2011 Volvo Maintenance Schedule
2011 Volvo Maintenance Schedule
2011 Volvo Maintenance Schedule
Volvo is not only committed to caring for your car, These regularly scheduled maintenance service
but to helping ensure you and your family’s well checks performed by your authorized Volvo retailer,
being. To further enhance the Volvo ownership will help ensure trouble free operation of your Volvo
experience, your new Volvo includes the Volvo vehicle.
Complimentary Factory Scheduled Maintenance
(FSM) Program. This maintenance program is Through the Volvo Complimentary FSM program,
designed to complement your Volvo warranty and your Volvo retailer may be authorized** to perform
will help ensure trouble free operation of your Volvo functional or performance enhancements through
vehicle. software upgrades. This will keep your Volvo up to
the latest recommended standards.
The Volvo Complimentary Factory Scheduled
Maintenance program offers: The Volvo Complimentary FSM program is
• scheduled maintenance coverage for the first honored at any authorized Volvo retailer in the
3 years or up to 36,000 miles* United States. Coverage begins with the date the
• the first four regularly scheduled maintenance vehicle is delivered to the original purchaser or the
services at 7,500, 15,000, 22,500 and 30,000 original lessee, or on the date the vehicle is placed
miles in service as a “demonstrator.” This program is
• covers all 2011 model year Volvo vehicles sold associated with the vehicle and cannot be
new to a retail customer and registered in the transferred to another vehicle.
U.S. by an authorized Volvo retailer * Volvo recommends that you bring your vehicle in for
We care for you and your safety; therefore, in service at least once a year regardless of mileage. In
addition to normal service and inspection items such cases Volvo will cover the recommended services
at 1 per year for the first 4 years.
listed below, the Volvo Complimentary Factory
Scheduled Maintenance Program includes a ** At the discretion of Volvo Cars of North America, LLC.,
diagnostic check of passive and active safety applicable software upgrades may be downloaded to
systems. Also included in your scheduled your vehicle.
maintenance service is a systems check of the Volvo reserves the right to make changes to or terminate
on-board computer monitoring functions. this program at any time.