Speech Act Theory

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Department of English Studies

Semantics and Pragmatics

Professor Dr. M. Afkir

Chapter 3
Speech Act Theory

● Chapter 3 will shed light on the following aspects:

1. Austin’s Speech Act Theory

1-1 Saying as doing
1-2 Textual characteristics
1-3 Felicity conditions

2. Searle’s Speech Act theory

2-1 Explicit and less explicit speech acts
2-2 Rules and conditions

1. Austin’s Speech Act Theory

● Speech act theory is a basic area in pragmatics. It was first developed

by the British philosopher John Austin in a series of lectures that
were, later on, compiled in the book How to Do Things with Words

1-1 Saying is doing

● Speech act theory is based on the belief that speakers use language
to perform actions. Austin (1962:1) pointed out that “many utterances
which look like statements are either not intended at all, or only
intended in part, to record or impart straightforward information
about the facts.”

● There are sentences the uttering of which involves “the doing of an

action” (Austin, 1962:5).

● This theory implies the following:

● Not all sentences are propositions that can be true or


● By saying something, the speaker may be doing something.

● These utterances fulfill actions, such as naming, sentencing,

bequeathing, etc.

● Austin called these utterance performatives and distinguished them

from other types of propositions.

- constatives

- ethical utterances

- phatic utterances

a. I do (take this woman to be my lawful wedded wife)

(uttered in the course of a marriage ceremony in a

b. I name this ship the ‘Queen Elizabeth’.

c. I give and bequeath my watch to my brother.

d. I bet you sixpence it will rain tomorrow.

● Austin segmented a speech act into three components. That

is, when speakers produce an utternace, they do three

different ‘things’ with this utterance.

● A locutionary act (A locution): it is the act of saying something.

It is the uttering of an expression.

● An illocutionary act (An illocution): It is the act performed

(naming, sentencing, betting, promising …..). It is the
illocutioanary force of an utterance

Cruse (2000:331) stated,

Communication is not just a matter of expressing propositions

[…]. To communicate we express propositions with a particular
illocutionary force, and in doing so we perform particular kinds
of action.
● A perlocutionary act (A perlocution): A perlocutionary act
refers to the “consequential effects” of an utterance on the

Wardhaugh and Fuller (2015:251) stated that

Illocutions also often cause listeners to do things. To that

extent they are perlocutionary. If you say ‘I bet you a dollar
he’ll win’ and I say ‘on’, your illocutionary act of offering a
bet has led to my perlocutionary uptake of accepting it.

1-2 Textual characteristics

● Performatives include a verb that realizes an action (name, bequeath,

sentence…), and the verb is in the present tense.

● Performatives have a first person subject.

● Performatives may include the adverb ‘hereby’: I hereby

name this ship.......

1-3 Felicity conditions

● Performatives should meet certain conditions to be successful/

felicitous (and not infelicitous).

● A conventioanl procedure must exist for doing whatever is

to be done (the presence of particular persons, a particular

● Certain thoughts, feelings, and intentions

2. Searle’s Speech Act Theory

● Austin’s speech act theory was later on expanded and incorporated

into linguistic theory by Searle (1969). Searle’s speech act theory
builds on Austin’s theory, but a new way of approaching speech
acts emerged.

● For Searle, a speech act is the basic unit of communication.

● Speech act rules are a basic component of speakers’ linguistic

knowledge as are phonological, morphological, syntactic, and
semantic rules.

● With Searle, the inventory of speech acts was expanded, and

the focus was on the function/functional value of utterances.

● For Searle, there is not a one-to-one relation between form
and function.

● Searle’s speech act theory, with its new insights, started to

be used in the analysis of discourse.

2-1 Explicit and less explicit speech acts

● An indirect/implicit speech act is one in which there is no

relation between the form of an utterance and the illocutionary force
intended by the speaker.

● Speech acts may be totally implicit. For instance, utterances such as

‘savage dog’, ‘Thin ice’ are totally implicit , but they are considered
as acts fulfilling the illocutionary force of warning.

● A warning may also be expressed by an utterance which includes

the verb ‘warn’ as in ‘I warn you’. But this utterance is different from Austin’s
performatives, which have a conventional procedure.

2-2 Rules and conditions

● Searle proposed conditions and rules that allow an utterance

to perform an illocutionary act. These fall into four types.

● The propositional content condition: it refers to the content

of the utterance and is considered textual.

● The preparatory condition: it includes speakers,

hearers, and background information.

● The sincerity condition: it involves the psychological state of

speakers and hearers (intentions, beliefs, desires).

● The essential condition: it is the point/ intent of the

utterance. It is the functional value of the utterance.


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