Chapter VIII
Art. 194. Death. Art. 195. Relationship and
a. Under such regulations as the Commission dependency. All questions of relationship
may approve, the System shall pay to the and dependency shall be determined as of
primary beneficiaries upon the death of the the time of death.
covered employee under this Title, an Art. 196. Delinquent contributions.
amount equivalent to his monthly income a. An employer who is delinquent in his
benefit, plus ten percent thereof for each contributions shall be liable to the System for
dependent child, but not exceeding five, the benefits which may have been paid by
beginning with the youngest and without the System to his employees or their
substitution, except as provided for in dependents, and any benefit and expenses
paragraph (j) of Article 167 hereof: Provided, to which such employer is liable shall
however, That the monthly income benefit constitute a lien on all his property, real or
shall be guaranteed for five years: Provided, personal, which is hereby declared to be
further, That if he has no primary preferred to any credit, except taxes. The
beneficiary, the System shall pay to his payment by the employer of the lump sum
secondary beneficiaries the monthly income equivalent of such liability shall absolve him
benefit but not to exceed sixty months: from the payment of the delinquent
Provided, finally, That the minimum death contribution and penalty thereon with
benefit shall not be less than fifteen respect to the employee concerned.
thousand pesos. (As amended by Section 4, b. Failure or refusal of the employer to pay or
Presidential Decree No. 1921) remit the contribution herein prescribed shall
b. Under such regulations as the Commission not prejudice the right of the employee or his
may approve, the System shall pay to the dependents to the benefits under this Title. If
primary beneficiaries upon the death of a the sickness, injury, disability or death occurs
covered employee who is under permanent before the System receives any report of the
total disability under this Title, eighty percent name of his employee, the employer shall be
of the monthly income benefit and his liable to the System for the lump sum
dependents to the dependents’ pension: equivalent to the benefits to which such
Provided, That the marriage must have been employee or his dependents may be entitled.
validly subsisting at the time of disability: Art. 197. Second injuries. If any employee
Provided, further, That if he has no primary under permanent partial disability suffers
beneficiary, the System shall pay to his another injury which results in a
secondary beneficiaries the monthly pension compensable disability greater than the
excluding the dependents’ pension, of the previous injury, the State Insurance Fund
remaining balance of the five-year shall be liable for the income benefit of the
guaranteed period: Provided, finally, That the new disability: Provided, That if the new
minimum death benefit shall not be less than disability is related to the previous disability,
the System shall be liable only for the made by the System to such person or
difference in income benefits. persons as it may consider to be best
Art. 198. Assignment of benefits. No qualified to take care and dispose of the
claim for compensation under this Title is minor’s or incompetent’s property for his
transferable or liable to tax, attachment, benefit.
garnishment, levy or seizure by or under any Art. 203. Prohibition. No agent, attorney
legal process whatsoever, either before or or other person pursuing or in charge of the
after receipt by the person or persons preparation or filing of any claim for benefit
entitled thereto, except to pay any debt of under this Title shall demand or charge for
the employee to the System. his services any fee, and any stipulation to
Art. 199. Earned benefits. Income the contrary shall be null and void. The
benefits shall, with respect to any period of retention or deduction of any amount from
disability, be payable in accordance with this any benefit granted under this Title for the
Title to an employee who is entitled to payment of fees for such services is
receive wages, salaries or allowances for prohibited. Violation of any provision of this
holidays, vacation or sick leaves and any Article shall be punished by a fine of not less
other award of benefit under a collective than five hundred pesos nor more than five
bargaining or other agreement. thousand pesos, or imprisonment for not less
Art. 200. Safety devices. In case the than six months nor more than one year, or
employee’s injury or death was due to the both, at the discretion of the court.
failure of the employer to comply with any Art. 204. Exemption from levy, tax,
law or to install and maintain safety devices etc. All laws to the contrary notwithstanding,
or to take other precautions for the the State Insurance Fund and all its assets
prevention of injury, said employer shall pay shall be exempt from any tax, fee, charge,
the State Insurance Fund a penalty levy, or customs or import duty and no law
of twenty-five percent (25%) of the lump sum hereafter enacted shall apply to the State
equivalent of the income benefit payable by Insurance Fund unless it is provided therein
the System to the employee. All employers, that the same is applicable by expressly
especially those who should have been stating its name.
paying a rate of contribution higher than
required of them under this Title, are Chapter IX
enjoined to undertake and strengthen RECORDS, REPORTS AND PENAL
measures for the occupational health and PROVISIONS
safety of their employees. Art. 205. Record of death or disability.
Art. 201. Prescriptive period. No claim for a. All employers shall keep a logbook to
compensation shall be given due course record chronologically the sickness, injury or
unless said claim is filed with the System death of their employees, setting forth
within three (3) years from the time the therein their names, dates and places of the
cause of action accrued. (As amended by contingency, nature of the contingency and
Section 5, Presidential Decree No. 1921) absences. Entries in the logbook shall be
Art. 202. Erroneous payment. made within five days from notice or
a. If the System in good faith pays income knowledge of the occurrence of the
benefit to a dependent who is inferior in right contingency. Within five days after entry in
to another dependent or with whom another the logbook, the employer shall report to the
dependent is entitled to share, such System only those contingencies he deems
payments shall discharge the System from to be work-connected.
liability, unless and until such other b. All entries in the employer’s logbook shall
dependent notifies the System of his claim be made by the employer or any of his
prior to the payments. authorized official after verification of the
b. In case of doubt as to the respective rights contingencies or the employees’ absences
of rival claimants, the System is hereby for a period of a day or more. Upon request
empowered to determine as to whom by the System, the employer shall furnish the
payments should be made in accordance necessary certificate regarding information
with such regulations as the Commission about any contingency appearing in the
may approve. If the money is payable to a logbook, citing the entry number, page
minor or incompetent, payment shall be number and date. Such logbook shall be
made available for inspection to the duly than one year; if committed by a lawyer,
authorized representative of the System. physician or other professional, he shall, in
c. Should any employer fail to record in the addition to the penalty prescribed herein, be
logbook an actual sickness, injury or death of disqualified from the practice of his
any of his employees within the period profession; and if committed by any official,
prescribed herein, give false information or employee or personnel of the Commission,
withhold material information already in his System or any government agency, he shall,
possession, he shall be held liable for fifty in addition to the penalty prescribed herein,
percent of the lump sum equivalent of the be dismissed with prejudice to re-
income benefit to which the employee may employment in the government service.
be found to be entitled, the payment of Art. 208. Applicability. This Title shall
which shall accrue to the State Insurance apply only to injury, sickness, disability or
Fund. death occurring on or after January 1, 1975.
d. In case of payment of benefits for any Art. 208-A. Repeal. All existing laws,
claim which is later determined to be Presidential Decrees and Letters of
fraudulent and the employer is found to be a Instructions which are inconsistent with or
party to the fraud, such employer shall contrary to this Decree, are hereby repealed:
reimburse the System the full amount of the Provided, That in the case of the GSIS,
compensation paid. conditions for entitlement to benefits shall be
Art. 206. Notice of sickness, injury or governed by the Labor Code, as amended:
death. Notice of sickness, injury or death Provided, however, That the formulas for
shall be given to the employer by the computation of benefits, as well as the
employee or by his dependents or anybody contribution base, shall be those provided
on his behalf within five days from the under Commonwealth Act Numbered One
occurrence of the contingency. No notice to Hundred Eighty-Six, as amended by
the employer shall be required if the Presidential Decree No. 1146, plus twenty
contingency is known to the employer or his percent thereof. (As added by Section 9,
agents or representatives. Presidential Decree No. 1368 [May 1, 1978]
Art. 207. Penal provisions. and subsequently amended by Section 7,
a. he penal provisions of Republic Act Presidential Decree No. 1641)
Numbered Eleven Hundred Sixty-One, as
amended, and Commonwealth Act Numbered Title III
One Hundred Eighty-Six, as amended, with MEDICARE
regard to the funds as are thereunder being Art. 209. Medical care. The Philippine
paid to, collected or disbursed by the Medical Care Plan shall be implemented as
System, shall be applicable to the collection, provided under Republic Act Numbered Sixty-
administration and disbursement of the One Hundred Eleven, as amended.
Funds under this Title. The penal provisions
on coverage shall also be applicable. Title IV
b. Any person who, for the purpose of ADULT EDUCATION
securing entitlement to any benefit or Art. 210. Adult education. Every employer
payment under this Title, or the issuance of shall render assistance in the establishment
any certificate or document for any purpose and operation of adult education programs
connected with this Title, whether for him or for their workers and employees as
for some other person, commits fraud, prescribed by regulations jointly approved by
collusion, falsification, misrepresentation of the Department of Labor and Employment
facts or any other kind of anomaly, shall be and the Department of Education, Culture
punished with a fine of not less than five and Sports.
hundred pesos nor more than five thousand
pesos and an imprisonment for not less than
six months nor more than one year, at the
discretion of the court.
c. If the act penalized by this Article is
committed by any person who has been or is
employed by the Commission or System, or a
recidivist, the imprisonment shall not be less