2021 Fall

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MATH2211: Multivariable Calculus

December 21, 2021 2:30p.m. — 5:00p.m.

Only approved calculators as announced by the Examinations Secretary can be used

in this eramination. It is candidates’ responsibility to ensure that their calcula-
tor operates satisfactorily, and candidates must record the name and type of the
calculator used on the front page of the examination script.

Answer ALL SEVEN questions

Note: You should always give precise and adequate explanations to support your
conclusions except question 1. Clarity of presentation of your argument counts. So
think carefully before you write.

P.1 of3
. Put down the answer only. No explanations are required.

(4 points) Compute lim
(a) (#.y)>(-1,2) xyty

(b) (4 points) Let f be a smooth function such that f(1,-2) = 3, f,(1,-2) =4

and fy(1,-2) =5. Define g(t) = f(2-t?,1+3t). Compute g’(-1).

(c) (4 points) Let 7: [0,6] + R? be a path defined by y(t) = ((4¢+ 1)2, 6t?)
where b> 0. If the length of y is 72, find the value of b.

(d) (4 points) Let C' be the boundary of the triangle with vertices (0,0), (4,0)
and (3,5). Let n be the outward unit normal vector to the triangular
region, and let F(x,y) = (ze, 2y - e”). Compute g F-nds.

. Determine whether each of the following is true or false.


(a) (4 points) Let f : R? > R be a differentiable function. If the incremental

change Af = f(h)-f(0) is equal to the total differential df(0,h) for some
he R?, then f(z,y) = Ax + By+C for some constants A,B and C.

(b) (4 points) Let D be the disc in R? with centre (0,0) and radius 5. Then
Jf Gina)*(cosy)! dA =0.

(c) (4 points) Every vector field is a gradient field.

(d) (4 points) Define F : R? > R° by F(z, y,z) = (y?, 23,2). Then the curl of
F at every point is the same.

. Let I], and Ip be planes in R? with equations 3r—2y+z = 0 and —r—4y+5z =

(a) (6 points) Find the equation of the line of intersection of I], and Ip.

(b) (6 points) Find the equation of the plane passing through the point
(1,1,1) and is perpendicular to both Tl, and Mh.

P.2 of 3
4. Define f :R? +R by f(2,y) =|zyl.

(a) (2 points) Explain why f is continuous.

(b) ( (4 points) Compute the partial derivatives of f at (0,0).

(c ) (6 points) ) Determine if f is differentiable at (0,0) by definition.

(d) ) ( 2 points) What is the directional derivative of f at (0,0) in the direction

of (+: =}?
V5 V5)

. (14 points) Define f : R? + R by f(x,y) = 24 - 4x?y + 8y*. Find all point(s)

of local/global maximum/minimum and saddle point(s) of f. (Note: You
should show the use of multivariable calculus in some parts of the
solution. An entirely algebraic proof is not acceptable.)

. (a) (6 points) Compute LL, (y-2)° dA where D is the bounded region in R?

bounded by the straight lines y=2, y=a2-4, y=-24+2 and y=—27+8.

(b) (8 points) Find the volume of the bounded region in R* bounded by the

hyperboloid x? + y? — z? =—1 and the plane z = 4.

7. (a) (8 points) Let f : D + R be a continuous function of class C? in the

variables x and y, where D c R? is open and connected, possibly together
with some or all of its boundary points. Using polar coordinates, we can
also regard f as a function in r and @. Find the surface area of the graph
of f(a, y) over the region D in terms of r, 0, f, and fo.

(b) (6 points) Define g(z, y) = g(rcos@,rsin@) = 56 Let D be the region

in the first quadrant of R? inside the disc with centre (0,0) and radius 2.
Find the surface area of the graph of g(x,y) over the region D.

*%x%x%x%xx%x%* END OF PAPER *%**%%%

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