Cianthia Jamii Constitution

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The name of the group shall be “CIANTHIA JAMII SELF HELP GROUP” here in
referred to as “THE GROUP”.
To create an enabling platform through which members can air their grievances to the
community when bereaved.
The group Physical address is 105 – 60102 ISHIARA
To improve our living standards
By the end of 1year the group members will have saved enough money to start a chicken
farming project
Transparency, Accountability, Non-political and trustworthy.
The group activities shall include: -
i. Table banking
ii. Merry-Go-Round
iii. Poultry Keeping
8.1. Any member over the age of eighteen (18) years who shares the above interests
with reliable source of income and shows commitment shall be eligible for
membership of the group and shall, subject to approval of the management, become a
member on payment of the prescribed membership fee
8.2. Every applicant is required to fill in membership application form on joining the
8.3. The group attracts a minimum of (7) members
8.4. Every member shall make a minimum monthly contribution
8.5. Every member shall pay monthly administrative fee when arises
8.6. Management committee may refuse admission to a person after assigning reasons
for their decision

8.7. Membership of the group shall cease with effect from the date of a member’s; -
a. Death
b. Withdrawal
c. Expulsion from group
d. Becoming certifiably insane
e. Transfer of shares
f. Being declared bankrupt in a court of law
8.8. Any member can be expelled from membership if the committee so recommends
and if a general meeting of the group shall resolve by two thirds majority that such a
member should be expelled on the group that his/her conduct has adversely affected
the reputation and dignity of the group.
9.1. The office bearers of the group shall be: -
i. The chairperson
ii. Vice-chairperson
iii. The secretary
iv. Assistant secretary
v. The treasurer
9.2. All office bearers shall be fully paid up by members of the group but who shall be
entitled to such allowances as provided by this constitution and approved the
management committee
9.3.1. Chairperson
i. The chairperson shall unless prevented by illness or other sufficient
cause, preside over all meetings of the committee and at all General
ii. The chairperson, or in absence, the vice-chairperson shall preside at
every General Meeting. In the absence, any member selected by
majority of those present shall preside.
9.3.2. Vice-chairperson
i. The vice-chairperson shall perform any duties as assigned to him/her
by the chairperson
ii. In the absence of the chairperson the vice-chairperson shall all session.
He shall deputize the chairperson in all occasion.
9.3.3. Secretary
i. The secretary shall deal with all the correspondence of the group under
general supervision of the committee in case of urgent matters where
the committee cannot be consulted, he shall the chairperson or if he is
not available the vice-chairperson. The decision reached shall be
subject to ratification or otherwise at the next committee meeting.
ii. He/she shall issue notice convening all meeting of the committee and
all General Meeting of the group and all responsible for keeping
minutes of all such meeting and for the preservation of all records of
proceeding of the group and the committee.
9.3.4. Assistant Secretary
i. In the absence of the secretary, the assistant secretary shall perform all
the duties of the secretary and such other duties as shall be assigned to
him by the secretary or the committee whether the secretary is present
or not.
ii. In the absence of the secretary shall perform the duties of the secretary
9.3.5. Treasurer
i. The treasurer shall receive and disburse, under the direction of the
committee all monies belonging to the group and shall issue receipt for
all money received by him or her and preserve vouchers for all money
paid out.
ii. The treasurer is responsible to the committee and the members that the
books of account of all money received and paid by the group are
written up, preserved and available for inspection.
iii. The treasurer shall ensure that all payment and expenditures are dully
iv. The treasurer shall ensure compliance with all directives of the
management committee
9.4.1. The management committee shall comprise of all the office bearers of the
group and three other members who shall be elected at the Annual General
Meeting. The committee shall hold office until the following Annual General
Meeting. The committee shall meet all such times and places as it shall
resolve but shall meet not less than twice in a year.
9.4.2. Any vacancies for members of the committee caused by death or resignation,
shall be filled by a member appointed by the remaining committee members,
and shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the group.
9.5.1. The committee shall be responsible for the management of the group. The
committee shall have power to appoint such sub-committees, as it shall deem
desirable to make reports to the committee upon which such action shall be
taken as seems to the committee desirable.
9.5.2. All monies disbursed on behalf of the group of the group shall be authorized
by the committee except as may be specified in a meeting.
9.5.3. The quorum for the meeting of the management committee shall not be less
than two-thirds (2/3) of its members.


The term of office shall be three (3) years
11.1. The funds of the group shall be derived from the following sources
i. Membership fee paid upon entrance into the group
ii. Monthly contribution by members
iii. All monies accrued by virtue of any business of the group
11.2. All monies shall be received by and paid to the treasurer and shall be deposited by
him/her in and bank/banks approved by the committee.
11.3. No payment shall be made out of the bank accounts without a resolution of the
committee authorizing such payments and the treasurer shall sign all cheques on such
bank account and one other approved signatories who shall be the secretary or the
chairperson of the group.
11.4. The financial year of the group shall be 1st January to 31st December every year.
The fund of the group may only be used for the following purposes
i. Assist any member of the group in financial need.
ii. For such investments as approved by the management committee.
iii. For any other purpose deemed beneficial to be member of the group.
When registrar has approved the dissolution of the group, no further action shall be taken
by the committee or office bearers of the group in connection with the aims of the group
other than to get in and liquidate for cash all the assets of the group. Subject to the
payment of the debts of the group, the balance shall therefore be distributed in such other
manner as maybe resolved by the meeting at which the resolution for the dissolution is
The book of accounts, all other documents relating thereto, and a list of members of the
group shall be availed for inspection at registered office of the group by any officer of
member of the group on giving not less than 7days notice in writing to the group.
15.1.1. There shall be two classes of General Meeting: - Annual General Meeting and
Special General Meeting.
15.1.2. The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 30th April every year.
Notice in writing of such Annual General Meeting accompanied by the
Annual statement of account and the agenda for the meeting shall be sent to
all members not less than 21days before the day of the meeting.
15.1.3. The agenda for any Annual General Meeting shall consist of the following
i. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting
ii. Consideration of accounts
iii. Election of the office bearers and committee members.
iv. Such other matters as the committee may be decided or as to which a
member or members date of the meeting.
v. Any other business with the approval of the chairperson.
15.1.4. The committee may call for Special General Meeting for any specific purpose.
Notice in writing of such meeting shall be sent to members 7days before the
date thereof
15.1.5. Special General Meeting may also be requisitioned for a special purpose by
order in writing to the secretary of not less than half of the members and such
meeting shall be held within 21days of the date of the requisition. No matters
shall be discussed other than that stated in the requisition.
15.1.6. Quorum for General Meeting shall be not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the
registered members of the group.
15.2.1. At all meeting of the group the chairperson or in absence of both those
officers, a member selected by the meeting shall take the chair.
15.2.2. The chairperson may at his discretion limit the number of persons permitted to
speak in favour of or against any motion or agenda.
15.2.3. Resolution shall be decided by simple voting in case of equality of votes, the
chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.
16.1. All office bearers shall be elected at Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held
each year and shall hold the office till the succeeding AGM subject to the conditions
contained in sub-paragraphs (h) and (d) of this rule but shall be eligible for re-election
16.2. Any office bearer who ceases to be a member of the group shall automatically
cease to be an office bearer thereof.
16.3. Office bearers may be removed from office and vacancies created filled by
persons elected in General Meeting resolving the expulsion. The management
committee may Co-opt on temporary basis any member to fill such vacancy in event
of such occurrence.
In the case of dispute among members a tribunal of seven eligible members shall be
formed to resolve the dispute
Amendments to the constitution of the group must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the
majority of members at a General Meeting of the group. They cannot, however be
implemented without prior consent in writing of the register obtained upon application in
writing and signed by three of the office bearers.
All land building and other immovable properties and all investments and securities
which shall be acquired by the group shall be vested in the name of not less than three (3)
trustees who shall be members of the group and shall be appointed at an AGM for a
period of 2years.
On retirement such trustees shall be eligible for re-election. A General Meeting shall have
power to remove any of the trustee and all vacancies occurring by removal, resignation or
death, shall be filled at the time or next General Meeting.
The trustees shall pay all income received from properties vested in the trustees to the
treasurer. Any expenditure in respect of such property which in the opinion of the trustees
in necessary or desirable, shall be reported by the trustee to the committee, which
authorize expenditure of such monies as it think fit.
20.1. The group shall not be dissolved except by s resolution passed at a General
Meeting of the members by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present. The
quorum of the meeting shall be as shown in rule 9(f). If no quorum is obtained, the
proposal to dissolve the group shall be submitted to a further General Meeting, which
shall be held one month later. Notice of this meeting shall be given to all members of
the group at least 14days before the date of meeting. The quorum of this meeting shall
be the number of members present.
20.2. Provided, however, that no resolution shall be effected without prior permission
in writing to the registrar, obtained upon application to him made in writing and
signed by three office bearers.
20.3. When the registrar has approved the dissolution of the group, no further action
shall be taken by the committee of office bearers of the group connection with the
aims of the group other than to get in and liquidate the cash of all assets of the group.
Subject to payment of all debts of the group, the balance shall therefore be distributed
in such other manner as may be resolved by the meeting at which the resolution for
the dissolution is passed.
CIANTHIA JAMII SELF HELP GROUP members, ID and Signatures are in the
schedule below:-


1 JOSPHINE WANTHIGA IRERI 21388664 0726290868
2 LUCY WANJUE KITHAKA 32094579 0112601481
3 CORNELIUS MUGO NJERU 23547544 0724900131
4 JACOB MUTAVI NJERU 26206878 0713281188
5 GRACE MUTHONI NJIRU 29467111 0111293514
6 MARCLUS NYAGA NJERU 37355030 0791443224
7 FAITH NGUGI NJERU 3516372 0708098620
8 MERCY KAARI KIABANGA 12578718 0768138563
9 CORLINEAR WANJERU MATE 27318398 0712416180
10 CATHERINE IRERI NJERU 3786234 0758973579
11 ANYASIO IGOKI MUSYOKA 3516336 0746635362
12 PRISCILLA WANYAGA NJERU 23693147 0716306729

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