Estabilidad de Taludes (Casos)
Estabilidad de Taludes (Casos)
Estabilidad de Taludes (Casos)
ABSTRACT: The 162 km High-Speed Railway project connecting the two Algerian cities Thenia in the north and
Bordj-Bou-Arerridj in the east encountered a lot of engineering challenges, among which the 10 km landslides that occur
in the region of Aomar, district of Bouira. This paper presents a specific slope stability analysis of one of these landslides.
The region is historically well known of being the centre of many landslides (the landslide area of “Djabahia” region
located next to Aomar is witnessing many landslides and still presenting a major risk for the East-West Highway). In
order to a better understanding of the Aomar’s landslides typology, a slope stability analysis is carried out with an em-
phasis on geomorphological, geological and hydrogeological conditions in addition to geotechnical data. Slope stability
analysis was conducted using correlations between laboratory and/or in-situ tests with soil strength parameters in both
drained and undrained conditions. The General Limit Equilibrium method (GLE) was then used to estimate the safety
factor of the slip surfaces using the commercial code TALREN V5.2. The proposed reinforcement measure consists of a
range of peripheric piles along the foundations of the bridge to be constructed in the sliding area. This measure will
completely isolate the structure from the soil movement and keep the railway platform safe. Finally, practical findings
and conclusions related to this important case study are highlighted.
Keywords: Landslide; case history; General Limit Equilibrium Method; safety factor; reinforcement.
Geology survey
4. Geology survey
Geological surveys in this section on Aomar region Figure 6. Outcrop of weathered clayey marl
(Fig. 6) have shown that the soils consist of Miocene marl
interspersed with friable sandstone benches. Those
sandstones are characteristic of the Aomar region .
5. Geotechnical investigation
A set of geotechnical investigation has been conducted
in the area of landslide including boreholes, SPT, DPT
and PMT tests. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 shows sandstone outcrop
and Aomar marl. Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 presents some soil
Figure 10. Compact marl interspersed with sandstone
5.1. Ground water level Table 2. Dates of first and last inclinometer measurements
The author thanks “CCECC-Algérie” for providing
data for a the purpose of a scientific study.
[1] Philipponnat, G. & Hubert B. 2006. “Fondations et ouvrages en
terre”, (Foundations and earthworks structure), 2nd edition, Ey-
rolles, Paris, France, 2000.
Figure 13 . Reinforcement system for the bridge piers P32 to P43
[2] Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, LCPC, (Central La-
boratory of Bridges and Roads), “Guide technique pour la
Table 3 summarizes the results of the stability stabilisation des glissements de terrain, techniques et méthodes
calculations after the installation of the reinforcement des Laboratoires des ponts et chaussées”, (Technical Guide for
landslides stabilisation , Techniques and methods of the laborato-
measures on the 4 critical sections. ries of Bridges and roads), Ministère de l’équipement, du transport
et du Logement, (Ministry of Equipment, of Transportation and of
Table 3. Results of the stability calculations for the Sliding area Housing), Paris, France, 1998.
Construction/ FOS guide-technique
Calculation (Required)
Section Pier calculation FOS [3] Terrasol "TALREN V.5.2", [TALREN] Available at:
Situation [2]
[4] RPOA 2008 : Règles parasismiques applicables au domaine des
Pile installation Provisional 1.1 1.11 ouvrages d’art (the Algerian Seismic Rules Applicable to Bridges
Pile installation and Tunnels)
Static 1.2
P35 + bridge 1.26
1-1’ permanent
Pile installation
+ bridge Seismic 1.0 1.05
Pile installation Provisional 1,1 1.15
Pile installation
+ bridge 1.2 1.26
2-2’ P36 permanent
Pile installation
+ bridge 1.0 1.01