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Intro to Python

and Computer
Fall 2021 Science Honors Program
Instructors: Serena Killion and Dorothee
Week 1: Intro to CS, Setting up IDE, print hello world, and data types

Week 2:More Data Types and Standard Python library

Week 3: Logic: Booleans, Control Flow

Week 4: Lists and Dictionaries

Week 5: User input and Loops

Week 6: Nested data and nested loops

Week 7: Functions, Importing and Modular Code

Week 8: File Input/Output

Week 9: Object Orientated Programming

Overview of Course
● Attain a working knowledge of the Python programming language
and a basic foundation of the fundamentals of Computer Science
● Classes run from 10 to 12
● 45-60 minutes of lecture time and 45-60 minutes of coding time.

● We will adapt the syllabus to the needs of the students.

● Please turn on your video
● Use the chat or microphone to ask questions and interact
● No homework and no grades, this is all about learning and having fun
● Breakout rooms will be used for group work
What is computer
The study of algorithms
The study of solutions to problems

The study of problems with NO SOLUTIONS

Includes the theory, design, development and

application of computer hardware and software
What is an algorithm?
A process or set of rules to be followed in
calculations or other problem-solving
operations, especially by a computer.

Let’s think of some real life examples.

Algorithm for washing hair

When would you stop washing your hair?

If a robot was doing this when would they know

when to stop?

A problem is considered computable if there is an

algorithm for it.
What is Python?
Popular programming language first released.

- Readability → reusable and maintainable

- Ease of use boosts developer productivity
- Python code is typically ⅓ to ⅕ the size of equivalent
C++ or Java code
- Large collections of support libraries
- Integration with other programs and frameworks
- Enjoyment

- Execution speed
Who uses Python

- Google for search engine

- Youtube
- Lyft
- Dropbox
- Civilization IV Game
- JPMorgan, Chase, Citadel apply Python to financial market forecasting
- NASA for scientific programming tasks
- And so on
What is an IDE?
(Integrated Development Environment )

● Software application for programmers that consolidates common

developer tools into a single graphical user interface
● Includes:
○ Text editor
○ Compiler
○ Debugger
○ Syntax Highlighters
○ And perhaps more!
Let’s get started!

print(‘Hello world!’)

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