Air Law-1-18
Air Law-1-18
Air Law-1-18
Air Law
Chapter – 02
1. ICAO publishes:
a) Standards and recommended practices which are enforced world wide without exception
b) Standards which are law for contracting states and recommendations for the rest of the world
c) Standards and recommended practices for ICAO contracting states only
d) International law
a) 6 b) 14 c) 9 d) 11
a) 14 b) 11 c) 6 d) 18
6. What is cabotage?
7. The `standards' contained in the annexes to the Chicago Convention are to be considered:
a) Advice and guidance for the aviation legislation within the member states.
b) Binding for all member states.
c) Binding for all member states that have not notified ICAO about a national difference.
d) Binding for all airline companies with international traffic.
8. Which ICAO Annex deals with the processes involved with the regular transport of passengers and
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
11. Which annex to the Chicago convention provides the details for the minimum acceptance of international
crew licences?
a) Annex 9 - Facilitation
b) Annex 1 - Personnel Licensing
c) Annex 6 - Operation of Aircraft
d) Annex - 17 Security
a) Annex 9 – Facilitation
b) Annex 18 - Transportation of Dangerous Goods
c) Annex 16 - Environmental Protection
d) Annex 6 - Operation of Aircraft
14. Which annex to the Chicago Convention covers dangerous goods carried in aircraft?
15. Which annex to the Chicago convention deals with registration marking of aircraft?
17. Which ICAO body furnishes the "Standards and Recommended Practices" (SARPS) for adoption by the
a) The Assembly
b) The Regional Air Navigation Meeting
c) The Council itself
d) The Air Navigation Commission
18. The Annex to the Chicago Convention which contains the Standards and Recommended Practices
(SARPS) for personnel licensing is:
21. Deleted.
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
26. It is suspected that a person on board an aircraft will commit an act that would jeopardize the safety of
the aircraft; the PIC may:
28. For how long are members of the ICAO Council appointed to sit on the council?
a) 3 Years b) 1 Year c) 2 Years d) 4 Years
29. What freedom allows an aircraft to land in a foreign country for technical reasons?
a) Over-flight only
b) Acceptance of tickets issued by other operators
c) Landing for technical reasons
d) Carriage of mail and cargo
31. That part of an aerodrome to be used for take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, excluding apron is
known as:
a) Manoeuvring area b) Movement area c) Operating area d) Apron
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
35. Which annex to the Chicago Convention covers Rules of the air?
a) Annex 1 b) Annex 11 c) Annex 14 d) None of the above
38. Against what political background was the Chicago Convention of 1944 held?
a) World War I
b) The Korean War
c) World War II
d) The American War of Independence
a) International law
b) The law of the state of registry of the aeroplane over flying the high seas area
c) The ICAO law
d) The law of the state closest to the point in the high seas area
41. If an aeroplane, which is registered in the Bangladesh, is over-flying France, does the commander have to
obey the law of France?
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
42. You are the commander of an aeroplane in flight. From whom do you get the authority to act as
a) The passengers
b) The Operator
c) The authority of the state of registry of the aeroplane
d) The national legislature of the state of registry of the aeroplane
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
a) 18 b) 21 c) 16 d) 23
2. When you are over 40 and the holder of an ATPL engaged in single crew commercial air transport
operation, how often are you required to have a medical examination?
3. You can use simulator hours towards the 1500 hours required for an ATPL. How are simulator hours
a) 75 hours PIC
b) 100 hours PIC or co-pilot
c) 100 hours PIC
d) 75 hours PIC or co-pilot
8. To obtain a CPL, how many hours of cross country flying are required?
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
10. The holder of a pilot licence when acting as co-pilot under supervision of the PIC and performing the
functions and duties of the PIC shall be entitled to be credited:
a) With 50% of the flight time towards the total time required for a higher grade of licence
b) In full, but not more than 300hrs towards the total time required for a higher grade of licence
c) The flight time in full towards the total time required for a higher grade of licence
d) The flight in full towards the total time required for a higher grade of pilot licence according to
the requirements of the licensing authority
a) 30 b) 75 c) 100 d) 150
13. To obtain a PPL, how many hours of cross country flying are required?
14. When you are a newly qualified flying instructor (A) you have to be supervised by a senior flying
instructor. When will supervision cease?
17. Which of the following correctly identifies the cross country hour’s requirement for a CPL (A)?
a) 16 b) 17 c) 18 d) 21
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
21. What is the minimum age of an applicant for a student’s pilot license?
a) 17 b) 16 c) 18 d) 21
22. Of the 1500 hours required experience for an ATPL ......... hours may be in a simulator but not more than
....... hours may be in a basic instrument trainer or basic procedure trainer.
23. In Bangladesh, a student pilot shall not undertake a cross-country flight unless he has a minimum of -- - -
hours of solo flight time:
a) 5 hr b) 15 hr c) 10 hr d) 20 hr
24. In Bangladesh , a cross-country flight, applicable to a student pilot, means a flight to a point beyond a
radius of--------- from the aerodrome of departure:
a) 25 nm b) 15 nm c) 20 nm d) 30 nm
a) Class 1 only
b) Classes 1, 2 and 3
c) Classes 1 and 2
d) Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4
a) Date of issue
b) Date of application received by the authority
c) Date of skill test
d) Date of medical examination
a) 250 as PIC, or 100 as PIC and 150 as co-pilot or as PIC under supervision
b) 200 as PIC, or 100 as PIC and 75 as co-pilot or as PIC under supervision
c) 250 as PIC, or 100 as PIC and 75 as co-pilot or as PIC under supervision
d) 200 as PIC, or 100 as PIC and 150 as co-pilot or as PIC under supervision
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
31. From what date is the initial general medical assessment valid from?
a) The date of the assessment b) The date the certificate delivered to the pilot
c) The date of licence issue d) The date of the revalidation of the licence
32. When time in a synthetic trainer is permitted for PPL, it is limited to--- hr?
a) 10 b) 5 c) 7 d) nil
34. Which of the following Annexes of the Chicago Convention contains the minimum specification for a
crew member's licence to be recognized by Contracting States?
36. The applicant for an ATPL for aircraft shall have at least:
37. A CPL applicant undergoing integrated flight training shall have completed:
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
Q ue st io ns – C hap t er 6
1. An overtaking situation could be considered when the overtaking aircraft is within --------- degrees of the
overtaken aircraft’s plane of symmetry:
a) 140º b) 70º c) 110º d) 120º
2. An overtaking aircraft shall keep out of the aircraft being overtaken by altering its heading to the:
a) Left b) Left if it was to the left c) From the closest side d) Right
3. The VMC minima for a VFR flight within ATS airspace class C are:
4. Aircraft coming in from your rear and left which light will you see first?
a) Steady red
b) Steady green
c) Flashing green
d) White
5. What letter goes in item 8 of a flight plan for a flight starting on IFR then changing to VFR?
a) Z b) Y c) I d) V
7. The VMC minima for a VFR flight within ATS airspace class D are:
a. 8 kms visibility below 3050m AMSL, 1500m horizontal and 300m vertical clear of cloud
b. 5 km visibility below 3050m AMSL and clear of cloud
c. 5 kms visibility at or above 3050m AMSL, 1500m horizontal and 300m vertical clear of cloud
d. 5 kms visibility below 3050m AMSL, 1500m horizontal and 300m vertical clear of cloud
8. Whilst airborne you see a flashing green light from the Tower. What does this mean?
a) Cleared to land
b) Return for landing and await clearance to land
c) Give way to other landing aircraft
d) Land at this aerodrome after receiving clearance to land and proceed to the apron
10. You are taxiing on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome and are shown a flashing green light. What does
it mean?
a) Return to start point b) Clear to taxi
c) Clear for take -off d) Stop
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
11. You have been intercepted. What is the signal for `clear to proceed'?
13. What letter goes in item 8 of a flight plan for a flight starting on VFR then changing to IFR?
a) Z b) Y c) I d) V
a) 4 only
b) 2 only
c) 2, 3 and 4
d) 3 and 4
15. If you are intercepted by another aircraft, what do you set on the SSR transponder?
16. You are taxiing an aircraft on the ground and you see a flashing red light from the Tower. What does it
a) Stop
b) Taxi clear of the landing area
c) Give way to approaching aircraft
d) You are not clear for take- off
17. Aircraft ‘A’ is a VFR flight operating in a CTR under an ATC clearance. Aircraft B is entering the
CTR without clearance. As they converge, which one has the right of way (RoW)?
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
19. If a pilot wishes to cancel an IFR flight plan and proceed VFR in VMC, he must inform ATC and
Include the phrase:
21. ATC has given you the transponder code of 4701. In case of a radio failure in flight you must set:
22. For a controlled flight before departure, a flight plan must be filed at least:
23. Which Mode ‘A’ code must be used to make sure that your aircraft is recognized as an aircraft in
24. An aircraft which is intercepted by another aircraft must immediately try to contact the intercepting
aircraft on the following frequencies:
25. Your aircraft is intercepted by a military aircraft. Instructions given by this aircraft do not c omply with
ATC instructions. You should:
26. A pilot crosses his/her hands in front of the face, palms outwards and then moves the arms outwards.
What does this signal indicate?
27. In Bangladesh, A VFR flight operated by trainee/non-instrument rated pilot shall not be cleared for any
airfield or X-Ctry flight, when ETA is----- at the destination
a) Before SS b) Within 30 minutes before SS
c) Within 24 minute before SS d) Within evening civil twilight
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
28. Who has the final authority as to the disposition of the aircraft?
a) The State b) The Operator c) The Commander d) The owner
29. The transition from IFR to VFR is done:
a) On the Captain's initiative b) whenever an aircraft in VMC leaves controlled airspace
c) If told by ATC d) at the clearance limit, disregarding the weather situation
30. In Bangladesh, what is the minimum ground visibility required to enable a SVFR flight to take off from an
aerodrome in CTR?
a) 1000m b) 1500m c) 30000m d) 1500ft
31. Before an aircraft is taxied on the maneuvering area of and aerodrome for the purpose of take-off, the P-I-C
a) Enter the runway and take off immediately
b) Check that the radio apparatus fitted to the aircraft and to be used in flight is functioning corrections
c) Ask ATC what to do d. None is correct
32. In Bangladesh, a local VFR flight operated by trainee/non-instrument rated pilots
shall land back:
a) Before SS b) Within 30 minutes before SS
c) Within 24 minute before SS d) Within evening civil twilight
33. As per ICAO what is the minimum ground visibility required to enable a SVFR flight to take off from an
aerodrome in CTR?
a) 1000 m b) 1500 m c) 3000 m d) 1500 ft
34. A controlled flight is required to inform the concerned ATC unit when the average TAS at cruising level
deviates or is expected to deviate compared to the given TAS in the Flight Plan by at least plus or minus
a) 10% b) 3% c) 5% d) 2%
35. In which of the following cases, ATC is to be notified if the ETA is found to be an error of:
a) 3minutes b) More than 3 minutes c) 2 minutes d) All of the above
36. In Bangladesh, VFR flights are not permitted above:
a) FL 150 b) FL 200 c) FL 60 d) TL
37. In Bangladesh, VFR flights are not permitted:
a) Above FL 150 b) Between SS and SR c) At transonic & supersonic speed d) All of the above
38. VFR flights are not permitted to fly over the congested area of cities at a height less than-------- above the
highest obstacle within a radius of 600m from the aircraft:
a) 2000ft b) 1000ft c) 500ft d) 3000ft
39. VFR flights are not permitted to fly over an open air assembly of persons at a height less than --------
above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600m from the aircraft:
a) 1000ft b) 2000ft c) 500ft d) 3000ft
40. VFR flights are not permitted to fly over the congested area of cities at a height less than-1000ft above the
highest obstacle within a radius of --------- from the aircraft:
a) 5km b) 6000m c) 600m d) 3000m
41. IFR flights are not permitted to fly over the low terrain at a height -------- above the highest obstacle within
a radius of 8km of the estimated position of the aircraft:
a) 1000ft b) 2000ft c) 500ft d) 3000ft
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
42. IFR flights are not permitted to fly over mountainous areas at a height less than -------- above the highest
obstacle within a radius of 8km of the estimated position of the aircraft:
a) 1000ft b) 2000ft c) 500ft d) 3000ft
43. IFR flights are not permitted to fly over high terrain or mountainous areas at a height less than 2000ft
above the highest obstacle within a radius of --------- of the estimated position of the aircraft:
a) 5km b) 600m c) 8km d) 3km
44. If radio communication is established during an interception but communications in a common language is
not possible, which phrase should be pronounced by the intercepting aircraft to request the intercepted
aircraft to you may proceed?
a) Continue b) Proceed c) May proceed d) You proceed
45. In the signals area of an aerodrome, a red square with l yellow diagonals (cross) means:
a) Landing prohibited b) gliders are operating c) helicopters are operating d) special landing
46. Weather minima for the VFR flight within control zone is:
a) Flight visibility 5 km ; ceiling 1500 ft b) Visibility 3 km ; ceiling 1000 ft
c) Visibility 3 km ; ceiling 1500 ft d) Ground Visibility 5 km ; ceiling 1500 ft
49. When two or more heavier than air aircraft are approaching to land, which one has the right of way:
a) The faster aircraft has the right of way b)The bigger aircraft has the right of way
c) The aircraft at the lower altitude has the right of way d) None of the above.
50. Warning to an unauthorized aircraft that is flying or about to enter restricted, prohibited or danger area is
done by series of projectiles discharged from ground at an interval of:
a) 15 seconds b) 10 seconds c) 30 seconds d) 20 seconds
51. Do any rules of the air exist over international waters (high seas areas)?
a) Yes - ICAO Annex 2 - Rules of the Air
b) No. No state has the right to impose its law over the high seas
c) Yes - the rules of the air that are applicable to the state with the closest land-mass
d) Yes - the rules of the air of the state of registry of the aeroplane
52. It is an offence to commit an unlawful act in an aeroplane in the air. Who is empowered to prosecute such
an offence?
a) Interpol
b) The Authority of the State of registration of the aeroplane
c) The Authority of the State of the Operator
d) ICAO through the International Court at The Hague
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
55. Your valid flight crew licence is always to be carried with you when exercising the privileges of the
licence. What else must you carry?
a) Your passport or a means of photographically identifying yourself
b) Your valid medical certificate
c) Your valid medical certificate or your passport
d) Your valid medical certificate and a document containing a photograph of you that confirms you
identity as stated on your licence
56. You are not permitted to exercise the privileges of your licence if you are aware that you are unwell.
Which of the following would be classified as being unwell?
a) Suffering a minor condition that requires the occasional use of medication
b) Admission to hospital or a clinic for 12 hours or less
c) Undergoing any surgical or invasive procedure
d) The need to wear dark glasses
57. You are required to inform the authority that you are unable to fly because of certain medical
concerns. One such situation is:
a) A visit to hospital or a clinic as a patient
b) Persistent sickness that has lasted 21 days
c) Persistent sickness that has lasted more than 21 days
d) Diagnosis for regular use of correcting lenses
58. You are not permitted to exercise the privileges of your licence if you are aware that you are unwell.
Which of the following would be classified as being unwell?
a) Suffering a minor condition that requires the occasional use of medication
b) Admission to hospital or a clinic for 12 hours or less
c) Admission to hospital or a clinic for 12 hours or more
d) Admission to hospital or a clinic for more than 12 hours
59. It is daytime and your aeroplane is fitted with anti-collision high intensity strobe (capacitive discharge)
lights. You are flying IFR just in the base of the clouds and the lights are creating a stroboscopic effect
that is worrying some of the passengers. Can you switch the strobe lights off?
a) No. Aircraft with anti-collision lights are to show them at all times
b) Yes but only because it is daylight
c) No because you are flying IFR
d) Yes
60. If you intend to fly the aeroplane to simulate IMC, you must have dual controls and a safety pilot at the
other set of controls. Must the safety pilot be a qualified pilot?
a) No, he only needs to be a qualified observer
b) No, but he must be capable of detecting any errors you make
c) Yes
d) No, he is there only to cover the case of you suffering a debilitating condition that renders you
incapable of flying the aeroplane, but he must have rudimentary knowledge of flying
61. `If you are flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome you are required to conform with or avoid the formed
traffic pattern'. For which of the following is this statement true?
a) Only if you intend landing at the aerodrome
b) If you are aware that the aerodrome is there
c) If you are flying inside the aerodrome traffic zone (ATZ)
d) Regardless of whether you are inside or outside the ATZ
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
64. A flight plan is required to include the number and type of aircraft for which the flight plan is submitted.
(NB one FP may be submitted for a formation of aeroplanes!). What other information is required
regarding the type of aeroplane?
a) Wake turbulence category
b) Optimum cruising Mach number
c) Maximum un-pressurized cabin altitude
d) Minimum equipment list
67. If you suffer a communication failure during the later stages of a flight after you have been given an
Estimated Approach Time (EAT) that is significantly different from your flight planned ETA, what do
you do?
a) Try and land within 30 minutes of the EAT, if possible
b) Revert to the original flight planned ETA and land as close to that time as possible
c) Stay in the holding pattern and squawk 7600 until you run short of fuel and then squawk 7700
and make an approach to land
d) Abandon the instrument approach and squawk 7700 and make a straight in approach in VMC
68. If you see a military aeroplane (a small one with missiles on it) positioning itself ahead, slightly to the
left and slightly above you and it is rocking its wings, what does this mean?
a) Congratulations, you have just joined the Red Arrows (Gulp! Where are the rest of them!)
b) You have just been intercepted and he/she wants you to follow
c) You are flying in military restricted airspace and are in danger
d) The Air Traffic Controllers have fouled up the clearances. This is an incident and must be
reported by AIRPROX procedures
69. When is a VFR flight not permitted to take off from an aerodrome in a CTR?
a) If the cloud ceiling is 1500ft or less and ground visibility is 5km or less
b) If the cloud ceiling is greater than 1500ft, but ground visibility is only 5km
c) If the cloud ceiling is less than 1500ft, or ground visibility is less than 5km
d) If the cloud base is less than 1500ft, or ground visibility 5km or less
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
70. Unless authorized, in Bangladesh VFR flight is not permitted above what flight level?
a) FL150 b) FL245 c) FL200 d) FL 180
71. When or where are you permitted to fly VFR below 1000ft above the highest obstacle within 600m
radius of the aircraft over towns, cities etc.. or below 500 ft above ground or water?
a) En route outside of an ATZ
b) Over the sea within gliding distance of the shore
c) In class G airspace in daylight
d) Only where necessary for take-off and landing
72. You are flying VFR in class C airspace outside of a CTR and you doubt if you can maintain VMC
much longer. What should you do'?
a) File an IFR flight plan and continue whilst awaiting clearance
b) If unable to get a clearance to continue under IFR leave CAS and land at the nearest suitable
c) Get a Special VFR clearance and continue
d) Push on in VMC until the last minute then squawk 7700 and let the ATC sort it out.
73. You are flying IFR at FL 100 in class A airspace. The Air Traffic Controller warns you that there is
traffic in your 12 O'clock at range 10 miles and asks you if you are VMC with a view to taking
avoiding action. What should you do?
a) Assess the meteorological conditions and if the minima for class A airspace is exceeded
report your flight conditions as VMC
b) Regardless of the meteorological conditions, report your flight conditions as IMC
c) Advise ATC that VFR is not applicable in class A airspace
d) Ask for Radar Advisory service to avoid the contact unless ATC advises that it has
74. You are flying IFR in class B airspace but are flying in good VMC. What must you consider before
making a request to cancel the IFR flight plan and to proceed VFR?
a) What is the correct VFR flight level for the class of airspace
b) How long are you going to be able to maintain VMC
c) How much day light is left
d) Do you have the necessary equipment fitted in the aeroplane to make a VFR approach at the
75. When may you routinely ignore the table of IFR cruising levels (flight levels) if flying IFR in class A
a) In good VMC b) Above 24 500 ft
c) Where Reduced Vertical Separation Minima standards are in force
d) When cleared above a level to employ a cruise climb technique
76. If you are operating an IFR flight outside of controlled airspace, are you required to maintain a
listening watch with an ATS unit?
a) No
b) Yes, always
c) Yes, but only in areas or along routes where a flight plan is required
d) Yes if you are flying in IMC
77. If you have an urgent message to transmit regarding the safety of an aeroplane, what proword do you
prefix the message with?
a) Help
b) Mayday
c) Pan Pan
d) Securite (pron - see cure ee tay)
Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh Air Law (ATPL/FOOL)
78. If you have been intercepted by a military aircraft, on what frequency should you attempt to
communicate with the military pilot?
a) The frequency in use
b) 121.500 MHz
c) 119.100 MHz
d) 123.450 MHz
79. You are taxiing on the manoeuvring area and see a flashing white light pointed at you from the tower,
what does it mean?
a) Give way to an approaching aeroplane
b) Return to the starting point
c) Stop
d) Continue taxiing to the holding point of the active runway
80. You are on short final after having received a clearance to land and you see a red pyrotechnic flare
fired from the tower. There are no other aeroplanes in the circuit, what does the flare mean?
a) The Tower controller is scaring the birds away
b) An aeroplane is taxiing out of sight of the tower controller and he is ordered to stop
c) You have not acknowledged the clearance to land
d) Notwithstanding any previous clearance, you are not to land for the time being
81. You are taxiing towards the runway at an aerodrome and it is outside the published hours of the ATC
watch. You see this yellow ladder marking on the taxiway, what does it mean and what must you do?
a) It is a holding point but not the closest one to the runway. You can ignore it.
b) It is a holding point other than the closest to the runway. You must stop and check that you are
clear to continue taxiing
c) It is a holding point for another runway so can ignore it.
d) It means that the taxiway is weak and you must not stop on it.
82. You are taxiing towards the terminal building but have not been allocated a bay for parking. You see a
man standing in an open space facing you with his arms raised vertically above his head. What does this
a) I am not your marshaller; I am waiting for the next aeroplane.
b) I am your marshaller, keep moving ahead and I will indicate when it is safe to turn into this
parking bay
c) This is your parking bay
d. Stop immediately
83. You are ready to start engines but there is no ground intercom system working. How do you indicate to
the marshaller that you intend to start number 2 engine first?
a) Raise your right hand with the index finger extended making a circular motion, whilst pointing
to no 2 engine
b) Raise a hand with two fingers extended
c) Raise a hand with two fingers extended and then raise and lower the other hand with a clenched
d) Raise a hand and make a circular motion and leave it to him to work out which engine is starting