ZAK +2 Revision Test - 4

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Molecular basis of inheritance

Score: 30
Time: 1 hr
A. Answer any three questions from 1 to 4. Each carries 1 score. (3x1=3)
1. A very simple but famous double Helix model for the structure of DNA is
proposed by
a. Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin b. Friedrich Meischer
c. Erwin Chargaff d. James Watson and Francis Crick
2. Nitrogen base -----A----- is common for both DNA and RNA and thymine is
present in DNA. ---B------ is present in RNA at the place of Thymine.
(Name A and B)
3. Lac-operon is an example for inducible operon. Here inducer is ---------
4. Name two organisms whose genetic material is RNA.
B. Answer all questions from 5 to 6. Each carries 1 score. (2x1=2)
5. A typical nucleosome contains ------ bp of DNA helix.
a. 100 b. 200 c. 75 d. 10
6. Two major steps of protein synthesis are A and B. Name A and B
A. Answer any two questions from 7 to 9. Each carries 2 scores. (2x2=4)
7. Observe the given diagram

a) Name the structure.

b) Mention A,B and C in the diagram.
8. The sequence of the coding strand in a transcription unit is written as follows:
Write down the sequence of mRNA.
9. Expand the following a) HGP b) BAC
B. Answer any two questions from 10 to 13. Each carries 2 scores. (2x2=4)
10. Write down a) Initiation codon b) Termination codons

a) Name a ,b and c b) Who proposed this?

12. Differentiate the terms Euchromatin and Heterochromatin.

13. Write down the functions of following –
a) m-RNA b) t- RNA
A. Answer any three questions from 14 to 17. Each carries 3 scores. (3x3=9)
14. A + Injected to mice → Mice live
S strain + Injected to mice → B
Heat killed S strain + Injected to mice → C
{D + R strain (live)} + Injected to mouse → Mice die
a) Mention A,B, C and D in the above expt.
b) Who has done this expt? Write down the aim of this experiment.
c) Name the bacteria used in this expt.
15. a) Identify the given schematic structure (1)

b) Name A,B and C (1)

c) Differentiate the terms exons and introns (1)
16. Replication fork formed during DNA- replication is given.

a) Compare DNA replication in A and B.

b) What is meant by okazaki fragments.
c) Write down the role of enzymes DNA polymerase and DNA ligase in DNA
17. a) Steps of DNA finger printing is given. Arrange them in correct order.(2)
i) Isolation of DNA
ii)Transferring (blotting) of separated DNA fragments to synthetic membranes,
such as nitrocellulose or nylon
iii) Detection of hybridised DNA fragments by autoradiography
iv) Digestion of DNA by restriction endonucleases
v) Separation of DNA fragments by electrophoresis
vi) Hybridisation using labelled VNTR probe
b) Name the scientist who initially developed the DNA fingerprinting. Write down
two benefits of DNA fingerprinting. (1)
B. Answer the following. It carries 3 score. (1x3=3)
18. Genetic code is nearly universal. Write down the other features of genetic code.
Answer any one questions from 19 to 20. Each carries 5 scores. (1x5=5)
19. Diagram shows the three steps of transcription in prokaryotes.

a) Name the steps A,B and C (1)

b) Write down the role of sigma factor ,RNA polymerase and rho factor in
c) Mention two differences between prokaryotic transcription and eukaryotic
20. Two stages of Lac operon is given

a) Identify the different stages of Lac operon – (i) and (ii) (1)
b) Mention the roles of operator and promoter in an operon. (2)
c) Name the enzymes A,B and C (1)
d) Write down the functions of A and B (1)

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