Syllabus A2 Spanish Course 4 ECTS 2020
Syllabus A2 Spanish Course 4 ECTS 2020
Syllabus A2 Spanish Course 4 ECTS 2020
This is a 40-hour beginner-level course intended to prepare students for an A2 level of the
Spanish language. In this course, students are expected to participate actively in the exciting
challenge of learning to express themselves in basic Spanish.
The first 10 hours of class are given on student arrival to Loyola University in the form of a short
intensive Spanish course providing the student with the basic Spanish language and cultural skills
necessary for basic communication during their time in Spain.
The 30-hour A2 Spanish course is the second level in the series of Spanish courses and is
designed for students who have some basic previous Spanish instruction (about 80 hours). The
goal of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to use the language for real-world
purposes and to help them become aware of Spanish-speaking cultures. The class will be
conducted primarily in Spanish, and Spanish will be used as the means of communication.
Course materials are challenging and stimulating and include a variety of language-building
readings, assignments, and classroom activities, as well as the use of multimedia and music for
cultural enrichment.
The interactive classroom format prioritizes discussion, student presentations, and group work.
• You will know how to communicate clearly and comprehensibly in daily situations of
basic survival and, despite evident foreign accent or occasional interruptions and
misunderstandings in less usual situations.
• You will know how to describe, in plain words, aspects from your own past, and to
exchange information regarding daily activities, personal opinions, tastes and interests.
• You will know how to interact in meetings within the closest social spheres.
• You will know how to initiate, keep and finish a conversation using a brief range of learnt
formulas, and to identify the topic that is being treated if the interlocutors express
themselves slowly and clearly.
The content and competencies for this level follow the curriculum plan for the Instituto
Cervantes for level A2. Click on this link for more information:
• Inventario de gramática Plan curricular Instituto
Cervantes A2
Verbs Ser and Estar. Verb haber in impersonal structures: Hay/No hay…
Indicative tenses: Present (regular and irregular verbs).Present perfect. Past perfect, Future,
Verbal structures: “Estar + gerund”, “ir a + infinitive”, “acabo de+ infinitive”, “dejar de+…”
Vocabulary: colours, shapes, leisure, daily activities, the house, trips and means of transport,
furniture, the city, personality, food…
Expressing intentions and plans. Expressing a hypothesis and predicting the future.
The final grade for the extensive 30-hour Spanish course is distributed in the following way:
• Consejo de Europa (2002). Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas:
aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación. Madrid: Instituto Cervantes, Ministerio de
Educación, Cultura y Deporte y Editorial Anaya. [En línea:].
• Instituto Cervantes (2006). Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes. Niveles de
Referencia del Español. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva e Instituto Cervantes
• AAVV (2007). Gramática del uso del español para extranjeros. Teoría y práctica A1-A2.
Madrid: SM. [Gramática con ejercicios con las soluciones al final del libro. Nivel A1-
A2. Más de 250 páginas de ejercicios con sus soluciones
acerca de las cuestiones básicas de la gramática para
estudiantes de nivel elemental].
• AAVV (2011). Gramática básica del estudiante de español. Barcelona: Ed. Difusión.
[Desde los niveles A1 a B1 del MCER. Incluye numerosos ejercicios con las soluciones
al final].
• AAVV (2012). Cuadernos de Gramática española A2. Madrid: Ed. Difusión [Ver
muestra en
nos-gramatica-espanola-a2-muestra.pdf ].
• AAVV (2016). Gramática. Nivel elemental A1-A2. Madrid: Anaya. [Gramática práctica
con ejercicios, soluciones y test de autoevaluación. Ver muestra en].
• Romero Dueñas, C., y González Hermoso (2011). Gramática del español lengua
extranjera. normas recursos para la comunicación. Madrid: Edelsa.
• AprenderEspañolaDiario,
• Audiciones Ver-Taal, [Audiciones en diferentes niveles con
ejercicios interactivos].
• Audira, [Audiria es una herramienta de apoyo al
aprendizaje del español, que de forma gratuita ofrece audiotextos en español para
mejorar el entendimiento y comprensión del idioma].
• Conjugador de verbos en español, [Más de 14.000
verbos conjugados. Sólo tienes que introducir el verbo que quieras conjugar].
• Ejercicios de Español en red,
[Ejercicios de español en red].
• El Castellano, [Gramática española].
• EsAudio, [Audiciones por niveles].
• Formespa, [Audios].
• Instituto Cervantes, AVETECA,
Note: The content of these courses is subject to variations depending on the necessities of the