Operating Systems (ICT 2258)
Operating Systems (ICT 2258)
Operating Systems (ICT 2258)
Answer all the questions.
Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed.
1A) Suppose a disk drive has 2000 cylinders numbered 0 to 1999. Consider a disk queue with request (5)
for read/write operations to blocks on cylinder: 125, 248, 1228, 434, 121,612, 728, 58, 1436, 888,
928. Assume that disk head is currently at cylinder 641, and the previous request was at cylinder
1369. With neat diagrams show the disk scheduling using LOOK, C-LOOK, SSTF algorithms.
Calculate the total head movements and the average seek time for each of these disk scheduling
1B) Show the allocation of files in the disk space that has the capacity of 32 blocks (0-31) for the below (3)
allocation methods and directory structures.
i) Contiguous allocation with directory structure given by Table 1B.
ii) Global file allocation table is given by Table 1B ii, while directory structure is depicted in Table
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1C) Consider the Table 1C with four processes and their arrival time, CPU burst length. (2)
Calculate the average turnaround time of the processes if they are scheduled using SJF-non-pre-
emptive algorithm. Show the Gantt chart for the processes.
2A) A system implements paging as described. The Logical address space is 64MB, frame size is 2KB. (5)
Number of frames in physical memory is 16.
i) How many bits are required for the page offset?
ii) How many entries are there in the page table?
iii) What is the logical address for physical address 2000(decimal)
iv) What is the physical address for logical address 256(decimal)
2B) With a neat figure discuss contiguous, linked and indexed allocation for file. (3)
2C) Consider the segment table Table 2C. Calculate the physical address for each of the logical (2)
addresses, and mention if a trap is produced.
i) . < 1 1800> ii) < 2 2000>
3A) A system uses 3 page frames for storing process pages in main memory. Assume that all the page (5)
frames are initially empty. Using FIFO, LRU and Optimal Page Replacement policies, what is the
total number of page faults that will occur while processing the page reference string given below:
4 , 7, 6, 1, 7, 6, 1, 2, 7, 2
Also calculate the hit ratio and miss ratio.
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3B) What is the average access time for transferring 512 bytes of data with the following specifications: (3)
• Average seek time = 5 msec
• Disk rotation = 6000 RPM
• Data rate = 40 KB/sec
• Controller overhead = 0.1 msec
3C) Consider a logical address space of 64 pages of 1024 words each, mapped onto a physical (2)
memory of 32 frames.
i) How many bits are there in the logical address?
ii) How many bits are there in the physical address?
4A) Consider a system with five processes P1 through P5 and three resource types A,B,C. Resource (5)
type A has 12 instances, B has 7 instances and type C has 8 instances. Suppose at time t 0
following snapshot of the system are given in Table 4A.
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