LFNT Syllabus
LFNT Syllabus
LFNT Syllabus
Course Objectives
10 introduce the books of the New Testament to students in order that they may unders tand the specitncity
To identify the life, struggle and witness of the New Testament community
To orient students toward a broader perspective of the New Testament
Course Requirements
Final Examinations 60%
Internal Assessment 40%
1. Attendance 5%
2. Class participation 5%
3. Read each book of the Christian Testament and prepare
your outline with description of its content and identify
1. The Gospel of Mark: Literary Structure, Character andTheological Purpose/s; Mark and his possible
context and readers; Date; Major Themes: the Identities of Jesus; the Parables and Miracles of the Reign
of God; Disciples, Discipleship and the Litle followers of Jesus; the Way motif, Faith; Prayer, Jesus and the
Jewish Leaders; Issues of authority, power, purity, Sabbath; worship and spirituality; passion, death and
resurrection of Jesus.
2. The Gospel of Matthew: Literary Structure, Character and Theological Purpose/s; Matthew and his
community; Date; Major Themes: Infancy Narratives; Hebrew Bible Citations; the five long discourses of
Jesus; Ekklesia; Parables, Miracles and the Reign of Heaven; Apocalyptic instructions, passion, death and
resurrection of Jesus.
3. The Gospel of Luke: Literary Structure, Character and Theological Purpose/s; Luke and his readerss
Date: Major Themes: The Magnificent, Nazareth Manifesto, Inclusiveness of the Lukan Community
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Lukan preferential option for the non-Jews, poor, women. Samaritans. gentiles; encounter with Jerusalc
authorities; woe to the rich; the Last Supper, passion and resurrection narratives.
The Acts of the Apostles: Literary Structure, Character (story, historv, theology), and theological se
s; Luke as a historian and missionary theologian, Luke's context and readers; date; major themes: tne p
of the Gospel of Christ and the churches from Palestine to the Gentile world, Jewish-Gentile Mission, tnc
Jews, the conservative cultural nationalist Jewish Christians; Hebrews' and Hellenists; the Stephene
and the
origin ofthe Pauline mission to the Gentile world; narratives; the Holy Spirt;
missionary journey
and worship in the early church.
4. The Gospel of John: Literary Structure, Character and Theological Purpose/s; Date; Johannine Communi
Epistles of John: Occasions and purposes, dates, major themes: humanity and divinity of Christ, loving o d
and fellow human beings, hospitality to strangers, obedience to godly leaders, unity.
(c) I and II Corinthians: How many letters did Paul write to Corinth?
ICorinthians-Occasion, purposes, majorthemes: division, immorality, litigation, marriage, divorce
and remarriage, freedom and environment, worship, the Lord's Supper, the rich and poor in
Corinth, use and abuse ofthe spiritual gifis, resurrection, diakonia mission (colilection).
II Corinthians: Occasion, purposes, major themes: the ministry of reconciliation, economic
mutuality, apostolic authority.
(d) Romans: the message to the Ekklesia of God in Christ in the capital of the Empire-occasion,
purpose/s, major themes: Paul's Gospel, justification by faith, faith/ faithfulness of Christ, 'in Christ
motif, baptism, life in the Spirit, new creation, participation in the socio-political order, mutual care
and support.
themes: Christ Hymn, unity within the Christian community
(e) Philippians: Occasion and purpose, major
Christian gratitude.
Philemon: Occasion, purpose, major theme: inside into Paul's apostolic ministry
Occasions, purposes, dates, major themes
(g) II ThessaBonians:
date, major themes: Jesus as the cosmic redeemer, fullness in
(h) Colossians: Occasion, purpose,
Christ, new life in Christ.
ne in Christ,
date, najortenes nystery new and transformed
Ephesians: Occasion and purpose, believers in Christ.
of the
humanity in Christ, unity
) I & II Timothy and
Titus: Occasions, purposes, dates, major tnemes: ministerial order, pastaral.
minister, pastoral
ofa Christian offices,
roles dutiec and
administration, qualifications
Basic Reading,
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters
Carson, D.A. & D. Moo, Introduction to the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 2005
Brown, Raymond, E. Introduction to the New 7Testament. Bangalore: TPI, 2000.
Dunn, James, Beginning from Jerusalem: Christianity in the Making vol. 2, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009
Ehrman, Bart, D. The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian HWritings. New York: OUP, 2000.
Theissen, Gerd. The Social Seingof Paudline Christianity, Edinburgh: T &T Clark, 1982.
The Gospels in Context: Social and Political History of the Synoptic Tradition. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1992.
Oakman, D.E. Jesus and the Economic Questions ofHis Day: New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 1986.
Other Readings
Aune, D.E. Greco-Roman Literature and the New Testament. SBL Sources for Biblical Study 21. Atlanta: Scholars Press,
Bauckham, R.J. The Climax of Prophecy: Studies in the Book of Revelation. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1992.
The Gospels for All Christians: Rethinking the Gospel Audience. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998.
Bornkamm, Barth and Held. Tradition and Interpretations in Matthew. London: SCM Press, 1963.
Evans, Craig and Stanley Porter, eds. Dictionary of New Testament Backgromd. Leicester: IVP, 2000.
Fee, Gordon. The First Epistle to the Corinthians. NICNT, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987.
Fiorenza, Elizabeth. In Memory of Her: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins. London: SCM, 1983.
Invitation to the Book ofRevelation. New York: Doubleday, 1981.
ed. Searching Seriptures: A Feminist Introduction. London: SCM, 1993.
Vision ofa Just World. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991.
Ialfakmawia, Joseph, Understanding the New Testament Its Historical
SCEPTRE, 2013 Background and Content, Kolkatta:
Page # 71
Myers, Ched. Binding the Strong Man: A Political Readingof Mark 's Sory of Jesus,. Maryknol!: Orbis Books, 1988.
Naickanparampil, Michael. The Gospel of Mark. Vols. 1-3. Bangalore: NBCLC, 1996.
Furnish, Victor Paul. "II Corinthians." In The Anchor Bible. Vol. 32A. New York: Doubleday,
Ferguson, Everett. Backgrounds of Early Christianity, 1987. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1993.
Dowd, S.E. Prayer, Power and the Problem of
Atlanta: Scholars 1988.
S.Letters to the Corinthians." In Dictionary of Paul and His Letters. Edited by Gerald F. Hawthorne,
IVP, 1993.
Haldar, Diapnkar. New Testament Revisited. Raghabpur-West Bengal: Raghabpur Seva Niketan, 2008.
Harrington, Daniel J. interpretimg the New Testament: A Practical Guide. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1990.
Hengel, Martin. Acts and the History of Earliest Christianity Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979.
Hooker, M.D. 7he
Gospel According to Saint Mark. Peabody: Hendrickson, 1991.
Kec, Howard Clark. Communityofthe New 4ge: Studies in Marks Gospel. London: SCM Press, 1977.
Kee, et al., eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Bible. Cambridge: CUP, 1997.
Martin R. Mark: Evangelist and Theologian. Michigan: Zondervan, 1973.
Meeks, W.A. The First Urban Christians: The Social Worldof the Apostle Paul. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983.
Murphy-OConnor, Jerome. "I and2 Corinthians." In The Cambridge Companion to St. Paul. Edited by James D.G. Dunn.
Cambridge: CUP, 2003.
Neyrey, J.H. The Social WorldofLuke-Acts. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1991.
Nickelsburg. Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins: Diversity, Continuity and Transformation. Philadelphia: Fortress,
Oppenheimer, A'haron. The Am Ha-aretz: A Study in the Social History of the Jewish People in the Hellenistic-Roman
Period. Leiden: Brill, 1977.
Philip, Abraham. "New Testament: An lntroduction" (Tiruvalla: TLC<2015).
Pudussery, Paul. Discipleship: A Call to Sulfering and Glory Rome: Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, 1987.
Robbins, V.K. Jesus the Teacher: ASocio-Rhetorical Interpretation of Mark. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984.
Samuel, Simon. A Postcolonial Reading ofMark s StoryofJesus. Edinburgh: T& TClark, 2007.
Stambaugh, John and David Balch. The Social Worldofthe First Christians, 1986. London: SCM Press, I994
Thekekara, M. The Face Early Christianity. Bangalore: TPI, 1988.
Varughese, Koshy P. King-Servant Christology in Matthews Gospel, New Delhi: ISPCK, 2013.
Witherington, Ben I1. Conflict &Community in Corinth: A Socio-Rhelorical Commentary on I and2 Corinthians. Grand
Rapids, Eerdmans, 1995.