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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist



All Hail to the King of Our Hearts!

n this last Sunday of the liturgical year, we are invited to renew
our total allegiance to Jesus as our Lord and King. He deserves
no less than that.
Today, we have also a new opportunity to realize the immense
number of graces the Lord has granted us in the course of this liturgi-
cal year. And as we call to mind these favors, we gladly express our
most sincere gratitude for them.
At the end of this Eucharistic celebration, we will renew the con-
secration of ourselves, our families, and the entire nation to Jesus,
King of the universe. Let this act of worship be a clear manifestation
of our love for him who is our Lord and Savior, and a treasured op-
portunity to recommit ourselves to be his loyal subjects and faithful

edge our sins, and so prepare of good will. We praise you,

ourselves to celebrate the sacred we bless you, we adore you, we
mysteries. (Pause) glorify you, we give you thanks
P –Lord Jesus, you are King of for your great glory, Lord God,
Entrance Antiphon Truth and Life. Lord, have heavenly King, O God,
(To be recited only when no
mercy! almighty Father.
Entrance Hymn is sung.) Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
All –Lord, have mercy! gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
How worthy is the Lamb
who was slain, to receive power P –Lord Jesus, you are King of God, Son of the Father, you take
and divinity, and wisdom and Holiness and Grace. Christ, away the sins of the world, have
strength and honor. To him be- have mercy! mercy on us; you take away the
long glory and power for ever All –Christ, have mercy! sins of the world, receive our
and ever. (Rv 5:12; 1:6) P –Lord Jesus, you are King of prayer; you are seated at the right
Justice, Love, and Peace. hand of the Father, have mercy
Greeting Lord, have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
P – In the name of the Father, and All –Lord, have mercy! One, you alone are the Lord, you
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! alone are the Most High, Jesus
All –Amen! P –May almighty God have Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the
P –Grace to you and peace mercy on us, forgive us our sins, glory of God the Father. Amen!
from God our Father and the and bring us to everlasting life.
Lord Jesus Christ! All – Amen! Collect (Opening Prayer)
All –And with your spirit! P –Almighty ever-living God,
Gloria whose will is to restore all things
Penitential Act All – Glory to God in the high- in your beloved Son, the King of
P –Brethren, let us acknowl- est, and on earth peace to people the universe, grant, we pray, that

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the whole creation, set free from * And he has made the world P –The Lord be with you!
slavery, may render your majesty firm, not to be moved. Your All – And with your spirit!
service and ceaselessly proclaim throne stands firm from of old; P – A reading from the holy Gos-
your praise. from everlasting you are, O pel according to Mark
Through our Lord Jesus Lord. R. All – Glory to you, O Lord!
Christ, your Son, who lives and * Your decrees are worthy
reigns with you in the unity of of trust indeed; holiness befits Pilate said to Jesus, “Are
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and your house, O Lord, for length you the King of the Jews?”
ever. of days. R. Jesus answered, “Do you
All – Amen! say this on your own, or have
2nd Reading Rv 1:5-8 others told you about me?” Pi-
This short passage from the pro- late answered, “I am not a Jew,
logue of the Book of Revelation am I? Your own nation and the
contains a description of what chief priests handed you over
Jesus has done and still does for to me. What have you done?”
1st Reading Dn 7:13-14 us, namely: out of sheer love, he Jesus answered, “My king-
The “Son of Man” to whom the has freed us from our sins and dom does not belong to this
“Ancient One” grants dominion, has made us a royal nation of world. If my kingdom did be-
glory and kingship is a prophetic priests. This is what entitles him long to this world, my atten-
figure of the Risen Christ. He is to be our King. dants would be fighting to keep
the one who will come at the end me from being handed over to
of time to proclaim his eternal R –A reading from the Book of the Jews. But, as it is, my king-
kingship over the whole universe. Revelation dom is not here.”
R –A reading rom the Book of Jesus Christ is the faithful So Pilate said to him,
the Prophet Daniel witness, the firstborn of the “Then, you are a king?” Je-
dead and ruler of the kings of sus answered, “You say I am a
As the visions during the the earth. To him who loves us king. For this I was born and
night continued, I saw one like and has freed us from our sins for this I came into the world:
a Son of man coming on the by his blood, who has made to testify to the truth. Everyone
clouds of heaven. When he us into a kingdom, priests for who belongs to the truth listens
reached the Ancient One and his God and Father, to him be to my voice.”
was presented before him, the glory and power forever and
one like a Son of man received The Gospel of the Lord!
ever. Amen! All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
dominion, glory, and kingship; Behold, he is coming
all peoples, nations, and lan- Christ!
amid the clouds, and every eye
guages serve him. will see him, even those who
His dominion is an ever- pierced him. All the peoples of Homily
lasting dominion that shall not the earth will lament him. Yes! Profession of Faith
be taken away, his kingship Amen! (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
shall not be destroyed. “I am the Alpha and the
The Word of the Lord! Omega,” says the Lord God, All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
All – Thanks be to God! “the one who is and who was ther almighty, maker of heaven
and who is to come, the al- and earth, of all things visible
Responsorial Psalm Ps 93 mighty.” and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus
R –The Lord is king; he is The Word of the Lord! Christ, the Only Begotten Son of
robed in majesty! All – Thanks be to God! God, born of the Father before all
ages. God from God, Light from
R. M. Velez Gospel Acclamation Light, true God from true God,
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! begotten, not made, consubstan-
Blessed is he who comes tial with the Father; through him
in the name of the Lord! all things were made. For us men
Blessed is the kingdom and for our salvation he came
of our father David that is down from heaven, (bow)* and
to come! by the Holy Spirit was incar-
Alleluia! Alleluia! nate of the Virgin Mary, and
became man.* For our sake he
Gospel Jn 18:33-37 was crucified under Pontius Pi-
As Pilate tried to investigate the late, he suffered death and was
basis for the accusations against buried, and rose again on the
* The Lord is king, in splen- Jesus, the truth about his King- third day in accordance with the
dor robed; robed is the Lord ship surfaced. Jesus Christ is Scriptures. He ascended into
and girt about with strength. indeed “King,” but not like the heaven and is seated at the right
R. kings of this world. hand of the Father. He will come

24 November 2024
again in glory to judge the living communities, and our families. Dominions, and with all the
and the dead and his kingdom May everything we think, say, hosts and Powers of heaven, we
will have no end. and do contribute to the realiza- sing the hymn of your glory, as
I believe in the Holy Spirit, tion of your plan of love. You without end we acclaim:
the Lord, the giver of life, who who live and reign for ever and All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
proceeds from the Father and the ever. of hosts. Heaven and earth are
Son, who with the Father and the All –Amen! full of your glory. Hosanna in
Son is adored and glorified, who the highest!
has spoken through the prophets. Blessed is he who comes in
I believe in one, holy, catholic the name of the Lord. Hosanna
and apostolic Church. I confess in the highest!
one Baptism for the forgiveness
of sins and I look forward to the Preparation of the Gifts Memorial Acclamation
resurrection of the dead and the P –Pray, brethren . . . P –The mystery of faith!
life of the world to come. Amen! All – May the Lord accept the All –When we eat this Bread
sacrifice at your hands, for the and drink this Cup, we
Prayer of the Faithful praise and glory of his name, proclaim your Death,
P –Christ is the King of the for our good and the good of all O Lord, until you come
universe. He is the first-born of his holy Church. again!
all creation; from him all good
things come. With confidence, Prayer over the Offerings
let us implore him: P –As we offer you, O Lord,
All –Christ, our King, gra- the sacrifice by which the hu-
ciously hear us! man race is reconciled to you,
we humbly pray that your Son All – Our Father . . .
C –Christ, our shepherd, gather himself may bestow on all na- P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
your sheep from every land into tions the gifts of unity and peace. All –For the kingdom, the
one flock, and pasture them in Through Christ our Lord. power, and the glory are
green and fertile meadows. Let All – Amen! yours, now and for ever!
us pray! R.
C –Christ, our Savior, heal the Preface of Christ the King Sign of Peace
sick, seek out the lost, guard the P –The Lord be with you! Breaking of the Bread
strong, call back those who have All –And with your spirit! All – Lamb of God, you take
wandered far away, and strength- P –Lift up your hearts! away the sins of the world:
en the weak. Let us pray! R. All –We lift them up to the have mercy on us! (2×)
C –Christ, judge of all human Lord! Lamb of God, you take
beings, when you hand over the P –Let us give thanks to the away the sins of the world:
Kingdom to your Father, place Lord our God! grant us peace!
us at your right hand, so that we All –It is right and just!
may inherit the Kingdom pre- P –It is truly right and just, Communion
pared for us from the beginning our duty and our salvation, al- P –Behold the Lamb of God,
of the world. Let us pray! R. ways and everywhere to give behold him who takes away the
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, sins of the world. Blessed are
C –Christ, heir of all nations, almighty and eternal God. those called to the Supper of the
gather humanity into your Church For you anointed your Only Lamb.
so that all hearts may love and Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus All – Lord, I am not worthy
serve you as their sovereign Lord. Christ, with the oil of gladness as that you should enter under my
Let us pray! R. eternal Priest and King of all cre- roof, but only say the word and
C –Christ, firstfruits of those ation, so that, by offering himself my soul shall be healed.
who have fallen asleep in death, on the altar of the Cross as a spot-
bring all who have died to the less sacrifice to bring us peace, Communion Antiphon
glory of the resurrection. Let us he might accomplish the myster- (To be recited only when
pray! R. ies of human redemption and, no Communion Hymn is sung.)
C –Christ, Lord of all life, we making all created things subject The Lord sits as King for
bring before you the needs of all to his rule, he might present to ever. The Lord will bless his
parents who mourn the loss of a the immensity of your majesty an people with peace. (Ps 29:10-11)
son or daughter: may they find eternal and universal kingdom,
support in their community and a kingdom of truth and life, a Act of Dedication
receive peace and consolation kingdom of holiness and grace, of the Human Race
from the Holy Spirit. R. a kingdom of justice, love and to Jesus Christ the King
P –Lord Jesus, King of the uni- And so, with Angels and Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer
verse, reign in our country, our Archangels, with Thrones and of the human race, look down

Solemnity of Christ the King (B)

upon us humbly prostrate before assurance of freedom and immu- P –Bow your heads and pray
you. We are yours, and yours we nity from harm; give tranquility for God’s blessing. (Pause)
wish to be; but to be more surely and order to all nations; and make – May Christ the King protect
united with you, behold each one the earth resound from pole to pole you from all dangers and
of us freely consecrates oneself with one cry: Praise to the Divine make you always aware of
today to your Most Sacred Heart. Heart that wrought our salvation; his saving love.
Many indeed have never known to it be glory and honor for-ever. All –Amen!
you; many, too, despising your AMEN!
precepts, have rejected you. Have P –May he strengthen your
mercy on them all, most merciful faith so that you may be
Prayer after Communion
Jesus, and draw them to your Sa- brave heralds of his King-
P –Having received the food dom.
cred Heart. of immortality, we ask, O Lord, All – Amen!
Be King, O Lord, not only of that, glorying in obedience to the
the faithful who have never for- P – May he direct your steps
commands of Christ, the King of
saken you, but also of the prodigal to himself, and teach you
the universe, we may live with
children who have abandoned you; how to walk in charity and
him eternally in his heavenly
grant that they may quickly return peace.
to their Father’s house, lest they die All – Amen!
Who lives and reigns for ever
of wretchedness and hunger. and ever. P –And may almighty God
Be King of those who are de- All – Amen!
ceived by erroneous opinions, or bless you: the Father, and
whom discord keeps aloof, and call the Son, and the Holy Spir-
them back to the harbor of truth it.
and the unity of faith, so that soon All –Amen!
there may be but one flock and one P –Go in peace, glorifying the
Shepherd. P –The Lord be with you. Lord by your life!
Grant, O Lord, to your Church All –And with your spirit! All –Thanks be to God!

GOD’S REIGN IN OUR HEARTS We just have to go back to the text of today’s
Kalakbay at Katoto Scriptural readings to put us right back to the real
meaning of today’s solemnity.

T he feast of Christ the King can remind people

of triumphant marches of heroes and military
leaders who come back home accompanied by
That meaning lies not on any single image that
we hear in today’s readings, but on the ensemble
drums and blaring trumpets, announcing glori- or collage of images that together paint the truth
ous victory, and welcomed by adoring throngs. about the Kingship of Christ. One such image is
Obviously, these are images of movies of a by- portrayed by Daniel who, using highly symbolic
gone era. language speaks of the Messiah who is to come
as “one like a Son of Man coming on the clouds
There was a time, indeed, when, true to the spirit of heaven.” He is one, Daniel adds, “whose
of the times, the feast of Christ the King was
dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall
celebrated with throngs going in devout proces-
not be taken away, his kingship shall not be de-
sions, to honor Christ present in the Blessed
Sacrament, with the Bishop or the priest, giving stroyed.” This first image speaks of everlasting
solemn benedictions at select well-decorated glory as one characteristic of Christ’s kingship.
altars along the way. The book of Revelation, following the same
literary style, adds a few more to the list of traits
At an age when even the very figure of regal of this King. He is “faithful witness,” “firstborn
kings and queens and princes and principali- from the dead,” and “ruler of the kings of the
ties is now looked at with respectful distance if earth.” “Witness” really means “martyr,” on
not quiet disdain, the image of Christ the King, account of what he underwent for our salvation.
wrongly understood can send wrong signals to “Ruler of the kings of the earth” means he is over
people who prize absolute freedom, and personal and above all earthly rulers, an image that will
autonomy. be confirmed in the gospel passage. “Firstborn

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• Editorial Team: Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, Fr. D. Duya, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua
of the dead,” the highlight of the three, is a direct We really behave like little kings and queens
allusion to the resurrection, his own and that of when we live in splendid isolation, wrapped up
others who follow his way. Christ, simply put, is in our own concerns, cooped up in our comfort
that kind of king who shares his riches with oth- zones, and when we refuse to see all the things
ers, for we are also called to the same glory. His that need fixing in our world. We live like little
kingship, furthermore, goes far beyond that of despots when, for fear of rocking the boat, we
other earthly kings, for he is the “alpha and the just say nothing or do nothing, even if the system
omega, the one who is and who was and who is disenfranchises so many others, because our po-
to come, the almighty.” sition and our future are assured by the system,
no matter how rotten.
But, in some kind of an apparent letdown, the
gospel passage drives home a different image. Pi- The modern world has not only taken away
late puts into words the common though mistaken despots and managed to devaluate rulers. The
expectation of people then: “Are you the king of modern world has also erased moral authority
the Jews?” Jesus’ answer implies both a yes and a and leadership itself. We have conspired towards
no. “My kingdom does not belong to this world.” achieving the “eclipse of God” from government,
Jesus is indeed a King, but not the way we ex- civil society, schools, offices, and communities.
pect him to be, not the way other earthly rulers Pope St. John Paul II had an apt phrase for all this
are perceived to be, seen only from the point of … the culture of death! This culture has success-
view of power, prestige, and honor. As “witness” fully eclipsed the reign of God in our lives.
(martyr) his kingship primarily revolves around Today, as we honor Christ the King, we are re-
his crucifixion, death and resurrection. The glory minded, not anymore to pine for what may no
that the readings speak of is not one that is tied up longer be feasible in this fast-paced and materi-
with this very temporary, ephemeral world, but alistic world. But we are reminded of one thing
primarily that of the world to come. that is open for everyone of us to do – to enshrine
Jesus as King of our hearts, King of our families,
The free world mostly gets scandalized now by of our homes, our parishes, our communities.
selfish autocratic rulers whose hold to power and For it is there that culture is nourished and cul-
prestige approximates almost a whole lifetime. tivated. It is there that real battles are won. It is
In these recent decades, the world has seen, to in our hearts that real allegiance and loyalty are
its relief, the fall of so many dictators who lived planted, take root, and grow. As Gerard Manley
like their power would never end. Like the ambi- Hopkins wrote: “There in your heart is your own
tious Pilate, so many generations of despots have small commonweal; there rid the dragons, root
not learned the lessons of history, that “here we out there the sin!”
have no lasting city” (Hebrews 13:14) and that
the “world and all its pleasures are fast drifting
away.” (1 Jn 2:17) Pilate believed that he had Jesus
on trial. But it was really the other way around.
Pilate was the one on trial and he failed miserably
before the self-confident composure of Jesus who
knew who exactly he was and what his mission
was: “If my kingdom did belong to this world,
my attendants would be fighting to keep me from
being handed over to the Jews.”
What does all this mean for us now? For one,
we are all really like the Pilates of this world,
the modern-day despots. Whilst it is true that
nowadays we do not anymore respect autocratic
leaders and despots, we can fall overboard, go to
the other extreme, and refuse any type of author-
ity to hold sway over our lives. We have declared
full, absolute, unbridled independence in many
ways. We have done away with moral leadership,
for one. We do not want anyone to be telling us
what is right and what is wrong. We do not want
the Pope to be dictating to us what is to be fol-
lowed and what is to be avoided in terms of faith
and morals. In the process, little do we realize that
we have become despots and autocratic persons
in our own right. We have crowded God out of
our lives, out of our classrooms, our courts, all
our public places.

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