Safety Alert #13 - Weekly FS Publication
Safety Alert #13 - Weekly FS Publication
Safety Alert #13 - Weekly FS Publication
Contractors unfamiliar with a company’s rules have often enter vessels
without authority. For example, in one of the petroleum refineries, a
contractor’s workman was found inside a tank, which was disconnected
and open, ready for entry, but not yet tested. He had been asked to
estimate the cost of cleaning the tank. The workman said that he did
not realize that a permit was needed just for inspection. He had been
given a copy of the plant rules but had not read them. If vessels are
open but entry is not yet authorized, the manhole should be covered by
a barrier. Do not rely on contractors reading rules. Explain the rules to
In another incident, a process foreman had a last look in a vessel before
it was boxed up. He saw an old gasket lying on the floor. He decided to
go in and remove it. Everyone else was at lunch, so he decided to go in
alone. On the way out, while climbing a ladder, he slipped and fell and
was knocked out. His tongue blocked his throat, and he suffocated.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex
Fire & Safety Department
Prepared By: Krishna Mohan S, MFS Reviewed By: K K Jha, DGM (F&S)