ECE TRANS WP.29 GRVA 2024 33e - 0

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United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.

Economic and Social Council Distr.: General
11 July 2024

Original: English

Economic Commission for Europe

Inland Transport Committee
World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
Twentieth session
Geneva, 23-27 September 2024
Item 6(a) of the provisional agenda
Advanced Driver Assistance System and UN Regulation No. 79:
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Proposal for supplement to UN Regulation No. [171] (DCAS)

Submitted by the expert from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland *

The text reproduced below was prepared by the expert from the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, regarding the conditions for automatic re-instatement of
system at the “initiation of each engine start / run cycle”. It is based on informal document
GRVA-19-41. The modifications to the existing text of the Regulations are marked in bold
for new or strikethrough for deleted characters.

* In accordance with the programme of work of the Inland Transport Committee for 2024 as outlined in
proposed programme budget for 2024 (A/78/6 (Sect. 20), table 20.5), the World Forum will develop,
harmonize and update UN Regulations in order to enhance the performance of vehicles. The present
document is submitted in conformity with that mandate.

GE.24-12684 (E)

I. Proposal
Paragraph, amend to read: Upon first activation of the system during a run cycle following an activation
of the powertrain3, the system shall provide information to the driver that the
headway configuration is set to a value lower than 2 seconds, if that is the case.
Insert new footnote 3, to read:
“ 3As defined in Mutual Resolution No. 2 (M.R.2) of the 1958 and the 1998
Agreements containing vehicle propulsion system definitions, see document
Renumber footnote 3 (former) as footnote 4.
Paragraph, amend to read: The system shall be in ‘off’ mode at the initiation of each initiation of the
powertrain3 new engine start (or run cycle, as relevant), regardless of what
mode the driver had previously selected.
This requirement does not apply when the initiation of the powertrain3 a new
engine start (or run cycle, as relevant) is performed automatically, e.g., the
operation of a stop/start system.
Paragraph, amend to read: The manufacturer shall implement strategies to disable activation of the system
for the duration of the start/run cycle powertrain3 is active when the driver is
detected to demonstrate prolonged insufficient engagement at least when this
leads to more than one driver unavailability response initiations.
Annex 4,
Paragraph, amend to read:
“ The tests shall be performed in a way that the outcome of the test is not affected
by driver settings or driver input and any other influences not related to the
manoeuvre under test. Therefore, the following conditions shall apply:
(a) The system’s longitudinal control following distance shall be set to:
(i) the default distance, if the distance is reset to a specific value
upon first activation of the system in the run cycle following an
activation of the powertrain; or …

II. Justification
1. Mutual Resolution No.2 (M.R.2) was specifically created to establish uniform
definitions for vehicle propulsion systems and created generic terms for components and
aspects of propulsion systems that are independent of fuel type or technology used. It
therefore gives the basis for establishing provisions that can be technology neutral.
Continuing to refer to ‘engine’ or ‘run cycle’ is still implying a technology type and therefore
may retain a level of ambiguity.
2. Using the definition of ‘powertrain’ from M.R.2 provides a generic term that
sufficiently covers the aspect of a vehicle which needs to be referred to when considering the
default state of systems following initialisation. Also using the term ‘powertrain’ simplifies
the respective provisions. The M.R.2 definition of powertrain is as follows:
3. “Powertrain” means the total combination in a vehicle, of propulsion energy storage
system(s), propulsion energy converter(s), the drivetrain(s), providing the mechanical energy
at the wheels for the purpose of vehicle propulsion, plus peripheral devices.

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