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Course Introduction AS & BS For C72SPTA - August - 2024

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Hanoi National University of Education

Faculty of English – British-American Culture and Civilization Division


Le Thi Kim Anh Bui Thuy Anh Chu Thi Thu Huyen Do Thi phi Nga
Cellphone: 0904273137 Cellphone: 0389346686 Cellphone: 0972753236 Cellphone: 0912025544
anhltk@hnue.edu.vn anhbt@hnue.edu.vn thuhuyen@hnue.edu.vn ngadtp@hnue.edu.vn

1 To provide students’ fundamental background about The USA and Britain on several topics.
2 To help students understand more about American & British people and culture with their own
comments and analysis through English-speaking films, videos as well as books.
3 To develop students’ presenting and cooperating skills through group presentations.
Core books
1. Le, K. D., & Nguyen, T. H. (2010). A Glimpse into America. Hanoi: Hanoi National University of
Education Publishing House.
2. Hoang, T. G. L., Do, T. P. N., & Bui, T. B. T (2012). A Glimpse into Britain. O’Driscoll, J. (Ed.). Hanoi:
Hanoi National University of Education Publishing House.
1. Elizabeth, L. (1989). Face of Britain. London - Longman.
2. Garwood, C., Gardani, G., & Peris, E. (1998). Aspects of Britain and the USA, New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.
3. O’Driscoll, J. (1998). Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. McDowall, D. (1991). Britain in close- up. London: Longman.
5. Musman, R. (1987). Background to English-speaking countries. Cambridge: Macmilan Publishers.
6. Sheerin, S., Seath, J., & White, G. (1990). Spotlight on Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
7. Diep, T. X. (2005). The USA from ELT perspectives, Hanoi: Hanoi National University of Education
Publishing House.
8. Falk, R. (1998). Spotlight on the USA, O.U.P.
9. Portrait of the USA, U.S. Department of State.
10. Clark, R. W. (2000). Contemporary American religion 1st (Eds.). New York: Macmillan.
Useful websites
1. http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/CUSTOMS/topics/index.htm
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Britain
3. http://usinfo.state.gov
4. http://www.usastudyguide.com
5. http://usa.usembassy.de/society.htm
6. http://library.thinkquest.org
7. www.elcivics.com
8. http://americanstudies.yale.edu/
1. Regular attendance must take up at least 80% of class hours. Anyone who fails to fulfill this will not be
allowed to take the end-of-term test.
2. Compulsory home preparation: Students are required to read the recommended materials at home, do
some research and make their own comments and analysis on various topics since class hours are mostly
spent for discussion and presentation both in groups and the whole class as well.
3. Group presentations: Each student must have 1 presentation in a group during the semester. Small talks
can be registered voluntarily. The presentation will be counted into students’ end-of-term results.
4. End-of-term test

Assessment tasks Requirements Value

Attendance 80% class hours 10%

Presentation groups in each class take turns to

present on pre-determined topics during the 30%
On-going presentation
semester. Volunteers for small talks will be given
bonus for mid-term scores.

End-of-term test Individual work 60%

The evaluation of students’ presentations will be mostly based on the following criteria:
1. The informativeness of the presentation (50%): The information mentioned should be accurate,
interesting and useful for the study of Britain and British culture.
2. The cooperativeness of the presenters (25%): Each group member should play a considerable part in the
presentation and should make it a continuous process with very smooth transitions between different
3. The performance of each member as well as the entire group (25%): Such things as presenting
manners, voice, visual aids, creative ways of presenting, etc. will also count.

Week Topics Note

1 - Getting to know you + Course Introduction + Group division

Chapter I: The United Kingdom
Video watching: The UK & Wales
2 Students’ Presentation: Scotland and Northern Ireland (Group 1)
Chapter II: History of the UK - A small Talk on Stonehenge
3 Chapter III: British Geography
- Video watching: London & Edinburgh
- Students’ Presentation: Cardiff and Belfast (Group 2)

4 Chapter IV: British Education System

- Video watching: Schools in the UK
A small Talk on Public School (Volunteer)
- Students’ Presentation: School Life & University Life- (Group 3)
5 Chapter V: British Political system
Film: The Queen
6 Chapter VI: British Festivals and Holidays
- Video watching: Festivals & Holidays
- Students’ Presentation: (Group 4)
Guy Fawkes’ Night- Easter -Boxing Day
7 Revision of British Studies The film may be replaced
Film: King Arthur by another one.
8 General Introduction of The USA
Chapter I: American People and Geography
-The Native Americans
-The American in 13 colonies
- Unwilling immigrants & American Values
- A small Talk on the Roaring 20s (Volunteer)
- Students’ Presentation: The 20th century Americans & The
American Immigration Policies (Group 5)
Video watching: History of Native Americans, History of
Thanksgiving, American Civil War, American Independence War
9 Chapter I: American People and Geography
Geography of the USA: Geography in Thirteen Colonies
- Students’ Presentation: Geography in the 19th century expansion &
Geography in Present geography (Group 6)
10 Chapter III: The American System of Education
Education System of the USA:
- General introduction+ Elementary Schools in the USA + High
Schools in the USA- A small Talk on Elective courses (Volunteer)
Video watching: History of American education
11 Chapter III: The American System of Education
Education System of the USA: A small Talk on Nursery Schools
-Higher Education
- Students’ Presentation: -Two famous education institutions in the
USA: The West Point & MIT-( Group 7)
12 Chapter V: The U.S Government
Political Systems of the USA
- Students’ Presentation: 3 Branches of the American Government
(Group 8)
- A small Talk on The Democratic and Republican Party.
- Presidency
- A small Talk on US presidential election (Volunteer)
13 Chapter IV: The U.S Mass Media
- Students’ Presentation: Freedom of Speech and (Group 9)
-A small Talk on Freedom of Press(Volunteer)
Film watching: Coming to America
14 Chapter II: American Holidays
-American holidays that the U.S shares with many countries
- Students’ Presentation: (Group 10)
Uniquely American holidays
Independence Day
Presidents’ Day
Thanksgiving Day
Preparation for REVIEW DAY
15 Revision of British & American Studies

Enjoy the course!

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