UDAN Concepts MS
UDAN Concepts MS
UDAN Concepts MS
Macrotic, ✔ ✔
Pancytopenia ✔
Microcytic/ ✔
Cheilosis ✔
Koilonychia ✔
Intrinsic factor ✔
Abnormal hgb,
short lifespan of ✔
deficiency ✔
Vinson- Plummer’s ✔
Iron overload ✔
Arterial/ Venous Insufficiency
● Arterial Insufficiency
- Low/ no oxygen in the legs
● Venous Insufficiency
- Blood pooling in the legs
Absence of pulse ✔
Edema ✔
Gangrene develops ✔
Leg pain relieved by walking ✔
Intermittent claudication ✔
Thrombophlebitis ✔
Raynaud’s disease ✔
Aneurysm ✔
Breath sounds
A. Vesicular E. Crackles
B. Bronchovesicular F. Rhonchi
C. Bronchial G. Stridor
D. Wheeze H. Pleural friction rub
ADH (Vasopressin)
- Retains water in the renal tubules
- vasoconstriction
➔ Hypersecretion: SIADH
➔ Hyposecretion: D.I.
- Concentration of fluids
- High osmolarity - concentrated (less water)
- Low osmolarity - dilute (more water)
➔ Blood: Urine (opposite direction)
↓ dilute ↑ concentrated
↑ concentrated ↓ dilute
4. Weight gain ✔
5. Weight loss ✔
6. Dehydration ✔
8. Constipation ✔
9. Fluid intake= 4L/day ✔
11. Hemoconcentration ✔
13. Polydipsia ✔
14. Hypertension ✔
❖ Hyperthyroidism
- Everything is high, fast and wet
- Eye manifestations
- Hypocalcemia
↑ T3 ↑ Metabolism
↑ T4 ↑ Body heat production
↑ Thyrocalcitonin
Eye manifestations
➔ Exophthalmos
➔ Von graefe’s sign (lid lag)
- Pt looks down - long & deep palpebral fissure
➔ Jeffrey’s sign
- Pt looks up, forehead remains smooth
➔ Dalyrimple’s sign (thyroid stare)
❖ Hypothyroidism
- Everything is low, slow, and dry
- hypercalcemia
↓ T3 decreased metabolism
↓ T4 decreased body heat production
↓ Thyrocalcitonin = hypercalcemia
Thyroid gland
1. T3 (Triiodothyronine)
- Metabolism, growth
2. T4
- Catabolism, body heat production
3. Thyrocalcitonin
- Regulates serum Ca levels
Antithyroid drugs
● Tapazole
● Lugol’s solution
Taken on full stomach
Start with HIGH dose then gradually taper
Thyroid Preparations
● Synthroid
● Cytomel
Taken on empty stomach
Start with LOW dose, then gradually increase
Check pulse rate and BP before administration
1. Anorexia ✔
2. Cold intolerance ✔
3. Diarrhea ✔
4. Fatigue ✔
5. Obesity ✔
6. Exophthalmos ✔
7. Thin ✔
8. Restlessness, Nervousness ✔
20. Diarrhea ✔
22. tachycardia ✔
32. Exophthalmos ✔
39. Requires cool, quiet
❖ Hyperparathyroidism
- Everything is low and slow except BP (BP is high)
- hypercalcemia , hypophosphatemia
❖ Hypoparathyroidism
- Everything is high and fast except BP (BP is low)
- Hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia
Decreased cell membrane permeability
Decreased neuromuscular irritability
(Everything is LOW & SLOW except BP)
● Polyuria → polydipsia
● Dehydration
● Urinary stones
● Fracture
● Hyposecretion of PTH
● Hypocalcemia
● Hyperphosphatemia
Hypercalcemia ✔
Hypocalcemia ✔
Muscle cramps ✔
Muscle weakness ✔
Hypophosphatemia ✔
Low BP ✔
Seizures ✔
Polydipsia ✔
+ Chvostek’s ✔
+ Trousseau’s ✔
Hypertension ✔
Laryngospasm ✔
Types of diabetes:
❖ Type I
❖ Type II
Hyperglycemia/ Hypoglycemia
❖ Hyperglycemia
- 3P’s
- Dehydration (due to polyuria)
- ketoacidosis
❖ Hypoglycemia
1. Decrease glucose supply to the brain
2. SNS stimulation
3. Feeling hungry
Blurred vision ✔
Headache, dizziness ✔
Pallor, diaphoresis ✔
Kussmaul’s breathing ✔
Sunken eyeballs ✔
Restlessness ✔
Excessive hunger ✔
Weakness, shakiness ✔
Faintness ✔
pH = 7.31, HCO3 ✔
Hunger pangs ✔
Yawning ✔
Blood glucose ✔
Inability to concentrate ✔
Hypokalemia ✔
Needs insulin ✔
Needs glucose ✔
Memory lapses ✔
Polydipsia ✔
Polyphagia ✔
★ Addison’s Disease
- Everything is low except K+, Ca+, pulse rate
- Dark skin
★ Cushing’s Disease
- Everything is high except K+, Ca+, pulse rate
Adrenal Glands
★ Adrenal cortex - secretes hormones that regulate the 3s
➔ SUGAR - glucocorticoid
➔ SALT - mineralocorticoid (e.g. Aldosterone)
➔ SEX - estrogen, testosterone
Osteoporosis Hyperkalemia
Moon face
Hypoglycemia &
Hirsutism in females
Increased virilism in
Gynecomastia in
Buffalo hump
Cranial nerves:
a. Olfactory g. Facial
b. Optic h. Acoustic
c. Oculomotor i. Glossopharyngeal
d. Trochlear j. Vagus nerve
e. Trigeminal k. Spinal accessory
f. Abducens l. Hypoglossal
Tiptoe walking PD
Ataxic gait MS
Shuffling gait PD
Bradykinesia PD
Cogwheel rigidity PD
Resting tremors PD
Intention tremors MS
Sticky skin PD
Scanning speech MS
Flattened affect PD
Stooped posture PD
Chacot’s triad MS
Lhermitte’s sign MS
Sjogren’s syndrome
(excessive dryness of
eyes, mouth, vagina)
Felicity’s syndrome
resistance to infection)
hemolytic anemia)
Signs and Symptoms
Signs/ Symptoms Type of Arthritis
Degenerative disorder OA
Autoimmune disorder RA
Subcutaneous nodules RA
Tophi GOUT
Bouchard’s nodes OA
Heberden’s nodes OA
Cock- up toe RA
Crepitus OA
Morning stiffness RA
Pain-on-use of joints OA
Pain-on-nonuse of joints RA
Leukopenia, splenomegaly RA
(Felty’s syndrome)
Hemolytic anemia RA
Dilate: Dilate:
- Pupils - peripheral blood vessels
- Bronchial tree
- Coronary blood vessels Constrict:
Constrict: - Pupils
- peripheral blood vessels - Bronchial tree
- Coronary blood vessels
Signs and symptoms:
Hypertension Hypotension
Tachycardia Bradycardia
Bronchodilation Bronchoconstriction
Constipation Diarrhea
Hyperglycemia Hypoglycemia
Pallor Wheezing
Abdominal distention
Coronary vasodilatation
Signs and Symptoms SNS PNS
Restlessness ✔
Tachycardia ✔
Peripheral vasodilation ✔
Peripheral vasoconstriction ✔
Hypotension ✔
Hypertension ✔
Bradycardia ✔
Bronchoconstriction ✔
Bronchodilatation ✔
Dilation of pupils ✔
Constriction of pupils ✔
Diarrhea ✔
Constipation ✔
Urinary retention ✔
Urinary frequency ✔
Increased salivation ✔
Diaphoresis ✔
Pallor ✔
Hypoglycemia ✔
Hyperglycemia ✔
Increased gastric acid secretion ✔
Decreased peristalsis ✔
Wheezing ✔
Slow respiration ✔
Abdominal distention ✔
Flushed skin ✔
Coronary vasodilation ✔
SNS: Anticholinergic
- Beta agonists (ex. Bronchodilators)
PNS: Cholinergic
- Beta Adrenergic blockers (ex. antihypertensive)
Answer Drugs/Conditions Antidotes
K 1. Morphine A. Mucomyst
B 3. Hyperkalemia C. Digibind
A F. Methadone
6. Acetaminophen poisoning
E 7. Lead Poisoning G. Disulfiram
I 8. Heparin H. Vitamin K
J M. Desferal
13. Myasthenic crisis
L 14. Cholinergic crisis N. Romazicon
N 15. Diazepam
16. Hemosiderosis
Patient with arterial insufficiency Legs lower than level of the heart
Patient with leg varicosities Legs higher than the level of the