.
F8832 Elemental Corten
Swatches displayed are shown at 1:1 scale
Concrete Formwood Honed
A Fusion of Colour & Texture
F2255 F7923
Polar White Monolith Surf Monolith
F7927 F1994
Folkestone Monolith Fox Monolith
F7837 F8793
Graphite Monolith Green Slate Monolith
Lustrous Elegance
Introducing the opulent Frosted series of The carefully curated palette ranging from
pearlescent high pressure laminates. creamy white tones to trend-led burnished
colours bring a sense of lustre to an interior
Our latest introduction is inspired by the space. With its stunning palette including
shimmering beauty of seawater pearls warmer notes of gold and copper, the
and the delicate sheen of satin materials. collection seamlessly combines metallic
The new Frosted Pearl decor will inspirations with pearlescent aesthetics,
transform an interior ambience into a realm blending luxury and elegance.
of elegance.
The Frosted series harmoniously
offers versatility and sophistication to
the collection.
F5489 Espresso Pear
F6349 F6350
Frosted Pearl Gloss Frosted Dusk Gloss
F6352 F6351
Frosted Gold Gloss Frosted Copper Gloss
Frosted Jade Gloss
Metal Effects
Industrial Chic
Steel Metal Matte 58
Classic Luxury with Modern Functionality
Textiles and fabrics are used extensively structured textile designs are the perfect
throughout building interiors, typically as choice for environments where fabrics
soft furnishings to add warmth, tactility would not normally be practical.
and to introduce pattern. The new Textile
series extends the possibilities of where Much like warp and weft yarns, our new
these looks can be used, with enhanced Cotton and Woolen Cloth decors mirror
performance and functionality. the evolving classic of a woven twill.
Offering the appearance of textile Each design showcases complex weaving
materials, encapsulated in highly durable through intricately detailed patterns that
laminate, each decor is suitable for high harmonise perfectly with the Woven
traffic applications on tables, walls and palettes’ bolder style.
furniture, blending classic luxury with
modern functionality. With our highly adaptable but visually
authentic new Natural Gray Felt decor,
Turning attention to sophisticated fabrics the office industry’s ever popular felt
typically seen in classic fashion garments, material has undergone a revolutionary
woven material inspired designs feature upgrade. The soft aesthetic of felt can
a multidirectional new Flint Plaid decor now become a reality on a wider variety of
alongside a variety of neutral fabric tones. vertical and horizontal applications.
With monochrome linen weaves available
in three complementary Textile decors, the No matter what the environment,
palette effortlessly exudes understated the Textile series will turn design ideas
sophistication. Breaking the boundaries into a reality, creating visual drama through
of woven material, these classic and material-inspired decors.
F2770 Sarum Grey
Flint Plaid Plex
Hand Crafted Elegance
Inspired by the natural world, but 100% The Painted Marble decors give a fluid and
Formica® brand original artworks, the abstract appearance reminiscent of natural
Abstract series decors have been stones, but also highlight the unique
exclusively hand-designed. craftsmanship involved in their creation.
F5014 F5015
White Painted Marble Satin NDF Black Painted Marble Satin NDF
F9511 F9510
Layered Sand Arcosa Layered Black Sand Arcosa
Starched Paperfold Paper
Bold Graphic Patterns & Optical Solids
Inspired by intricate patterns and abstract From a vivid pop of colour to muted tones,
shapes, the Geo-optics series celebrates the Geo-optic series offers an adaptable
the Formica® brand heritage for bold palette to bring just the right balance to an
graphic pattern. interior.
Designs within the series have been The Geo-optic series is the perfect range
carefully curated, featuring micro-scale to create an eye-catching focal point
patterns that combine retro themes with through geometric shapes and pattern.
the modern flair of abstract art.
F6944 VirrVarr Blue
F1936 F1787
Lava Dust Matte 58 Grey Dust Matte 58
AR Plus®
Matte 58 Paper
Essence MON
Satin NDF
Plex Honed
Full sheet layouts
F1936 F1787
Lava Dust MAT Grey Dust MAT
F9535 Flint Plaid
Patterns Sheet size (mm)
Code Decor LRV Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade:
Code Decor LRV Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade: Grade:
Formica® Laminate
Sheets (thin) consisting of layers of wood-based fibers impregnated with thermosetting resins and a surface decor on one side
Grade: HPL/EN438-3 HGP: Horizontal, General Purpose, Postforming high pressure decorative laminate
HPL/EN438-3 HGS: Horizontal, General Purpose, Standard high pressure decorative laminate
HPL/EN 438-8 ATP: Pearlescent, Gloss, Light Duty, Postforming high pressure decorative laminate
Thickness: 0.7mm / 1.2mm Gloss (Frosted series), single sided
Additional flame retardant grades are available on request (please check for available options)
The RAW series of reclaimed decor papers use small-batch craft production; therefore, each sheet is unique and natural
Formica® Compact
Sheets (thick) consisting of layers of wood-based fibers impregnated with thermosetting resins and surface decor
on one or both sides
Grade: HPL/EN438-4 CGS: Compact, General Purpose, Standard high pressure decorative laminate
HPL/EN 438-8 ACS: Pearlescent, Gloss, Light Duty, Compact, Standard high pressure decorative laminate
Thickness: Single sided 2, 2.5, 3 mm / Double sided 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20 mm
Additional flame retardant grades are available on request (please check for available options)
Product data sheets, including applicable fire rating, can be accessed on
Recommended applications
AR Plus® AB AB
Arcosa ACO AC
Essence ESC ES
Gloss GLS 90
Honed AHD 77
Matte 58 MAT 58
Monolith MON ML
Paper PPR PA
General They may or may not be exact and are provided for white = 100 and therefore total light reflection.
The information given in this brochure is correct guidance only. NCS and RAL Classic notations The main purpose of this value is to indicate
at the time of publication. However, as we have provided have been established from a standard measured colour contrast between two surfaces,
a policy of constant product development and matt laminate sample. Please note that different which need to be readily distinguishable within an
improvement, product specifications may change surface finishes (texture structure and gloss levels) environment (under static conditions, a difference
in the future. Visit, or can have an effect on colour perception. When of 30 units between two colours is considered
for technical data, as the most up-to-date source exact colour information is required, or for cross- adequate). LRVs stated may or may not be exact
of information. Not all certifications stated are material matching (HPL to other materials), please and are provided for guidance only.
applicable or available for all Formica® products. always refer to an actual laminate sample in the
Please check that the product you require is specified finish. Please note
covered by a relevant certification or is suitable For non-solid colour decors, where there are
for your specific application, in advance of order Light Reflectance Value multiple colours across the design, the stated
placement. Light Reflectance Value (LRV) is a value indicating LRV is an average value taken from multiple
the proportion of light reflected by a colour, when measurements across the decor and must be used
Colour system notations measured under standard daylight conditions. with caution. The individual colours in a pattern,
NCS® and RAL Classic notations represent the This guidance uses a scale of 0-100, where 0 = woodgrain or stone design can differ more than 30
closest match available in the particular system. black and therefore total light absorption, whereas LRV units within the design itself.
UK/EN 02/24
General Liability General Conditions
The information provided by Formica Group Formica is not liable (neither contractual nor All sales of Formica® brand products are
(“Formica”) in this document is solely indicative. non-contractual) for any damage arising from governed by the Formica General Terms and
The information given in this brochure is correct or related to the use of this document, except if Conditions of Sale in effect at the time of sale
at the time of publication. However, as we have and to the extent that such damage is the result and contained in every order acknowledgement
a policy of constant product development of willful misconduct or gross negligence on and are available upon request.
and improvement, product specifications the part of Formica and/or its management.
may change in the future. Visit, or The limitation of liability applies to all parties Intellectual Property for technical data, as the most up- affiliated with Formica, including but not limited All intellectual property rights and other
to-date source of information. Formica does not to its officers, directors, employees, affiliated rights regarding the content of this document
warrant that the information in this document is enterprises, suppliers, distributors, agents and (including logos, marks, text and photographs)
suitable for your specific purpose. Colour system representatives. are owned by Formica Group and/or its licensors.
notations represent the closest match available
in the particular system. They may or may not be Formica, the Formica Anvil Device and AR Plus
exact and are provided for guidance only. When are registered trademarks of The Diller
exact colour information is required, please Corporation.
always refer to an actual laminate sample in the © 2024 The Diller Corporation
specified finish.