1-MCE 331 - Introduction

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MCE 331 – Manufacturing


Manufacturing Processes
 What is manufacturing is all about??

Design of a part Selection of material Which process?

 Manufacturing process
It is a procedure that results in physical or chemical
changes to the original material.
Manufacturing operation

Processing operation Assembly operation

Transform the material to an Joins two or more components to
advanced state at/close to the final generate a new entity.
shape. Exaple: Welding, ……
Example: forging, . . . . .
Chart showing general product flow, from
market analysis to selling the product, and
depicting concurrent engineering. Source:
After S. Pugh.
Process Selection
Various methods of making a simple part:
(a) casting or powder metallurgy,
(b) forging or upsetting,
(c) extrusion, (d) machining, (e) joining two pieces.
What is Manufacturing?
 Definitions:
 Technologically: is the applications of physical and/or chemical
processes to alter the geometry, properties and/or appearance of a
given starting material to make parts or products.

Manufacturing as a technical process (Ref #1)

What is Manufacturing?
 Economically: is the transformation of materials into items of greater
values by means of one or more processing and/or assembly

Manufacturing as an economic process (Ref #1)

Why manufacturing is important?
 Manufacturing is essential factors that make technology
 Manufacturing is an important means for a nation to create
material wealth (economy).
 Manufacturing is important in the development of civilization.
Historically, human cultures that were better in making things
were more successful.

Note: technology can be defined as the application of science to provide

society and its members with those things that are needed and desired.
Manufacturing industries
 Industries:
 Primary: agriculture, mining, etc…
 Secondary: take the outputs of primary industries and convert it into
consumer and capital goods ( Manufacturing is the principle activity in
this category), (automotive, electronics, food processing, etc..)
 Tertiary: Services (banking, education, insurance etc…)
Manufacturing industries
Manufactured products
 Consumer goods: are products purchased directly by
consumer ( cars, TVs, etc..)
 Capital goods: are products purchased by companies to
produce good and supply services ( aircraft, machine tools,
construction equipment, etc…)
Production quantity & product variety
Product variety

1 100 100,000 1000,000

Production quantity
Manufacturing capability
 Manufacturing plant consists of materials, processes and systems.
 One can identify manufacturing capability of a plant through:

1. Technological processing capability: the available set of

manufacturing processes in the plant .
 Includes physical processes in addition to the expertise
 Certain materials needs certain manufacturing processes
 Companies must concentrate on the design and manufacture of products
compatible with their technological processing capability
Manufacturing capability
2. Physical product limitations: Size and weight limitations on the
parts or products that can be made in the plant
 Plant size, storage, material handling and production equipment have to
planned according to the size and weight rang of the products

3. Production capacity: the production quantity that can be

produced in a given time period.
Materials in manufacturing
1. Metals
2. Ceramics basic categories
3. Polymers
4. Composites

 They are different in their chemistries and so in their mechanical and

physical properties, these differences affect the manufacturing
processes that can be used to produce products from them
Usually alloys, which are composed of two or more elements, at
least one of which is metallic
 Two basic groups:
1. Ferrous metals: which are based on iron (Steel (0.02-2.11%
Carbon) , Cast iron (2-4% Carbon))
2. Nonferrous metals: all other metallic elements and their alloys:
aluminum, copper, gold, magnesium, nickel, silver, tin,
titanium, etc.
 Compound of containing metallic and nonmetallic elements
 Examples: clay, silica, alumina, silicon carbides and nitrides
 For processing purposes, ceramics are divided into:
 Crystalline ceramics (clay, alumina )
 Glasses ( silica)
 A compound formed of repeating structural units called mers,
whose atoms share electrons to form very large molecules
 Polymers usually consist of carbon plus one or more other
 Three categories:
1. Thermoplastic polymers: can be subjected to multiple heating
and cooling cycles without altering their molecular structure
2. Thermosetting polymers: molecules chemically transform (cure)
into a rigid structure upon cooling from a heated plastic
3. Elastomers: exhibit significant elastic behavior
A composite is a material consisting of two or more
phases that are processed separately and then bonded
together to achieve properties superior to its
 Phase: is a homogeneous mass of material
 Mixture: particles and fibers of one phase mixed in a second
phase which form the structure of the composite.
 Properties depend on components, physical shapes of
components, and the way they are combined to form the
final material
 Examples: wood, epoxy-Kevlar, cemented carbide
Manufacturing processes

Classification of manufacturing processes (Ref #1)

Manufacturing processes
 Processing operation: transform a work material from one state
of completion to a more advanced state that is closer to the final
desired product.
 Shaping processes
 Property enhancing processes
 Surface processing operations

 Assembly operation: joining two or more components in order

to create a new entity
 Permanent joining
 Mechanical fasteners
Shaping Processes
 Categories:
1. Solidification processes
2. Particulate processing
3. Deformation processes
4. Material removal Processes
Solidification Processes
 Starting material is heated sufficiently to transform it into a
liquid or highly plastic state
 Then it can be poured or forced flow into a mold cavity to
solidify and take its solid shape
 Examples: Casting (metals), molding (plastics)

Casting and molding (Ref #1)

Particulate Processes
 Starting materials are powders of metals or ceramics
 Usually involves pressing and sintering, in which powders
are first squeezed in a die cavity and then heated to bond the
individual particles

(Ref #1)
Deformation Processes
 Starting workpart is shaped by application of forces that
exceed the yield strength of the material
 Examples: forging, extrusion, drawing, rolling

(Ref #1)
Material removal Processes

 Excess material removed from the starting workpiece so that

the resulting shape is the desired geometry
 Examples: machining such as turning, drilling, and milling;
grinding and nontraditional processes ( laser machining,
chemical erosion)

(Ref #1)
Property-Enhancing Processes
 Performed to improve mechanical or physical properties of the
work material
 Part shape is not altered, except unintentionally
 Examples:
 Heat treatment of metals and glasses
 Sintering of powdered metals and ceramics
 Advanced techniques: equal channel angular extrusion
(ECAE), Torsional strain severe plastic deformation
((TS)-SePD), Friction stir processing.
Surface Processing
 Includes:
 Cleaning
 Surface treatment
 Coating and thin film deposition processes
Production systems
 Production systems consists of people, equipment and
procedures designed for the combination of materials
and processes that constitute to a firm’s manufacturing
 Two categories:
1. Production facilities
2. Manufacturing supporting systems
Production Facilities
The factory, production equipment, and material handling
 Includes the way the equipment is arranged in the
factory - the plant layout
 Equipment usually organized into logical groupings, called
manufacturing systems. Examples:
 Automated production line
 Machine cell consisting of an industrial robot and two machine
Facilities vs Product Quantities

 A company designs its manufacturing systems and organizes

its factories to serve the particular mission of each plant
 Certain types of production facilities are recognized as most
appropriate for a given type of manufacturing:
1. Low production – 1 to 100
2. Medium production – 100 to 10,000
3. High production – 10,000 to >1,000,000
Low Production
Job shop is the term used for this type of production facility
 A job shop makes low quantities of specialized and
customized products
 Products are typically complex, e.g., space capsules,
prototype aircraft, special machinery
 Equipment in a job shop is general purpose
 Labor force is highly skilled
 Designed for maximum flexibility
Fixed-Position Plant Layout
In case of a large/heavy product the workers are brought to the product instead of
moving the product to several locations.. fixed position layout
Process Plant Layout
The individual components of these heavy/large parts are processed places
where equipment's are arranged according to function or type
Turning department

Milling department
Medium Production

 Two different types of facility, depending on product variety:

 Batch production (Equipment production rate > Demand rate)
 Suited to medium and hard product variety
 Setups required between batches
 Cellular manufacturing
 Suited to soft product variety
 Worker cells organized to process parts without setups between
different part styles
Cellular Plant Layout
High Production

 Often referred to as mass production

 High demand for product
 Manufacturing system dedicated to the production of that
 Two categories of mass production:
1. Quantity production
2. Flow line production
Quantity Production
Mass production of single parts on single machine or small
numbers of machines
 Typically involves standard machines equipped with special
 Equipment is dedicated full-time to the production of one
part or product type
 Typical layouts used in quantity production are process layout
and cellular layout
Flow Line Production
Multiple machines or workstations arranged in sequence, e.g.,
production lines
 Product is complex
 Requires multiple processing and/or assembly operations
 Work units are physically moved through the sequence to
complete the product
 Workstations and equipment are designed specifically for the
product to maximize efficiency
Product Plant Layout
Manufacturing supporting systems

 Includes:
1. Manufacturing engineering: planning the process, designing
2. Production planning and control: ordering, scheduling
3. Quality control
Trends in Manufacturing
 Lean production and Six Sigma
 Globalization and outsourcing
 Environmentally conscious manufacturing
 Microfabrication and Nanotechnology
Lean Production and Six Sigma
 Lean production
 Doing more work with fewer resources, yet achieving higher
quality in the final product
 Underlying objective: elimination of waste in manufacturing
 Six Sigma
 Quality-focused program that utilizes worker teams to
accomplish projects aimed at improving an organization’s
organizational performance

The recognition that we have an international economy in which

barriers once established by national boundaries have been
 This has enabled the freer flow of goods and services, capital,
technology, and people among regions and countries
 Once underdeveloped countries such as China, India, and
Mexico have developed their manufacturing infrastructures and
technologies so that they are now important producers in the
global economy
Use of outside contractors to perform work that was
traditionally accomplished in-house
 Local outsourcing
 Jobs remain in the country.
 Outsourcing to foreign countries
Environmentally Conscious
Determining the most efficient use of materials and natural
resources in production, and minimizing the negative
consequences on the environment
 Associated terms: green manufacturing, cleaner
production, sustainable manufacturing
 Basic approaches:
1. Design products that minimize environmental impact
2. Design processes that are environmentally friendly
Microfabrication and Nanotechnology
 Microfabrication
 Processes that make parts and products whose feature sizes are
in the micron range (10-6 m)
 Examples: Ink-jet printing heads, compact disks, microsensors
used in automobiles
 Nanotechnology
 Materials and products whose feature sizes are in the nanometer
range (10-9 m)
 Examples: Coatings for catalytic converters, flat screen TV
Overview of Major Topics
Manufacturing Economics
 Time Analysis

Cycle time of a unit is the time that one work unit spends being processes or assembled.
In batch production:

Batch time (min/batch) 𝑇𝑏 = 𝑇𝑠𝑢 + 𝑄 𝑇𝑐

The average production time per piece ,

𝑇𝑠𝑢 𝑇𝑠𝑢 +𝑄 𝑇𝑐 𝑇𝑏
𝑇𝑝 = + 𝑇𝑐 = =
Average hourly production rate RP, (includes the set up time)

Average cycle rate Rc, (without set up time)

Cycle rate Rc Rp
Cost Analysis
- Cost of time,
- Cost of material
- Overhead cost
The average production time per piece
Cost per piece, Cpc ($/pc)

Cost of tooling ($/pc)

Equipment cost rate ($/min)
Labor cost rate ($/min)
Starting material cost ($/pc)

Worker hourly wage rate ($/hr)

Labor overhead rate( %)

Labor cost rate, CL($/min)

Typical Cost Breakdown for a
Manufactured Product

©2013 John Wiley & Sons,

Inc. M P Groover,
Principles of Modern
Example 1.1
Example 1.2
Example 1.3
Solved Problem
Question 1.6) A stamping press produces sheet-metal stampings in batches. The press is operated by a

worker whose labor rate = $15.00/hr and applicable labor overhead rate = 42%. Cost rate of the press =

$22.50/hr and applicable equipment overhead rate = 20%. In one job of interest, batch size = 400 stampings,

and the time to set up the die in the press takes 75 min. The die cost $40,000 and is expected to last for

200,000 stampings. Each cycle in the operation, the starting blanks of sheet metal are manually loaded into

the press, which takes 42 sec. The actual press stroke takes only 8 sec. Cost of the starting blanks =

$0.43/pc. The press operates 250 days per year, 7.5 hours per day, but the operator is paid for 8 hours per

day. Assume availability = 100% and scrap rate = 0. Determine

(a) cycle time,

(b) average production rate with and without setup time included, and

(c) cost per stamping produced.

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