A KAPHA BLADDER Uncontrolled Urination This part being Extended or highest on roof Swelling,Burning Heater or pantry NNW-N Sensation,Pale urine,blood located in this zone in urine Sperms in urinemucus in This zone being bladder frequent urination cutpresence of invertor of generator
KAPHA KIDNEY Kidney stone,pain,swelling presence of store or
food items Scanty urination,kidney presence of electrical N-NNE failure goods,generator or invertor kidney problem from Maximum height of diabeters or high roof being in this zone B.P.,enlarged kidney
KAPHA PERICARDIU Swelling,hatred,anger,feeli presence of toilet or
M ng lack of love septic tank Accumulation of water tank on roof NNE-NE water,greed,possessivenes s contraction,restlessness,fe fire,store,or servant ar sorrow,sadness room
KAPHA CIRCULATIO perspiration on palms,lack placement of bar
N of samaan vayu woolen clothes in this zone cold scalp;weak udaan and extension of this part ENE-E pran vayu of the buiding cold feet;lack of apaan Presence of vayu, store,generator or inverter
PITTA LIVER low enzyme- entrance
secretion,contraction location,placement of A.C. obesity,high b.p. frigidness Over head water E-ESE in sex. tank,burner,fire Hepatitis, jaundice Store,dustbin PITTA GALL Operation,contraction Zone being cut or BLADDER having an empty pit Enlargement,stones Extension of this ESE-SE zone,location of store swelling,indigestion Water boring,water tank
PITTA SPLEEN Anaemia,low Toilet,Septic tank
immunity,malaria Bleeding, water in Storage of iron and stomachsweling other metals Enlargement,sweeling in This portion being cut SSE-S entire body in the building,underground water tank
PITTA STOMACH Excess Acid formation,pain Placement of food
gas,low appetite items Poor absorption of Location of bedroom S-SSW nutrients,indigestion or puja place Ulcer,swelling, excess of Location of Acid store,dining room
VATA HEART Low Heart beat, Extended
enlargement, high zone,maximum roof cholesterol height or highest zone Swelling, Anger, jealousy Presence of SW- fire,burner,drawing WSW room Increased Heart beat, Presence of fear,m anxiety pit,boring,earthing broken roof,door
VATA LUNG Pneumonia, asthma, sore Presence of A.C.,
throat or swelling in throat fridge in this zone Bleeding Cough, Swelling presence of burner or WSW-W fire,heater etc. Dryness, Dry cough, Septic tank,outlet of breathing problem sewer pipe from this zone
VATA COLON Mucus, Worms in Making toilet or
stoolloose motion, keeping dustbin Stomach disturbed Piles, Frequent urge for Meditation room, W-WNW passing stool, Appendicitis study room & office located in this zone Constipation, fistula, Location of bedroom fissure or living room in this zone
VATA SMALL Intestinal obstruction and This part being
INTESTINE malfunctioning extended or highest on roof Swelling, bleeding, black Making rain-pipes here WNW- stool NW Indigestion, inability to Septic tank,Basement digest fats or under ground water tank