User Manual

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Table Contents

MAP:.............................................................................................................................................. 3
MAP WITH TRIPS...........................................................................................................................9
REPORTS...................................................................................................................................... 10
ACTIVITY REPORT........................................................................................................................ 10
STOPPED REPORT........................................................................................................................12
TRIP REPORT................................................................................................................................13
TRAVEL TIME REPORT................................................................................................................. 14
MIS REPORT.................................................................................................................................15
Refresh Page

 Dash Board that show as the status of all the vehicles.
 The Green for running vehicles, Orange for NR and Black for Stopped.

 The Refresh section allow page to refresh at a set time.

1 Show Setting

Summary View

1. You can Change Setting of you dashboard of

2. You can add the summary view of you dashboard

and can add different activates to display on your


1. The start Date provide the date and time from where you want to see your
vehicle History 3
1 2
2. The End Date provide the date and time till where you want to see your
vehicle history.

3. The Duration set the NO. Of polls.

i) By selecting All, It will show you all the polls of the vehicle.

 The selected icon allow us to select the vehicle in groups and show their
activities from the given time range.

 You can select complete group by selecting Group/Vehicles. Or you can

click and selected icon to open a drop down view of all vehicles in the
 Once you selected the vehicle the vehicles will be display on the map.

 If you click one the car Icon the detail of vehicle will be display.
 You can also select the vehicle option highlighted, which will give you car’s
registration no. and its time.

Vehicle History

 Vehicle history will give us the trip view of the selected vehicle from the
selected time. The polls here are set for 1 Hour which can be selected
according to your need.

1 2

1. Using here you can see the motion of a vehicle’s trip on the map.
2. By clicking Nearest Vehicles option you can the nearest vehicles around the
selected vehicle. You can also show how many vehicle is near your car.

 You can see the List view which provide you a more detail info about your
List View

 If you want know where all your vehicles are you can group them.
 Once you check marked the cluster option, you can group all the vehicles
which show how many are present at each city.


 Map with the trip has a section which can display the selected vehicles trips
with details.

 In Reporting You can Access the following types of reports,
 Activity Report
 Stop Report
 Trip Report
 Detailed Report
More Types can be add as per requested.


1 3

1. You can select the desire vehicle from here and can see report of that
vehicle in the group.
2. It allow user to select the
desire time of the report for
desired Date. You can view the
report of one vehicle by
selecting Date and Time
3. Fetch report allow user
to download the report
for selected vehicle for
selected time and date in either
“word” or in “excel” format.

The Activity report provide you with

the following detail.
RegNo: No. of your vehicle.
Group: From which group this car belong to.
Record Date & Time: The time and date you
selected to see the report.
Location: Shows the current location of the vehicle for the selected time and
Speed: The Speed of the vehicle.
Direction: Show the Direction of the vehicle.
Distance: The Distance it covered from the selected time in Km.
Travel Time: How long the vehicle has been running.
Stop Time: How long the vehicle stopped in one point
Reason: It prove the alert.


The Stop report shows user how many times the vehicle stopped and for how
long. You can filter out by applying the limit for stopped time in Duration. By
doing this the report will only shows the vehicle that stay stopped more than the
set limit.
The stopped report provides the following details
RegNo: No. of your vehicle.
Ign Off: Ignition off shows the time when vehicle off its ignition.
Ign On: Ignition on shows the time when vehicle on its Ignition.
Duration: Shows the time how long vehicle stay stopped.
Ign off Location: Tell user the nearest Landmark where the vehicle stopped.
Coords: It show the exact location where the vehicle stopped in form of Longitude
and latitude


The Trip repot that provide the complete trip detail of a selected vehicle for a selected time.
This report contains,

Map: When click on map the map showing above will start showing the tripe of the vehicle in
selected time.

RegNo: No. of your vehicle.

Start: The starting time of the vehicle’s trip.
Starting Loc: Shows the vehicle’s location when the tripe start by mentioning the nearest
landmark around the vehicle.
Starting Coords: Shows the exact location of the vehicle when the trip start using longitude and
END: The End time of the vehicle’s trip.
End Loc: Shows the vehicle’s location when the tripe end by mentioning the nearest landmark
around the vehicle.
End Coords: Shows the exact location of the vehicle when the trip end using longitude and
Duration: The duration of the trip.
Mileage: Show the mileage of the vehicle during the trip.


The Travel Time report Shows the total travel time of vehicle. User can see total travel Time of
vehicle by selecting the starting date and by clicking fetch report button


The MIS report shows the following,

KM: Kilometre travel by vehicle.
TT: Traveling Time of vehicle.
ST: Stop Time of vehicle.
EL: Excess Idling time (How long the ignition on but the vehicle stay still).
The total Coolum show the sum of all the 4 entries from the selected starting date till selected
end date


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