I Need Some Clarification - R - Affiliatemarketing
I Need Some Clarification - R - Affiliatemarketing
I Need Some Clarification - R - Affiliatemarketing
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11/1/24, 3:43 PM I need some clarification : r/Affiliatemarketing
to content
main around something you're passionate about. writing and coming
is much easier when it's about something you actually enjoy. 1 up with interesting topics
find ways to incorporate affiliate programs around what your piece of content is about. If you like
camping in tents, try and get hooked up with coleman or a brand you enjoy through affiliate portals like
impact radius. Give links to some of the stuff you use when camping. compare those products to other
If it can be bought online, you can probably get a piece of the pie somewhere =)
Foreign-Corner-8522 • 9mo ago •
Affiliate Manager
Well Said
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11/1/24, 3:43 PM I need some clarification : r/Affiliatemarketing
SkipYouto don't
main necessarily
content need your own site to start blogging. 1 Create
You can use sites like MEDIUM: Partner Program Guide.These sites allow you to Practice writing and
adding in your links. So you'll need to also apply to affiliate networks etc. Sites like MEDIUM are
invaluable to see how others go about setting out their articles and affiliate links, plus how they word
their article to HOOK the reader.
EXAMPLE RIGHT HERE: ⬇️ ://medium.com/@gremicsgallery/chainsaw-carving-unveiled-start-your-
journey-with-our-step-by-step-bear-carving-tutorial-23e09139182fMy Amazon Associate Links are
down the Bottom.
It's easy and cheap to get started and the reason behind so many piling in. AS long as you have a
Computer and Internet. You're off to the races.
YouTube research the subject - as it sounds like you have been. then start to include the all important
S.E.O. 😎 👍
That will be the next rabbit hole you go down. Weeeeeeee.
GoodLuck, Money to be made.
Mediumhttps://help.medium.com › en-us › articles › 1150116...
OH YES- Almost forgot - Do NOT forget to include AI (ChatGPT)chat.openai.com/invite/5B0B4B3DC as
your partner in crime. A distinct advantage these days and a must have to stay competitive at a
DoYourBestEveryDay • 9mo ago •
Thank you for this information and the example. This was very helpful. I have my own blog but was
thinking of also posting on Medium.
I'm having trouble getting traffic to my blog and I don't exactly have a very large amount of followers
on Twitter, I feel stuck.
[deleted] • 8mo ago •
Gremic77 • 9mo ago • Edited 9mo ago •
What Topics/ Products/ Niche are you thinking about going into? LINK your blog here. Reddit is in
the good graces of the Google ALGO currently. A good way to start building links to your blog -
SEO tip.
Additional resource to go become familar with.
DoYourBestEveryDay • 8mo ago •
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11/1/24, 3:43 PM I need some clarification : r/Affiliatemarketing
Great tips, thanks. That's true, Google and Reddit are friends.
Skip to main content 1
1 Create
Foreign-Corner-8522 • 9mo ago •
Affiliate Manager
Why not just build a site they are not that expensive. In the end it is a property with value.
Gremic77 • 9mo ago • Edited 9mo ago •
I think others had touched on the "own site option". I was just mentioning an alternative. PLUS
you have an audience immediately on Medium and it's a WHITE HAT linking method to
Foreign-Corner-8522 • 8mo ago •
Affiliate Manager
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11/1/24, 3:43 PM I need some clarification : r/Affiliatemarketing
SkipFirst Option:
to main content 1 Create
YouTube! This is by far the best platform to start a business and brand.
First of all it's FREE and second, YouTube videos are searchable. Meaning you can make
videos based on things people are already searching for.
But the most important thing to understand about YouTube is your content lasts
The Second Option:
Building out a search engine website. It's extremely cheap to get
started and it's perfect for those who don’t want to get on camera.
Building out a blog is so powerful because you are tapping into the world’s largest search engine,
The Third Option:
Tiktok! I have never seen anything like this since instagram back in 2011..
Meaning it's so easier to go VIRAL right now and grow a brand using TikTok.
The Fourth Option:
Forum marketing. HIt up FB groups and reddit communities. BUT dont sell, provide value and intertwine
your offers in the posts and or build up trust and ACTUALLY help people.
I now have 31 members in my community, helping other people in the same boat.
ALSO - YOU NEED to make sure you have a good funnel set up.
Let me know if you want a free guide on sales funnels.
I now have 31 members in my community. helping other people in the same boat.
FifiPanda • 9mo ago •
Also interested here!
EntrepreneurThen0187 • 9mo ago •
bscearce • 9mo ago •
I would be interested as well
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11/1/24, 3:43 PM I need some clarification : r/Affiliatemarketing
9 1 Create
[deleted] • 9mo ago •
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