Multiplexing Exams
Multiplexing Exams
Multiplexing Exams
FDM can be used with analog signals. A number of signals are carried
simultaneously on the same
TDM (also known as synchronous time division multiplexing) can b used with
digital signals or
analog signals carrying digital data. In TDM, data from various sources are carried
in respective
frames. Each frame consists of a set of time slots, and each source is assigned a
time slot per frame.
Ans: A synchronous time division multiplexer interleaves bits from each signal and
takes turns transmitting bits from each of the signals in a round-robin fashion.
4. Define the following terms as used in multiplexing (2mks)
i. multiplexing
Multiplexing means combining multiple streams of information for
transmission over a shared medium using a multiplexer.
ii. De-multiplexing
Splitting a combined stream arriving from a shared medium into the
original information streams. This can be done using de-multiplexer
5. State three advantages of time division multiplexing technique. (3mks)
1. The user gets full bandwidth of the channel in a particular time slot.
2. For burst signals such as voice or speech TDM gives maximum utilization of
the channel
3. most suitable technique for digital transmission.
6. What is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing? (2mks)
Orthogonal FDM's (OFDM) spread spectrum technique distributes the data over a
large number of carriers that are spaced apart at precise frequencies. This spacing
provides the "orthogonality" in this technique which prevents the demodulators
from seeing frequencies other than their own. The benefits of OFDM are high
spectral efficiency, resiliency to RF interference, and lower multi-path distortion.