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‫بسم لله الرحم ن الرح يم‬

Nile University
Faculty of Computer Studies
& Information Technology

Development of a Digital Marketplace

for Clothes

Prepared by:

1. Abdalrahim Adam Mergani.

2. Ibrahim Osman.
3. Musab Altayeb.
4. Rami Awad Alkareem.


Halima Mostafa


‫بسم لله الرحم ن الرح يم‬

‫َوُقْل َر ِّب‬

‫ِع ْلمًا)‬ ‫(َوُقْل َر ِّب ِزْدِني‬

‫سورة طه ‪] 114[ :‬‬

We dedicate this project to:
 Our families, whose unwavering support and
encouragement have been our greatest source of strength
throughout this journey. Their belief in our abilities have
inspired us to pursue our goals relentlessly.
 To our mentors and teachers, thank you for your guidance
and wisdom. Your insights have shaped our understanding
and fueled our passion for learning.

 Specially to Us. Halima & Us. Ekhlass for the support and
encouragement that have guided us throughout our journey.


‫مع النمو السريع للتسوق عبر اإلنترنت‪ ،‬يعد إنشاء منصة سهلة‬
‫االستخدام أمًر ا ضرورًيا لربط المستهلكين بمجموعة متنوعة من‬
‫بائعي المالبس‪.‬‬
‫يهدف السوق إلى توفير تجربة تسوق سلسة‪ ،‬تتميز بقوائم‬
‫منتجات قوية‪ ،‬وتنقل سهل االستخدام‪ ،‬وخيارات دفع آمنة‪.‬‬

‫يبدأ المشروع بتحليل شامل الحتياجات المستخدم واتجاهات‬

‫السوق‪ ،‬مما يضمن توافق المنصة مع سلوكيات المستهلك‬
‫المعاصرة‪ .‬من خالل االستفادة من ‪ WordPress‬كنظام إلدارة‬
‫المحتوى ودمج ‪ WooCommerce‬لوظائف التجارة اإللكترونية‪،‬‬
‫قمنا بإنشاء حل قابل للتطوير وقابل للتخصيص يالئم كل من‬
‫البائعين والمشترين‪.‬‬

‫تشمل المكونات الرئيسية لعملية التطوير تصميم واجهة‬

‫مستخدم جذابة‪ ،‬وإعداد مخطط قاعدة بيانات فعال‪ ،‬وتنفيذ‬
‫بوابات دفع آمنة‪ .‬ويؤكد المشروع أيًضا على أهمية االختبار‬
‫والتحسين لتعزيز تجربة المستخدم والكفاءة التشغيلية‪.‬‬
‫تم تطوير نظام السوق الرقمي للمالبس هذا باستخدام‬
‫‪ WordPress‬و‪ PHP‬و‪.WooCommerce‬‬

With the rapid growth of online shopping, creating a user-
friendly platform is essential for connecting consumers with a
variety of clothing vendors. The marketplace aims to provide a
seamless shopping experience, featuring robust product listings,
easy navigation, and secure payment options.
The project begins with a comprehensive analysis of user needs
and market trends, ensuring that the platform aligns with
contemporary consumer behaviors. By leveraging WordPress as
the content management system and integrating WooCommerce
for e-commerce functionalities, we have established a scalable
and customizable solution that suits both sellers and buyers.
Key components of the development process include designing
an attractive user interface, setting up an efficient database
schema, and implementing secure payment gateways. The
project also emphasizes the importance of testing and
optimization to enhance user experience and operational
This digital marketplace system for clothing has been developed
using WordPress, PHP, and WooCommerce.

Dedication ................................................ ……………………iii
‫ المستخلص‬....................................................................................
1.1. Introduction: ........................................................................1
1.2.Problem Statement ................................................................2
1.3.Objectives: ............................................................................
1.5.Tools: ....................................................................................
1.6.Project Scope: .......................................................................
1.7.Research Organization: ........................................................ 3

1.1. Introduction:

A digital marketplace is an online digital platform where many

can offer their products and services to buyers, allowing for easy
shopping and transactions, such as Amazon and eBay. The
clothing sector is now taking advantage of this growth as it
prefers the online shopping experience.

This highlights the importance of a good designer market that

not only offers diverse clothing options, but also builds weak
transactions and commitments. In this context, the integration of
shipping tracking system for Chrome has been important, which
has produced customer satisfaction and satisfaction by providing
updates in the actual product on the order status, such as
Developing a digital marketplace for apparel using shipping
tracking system is a huge opportunity in the evolving landscape
of the digital market, As consumer preferences shift towards
online shopping, especially in the apparel industry, creating a
platform that meets these needs requires a comprehensive
understanding of the various factors that affect user experience
and operational efficiency.

This research aims to explore the factors that influence
consumers' choices when purchasing clothing online and
analyze branding strategies.

1.2. Problem Statement

Customers face many problems related to the

digital marketplace including:
Inventory Management Issues Such Poor
inventory management can lead to stockouts
or overstock situations, High Cart
Abandonment Rates as Customers frequently
abandon their carts often due to unexpected
costs or complicated checkout processes, also
Complications in transportation operations,
increased costs, high shipping costs, delivery
delays and Poor coordination between
stores and suppliers.

Research question 1:

What features do users value most in a digital marketplace

(e.g., ease of navigation, product variety, payment

Research question 2:

What technical challenges must be addressed to ensure a

smooth and secure shopping experience?

1.3. Objectives:

1. Develop a robust inventory management system that

enables tracking of stock levels.
2. Simplify the checkout experience by minimizing steps,
aiming for an efficient one-page checkout when feasible.
3. Provide a wide range of payment methods to cater to
various customer preferences.
4. implement order tracking system to allow customers
monitor their orders, improving transparency and
reducing inquiries.
5. Partner with multiple shipping carriers to identify the
most cost-effective and reliable delivery options tailored
to different locations.

1.4. Methodology:

Action research will be used, using action research for the

development of a digital marketplace for clothes enhances the
quality and user-friendliness of the platform all this through:
iterative cycle of planning, action, observation, and reflection.

1.5. Technologies & Tools:

1. Website Development: WordPress.

2. Backend Development: PHP with WooCommerce.
3. Visual Identity Design: Adobe Illustrator.
4. Database Management: MySQL using XAMPP Server.

5. Analysis & Design: UML (Unified Modeling Language)

1.6. Project Scope:

This project aims to develop digital marketplace for clothes for

all states, in Sudan.

1.7. Research Organization:

1. Chapter 1: Introduction, provides an overview of the

challenges addressed in the research, outlines the
objectives, and describes the methodologies employed.

2. Chapter 2: Literature Review, divided to two sections:

theoretical background and previous studies.
3. Chapter 3: system analysis and design, covers system
analysis and design aspects, including the database schema

4. . Chapter 4: system implementation, Details the

implementation process of the proposed solution.

5. Chapter 5: Results and Conclusion, Presents the findings of

the research, summarizes conclusions, and offers
recommendations based on the results.


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