Estabilidad de Taludes (Casos)

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Specific slope stability study of Aomar region—
characterization and proposal of reinforcement measures
Tawfiq Boufrina
University of Blida-1 Saad Dahleb, Blida, Algeria,

ABSTRACT: The 162 km High-Speed Railway project connecting the two Algerian cities Thenia in the north and
Bordj-Bou-Arerridj in the east encountered a lot of engineering challenges, among which the 10 km landslides that occur
in the region of Aomar, district of Bouira. This paper presents a specific slope stability analysis of one of these landslides.
The region is historically well known of being the centre of many landslides (the landslide area of “Djabahia” region
located next to Aomar is witnessing many landslides and still presenting a major risk for the East-West Highway). In
order to a better understanding of the Aomar’s landslides typology, a slope stability analysis is carried out with an em-
phasis on geomorphological, geological and hydrogeological conditions in addition to geotechnical data. Slope stability
analysis was conducted using correlations between laboratory and/or in-situ tests with soil strength parameters in both
drained and undrained conditions. The General Limit Equilibrium method (GLE) was then used to estimate the safety
factor of the slip surfaces using the commercial code TALREN V5.2. The proposed reinforcement measure consists of a
range of peripheric piles along the foundations of the bridge to be constructed in the sliding area. This measure will
completely isolate the structure from the soil movement and keep the railway platform safe. Finally, practical findings
and conclusions related to this important case study are highlighted.

Keywords: Landslide; case history; General Limit Equilibrium Method; safety factor; reinforcement.

1. Introduction erosion led to the accumulation of clayey deposits (Hel-

vetian), which became the Miocene marls, with sandy-
The village of Aomar (Bouira, Algeria) is being sandstone intercalations.
affected by many landslides due mainly to the geological
and geomorphological characteristics of the area. The
tectonic-stratigraphical setting of Aomar area is .
characterized by the presence of marls of Miocene age,
mainly clayey, lying in intercalation with metric
sandstone benches. Several distinct landslides can be
recognized in the study area. The largest landslide area
(subject of this study) evolving along the southern slope
exhibits rotational slides with deep slip surfaces (>15m)
in the upper part of the slope, and earth-flows (creep
phenomenon) that involve the middle-low portions of the
slopes. The slip surfaces can be detected in the contact
between clayey layers and sandstone metric benches.
Although a retrogressive activity, testified by tension
cracks, is now involving also areas where the sandstones
outcrops, most of the accumulation areas produced by
rotational slides, represents the alimentation zone of slow
earth-flows that can affect the entire slopes from the top .
Figure 1. Geological structural map of the region
to the river valleys. These complex landslides, accompa-
nied by a progressice increased in time, caused severe These Miocene marls are more tectonized during the
damage to the village that has been gradually abandoned last phase of the Atlas orogeny.
by the population. Then, during the Quaternary period, 3 million years
ago, the landscape of today is gradually being drawn. The
2. Geology of the region large valleys are deepening, and the banks of the wadis
are eroding, the slopes are the result of various erosion
The Aomar region of Post-Miocene age (Fig. 1) be- processes, inducing that they are in a state of limit
longs to the chain of ‘The Maghrebides ‘also called Al equilibrium.
pine of northern Algeria in the geological unit of the Tel-
lian Atlas (Alpine orogenesis from -66 to -3 M years Soft soils with a clay component (clays, marls, schists)
ago). This orogenesis took place in several stages, with will give rise to landslides. These landslides concern the
essentially an anterior Miocene phase, during which the weathered part of the marls, over a thickness that can vary
Cretaceous and anterior lands were tectonized (faulted from 5 m to 30 m. In some special cases, landslides can
and folded). In the Miocene, the beginning of mountain be deeper, and occur along weak areas within the rock
(faulted or very schistose areas).
2.1. Instabilities description 3. Geomorphology
The new line crosses the slopes of the "Aomar" region The area is located in a hilly area with morphological
between the kilometric points PK36 and PK46 (Fig. 2) irregularities and slope breaks (red and white lines on the
and continues along a hilly topography with slopes of Google Earth images below). These slope failures can
more than 15%. This area is affected by many result either from large and old landslides or from the
instabilities areas which generally follow a parallel process of differential erosion.
movement to the direction of the slope. Between PK 36 + 300 and PK 36 + 600 (Fig. 4), the
The geological mapping of the region has classified terrain is relatively flat, then the natural slopes of the
these instabilities according to the geometry of the terrain gradually increase, reaching 20° in some places.
movements into: Sliding areas , Potentially unstable areas The section between PK36 + 700 and PK36 + 800 is
and Solifluction areas [1]. characterized by the presence of a cliff of approximately
We were interested in this work to study the most 30 meters high, corresponding to a sandstone bank
important sliding area located between PK36+300 and (continuous orange lines - visible bench, discontinuous
PK37+900 from many aspects mainly geomorphology, line - probable bench).
geology, hydrogeology and geotechnics. From a morphological point of view, the existence of
this sandstone bench makes it possible to dissociate the
upstream and downstream areas. The upstream area
affected by the landslides are limited in their lower part
by this stable slope. This makes it possible to assess the
depths of the fracture surface at about 10 m at the level
of the bridge foundation. And also to consider that there
cannot be a deeper surface, which would extend from the
top of the slope to the bank of the wadi (rejected

Figure 2. Railway line crossing the sliding area between PK36+300

and PK37+900

2.2. Sliding area between PK36+300 and

This clayey marl area has undergone landslides in
three different directions, it is characterized by
significant slopes exceeding 40%. Several significant
landslide areas have been identified. Figure 4. 3D satellite image from PK 36+300 to PK 37+150
Detailed geological mapping of the sliding area (Fig. From PK 37+150 (talweg) to PK 37+500 (Fig. 5), the
3) has made it possible to identify the area in motion, to slope is generally regular, with slight humming. To the
properly locate and delimit unstable parts, as well as the right of the railway line, begins a very flat and sloping
geological, hydrogeological and morphological large surface (this point corresponds to the entry of the
environment in which they have evolved. TU09).
From PK37+500 to PK37+700, there is a large flat
surface, surrounded upstream by an old tearing pattern,
which would suggest a sliding crown, suggesting that the
flat surface would correspond to the upper part of a very
large sliding body. However, this morphological
interpretation is not compatible with the flatness and
inclination of the surface.
Beyond the slope break at PK 37+700, we descend to
the road at PK 37+900, exit of the tunnel TU09. This
slope is marked by a direct erosion morphology, which
indicates the presence of sandstone marl. These benches
extend laterally quite far, indicating that they have a
Figure 3. Topography between PK36+600 and PK37+050: View of regular dip.
the foot of the slope, with the sandstone bench This observation leads to the conclusion that the
previous large flat surface is in fact a stratigraphic
structural surface. The crowning all around would then
represent the scar of an old landslide and total flattening
of the entire rock cover. Such a slide in sandstone marl,
with clayey marl intercalations, is only possible in an
earthquake situation. If this hypothesis is correct, the
downstream slope would correspond to the accumulation
of residues from this large, abrupt rock slide. It turns out
that in this area, there are many sandstone blocks
scattered on the slope, which support this hypothesis.
This means that the tunnel TU09 will enter the ground
in these deposits, over to a relatively long length, close to
100 m horizontally.
This also means that the tunnel would only encounter
mainly solid marlstone materials, in situ, until it exits,
which makes this solution interesting.

Figure 5. Sandstone bench outcrop between PK 36+700 and PK 36+800

Geology survey

Figure 5. 3D Satellite image between PK 37+150 and PK 37+900

4. Geology survey
Geological surveys in this section on Aomar region Figure 6. Outcrop of weathered clayey marl
(Fig. 6) have shown that the soils consist of Miocene marl
interspersed with friable sandstone benches. Those
sandstones are characteristic of the Aomar region .

Figure 9. Fully weathered clayey marl

Figure 4. Geological survey between PK 36 and PK 38 (Miocene

marl of Aomar region)

5. Geotechnical investigation
A set of geotechnical investigation has been conducted
in the area of landslide including boreholes, SPT, DPT
and PMT tests. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 shows sandstone outcrop
and Aomar marl. Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 presents some soil
Figure 10. Compact marl interspersed with sandstone
5.1. Ground water level Table 2. Dates of first and last inclinometer measurements

Inclinometer Lecture "0" Lecture "5"

The piezometers are installed in holes F-41, F-42, F-
43-18, F-44-18, F-45-18, F-46-18, F-47-18, TP-1-18, TP- F-42-18 30/07/2018 26/11/2018
2-18, TP-3-18, F-48-18, F-49-18 and F50-18, and F-43-18 16/08/2018 29/11/2018
groundwater level measurements were carried out over a F-44-18 30/07/2018 26/11/2018
period of approximately nine months from 18/06/2018 to
F-45-18 16/08/2018 29/11/2018
15/03/2019. Some piezometric readings are shown in
F-46-18 16/08/2018 29/11/2018
table 1.
Table 1. Piezometric measurements F-47-18 15/08/2018 28/11/2018
F-48-18 15/08/2018 28/11/2018
Date of Water Date of Water F-50-18 15/08/2018 28/11/2018
PK meas- level measure- level F-03-17 20/03/2018 -
urement (m) ment (m) F-04-17 20/03/2018 -
F-41-18 36+140 18/06/18 7.5 15/11/18 5.2
At this stage of the study, it can be noted that the
F-42-18 36+345 24/06/18 5.7 15/11/18 4.5
inclinometer F-43-18 showed a very small displacement
F-43-18 36+775 15/11/18 3.4 15/03/19 1.4 of about 1mm at 21m depth, which seems to show that a
F-44-18 36+795 15/11/18 4.2 15/03/19 16.1 fairly thick slice of the weathered marl is affected by the
F-45-18 36+930 16/11/18 3.8 1/03/19 1.2
Inclinometer F-47-18 showed also a very small
F-46-18 36+995 15/11/18 7.3 15/03/19 2.2 displacement at 11m depth, corresponding to the
F-47-18 37+145 15/11/18 1.3 15/03/19 1.0 interface between the weathered and the compact horizon
of the marl. The rise of the slip surface is related to the
TP-1-18 36+820 27/06/18 8.5 16/11/18 3.3
presence of sandstone bench observed.
TP-2-18 36+970 22/06/18 6.0 16/11/18 11.5 The other inclinometers did not show any significant
TP-3-18 37+055 18/06/18 1.4 16/11/18 5.2 displacements. The absence of displacement of the
inclinometer tube may be explained by the absence of
F-48-18 37+290 15/11/18 2.5 15/03/19 26.7
movement during the dry period. This, at least, allow us
F-49-18 37+500 15/11/18 31.0 15/03/19 31.1 to say that the aquifers that feed the landslides are linked
F-50-18 37+885 16/11/18 1.3 15/03/19 1.8 to seasonal rains, otherwise there would be continuous
movements, even if they were slowed down during the
dry period.
Groundwater is omnipresent in this sliding area (fig.
11). The groundwater level recorded in the piezometers
is located in the weathered clayey marl and varies from
5.3. Landslide geometry
1.0 to 9.50 m from ground level. The morphology of the ground surface indicates that
It is important to note the presence of several wells the slope on this section is affected by landslides. These
along this section with a practically water level on the landslides may be old and/or current. According to their
surface. The small dam located upstream (100m in morphology, and the absence of active indices, they are
vertical drop upstream) of the line could be part of the slow and progressive, and therefore relatively deep
source of supply for these wells, especially in dry (sliding surface at more than 5 m).
periods. The assumption that the sliding surface could be
detected at a depth of 20 m, which corresponds
approximately to the thickness of the weathered marl is
quite interesting. It makes it possible to consider, for the
entire railway line located on Miocene marls, that these
potential slides can take place in these geological units,
when the slope gradients are greater than 20° and in the
presence of water.
On this section, the weathering thickness is about 20
m, up to the plumb of the line. However, the railway line
is located on a likely flat area due to the existence of the
Figure 7. Several wells located in the sliding zone
stable sandstone bench described above. As a result, the
failure surface is forced to rise to the surface, to be
5.2. Inclinometers between 5 m and 10 m deep at the level of the supports
Inclinometer measurements determine the magnitude of the viaduct. At this stage of study, the 10 m slide depth
and the direction of the horizontal movements of the hypothesis will be chosen for the design of the protection
slope over time, they provide a very reliable means of structures for the viaduct piers, in order to ensure safety.
locating the depth of landslide planes within the slope.
Ten inclinometers were installed according to the French
norm (NF-94 156). Table 2 gives the dates of the first
and the last readings.
5.4. Results of in-situ tests 8.50 MPa (average 4MPa), attesting to the poor quality
of this rock.
The results of the in situ-tests (essentially the Chemical analyses of CaCO3 (calcium carbonate)
pressuremeter test PMT) performed in four boreholes carried out on samples of this Miocene marl provide
PR-14-18, PR66-10 and PR-49-11 and PR-48-11 in carbonate contents between 9.00 and 30.24%, confirming
weathered and compacted marl are summarized as the marliness of this layer.
a. The pressure limit obtained for the weathered marl
6. Geological and geotechnical profiles
of miocene age (named MHa) varies from 4.4 to
35.6 bar (according to PMT test PR-14-18 ), On the basis of the collected data, the geological
attesting to the soft ( weathered) nature of this marl surveys carried out and the results of the geotechnical
roof over a section of land about 8m thick. The investigation carried out, geological sections of the slide
Menard modulus at this marly roof varies from 48 along and across the axis are established to perform a
bar to 600 bar. stability analysis. For this purpose, the french code
b. Above 8m depth, the overall recorded limit TALREN [3] was used to conduct the numerical analysis.
pressures exceed 50 bar with Menard pressuremeter
modulus of around 2500 bar, these results highlight 7. Slope stability analysis and reinforcement
the compact nature of the marl at depth. measures
Part of the bridge OA22 between PK36+300 and
5.5. Results of laboratory test PK37+210 (12 piers between P32 and P43 + abutment
Laboratory tests on samples consist of the C02) crosses the sliding area. Its deck is composed of a
identification tests (physical and chemical) and 50m span continuous steel-concrete composite beam.
mechanical tests (direct shear and uni-axial The height of the piles at this varied area from 5 to 35 m.
compression). Pile foundation were adopted, the foundation of the piers
The results obtained showed the extent of the are composed of a group of 4 x 3 piles of 1200mm
weathered marl roof, which is vulnerable to instability, diameter and of 30 m length.
for a depth up to 20 m (F-42-18 to F48-18), except for The piles are anchored at least (5m) at the level of the
boreholes F-49-18 and F-50-18 executed along the tunnel compact marl characterized by a limit pressure 𝑃𝑙 > 50
and in the east side portal which showed a thick depth of bars and Menard modulus 𝐸𝑀 > 2000 bars below the
the marl up to 42m. identified slip surface.
The wet bulk weight (h) vary according to the depth
investigated between 2.0 and 2.50 t/m3, indicating the 7.1. Back analysis
dense to very dense nature of this marl (consolidated
state). Back analysis is carried out using the french software
The moisture content decreases with depth, its ranges TALREN by the limit equilibrium calculation method
from 12 to 18% on shallow depths reaching very weak according to the simplified Bishop formulation and/or the
values in the range of 5% in the depth. The variation in method of perturbations, Fig. 12 shows the results
soil moisture with drilling depth did not reveal a clear obtained from back analysis performed on one of the four
correlation of a significant change in soil moisture in the selected critical sections.
sliding surfaces. For seismic conditions, a pseudo-static analysis was
The drained shear parameters deduced at the direct conducted according to the Algerian National Code
shear test on weathered marl samples are estimated as RPOA 2008 (The Algerian Seismic Rules Applicable to
follows: Bridges and Tunnels) [4], the coefficient of acceleration
A drained cohesion, c' varies between 32 and 38 kPa “A” was taken aqual to 0.25, the horizontal and vertical
(an average of 36 kPa) components of the seismic load are given as follows:
A drained friction angle φ' varies between 14° and 18°
with an average of 16.50°. 𝑘ℎ = 0.5 × 𝐴 = 0.125, 𝑘𝑣 = 0.3 × 𝑘ℎ = 0.037 (1)
The residual shear parameters of the weathered marl
roof deduced from the altered consolidated drained shear
tests are presented as follows
A residual drained cohesion varies between 0 and 20
kPa (average of 7 kPa)
A residual drained friction angle varies between 9°
and 14° (average of 11.00°).
For the compact part of the marl, the shear tests could
not be carried out because of the friable rock aspect of
this layer.
However, simple compression tests were carried out
on the compact rocky marl, the simple compressive
strength values obtained are scattered, they vary
according to the degree of fracture between 1.10 MPa and Figure 12. Back analysis section 2-2' at PK36+800 (Pier 35)
7.2. Bridge foundation stability analysis Pile installation
+ bridge Seismic 1.0 1.03
Post-treatment stability check foundation
Pile installation Provisional 1,1 1.17
The stability analyses are carried out in provisional
Pile installation
and permanent situations (static and pseudo-static), and P43/ + bridge
1.2 1.41
consisted in the construction of the pile nailing followed 4-4’ Abuttm permanent
by the construction of the pile foundation. ent Pile installation
The solution adopted for the stabilization of the + bridge Seismic 1.0 1.01
landslide affecting the piers P32 to P43 and the abutment
of the bridge is the construction of a retaining structure
consisting of a pile wall on "U obtuse shape". This 8. Conclusion
reinforcement proposed (Fig. 13) is composed of
Detailed geology mapping of the sliding area of
1200mm diameter piles, 30m long, with a spacing of
Aomar region has allowed to describe and delineate the
1.5m, stiffened by a reinforced concrete footing on the
sliding areas crossing the railway line, morphological and
contour of the foundation and justified with regard to the
hydrogeological conditions explained some aspects of
stability to landslide in provisional and permanent and
the Aomar landslide (some other aspects are still
static and seismic (pseudo-static) situations.
unknown and could be tectonic movements, faults, etc.)
of the instabilities. the analysis of a rich geotechnical data
(In-situ tests, laboratory tests, instrumentation) leads to
the stability analysis and the proposal of a reinforcement
measure for the structures crossing the landslide area.

The author thanks “CCECC-Algérie” for providing
data for a the purpose of a scientific study.

[1] Philipponnat, G. & Hubert B. 2006. “Fondations et ouvrages en
terre”, (Foundations and earthworks structure), 2nd edition, Ey-
rolles, Paris, France, 2000.
Figure 13 . Reinforcement system for the bridge piers P32 to P43
[2] Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, LCPC, (Central La-
boratory of Bridges and Roads), “Guide technique pour la
Table 3 summarizes the results of the stability stabilisation des glissements de terrain, techniques et méthodes
calculations after the installation of the reinforcement des Laboratoires des ponts et chaussées”, (Technical Guide for
landslides stabilisation , Techniques and methods of the laborato-
measures on the 4 critical sections. ries of Bridges and roads), Ministère de l’équipement, du transport
et du Logement, (Ministry of Equipment, of Transportation and of
Table 3. Results of the stability calculations for the Sliding area Housing), Paris, France, 1998.
Construction/ FOS guide-technique
Calculation (Required)
Section Pier calculation FOS [3] Terrasol "TALREN V.5.2", [TALREN] Available at:
Situation [2]
[4] RPOA 2008 : Règles parasismiques applicables au domaine des
Pile installation Provisional 1.1 1.11 ouvrages d’art (the Algerian Seismic Rules Applicable to Bridges
Pile installation and Tunnels)
Static 1.2
P35 + bridge 1.26
1-1’ permanent
Pile installation
+ bridge Seismic 1.0 1.05
Pile installation Provisional 1,1 1.15
Pile installation
+ bridge 1.2 1.26
2-2’ P36 permanent
Pile installation
+ bridge 1.0 1.01

Pile installation Provisional 1,1 1.09

3-3’ P40
Pile installation
+ bridge 1.2 1.28

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