Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
This chapter presents the methodology that was employed to successfully conduct the
study. The methodology was designed to meet the research objectives and to address the data
that is important to the research. This part of the study covered the research design, population
of the study, sample and sampling procedure and data collection procedures. The other areas
explored in this section are the research tools and Data Analysis.
Research Design
The researcher used action research design. Action research refers to a wide variety of
academic field or organization and help educators develop practical solutions to address them
approaches that best suit the learners. Thus, through action research, the effectiveness of teaching
Again, findings from action research provide teachers with the opportunity of acquiring
a better understanding of all aspects of their own practice, be it in relation to subjects, content,
the curriculum or the methods appropriate to the level of the learners in the class.
Finally, because the researcher was working within a short time frame, action research
was chosen in order to find immediate solution to the identified problem. This research entails
According to Beins and McCarthy (2012), population of a study is the entire set of people
or data that are of interest to a researcher. The study was done in Hohoe M/A Experimental Basic
School, Hohoe Municipal. The Hohoe M/A Experimental Basic School has a total population of
280 learners (168 females and 112 males), 26 staff members (15 Primary teachers and 11 JHS
teachers) The study was limited to the lower primary, precisely Basic two, which had an
Research sample, according to Beins and McCarthy (2012), refers to a subset of the
population that is studied in a research work. The sampling procedure used was purposeful
sampling. Avoke (2000) citing Cohen, Manion and Morrison (2003) saw purposeful sampling
as hand picking the cases to be included in the sample on the basis of their judgments of the
typicality of the issue identified for the study. This means choosing a sample for a specific
purpose. Purposeful sampling is the process of including whoever happens to be information rich
This is the process of selecting a sample using a technique that does not permit the
researcher to specify the probability, or chance, that each member of a population has been
selected for a sample (Gay, Mills and Airasian, 2009). The advantages of this method are
convenience, economy and the easy in obtaining a suitable sample size, and the disadvantage is
that the readily available participants are most likely not a random sample of the overall
The Basic two learners are expected to be able to spell simple English words without
difficulties. Since some have difficulties, they become the appropriate persons to be included in
this study. This is the reason why the sample is deemed satisfactory to their specific need. On
the basis of this, the sample size for this study was 20 out of the 37 learners in class two and the
2 class teachers out 15 teachers ranging from class 1 to 6, so the total sampled population is 22.
Research Instruments
These are instruments that I used to gather data for the study. I made use of Test and an
interview as instruments for collecting the data for the study which were self-constructed. Data
was obtained from primary and secondary sources. Primary data was collected through
interviews and tests given to two class teachers and twenty basic 2 learners at Hohoe M/A
Experimental Basic School. The secondary data included review of documents, information from
books, journals, articles and other research materials from other researchers relating to the said
research topic. The information served as useful guide to the problem solving, because it helped
to understand common spelling problems and how teachers can help learners overcome them.
Juliet Corbin (2008) said an interview is a qualitative data collection method that involves a
conversation between the researcher and participant, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of
the participant's experiences and perspectives. The researcher used simple and clear language in
undertaking the interview. The interview was aimed at obtaining information from two teachers
about the challenges they encounter in the spelling lessons, causes, effects and strategies to
remedy them.
A test, according to Lewis Terman (2019) is to ask someone spoken or written questions
or make them to do a practical activity, to discuss what they know about a subject.
employed (pre-test) as her main means of collecting facts which she would later use to draw
conclusions about her research. With reference to this study, I tested class two learners at Hohoe
M/A Experimental Basic School to identify problems relating to the spelling of English words
correctly. Learners were tested in order to identify their spelling challenges. Some challenges
i. Inability to identify the various vowels and consonants to be put together in writing word.
ii. The problem of identifying the number of syllables that makes up a word, and their
Data was collected using three stages; pre- intervention, intervention and post–
intervention stages.
I used 6 weeks to conduct the study. In all, twenty- five (25) working days was used to
carry out the various stages involved in collecting the data for this study. Two weeks for the
pre-intervention, another two weeks for the intervention and remaining two weeks for the
Pre-intervention stage
A pre-test was conducted to ascertain the fact that basic two learners of Hohoe M/A
Experimental Basic School could not spell some English words correctly. I gave a set of words
with some missing letters for the learners to write them correctly. At the end, it was realized that,
the learners were unable to identify and write the various vowels and consonants sounds that
were in each word. They also could not identify the number of syllables that made up a word,
which made pronunciation also difficult. Therefore, only seven out of the twenty learners were
able to spell the words correctly, which represents 37% of the sampled learner.
intervention involves a step-by-step procedure which aims at solving the problem identified.
The S-H-A-R-P Step-by-Step plan to study and spell words was one of the means I
adopted to solve the spelling problem. She believes that work words are words used daily. With
this approach, the words can be used by the learners daily with ease.
Learners think about the word; let learners look at the word carefully, think about the
To hear the word; teacher says the word and learner's repeats the words continuously ie,
carefully to the consonant and vowel of the sounds in order to pronounce words correctly.
Adapt the word; - close your eyes, help Learners to memorize the alphabets in the word.
e.g. School, to spell the word school learners must learn the alphabets with the help of the
teacher, after that the teacher ask the Learners to close their eyes and spell.
See the word in your mind’s eye. Learners see the words in their mind's eye and thinks
Think about how it looks and sounds, recording the word; cover the word and write the
word. Teacher should write the words boldly on the board for easily identification.
To proof read the word, - correct the word. The teacher must read the word and correct
every mistake.
The word could be used in a sentence, phrase or clause or the sentence from which the
Mother- and – child is a type of language game which aids a child to form certain basic
words from a “mother” word. The game is played in a specific time range to make it more
competitive. I put the class in two groups say group ‘A’ and ‘B’. The group which comes out
with more words after the given time emerges first. For instance, using ‘Entertainment’ and
For instance, the word entertainment will be written on the board by the teacher where
the teacher will tell learners to make words out of the word Entertainment i.e. tent, net, mint,
tint, enter, entertain etc. These words become the children of Entertainment.
NB: One of the rules of the game is that two-letter words are not allowed.
Post intervention
During the post-test, a test was conducted to determine the overall effectiveness of the
interventional used to remedy spelling problems identified from the pre-test. In this test, a set of
words were given to learners as their spelling exercise. The outcome was very positive it was
realized that 65% of the learners performed well. This shows that, the interventions had helped
processes were put together by me. I administered pre-tests and post-test to assist me diagnose
the problem of spelling some English words appropriately. Description statistics were used to
analyze the data. Percentage values were calculated for various items using scientific calculator.
The research question guiding the study was addressed using the results from the data
analysis. After the analysis, the data was presented in tabular form for easy reference and