MARIHE Guideline For Applicants Intake 2025
MARIHE Guideline For Applicants Intake 2025
MARIHE Guideline For Applicants Intake 2025
Guideline for
Applicants to MARIHE should pay special attention to the minimum mobility requirements of
participating in an EMJM:
An EMJM must include compulsory physical mobility for all enrolled students (EMJM scholarship-
holders or not) consisting of a minimum of two study periods in two countries, of which at least one
must be an EU Member State or third country associated to the Erasmus+ programme. These two
countries must be different from the country of residence of the student at enrolment stage. Each of
the two mandatory study periods must correspond to a workload of at least one academic semester
(30 ECTS). For MARIHE, this means: Applicants with their country of residence in Austria or Finland
cannot chose the specialization at UWK and TAU.
As advertised on MARHE website, applicants can apply for Erasmus+ scholarships for participating in
an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master programme (EMJM). To find out more about the eligibility and the
amount of funding through Erasmus Mundus, as well as about other funding and scholarship sources,
please refer to MARIHE website. For holders of an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, the participation fee
is covered by the scholarship.
NEW for Intake 2025: Self-funded participants do not have to pay the participation fee either, since
the Consortium decided to waive this fee, based on the new funding structure.
If you want to apply as an Erasmus Mundus scholarship holder, you can at the same time apply as a
self-funded student. Please note: These are two different options of participation in MARIHE
programme. The (additional) application as self-funded student does NOT influence the chances of
your scholarship application – but it might increase your chances of participating in the programme in
intake 2025. We strongly recommend using this option, since MARIHE is a highly selective programme
especially for scholarship applicants (due to the limited number of scholarships).
Neither scholarship holders nor self-funded students have to pay the participation fee of EUR 18 000.
• Applicants must hold a first university degree. This should be at least a Bachelor’s Degree
issued by a university, quantified as three years of studies corresponding to 180 ECTS.
If ECTS is not used in the country where the first degree was acquired: The proof of a
successfully completed period of study at higher education level considered comparable with
a Bachelor’s Degree is required. The decision on this will be made by MARIHE Consortium.
N.B.: A cumulative recognition (e.g. 2-year Bachelor + 2-year Master) for admission is not
We do not require the first university degree to be from a specific discipline, with one exception:
If an applicant would like to choose the specialization “Learning and Teaching” this requires
minimum 50 ECTS from previous studies in any of the following study areas: pedagogy, psychology,
andragogy, sociology, law, social sciences, economic sciences, or health sciences. For more
information, applicants may contact consortium partner Eötvös Loránd University/ELTE:
• Applicants shall show a strong motivation and interest to learn and work in the field of
development and management of research and innovation in higher education.
• Applicants shall have sufficient knowledge of English for academic purposes. This is to be
proved by an English language test certificate accepted by MARIHE programme (see below).
1) TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language, internet based test) with a minimum
score of 92 (out of 120); Note: scores from TOEFL ITP (institutional testing programme)
are not accepted;
2) IELTS Academic (International English Language Testing System) with a minimum overall
score of 6.5 (out of 9) and no individual score below 5.5;
3) PTE Academic (Pearson’s Test of Academic English) with a minimum score of 62 (out of
4) Cambridge C1 Advanced (formerly known as CAE) with a minimum result of grade C;
5) Cambridge C2 Proficiency (formerly known as CPE) with a minimum result of level C1.
All editions of the above-mentioned tests (test center, paper edition, home/online edition) are
Please note to book a language test well in advance. There might not be many test dates available, or
they may get fully booked early.
However, work experience can be a strong advantage for an application, especially if it has been
acquired working for (higher) education institutions.
To have work experience acknowledged, applicants should clearly state it in their CV (employer,
duration, function, tasks, and responsibilities) and may attach a confirmation of their employer to the
CV. Furthermore, recommendation letters to be submitted as application document No. 8 can be from
a supervisor at work.
Please note: There is only ONE application period for BOTH scholarship and self-funded applicants for
intake 2025! To increase your chances of participation, you might apply as both scholarship holder and
self-funded student.
Please be accurate when entering data to create an account, as you cannot change it afterwards.
E.g. make sure that you enter your first and last name with correct spelling and as written in your
passport. To finish the account creation, an e-mail with a validation link will be sent to the e-mail
address you have provided.
To minimize unconscious biases during the first step of the review process, please do not upload a
personal profile picture (portrait)!
In the application database, you can enrol yourself into the Moodle course room
Please enter your personal data and some basic information regarding your application. Please be
accurate when entering your data (e.g. make sure that you chose the same participation category and
specialization fits as on your application form) and do NOT upload a personal profile picture.
Upload your 9 application documents (see chapter 5. Required Application Documents below).
Download the MARIHE Application Form (Word format) under this link:
In the first part of the 3rd semester, students chose one specialization in Asia:
• Specialisation at BNU (China): Educational Planning
• Specialisation at TIET (India): Social and Commercial Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
In the second part of the 4th semester, students chose one specialization in Europe:
• Specialisation at TAU (Finland): Research Management and Digital Transformation
• Specialisation at UASO (Germany): Leadership and Management
• Specialisation at UWK (Austria): Institutional Research
• Specialisation at ELTE (Hungary): Learning and Teaching
• Specialisation at UA (Portugal): Policy Analysis
In the 4th semester, students are writing their master’s thesis which is possible at all seven partners.
In the application form, applicants are asked to name either one or two specializations which they
think fit them best. For a detailed description of the specializations, please refer to MARIHE website
Please note the compulsory physical mobility for all enrolled students as explained under chapter 2
and here: Curriculum - Marihe - Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education.
This should be a scanned copy of an official identification document (either a passport or a personal
identification card issued by the authorities of a country), including a photograph and personal data
like first name and surname, and date and place of birth. This data should be described in English (like
in passports).
We do not accept scanned copies of e.g. a driving license or an employee ID (no matter if the holder
of the ID works for a public institution).
If the data on the official identification document is not described in English language, or if the
document does not use the Latin alphabet at all, an officially certified translation into English has to be
provided as well (see information on translations of documents below).
Create your Europass CV accordingly and upload it as a PDF file. Please only use the English template.
Important: To minimize unconscious biases during the first step of the review process, please do NOT
include a personal photograph (portrait) in your CV!
Download the template with instructions for the LoM (Word format) under this link:
Don’t forget to fill in the signed AI declaration on the template.
• must include at least the diploma/degree certificate from a university degree of at least
three years in duration/180 ECTS (in most cases a Bachelor), in order to meet the admission
requirements. This diploma/degree certificate should be placed first in the file (if you hold
more than one degree).
• must include diplomas/degree certificates from all other prior university studies (this applies
to applicants that hold more than one degree).
If your name has changed since graduation (e.g. due to marriage) and, as a result, your university
degree documents and your passport display different names, please provide a document (together
with your CV/application document no. 3) as explanation for the change of name (e.g. a marriage
certificate). If this document is not in English language, please provide the original plus a translation
(cf. information on translation of documents below).
Instructions for applicants who will obtain their first degree after the application deadline:
If you receive your final university diploma (of your first university degree) after the application
deadline, you may submit it to MARIHE secretariat until 27 January 2025.
Important: Providing us with your conferred first university degree after 27 January 2025 is too late
for the current application period (student intake 2025). Provisional certificates, letters of progress or
similar documents cannot be accepted due to admission reasons (in case of selection). In this case, we
kindly ask you to consider applying next year (for intake 2026).
If the original is not in English, please provide the original plus a translation (cf. information on
translation of documents below). This application document:
• must include at least a transcript from a university degree of at least three years in
duration/180 ECTS (in most cases a Bachelor), in order to meet the admission requirements.
This transcript should be placed first in the file (if there is more than one transcript).
• must include transcripts from all other prior university studies, including ongoing or
unfinished studies (this applies e.g. to applicants that hold more than one degree, or that are
still studying for a second degree at the time of application).
For the accepted ways to prove your proficiency in English, please see chapter on Admission
Requirements above. The result of the English test has to be included as a scanned copy.
Instructions for applicants who are unable to present the English language test certificate until the
application deadline:
You can ask to be granted an extension for this document until 27 January 2025 by filling in the signed
"Statement on late submission of English test score" (download the template under this link: The signed statement has to be submitted
as application document No. 7 until the regular application deadline. Send the scanned copy of the
test certificate after the application period has ended, but latest until 27 January 2025 to:
If you meet one of the criteria for being exempted from submitting an English language test certificate
(cf. point 3.4 in this guideline), please upload as application document No. 7 the respective document
(adequate degree as described).
N.B.: The English test certificate might contain a personal photograph of the applicant and will, thus,
only be considered during the formal eligibility check, but not during the first step of the review
process, to minimize unconscious biases.
The letters of recommendation should be submitted as scanned copies of the original typed and signed
paper letters. They have to include the signature and the contact details of the referee, and (if possible)
should be on headed paper of the institution and bear a stamp of the institution.
Please submit exactly two letters of reference. If you have more, please select only two.
Applicants should ask the referees to provide them either with the original signed letter OR with a
scanned copy of the original signed letter OR with a digitally signed letter. It is not possible that the
referees send the letters directly to MARIHE Secretariat. Letters, where the signature has been
integrated as a graphic item into the PDF will NOT be accepted.
No. 9) Essay
Download the template including the topic and the length of the essay here:
Don’t forget to fill in the signed AI declaration on the template.
Please produce a short video with a maximum duration of two minutes. It should be preferably in MP4
format. In the video you should talk about the following:
a) introduce yourself, especially mention your full name, educational background and your
work experience (if applicable)
b) explain your motivation (why you want to participate in MARIHE)
c) answer the following question: Imagine you are the reviewer assessing your own application
– why would you select the applicant (yourself)? Please highlight maximum three aspects.
We do not expect you to produce a professional high-quality video. A video made with a mobile phone
or laptop camera (webcam) is fully sufficient if you are well visible and audible.
Especially regarding application document no. 4 (letter of motivation) and no. 9 (essay), please indicate
the use of AI as outlined on the templates. The name of the tool (and version) as well as the purpose
of use and the part in which it was used has to be clearly stated. Failing to declare the use of AI fully or
partly will lead to a rejection of the application due to formal reasons.
Officially certified translation means that the translation has been done by a sworn and officially
accredited translator, and that the document has to bear the translator's stamp of accreditation. For
countries where accredited translators do not hold such a stamp of accreditation, in most cases a
public notary can confirm the translator’s accreditation.
For university documents, it is also possible to ask the issuing university to provide a certified
translation into English. In this case, the university should apply its stamp on the translated document.
Legalisation may be necessary after a student has been selected for participation and is asked to
submit university documents from the first university degree for the admission process at University
for Continuing Education Krems (as coordinating institution of MARIHE programme). The specific
legalisation requirements depend on the country where the university documents have been issued.
Since the legalisation process can be very time consuming, especially in the case of a full diplomatic
legalization, applicants may check the required form of legalization of their first degree certificate and
the required process well in advance.
>> For more information, see the “Info sheet on legalization and translation of foreign documents”
provided on the website of University for Continuing Education Krems:
Legalization-and-Translation-of-Foreign-Documents-UWK.pdf <<
We would like to point out that APS is an established approach among Austrian universities in verifying
foreign documents from China, and that the University of Continuing Education Krems is by no means
applying a special regulation here. With the APS Certificate Austria, a reliable and by Austrian Federal
Ministry of Education, Science and Research recommended possibility of checking the admission
requirements was given.
7. Contact
MARIHE Secretariat
c/o University for Continuing Education Krems (Danube University Krems)
Department for Higher Education Research
Postal Address:
University for Continuing Education Krems
Department for Higher Education Research (DHF)
To: Katrin Alberts/MARIHE Secretariat
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
3500 Krems
***end of document***