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Call for applications to 1st and 2nd level Professional Master’s

Programmes Academic Year 2025/2026

Article 1 – General information ..................................................................................................... 2

Article 2 – General admission requirements ................................................................................. 3

Article 3 – Registering for selection and submitting the documentation .................................... 4

Article 4 – Selection procedure and ranking list ........................................................................... 5

Article 5 – Enrolment...................................................................................................................... 6

Article 6 – Withdrawal from Professional Master’s Programmes ................................................ 7

Article 7 – Auditors ......................................................................................................................... 7

Article 8 – Contact details for information .................................................................................... 8

Article 9 – Processing of personal data ......................................................................................... 8

Our University has been working for a long time to raise awareness of and to address gender stereotypes. In
this context, it has been decided to give greater linguistic visibility to gender differences. Where, solely for
the sake of simplicity, the masculine form is used in this document, it is understood as referring to all
persons who work within the community.
Article 1 – General information
This Call for Applications sets out the rules for admission to 1st level and 2nd level Professional
Master’s Programmes in the 2025/2026 academic year, as per Annex 1. The learning outcomes,
course structure diagram, organisational structure and dates of enrolment specific to each
Professional Master’s Programme are detailed in the relevant data sheets, which form an
essential part of this Call for Applications and are published on the University website.

Professional Master’s Programmes are postgraduate professional training programmes which

generally award 60 University educational credits (CFUs), equal to 1500 hours of teaching activities
overall, including lectures, seminars/workshops, internship or project work and individual study.

Professional Master’s Programmes are restricted access programmes providing for a minimum
and a maximum number of students, which are specified in the relevant data sheets.

With a view to reaching the maximum number of students, additional selection periods may be
opened within the time limits provided for enrolment, as specified in the relevant data sheets.

Admission to Professional Master’s Programmes is by selection – where the minimum number of

prospective students cannot be reached, the selection procedure is not carried out.

Under no circumstances may the selection procedure participation fee of € 60.00 be refunded, not
even in the event that the selection procedure does not take place.

If the minimum number of enrolled students is not reached in spite of a sufficient number of
eligible applicants, the Professional Master’s Programme is not run. In that case, any tuition fees
already paid will be refunded by the Ufficio Master as prescribed by the University, with the
exception of any stamp duty.

In order to pass a Professional Master’s Programme and be awarded the corresponding 60 CFUs,
the student must pay all tuition fees as indicated in the relevant data sheets (including any late
fees), meet the minimum mandatory attendance percentage, complete the (curricular) internship
or project work and pass the final examination with a grade of at least 18 out of 30. Any
intermediate tests or exams taken during the course of a Professional Master’s Programme, at the
end of each module or course unit, will not be recorded as such, but the examination committee
will take them into account when deciding the final grade.

At the end of the programme, the students may give their opinion by completing an online
satisfaction questionnaire prepared by Consorzio Alma Laurea.

The University of Bologna provides all students enrolled in a Professional Master’s Programme
with online mandatory training on occupational health and safety – for further information, please
see https://www.unibo.it/it/studiare/vivere-luniversita-e-la-citta/salute-e-assistenza/salute-e-

Transfer from a Professional Master’s Programme to another or to any other programme offered
by the University is not permitted.

Professional Master’s Programmes do not entitle to exemption from tuition fees (Legislative
Decree 68/2012, Article 9, paragraph 8). However, as reported in the appropriate guidelines, they
may allow, in agreement with the Professional Master’s Programme director, the enrolment of
one or two students in possession of certification of civil invalidity equal or higher to 66% or of
certification pursuant to Italian Law 104/92, provided they are eligible for the selection, in excess
and with exemption from payment of the registration fees, net of the fixed charges and the
enrolment fee for the selection. This option, if available, is specified in the relevant data sheet
for each Professional Master’s Programme.

In order to apply for a reserved place, an express request to that effect must be submitted by the
closing date for applications, in the form of a self-certificate accompanied by the legal disability
certificate issued by INPS, to be attached to the application.

The benefit will only be recognised to students submitting all the appropriate documentation who
scored better than any other applicants requesting the same benefit.

On part-time Professional Master’s Programmes, two places in excess of the maximum number
will be reserved for professional staff and foreign language instructors of the University. Such
students will be exempted from paying tuition fees, net of any fixed costs (regional tax, stamp
duty and insurance). The exemption must be requested, preferably before registering for
selection, by completing the form available on the intranet page Measures for participation of
professional staff and foreign language instructors in postgraduate programmes recognised by the
University of Bologna. APOS will then inform the applicants directly of the outcome of their

Up to 2 reduced fees (20% reduction of the enrolment fee), agreed with the Professional Master’s
Programme director and reported in the specific form attached to the call for applications. These
places are in excess compared to the maximum number of students. Interested persons must
meet the requirements for each Professional Master’s Programme and be eligible in the ranking

Article 2 – General admission requirements

1st level Professional Master’s Programmes are reserved for graduates who hold a first cycle or
higher degree, a first-level or higher academic diploma, an equivalent qualification or a foreign
qualification recognised as suitable under the applicable law.

2nd level Professional Master’s Programmes are reserved for graduates who hold a second cycle
degree, a single cycle degree, a degree under the Italian previous degree programme system, a
second-level academic diploma, an equivalent qualification or a foreign qualification recognised as
suitable under the applicable law.

Any special requirements for admission to a certain Professional Master’s Programme are detailed
in the relevant data sheet.

Applicants who hold a qualification obtained abroad must submit a Dichiarazione di Valore
(declaration of value, i.e. a certificate of equivalence) together with their academic qualification
and relevant transcript of records officially translated and legalised (translation is not required for
qualifications in English, French or Spanish). No legalisation or apostille is required for
qualifications issued by institutions based in Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Latvia (Brussels
Convention 1987), Germany (Rome Convention 1969) and Austria (Vienna Convention 1975).

For applicants who hold an academic qualification awarded by an institution of a country in the
European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process), the declaration of value may be replaced by a
Diploma Supplement issued by the relevant institution based on the European Commission form.

For further information on the “declaration of value, translation and legalisation”, please see the
University website at https://www.unibo.it/en/study/enrolment-fees-and-other-

For Professional Master’s Programmes for medical doctors and/or orthodontists and/or nurses
and/or health professions, registration with the competent Italian Professional Board (or Register)
is required in order to carry out practical work during the curricular internship. Failure to register
will result in the student being unable to carry out practical work with patients during their
curricular internship. In order to carry out their internship, applicants with a foreign qualification
must obtain full recognition of their licences by the Italian Ministry of Health.

For more information:


All students enrolled in Professional Master’s Programmes for medical doctors and/or
orthodontists need to complete the infectious disease screening form of the University Centre for
the protection and promotion of health and safety – Occupational health and safety service –
Occupational medicine specialist unit, available as an annex to the data sheets of the Professional
Master’s Programmes published on the University website.

Applicants who, at the time of registering for selection, do not hold the necessary qualifications and meet
the applicable requirements yet, may participate in the selection on a conditional basis. If they are selected,
they will be able to enrol subject to sending proof of the relevant qualifications and requirements to the
Ufficio Master (master@unibo.it) Successful applicants who fail to obtain the necessary
qualifications and meet the applicable requirements before the enrolment end date will not be
able to enrol.

In order to enrol in a Professional Master’s Programme, non-EU applicants who, at the time of
registering for selection, hold a foreign qualification suitable for admission in a Professional
Master’s Programme and are enrolled on a degree programme in an Italian university, must obtain
their qualification (relating to their ongoing academic career) by the enrolment end date.

Article 3 – Registering for selection and submitting the documentation

Applicants must register for selection by 1:00 p.m. of the closing date for applications indicated
in the data sheet of the relevant Professional Master’s Programme. Registration must be
completed online at


The procedures for registering for selection, the payment of the € 60.00 fee and the submission of
the documents required for selection are described in the instructions (Annex 2).

Failure to pay the selection procedure participation fee of €60.00 will result in the rejection of the

The following documents are required for selection:

1. front and back copy of a valid identity document;

2. certification of degree:
• for applicants who hold a qualification obtained in Italy, a self-certification of degree
detailing the exams taken with the corresponding grades or, for those who have not
graduated yet, the exams taken with the corresponding grades and the expected
graduation date;
• for applicants who hold a qualification obtained abroad, a translated (if in a language
other than English, French or Spanish) and legalised copy of their diploma with the
corresponding declaration of value, if already available, or a certificate of comparability
issued by an ENIC-NARIC centre;
• for applicants who hold an academic qualification awarded by an institution of a country
in the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process), a copy of their diploma with
the Diploma Supplement, together with their degree certificate and transcript of records;
3. curriculum vitae and any other qualifications as specified in the data sheet of the
Professional Master’s Programme.

Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna accepts no responsibility for failure to deliver
notices due to inaccurate telephone number, email or mailing address provided by the applicant
All applicants are admitted to the entrance exam on a conditional basis – the University of Bologna
will subsequently proceed to reject any applicants who fail to meet the applicable admission
In the event of false declarations in the documentation submitted by an applicant, which are
relevant for enrolment purposes, without prejudice to the penalties laid down in Article 76 of
Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28 December 2000, such applicant will no longer be able to enrol
and will not be entitled to a refund of the fees paid. Those who make false declarations will be
liable for damages.

Article 4 – Selection procedure and ranking list

Admission to a Professional Master’s Programme is subject to passing the selection procedure.
The examination committee will be appointed by the Professional Master’s
Programme scientific board. The selection procedure supervisor is the
Professional Master’s Programme director.

Applicants with disabilities pursuant to Law no. 104 of 05/02/1992, applicants with legal disability,
applicants with SLD and other applicants who need to use adaptations to overcome any difficulties
in taking the entrance exam may request them by completing the document (Request for
adaptation form) available in the pre-enrolment procedure.

Admission to the Professional Master’s Programme is granted to eligible applicants, within the
limits of available places, based on the ranking list prepared in accordance with the total score
awarded, as specified in the relevant data sheet.

Article 5 – Enrolment

Applicants must enrol by the date specified in the Professional Master’s Programme data sheet by
logging into the website www.unibo.it/Portale/Guida/StudentiOnline.

The online enrolment procedure is explained in the instructions (Annex 2).

Enrolment is conditional upon paying the first instalment of fees and uploading a passport size
photo to Studenti Online.

Any subsequent instalment that is paid after the prescribed time limit will be subject to late fees of
€60.00. Any instalment subject to late fees must strictly be paid within 30 days. Students who fail
to pay all the amounts due may not attend lectures.

Payments must be made with the methods available on Studenti Online www.studenti.unibo.it.

In the event of third-party funding (fundraising activities), the Professional Master’s Programme
director may reduce the fees due based on the ranking list.

Tuition fees may be borne by third parties (public bodies, foundations, organisations, etc.). In that
case, the applicant must timely ask the secretariat for the personal letter of intent template. The
third party will be required to fill out and sign the template and send it to the secretariat and to
the Ufficio Master by email (master@unibo.it) and certified electronic email (PEC)

After receiving payment, the University will issue a receipt exempt from VAT pursuant to Articles 1
and 4 of Presidential Decree 633/1972 as amended.

Upon enrolling, non-EU nationals must also submit:

• a (postgraduate) study visa and the receipt confirming that they have applied for a student
residence permit;
• an equivalent residence permit pursuant to Article 39, paragraph 5 of the Consolidated Law on
Immigration (non-EU citizens with a EU long-term residence permit – former Carta di
Soggiorno – or an employee, self-employed or investor residence permit, or a residence permit
as a family member, as an asylum seeker, for subsidiary protection or for religious reasons are
allowed to enrol in Professional Master’s Programmes).

Those who have held a student residence permit for at least one year may enrol if their residence

permit is renewable (please note that a student residence permit issued for an Italian language
course is not renewable). To be renewed, the residence permit must be held alongside the Italian
qualification for which it was issued.

After passing the pre-selection procedure, enrolling and paying the first instalment of tuition fees,
non-EU nationals who are not resident in Italy are required to access the Universitaly website:

For further information, see the University website at https://www.unibo.it/en/study/phd-

Successful applicants who decide not to enrol must immediately inform the Ufficio Master by
email to master@unibo.it, in order to allow their places to be filled by other applicants.

On the first working day after the enrolment end date, the Ufficio Master will check if there are
any places available and contact (by telephone or email) eligible applicants in the ranking list. If
they are still interested, they may proceed to enrol by the deadline indicated by the office and
with the methods described in the Call for Applications.

From the academic year 2022/23, enrolment in two separate higher education programmes is
permitted pursuant to Law no. 33 of 12 April 2022, in accordance with the provisions
of Ministerial Decree no. 930 of 29-07-2022.

Article 6 – Withdrawal or suspension from Professional Master’s Programmes

Students who, after paying tuition fees, in whole or in part, decide to withdraw from a
Professional Master’s Programme are not entitled to a refund of the fees paid.

The notification of withdrawal must be sent to the Ufficio Master (master@unibo.it) from the
student’s University email address. Withdrawal is a formal and irreversible act through which you
decide to end your university career.

Non-EU students lose their right to stay in Italy after withdrawing from studies.

Suspending attendance in a Professional Master’s Programme is usually not permitted. However,

upon formal request, the interested persons may be granted the suspension of the attendance
exclusively: in cases of prolonged illness (which exceeds the percentage maximum of absence),
pregnancy or maternity/paternity. The application must be sent to the Professional Master’s
Programme director and to the Ufficio Master, e-mail master@unibo.it . This suspension is
permitted only once.

Interested persons may be admitted in excess to the immediately following edition, subject to
activation of such edition, with the exemption from the payment of the fees already paid for the
previous edition, but paying the outstanding amounts. The applicant shall pay the related
mandatory charges for the new academic year of activation of the Professional Master’s
Programme (stamp duty, insurance, regional tax) recorded for the edition for which suspension
was requested. Failure to renew the enrolment in these methods shall lead to the loss of student

Article 7 – Auditors
Participation is open to “auditors”, up to 20% of enrolled students. Please check whether this
option is available in the Professional Master’s Programme data sheet. Those who wish to attend
as auditors must inform directly the Professional Master’s Programme secretariat by the deadline
for enrolment indicated in the relevant data sheet.

The Professional Master’s Programme secretariat will notify of the acceptance of the application
by the date agreed with the director and indicated in the individual data sheets. The attendance
fee for auditors is specified in the relevant data sheet. Auditors do not sit the final exam, have no
attendance obligation, are not required to do an internship or prepare project work, do not earn
CFUs and are not awarded the Professional Master’s qualification. The secretariat may issue a
certificate of attendance stating the number of hours completed by each auditor.

Article 8 – Contact details for information

The scientific and teaching information (programme, calendar, exams, information on the
curricular internship or on the project work, etc.) can be requested from the Professional Master’s
Programme secretariat whose contacts are indicated in the data sheet of each programme.

For administrative information, please contact the Ufficio Master (master@unibo.it).

The Ufficio Master is located at Viale Quirico Filopanti 7, 40126 Bologna.

The office is open to the public on:

• Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9:00 to 11:15 a.m.;

• Tuesday and Thursday, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.

E-mail: master@unibo.it
PEC certified e-mail:
Telephone: 051 2092798
Virtual helpdesk: https://sportelli.unibo.it/

The procedure supervisor is Cinzia Castelluccio, Manager of the Professional Master’s

Programmes, Non-Medical Specialisation Schools and State Exams Unit of the Education and PhD
Programme Division; email: cinzia.castelluccio@unibo.it .

Article 9 – Processing of personal data

The personal data provided by the applicants will be processed by the University of Bologna in
accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
In this regard, reference is made to the Privacy policy statement for participants in the University’s
competitive selection procedures available at the following link.
The provision of the personal data indicated in this Call for Applications and in the attached forms
is mandatory for the purpose of participating in the procedure and to carry out related operations.

The University may also process the personal data of the applicants for the purpose of compiling
statistics or sending them to the MUR or to facilitate analysis and improvement of teaching
activities and services, and for research activities.

The provision of any sensitive data concerning the health of the applicant is solely aimed at
implementing the appropriate measures and aids to ensure equal opportunities in taking exams,
pursuant to the applicable law (Law 104/1992 and Law 170/2010).

Pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679:

• The Controller is Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, with registered office in Via
Zamboni no. 33, 40126 Bologna;

• The Data Processor is the Head of the Education and PhD Programme Division (Alice Trentini,
Via Zamboni no. 33, 40126 Bologna).

A complete and up-to-date list of the persons in charge of data processing can be obtained by
sending an email to privacy@unibo.it or contacting the above-said Processor. Personal data
processing procedures are detailed in the privacy policy published on the University website

The Head
Alice Trentini
(digitally signed)

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