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Powder Technology
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / p ow t e c
New method for the investigation of particle mixing dynamic in a spout-fluid bed
Yong Zhang, Wenqi Zhong ⁎, Baosheng Jin
School of Energy & Environment, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, PR China
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Detailed knowledge of particle mixing dynamic is essential in successfully designing and reasonably operating
Received 30 November 2010 spout-fluid reactor. Over the years, numerous methods for the investigation of particle mixing have been
Received in revised form 13 January 2011 proposed. This paper presents a novel method for the investigation of particle mixing. The method was carried
Accepted 24 January 2011
out in a well-designed microwave heater, in which the lab-scale spout-fluid vessel constructed with
Available online 1 February 2011
microwave-transparent Plexiglass was placed. Inside the bed, a number of polar tracer particles continuously
heated by microwave energy were real-time tracked using a top-grade infrared camera. From this, the
Mixing progress concentration field of the tracer particle could be obtained with high accuracy. This technique has been
Shannon entropy adopted to investigate the mixing dynamic of binary mixture differing in the density in a flat-bottom spout-
Microwave heating fluid bed. The mixing quality was evaluated by the Shannon entropy mixing index. On this basis, the influence
Infrared thermal imaging of important process parameters on the mixing progress in the initial mixing stage has been taken into
account. The investigation results show that the mixing progress is improved when increasing the means gas
velocity and the difference in density of bed particle. In addition, an empirical correlation as a function of gas
velocity and particle density was developed for calculating the mixing degree. The errors between
experimental data and the obtained ones from this correlation were within 28%.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction To date, there are many good studies on mixing of particles in gas–
solid systems [12–18]. In these work, the mixing process is often
A spout-fluid bed is a unique fluid-particle-agitated bed which assessed by observing the movement of each component during
overcomes the limitations of the spouted and fluidized bed by operation, whereas the mixing result is evaluated by mapping up the
simultaneously maintaining both spouting and fluidizing in the same spatial concentration distribution. For this reason, different experimen-
bed. This technique has been accepted traditionally as a solid–fluid tal methods have been developed over the years, which can be broadly
contacting method for physical operations such as drying, coating and divided into two categories: static method and dynamic method.
granulation of granular solids [1–6]. In recent years, the application of The static method is only to assess the mixing results after a given
spout-fluid bed has extended to catalytic reactors and combustion and mixing time. Typical example includes the bed-frozen method, which
gasification of coal and biomass [7–10]. was early applied by many researchers [12–16]. It is performed by a
Mixing of particles is deemed as a complex process to obtain a sudden stop of gas flow to allow particles to fall down under gravity,
uniform mixture of ingredients distributed among each other [11]. followed by the use of a proper method to divide the whole bed into
Irrespective of physical operation or chemical conversions, this process several sections and measure the concentrations in each section. The
is closely related to the rates of mass, heat and moment transfers among advantage of this method is that an entire concentration field can be
reactants and products. In general, good mixing among reactors is obtained directly and non-intrusively. However, the experiments must
essential to avoid hot spots due to the heat released by the highly be repeated a number of times to obtain reliable average values of the
exothermic reactions and segregation of the larger particles at the concentration and it is time consuming and very laborious. Another
bottom of the reactor. Whereas poor homogeneity of the particulate disadvantage is that it may suffer a certain deal of uncertainty because of
mass can lower the overall process efficiency and complicate its thermal the rearrangements associated with the transition from a fluidized to a
control. Therefore, a better knowledge and a quantitative description of fixed bed. To avoid the rearrangement in the radial direction, the new
the particle mixing behavior are of essential importance to understand bed-frozen method combined with the image processing technology
and to control the specific process and thus to eventually produce the was developed and successfully used in our early work [17,18], in which
desired product with maximum quality and yield. the flashboard-box was applied to separate the sampling regions along
the radial direction before freezing the bed.
The dynamic method can not only obtain the extent of mixing but
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 86 25 83794744; fax: + 86 25 83795508. also review the whole mixing process. According to whether they are
E-mail addresses: zyong@seu.edu.cn (Y. Zhang), wqzhong@seu.edu.cn (W. Zhong). disruptive or non-disruptive of the flow conditions within the system
0032-5910/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhang et al. / Powder Technology 208 (2011) 702–712 703
being studied, the dynamic methods are classified as intrusive and However, in spite of the rapidly growing number of articles
non-intrusive methods. Initial intrusive method is based on the written on the subject, particle flow and particle mixing are topics
thermal tracing technique [19–21]. Valenzuela and Glicksman [19] that are far from being well understood, especially in the area of
used heated particles as tracers to study solids mixing in a fluidized mixing dynamic. One of the major reasons is for the lack of the
system. Subsequently, they [20] again employed particles cooled by successful approach toward the understanding of such complex flows.
liquid nitrogen as tracers to study the mixing characteristics in a 1/4 Whereas it requires reliable experimental data, which, in turn,
scale model of a pressurized bubbling fluidized bed combustor. While depends on the implementation of sophisticated experimental
Bellgardt and Werther [21] utilized carbon dioxide as the tracer techniques, which are capable of fast response to intense mixing as
material in a bed of quartz sand. Then, the temperature distribution well as the ability to provide the required information over the entire
detected by an array of thermistors indicated the particle concentra- flow field in the dense gas–solid system.
tion. Another intrusive method was developed by Wei et al. [22] by For this purpose, a new method has been developed for the
means of a phosphor tracer technique to measure solids mixing in a investigation of particle mixing dynamic. This method combined
variety of CFB units. The technique used the phosphor particles that microwave heating with infrared thermal imaging technique. The
served as tracer particles, which was excited by a strong flash and can former was used to continuously heat a cluster of polar tracers and the
be captured by the detector. The tracer concentration can be obtained latter was adopted to track the tracer particles and further obtained
from the recorded light intensity signal. Obviously, the main the tracer distribution. To obtain an empirical correlation predicting
uncertainty of intrusive method is that the monitoring probe that is the mixing degree at an arbitrary time and gas velocity, the effect of
intrusive to the system disrupts the internal flow patterns and hence gas velocity and particle density on the mixing progress in the initial
will have some effect on the mixing behavior. Therefore, several mixing stage has been studied.
researchers have avoided the probe interference problem by
developing externally detecting technique. 2. New measurement technique
A common non-intrusive method is based on the visual observation
[23,24]. During experiments, a high-speed camera was used to record 2.1. Design description
the mixing of tracers, which were marked with dye or fluorescent
powder. The resultant images allowed the direct observation of particle Traditionally, microwave heating was used to heat food. In recent
mixing behavior and evaluated the final mixing degree by means of the years, this kind of heating method combined with the fluidization or
image processing technique. The low costs and easy handling contribute spouting technology were employed in the dry process of agriculture
to this method. But it is really only suitable for measurements close to product [29–31]. Microwave heating technology is based on the
the walls, limiting the application to a three-dimensional units. PEPT transformation of alternating electromagnetic field energy into
(positron emission particle tracking) is a very effective and popular thermal energy by affecting the polar molecules of a material. The
method to investigate the particle mixing. These techniques are based major advantages of using microwave heating are rapid heat transfer,
on detecting the pairs of back-to-back γ-rays arising from annihilation volumetric and selective heating, compactness of equipment, speed of
of the emitted positrons. Applications of PEPT to the motion and mixing switching on and off and pollution-free environment as there are no
of particles in the fluidized bed were reported by some authors [25,26]. products of combustion.
In a recent study [27], an electromagnetic method was applied to study Typical microwave heating equipment is shown in Fig. 1. Basically
the mixing and segregation of spherical solids by monitoring single the systems of a microwave oven can be divided into three dominant
particle trajectories in a bubbling fluidized bed. The method utilized the sections, the power section, the microwave generator section and the
interaction between a magnetic field imposed on a fluidized bed oven cavity. The power section serves to increase the typical
chamber and a single metal covered tracer particle moving inside the household voltage, of about 120 V, to approximately 3000 V. The
bed. In addition, a radioactive measuring technique was also adopted to second section consists of a magnetron, a microwave tube in which
study the mixing. For example, Mostoufi and Chaouki [28] studied the electrons generated from a heated cathode are affected by magnetic
local axial and radial solids mixing. The tracers were made of a mixture and electric fields in such a way as to produce microwave radiation
of gold powder and epoxy resin. The detectors were arranged around and a waveguide, which causes the microwave to propagate into the
the fluidized bed and two personal computers simultaneously regis- oven cavity. At the end of the waveguide lying opposite of the
tered the number of γ-rays detected by each detector in every sampling magnetron there is the so-called oven cavity, in which the microwave
period of 20 ms. works on the product to be heated. The oven cavity is always a
Fig. 2. Configuration of the oven cavity. (a) Rectangle-shaped internal cavity; (b) arc-shaped internal cavity.
metallic cavity ensuring that the radiation is reflected and stays inside perforations in the metal screw are much less than the microwaves'
the oven. Some waves go directly through the supporter (insulating wavelength, most of the microwave radiation cannot pass through the
material) and toward the produce (absorbing material), other bounce viewing port, while visible and infrared light (with a much shorter
off the metal walls and flooring. Thus, the microwave energy reaches wavelength) can. At the same time, the infrared glass, acting as the
all surfaces of the product heated from every direction. front wall of the spout-fluid bed, enables the infrared light through
Since the primary source of infrared radiation is heat or thermal the glass, which has no effect on the flow of particle.
radiation, any object which has a temperature radiates in the infrared.
Furthermore, the hotter the object, the more infrared radiation it emits. 2.2.3. Tracer particle
Infrared thermography is the technique that uses an infrared imaging As for the tracer particle, the essential requirement was that it
camera to detect the electromagnetic energy radiated in one infrared should be made of polar material, so that it could be heated by a
spectral band by an object and convert it into an electronic video signal microwave. The microwave heating ability of a material depends on
[32]. Hence, thermography makes it possible to “see” an object with or the dielectric constant and dielectric loss factors. In comparison with
without visible illumination. So it would be rather easy to detect a tracer the common polar material, Silicon carbide (SiC) has excellent
heated consecutively by microwave from a bed material in a spout-fluid properties such as high strength-to-density ratios, a high dielectric
bed and track it by means of infrared thermal imaging. constant (26.66) and a high dielectric loss factor (27.99) [33].
Thereby, we selected a SiC material as the main material of tracer.
2.2. Design details Considering the size and shape properties of the bed particles used,
the homemade tracer sphere was designed by thoroughly mixing
2.2.1. Internal cavity resin adhesive and SiC powders. Thus, the as-prepared mixture was
An internal cavity is a closed metal structure that confines weighted, blended, shaped and sized. In this way, three kinds of
microwave fields and prevents the microwaves from escaping. The tracers with different densities were obtained, as shown in Fig. 4.
conventional internal cavity is designed as a four-sided plane figure
with four right angles (shown in Fig. 2 (a)), which offers an even 3. Overall experimental setup, materials and procedure
distribution of microwave energy inside the oven and a high volume
to place big matter within it. For the current study, the heated objects 3.1. Overall experimental setup
are some millimeter-sized particles and move with a high velocity.
However, the preliminary test has revealed that it is extremely A schematic of the overall experimental setup is shown in Fig. 5.
difficult to effectively heat such small particles when it is placed in the The used spout-fluid bed had a cross-section of 100 mm × 30 mm and
conventional internal cavity. It may be due to the fact that this type of an overall height of 300 mm. The bottom of the bed was a perforated
internal cavity fails to concentrate microwave beam toward moving plate as air distributor, which was welded with the windboxes. A
targets and converge the microwave energy on one point. In reality,
microwave heating can be deliberately uneven by design. On the basic
of it, one designed new internal cavity shaped like a curve or an arch,
as shown in Fig. 2 (b). It successfully resolves this problem and allows
the moving small particle to be heated quickly.
minimum spouting and fluidizing velocity was 11.11 and 0.82 m/s,
respectively. The tracer particles had the same diameter of 2.8 mm
and different densities of ρt1 = 1248 kg/m3, ρt2 = 1647 kg/m3 and
ρt3 = 2615 kg/m3, respectively. During all experimental runs, a bed
initial height of 0.1 m was maintained. Each run was conducted for a
desired period of time before the gas was turned off.
3.3. Procedure
The bed materials utilized for testing were Polymer beans with a Below, we will present the spatial distribution of the tracer group
particle diameter of 2.8 mm and a particle density of 900 kg/m3. The at different times. To assist the discussion, the spouting gas velocity,
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the experimental system. (1) Compressor; (2) silica gel drier; (3) bypass valve; (4) control valve; (5) flow meter; (6) spout nozzle; (7) fluidizing gas
inlet; (8) windboxes; (9) ball valve; (10) spout-fluid bed volume; (11) infrared viewing port; (12) particle inlet; (13) infrared camera; (14) front door; (15) microwave generator;
(16) gas outlet; (17) computer; and (18) supporter.
706 Y. Zhang et al. / Powder Technology 208 (2011) 702–712
Fig. 6. Comparison of the digital image (a), which is from a previous study and the thermal image (b), which is from the current study.
fluidizing gas velocity and particle density are expressed as dimen- completely concentrated (t = 0 s) gradually gives way to one in which
sionless variables, given by: the tracer particles diffuse toward the central region of the bed and
begins to mix with the bed particles. As mixing proceeds, the spout
us = us = ums ð1Þ gas penetrates through the bed and two symmetrical circulation rolls
form at both sides of the bed. Following this, more and more tracer
uf = uf = umf ð2Þ particles travel into the spout region and along the spout, some of
them move to the fountain region, which are mainly caused by the
ρ = ρt = ρb ð3Þ entrancement of spouting gas. During this process, particle mixing is
only limited to the left of the bed and no tracers have been found on
in which us and uf are, respectively, the actual spouting and fluidizing the other side of the bed. Then, the tracer particles fall down at the
gas velocities; ums and umf are the minimum spouting and fluidizing surface of the annulus and run downwards with the bed particles in
gas velocities, respectively; ρt and ρb are the densities of the tracer the annulus. Once the tracer particles finish the journey of one
and bed particles, respectively. circulation, they mix vigorously with the bed particle.
Typical thermal images obtained during the experiment are shown Therefore, the whole process can be divided into two subsequent
in Fig. 8, which displays the single heated tracer at various regions. stages: the initial mixing stage and the stable mixing stage. In the first
The region that the tracer is located is determined by the digital photo stage, the circulation for the bed particle has been formed but it still
obtained from our previous study [17]. It is evidence that the particle has not been formed for the tracer particle. Here, most of the tracer
temperature in the annulus is higher than the one in the spout and particles travel only along the route of circulation roll, which has been
fountain, which is mainly induced by the cooling effect of air with a explained in our previous work [34]. After then, when the circulation
high velocity. There is no obvious difference in particle temperature for the tracer particle has been formed, nearly one half of the tracer
for these tracers in the same region. Provided that the tracer heated by particles have moved into the right side of the bed. After above initial
the microwave has a temperature over room temperature, it can be mixing stages, a dynamical equilibrium mixing state is established
detected by the infrared camera. Hence, whether the particle and the degree of mixing does not change with time.
temperature is high or low, it has no influence on the final results. As already mentioned, the final result of the particle tracking was the
Fig. 9 shows an illustrative example of the mixing for particles of distribution of those heated tracer particles. Considering that most
1647 kg/m3 in density and 2.8 mm in diameter, which generates some factors relating to the mixing behavior can be explained in terms of
visual impression of the mixing process. Obviously, initial state of probabilities, it could be appropriate to take up mixing phenomena from
pi = ni = nt : ð5Þ
S = − ∑ pi lnðpi Þ: ð6Þ
When the tracer is existing only in one cell and there is no mixing
in the bed, the condition of minimum Shannon entropy corresponds
to this state, which can be given by:
Smin = 0: ð7Þ
Sðt Þ−Smin
S⁎ðt Þ = ð9Þ
Smax −Smin :
Fig. 9. Instantaneous snapshots of particle mixing process with time (u*s = 1.11, and u*f = 0.23). (a) t = 0 s; (b) t = 0.767 s; (c) t = 1.633 s; and (d) t = 3.967 s.
enhance from 0 to a mixing equilibrium. But at us⁎ = 1.33 and 4.3. Effect of particle density
u⁎f = 0.66, it only takes about 5 s to reach the mixing equilibrium state.
Due to the difference in the maximum entropy increase, it is very In these experiments, the particle diameter is kept at 2.8 mm while
difficult to significantly compare the mixing rate at variant operating the particle density of the tracer particle is increased from 1248 to 1647,
conditions. To make the Shannon entropy increase of the different gas then to 2615 kg/m3. The change of the Shannon entropy increase with
velocities regular and consistent, we normalize the Shannon entropy time at us⁎ = 0.87 and u⁎f = 1.14 is displayed in Fig. 11 (a). It can be
increase as the dimensionless form P = S* / S*e, in which S*e is the observed obviously that though a similar trend is found among these
maximum Shannon entropy increase at the mixing equilibrium state. curves, some quantitative differences exist, which depend on the tracer.
Thus, the Shannon entropy increases for all the cases examined are That is to say, an increase in the density of the tracer particle results in a
brought into the range 0 to 1 in the first stage and kept at drastic change in the variance of the Shannon entropy increase with
approximately 1 in the second stage. The results are illustrated in time.
Fig. 10 (b). Clearly, the mixing time for case 4 is the shortest, implying For one thing, the maximum entropy increase reduces from round
that the mixing rate for case 4 is higher than that for other cases. This about 0.72 to 0.59 when the density of the tracer particle is increased
may be attributed to the influence of the spouting gas velocity, which from 1248 to 2615 kg/m3. This indicates that the achievable
is the main driving force for particle circulation. While the mixing homogeneity is strongly dependent on the density difference between
time for case 3 is the longest and the mixing time for cases 1 and 2 lie the bed particle and the tracer particle. There is a significant decrease
between case 3 and 4. in the mixing degree when the density of the tracer increases. This is
Y. Zhang et al. / Powder Technology 208 (2011) 702–712 709
Fig. 10. Evolution of (a) Shannon entropy increase and (b) dimensionless Shannon Fig. 11. Evolution of (a) Shannon entropy increase and (b) dimensionless Shannon
entropy increase with time at different gas velocities. entropy increase with time for different tracers.
corroborated by observations in the experiment that the heavier 4.4. Quantifying the dynamic of mixing
tracer particles have been found to frequently congregate at the upper
inner part of the annulus. These phenomena become more pro- Since the mixing degree changes significantly in the initial mixing
nounced with increasing the difference in particle density of the bed stage, we limit our discussion in the initial mixing stage of interest and
particle and tracer particle. Such phenomena coincide with the result take into account the mixing progress in this stage. A clue to elucidate
obtained by means of the combination of a box-counting method and mixing progress, considering the results shown in Figs. 10 (b) and 11 (b),
digital image processing technique [38]. The cause of such a mixing it is appropriate to assume a relationship between the dimensionless
pattern can be better explained by the fact that the heavier tracer Shannon entropy increase, P, and time elapsed, t, as follows:
particles are prone to land at smaller radial positions and thus to
subsequently achieve a shorter path through the annulus. P = 1−expð−kt Þ: ð10Þ
For another, there seems to be a difference in the mixing time in
the initial mixing stage for the three tracers. However, it is very hard Here, k is an important parameter, which has a relation to the
to clearly discern the difference between these curves, especially for operating condition. Note that, in this equation, the relationship can
the quantitative difference. Fig. 11 (b) presents the change of be made linear by transforming. In an attempt to calculate the
dimensionless form P with time for the different tracer particles. It coefficient k, we can take the logarithm of each side of Eq. (10),
can be noted that the mixing time for tracer 3 is smaller than those for making the relation a bit clearer. Thus, this equation can also be
tracers 1 and 2. Thus, the mixing speed for tracer 3 is much higher expressed as:
compared with tracers 1 and 2. That is to say, the heavier particles
have a higher mixing rate in the initial mixing stage. These finds are lnð1−P Þ = −kt: ð11Þ
qualitatively supported by our previous visual observation [38]. This
can be attributed to the following reasons. As indicated above, the And, after calculating the average P value of several measurements
heavier tracer particles are prone to land at smaller radial positions. As at each operating condition, it is confirmed that Eq. (11) shows clearly
a result, these particles pass through a small cycle roll, even a short the relationship between P and t by plotting ln(1 − P) vs. t.
cycle [39], which covers a short route. What's more important is that Fig. 12 exhibits the evolution of ln(1 − P) with time. It can be
most of the regions traveled by the tracer particle lie in the spout observed that although data are scattered, the general trend is that the
region and the internal annulus, where the velocity of particle is value of ln(1 − P) decreases linearly with the increase of time.
higher compared with other regions [34]. Therefore, by linear fitting a series of scattered data, we can determine
710 Y. Zhang et al. / Powder Technology 208 (2011) 702–712
For the given tracer, it is constant for the third item of the right side
of Eq. (13). If ln(um) is considered as the independent variable, ln(k) is
the dependent variable. Hence, Eq. (13) is deemed as the linear
equation, whose graph in the Cartesian coordinate plane is a straight
line. The constant b is obtained by calculating the slope of the straight
line. The scatter point for the growth of ln(k) with ln(um) is presented
in Fig. 13. By means of least-squares linear fitting, a straight line can be
plotted, and whose slope is just the value of b. It can be seen from
Fig. 13 that there are different fitting straight lines for each tracer
particle. But the slope for each fitting straight line is almost the same.
The real value of b is by calculating the average of these slopes so as to
minimize the error. Using the same method, c can also be determined
for fixed operating condition, which is shown in Fig. 14. Thus, Eq. (12)
can be given
0:48 0:43
k = aum ρ : ð14Þ
0:48 0:43
k = 0:548um ρ : ð15Þ
b c
k = aum ρ ð12Þ
where, a, b and c are the constants and um is the mean gas velocity,
which is a function of spouting and fluidizing gas velocity. Eq. (12)
allows us to determine the value of these constants by taking the Fig. 13. Effect of mean gas velocity on the mixing coefficient k.
Y. Zhang et al. / Powder Technology 208 (2011) 702–712 711
Tracer 1
+15% -5%
0.8 Tracer 2
Tracer 3
[S*/S*e]cal (-)
0.6 +28%
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
[S*/S*e]exp (-)
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