Introductio 1

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Introduction Background of Studies

1. What was the problem /research all about? This problem is to determine the effect of Jackfruit, Durian and Breadnut peels in controlling Golden Kuhol. 2. Why is it necessary to solve the problem or work on it? Why is the problem important and Why did I do the work? It is necessary to solve the problem because Golden Kuhol is one of the pests in Palay and to control the producing of snail. And the researcher also want to work on this because the researchers barangay have a lot of farmers and when it is the time of planting Palays one of their problem is the Golden Kuhol. 3. What were the findings of previews authors who work on aspects related to the problem what has been done about it before I started the work? The other things the researcher has read is the Jackfruit and it can control the Golden Kuhol from reproducing. Because its peels emits a foul smell that can kill the Golden Kuhol. And the researcher found it before the work about the Jackfruit, Durian and Breadnut. The freshwater Apple snail Pomacea canaliculata is a prominent paddy field pest in Southeast Asia. Due to highly voracious macrophytophagous feeding habit it has also been utilized as a possible control agent against macrophytes. ( Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) belongs to the family Moraceae, is a fairly large sized tree and bears the largest fruit among the edible fruits. Jackfruit tree is native to India and popular in several tropical and sub-tropical countries and the fruit is known as the poor mans fruit in eastern and southern parts of India. ( 4. What did I expect to accomplish (objective) or prove (hypothesis)? The researcher is going to expect accomplishing this project because some of the farmers that they give their own strength to plant the Palays and only a pest like Golden Kuhol will be the cause of the killing of the Palays. And if it is rovers that those raw materials that I use for the project. I will talk to the farmers so they will not be hard for them to harvest more Palays than the other time they harvested during the time that it has Golden Kuhol.

Statement of the Problem:

To Determine the Effect of Jackfruit (Artocaprus heterophyllus), Durian (Durio zibethinus L.) and Breadnut (Artocaprus camansi) Peels to control the production of Golden Kuhol.

Specifically, this study sought an answer to the following questions: 1. How do Jackfruit (Artocaprus heterophyllus), Durian (Durio zibethinus L.) and Breadnut (Artocaprus camansi) Peels affect the Golden Apple Snail?


What will be the effect of different amount of fruits like Jackfruit (Artocaprus heterophyllus), Durian (Durio zibethinus L.) and Breadnut (Artocaprus camansi) Peels can control Golden Apple Snail?


Which of the Jackfruit (Artocaprus heterophyllus), Durian (Durio zibethinus L.) and Breadnut (Artocaprus camansi) is more effective in the experiment?


Which of the organic molluscicide and the chemical molluscicide can control Golden Apple Snail?

Research Hypotheses
Hypotheses: 1. There is no significant effect between Jackfruit (Artocaprus heterophyllus), Durian (Durio zibethinus L.) and Breadnut (Artocaprus camansi) Peels against Golden Apple Snail. 2. There is no significant effect between the organic molluscicide and the chemical molluscicide.

Significance of the Study:

Nowadays, golden kuhol or golden apple snail are everywhere we can see it everywhere. Aside from that there are peels of jackfruit, durian and breadnut peels are not used, but they just throw it and not using it. Through the process of this study we can save our money, instead of buying expensive pesticide we can use it as free pesticide. To know the different effects of the peels of the fruit in different ways to help the community and to clean our nature. Everybody will benefit including the farmers, the community, the country and also the individuals. For the farmers they lessen the pest on their crops instead of using harmful chemical that may infect human beings they can control it using organic materials. And the houses, restaurants etc. will lessen their garbage. Moreover, this can solve one of the major problems of our government poverty.

Scope and Limitation:

This study will be conducted to determine the effect of Jackfruit (Artocaprus heterophyllus), Durian (Durio zibethinus L.) and Breadnut (Artocaprus camansi) Peels that can control Golden Kuhol at Talavera National High School, Talavera Nueva Ecija on August 2011- March 2012

Review of Related Literature: Related Literature

Golden Apple Snail In the studies of golden apple snail or commonly known as golden kuhol it is stated that the golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) also known as golden kuhol is a large freshwater snail to tropical and sub-tropical South America. Since 1980s the snail has become a serious rice pest in Asian countries because it damages the young seedlings (Yusa and Wada 1997). ( The growth is also affected by photoperiod under constant light, from hatching to maturity, notably higher than that of natural photoperiod.( The golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) was in Asia. The Philippines is used as a case study to quantify the direct, on-farm costs associated with yield loss, replanting, and snail control. It has since invaded Asian rice systems, where it is dispersed through extensive irrigation networks and feeds voraciously on young rice seedlings. If this amount were invested in an effective quarantine and inspection program for no indigenous species, similar exotic pest problems in agriculture could be avoided in the future. (

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is one of the most significant trees in tropical home gardens and perhaps the most widespread and useful tree in the important genus Artocarpus. (Craig R. Elevitch and Harley I. Manner 2006). It is a common nonleguminous tree growing up to 15m high which bears a large fruit popular for human consumption. Jackfruit leaves widely used as a feed source despite their apparently low protein digestively thought to be due to high tannium content. And it fruit emits foul odour when it is fully ripen.( The ripened fruit is a normally fibrous and composed of sugars like glucose, fructose, xylose, rhamnose, arabinose and galactose. The seeds are also rich source of carbohydrates and proteins and good source of fibre and B-complex vitamins. Chinese consider the jack fruit pulp and seeds useful in overcoming the effects of alcohol. In India too, the jack seed is an important ingredient in antidote preparation for heavy drinkers. The latex from the bark contains resin which is used sometimes to plug holes in earthern vats and in other products. The latex from the leaves has got capacity to kill bacteria. Jacalin, the major protein from the jack seeds has proved useful tool for the evaluation of immune status of patients infected with HIV (Morton, 1987). Being a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C and pectin, jackfruit also helps in alleviating the pancreatic ailments and aid in blood purification. ( The effects of an exotic snail, the golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in tropical wetland ecosystems. This large snail (up to 80-mm shell height) has invaded large parts of Southeast Asia during recent decades.

A survey of natural wetlands in Thailand showed that high densities of the snail were associated with almost complete absence of aquatic plants, high nutrient concentrations, and high phytoplankton biomass, that is, a complete shift in both ecosystem state and function. ( 22golden+apple+snail%22%5D&searchHistoryKey=) This was accomplished using 28 standardized morphological descriptors and represents the first large-scale assessment (900 trees) of jackfruit diversity in multiple locations (nine villages). Among the descriptors studied, those most closely associated with jackfruit marketability showed a trend for selection among the trees located in homesteads. Both fruits and leaves were larger in plants on homesteads compared to plants in forest/fallow lands, and fruit quality was significantly higher in homestead trees compared to the other two location categories. ( 2/00009116)

(Sara Bumrungsria, Ekapong Sripaorayaa, Thanongsak Chongsiria, Kitichate Sriditha and Paul A. Raceya ) The floral biology and pollination ecology of durian, Durio zibethinus, were determined in eight semi-wild trees in mixed-fruit orchards in southern Thailand during April-May 2003 and 2005. Flowers open fully at 16h0016h30 and most androecia drop around 01h00. Anthers dehisce at 19h3020h00 when the stigmata are already receptive. In a series of pollination experiments, fruit was set in all treatments within 10 d.
(;jsessionid=CCCB2EC5429352F306247AC E9D020640.journals?fromPage=online&aid=2955068)

The durian fruit's astonishing smell has been described in hundreds of ways - none of them pleasant. Rotten onions, road kill, dirty feet, vomit, sewage - people associate the unique smell to previous olfactory experiences. Love it or hate it, durian fruit is surprisingly pungent. Animals, particularly orangutans, are lured by the smell of durian fruit from over half a mile away. The smell of durian fruit is distinctive, lingering, and persistent; the odour penetrates into fabric and remains on your hands after eating.(

Related Studies
Songpol Somsri and Kensuke Yamashita (1998) said that the effective pollination period (EPP) of durian was determined by both delayed and bud pollination, during which reproductive factors affecting the EPP, e.g., stigma receptivity, pollen tube growth in the style, and ovule longevity were studied histological J. Jiang, S.Y. Choo, N. Omar and N. Ahamad (2007) stated that Volatile compounds were extracted from durian by vacuum distillation followed by dichloromethane extraction and GC-MS analysis. A total of 108 compounds were identified, including 49 esters, 18 sulfur compounds, 16 carbonyl compounds, 11 alcohols, 7 hydrocarbons, and 7 miscellaneous components. Of the identified compounds, 52 have not been previously reported as durian flavor components. Esters, ketones and sulfur compounds were the major compounds. Acetoin, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate and diethyl disulfide were predominant, accounting for 34.137.5%, 20.721.9% and 5.66.1% of the total volatiles, respectively.

Thitipong Rugwong, Pakamas Chetpattananondh, Kulchanat Prasertsit (2011) stresses that purification of prebiotics by crystallization is an accessible and low cost. That is able to extend to the higher production level. Therefore, should be the aim of this research is to separate prebiotics from extract of jackfruit seed using crystallization method. Evaporated extract of jackfruit seed was crystallized in laboratory scale in order to study the effects of crystallizing temperatures and mixing speed on crystallizing yield. Sitthichon Kanitthakun, Pinit Kumhom, and Kosin Chamnongthai (2007) pointed that in quality control of freeze-dried durian, crispiness is a key quality index of the product. Generally, crispy testing has to be done by a destructive method. A non-destructive testing of the crispiness is required because the samples can be reused for other kinds of testing. This paper proposed a crispiness classification method of freeze-dried durians using fuzzy logic for decision making. The physical changes of a freeze-dried durian include the pores appearing in the images. Mohd Najib, M.A. (1992) found that forage availability under plantation crops declines when trees grow older. Durian orchard is probably a good alternative for integration in view of its better light transmission and thus better growth of the ground cover. With a stocking rate of about 15 sheep/ha under matured durian, the dry matter availability did not go lower than 1,000kg/ha. Probably, more than 15% leguminous forage were required to achieve a sustainable pasture in this livestock integration system.

The materials going to be used in conducting the tests were the following: 10g Jackfruit peels(rotten),60g Durian peels(rotten), 60g Breadnut peels(rotten), 10Golden Kuhol and a Container

Jackfruit, Breadnut and Durian were obtained from a local fruit market at Cabanatuan City. This will be washed with water and let Jackfruit, Durian and Breadnut peels to be rotten for several days. Collect some Golden Kuhol from the Rice Fields while waiting the fruit peels to rot. After rotting the peels the snails will be put in the container with the rotten peels to observe for several minutes. (Treatment 1- Jackfruit 10g Durian 10g Breadnut 10g Commercial Fertilizer 0g , Treatment 2- Jackfruit 20g Durian 20g Breadnut 20g Commercial Fertilizer 0g, Treatment 3- Jackfruit 30g Durian 30g Breadnut 30g Commercial Fertilizer 0g, Treatment 4- Jackfruit 0g Durian 0g Breadnut 0g Commercial Fertilizer 60g) After the experiment that is being conducted and after observing the data are being analyze and to know what is more effective to those different treatment.

Preparation of Different Treatment

The data represented in this section were the treatment will be conducted in the experiment. The different kind of fruit was used as an alternative molluscicide to control golden apple snail or golden kuhol. The experimental design is compose of different treatments and variables. The variables have their unlike amount of fruit peels and an inorganic molluscicide. Table 1. Total amount of fruits and kuhol used in the experiment (grams)


Amount of Jackfruit

Amount of Durian

Amount of Breadnut

Amount of

Amount of Golden Kuhol

1 2 3 4

10g 15g 20g 0g


10g 15g 20g 0g


10g 15g 20g 0g


0g 0g 0g 45g

10 10 10 10

Table 1 shows the different amount of different fruits and the number of golden kuhol to know the real number of golden kuhol left in the experimentation and how effective it is and the Treatment 5 with the same amount of different fruit peels and molluscicide as the controlled group design.

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