Syllabus UCS301 2023 Scheme
Syllabus UCS301 2023 Scheme
Syllabus UCS301 2023 Scheme
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0
Course Objective: To become familiar with different types of data structures and their applications.
Analysing algorithms: Basics of algorithm and its analysis, Complexity classes, order arithmetic, Time and
space trade-off in algorithms.
Linear Data Structures: Arrays, Strings and string processing, Linked lists (Singly, Doubly, Circular),
Abstract data types, their implementation and applications: Stacks (using Arrays and Linked-list), Queues
(using Arrays and Linked-list), Hash tables: Hash functions, collision resolution techniques, Strategies for
choosing the appropriate data structure.
Searching and Sorting: Linear Search, Binary Search. Introduction to internal and external sort, Bubble
Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Shell Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Counting Sort, Radix Sort.
Trees and their applications: Introduction to binary tree, tree traversal algorithms, Binary search tree, AVL
Tree, B Tree etc. and common operations on these trees. Heap, Heap Sort, Priority Queue using Heap.
Graphs and their applications: Graph Terminology and its representation, Depth and breadth first
traversals, Shortest-path algorithms (Dijkstra and Floyd), Data Structures for Disjoint Sets, Minimum
spanning tree (Prim and Kruskal).
Laboratory Work
Implementation of various data structures such as Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Lists, Binary tree traversals, BST,
AVL trees, Graphs traversals, Sorting and Searching techniques.
1. Understand the fundamental data structures, their implementation and some of their standard applications.
2. Select and implement appropriate searching and sorting techniques for solving a problem based on their
4. Design and analyse algorithms using appropriate data structures for real-world problems.
Text Books
1. Introduction to Algorithms,Cormen H. T., Leiserson E. C., Rivest L. R., and Stein C, MIT Press,3rd
ed., 2009
2. Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++,Sahni S., Universities Press 2nd ed. 2005
Reference Books
1. Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy,Karumanchi N., Career Monk Publications, 5th ed.,
2. Data structures and algorithms in C++, Adam Drozdek, 4th edition.