CronJob On Linux OS
CronJob On Linux OS
CronJob On Linux OS
Linux is an open-source kernel for operating systems. It is widely used in operating systems
such as Ubuntu, Debian, etc. One of the unique features of Linux is that it allows the user to
have a higher degree of control over the machine. We can execute and program a vast
number of things into our computer using simple commands.
Scheduling processes and commands is one of these things. If we wish to schedule a
particular script to run next Monday, how would we do so? This is what we will look at in
our article. There are 2 basic commands that we can use for this - at and crontab.
At Command
The at command can be used to schedule a job to run at a specific time. We can send
reminders, execute system updates, and take backups at our desired time. We can specify a
specific time and date (such as 12th October at 12 AM) or an interval (such as after 3 hours).
at needs to be installed first. We can use apt-get to install it. At is not always installed by
default on all Unix-like systems. Run the command:
sudo apt-get install at
Once it is installed, we must start it and enable it. We can do so by running the commands:
sudo systemctl start atd
sudo systemctl enable atd
To schedule the creation of an empty file, use the at command. For example, to create the
file one minute from now:
- echo "touch /path/to/yourfile.txt" | at now + 1 minute
- “ ls ” check the file has been created.
One limitation of the at command is that we can't use it to run recurring tasks. For example,
if I want to run a task every Monday, we can't use at to accomplish this. For this, we use
crontab. Before we see what crontab is, let us look at the cron daemon first.
Cron Daemon
The cron daemon is a background process that is always running on a Linux machine. It is
used to schedule jobs at regular time intervals, at specific recurring intervals, or on a
particular date and time.
Cron Tables - known as crontab for short, are where the commands to be run, and the times
to run them are stored.
A crontab file is a simple plain text file in which each line represents a job. They are usually
in the /etc folder (or its subdirectories), and each user has their own crontab file. Crontab
files contain all of the scheduled jobs of a particular user. It is a text file that each user can
edit and add their tasks to.
A cron job is a scheduled task that runs automatically at specified intervals. To set up a cron
job that runs at 9 a.m. every day, you need to edit your crontab file.
Cron is installed by default, so we do not have to install it. However, we may have to create
a crontab file for the current user.
Format for Crontab
Each line must have five fields, separated by a space - followed by the command or the
script to execute. It looks like this:
Whether you're managing server tasks or developing scripts, mastering cron and at can
significantly enhance your productivity.