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ISSN 0043-2326
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 85-647116
Interpretive Review of Weld Fatigue-Strength-Reduction
and Stress-Concentration Factors
C. E. Jaske
Fatigue-Strength-Reduction Factors for
Welds Based on NDE
J. L. Hechmer
E. J . Kuhn, III
Publication of this report was sponsored by the Pressure Vessel Research Council
of the Welding Research Council, Inc.
Library of Congress
Catalog Card Number : 99-60962
Copyright © 1998 by
Welding Research Council, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U .S.A.
Objectives 1
Introduction 1
Fatigue-Strength-Reduction Factor 1
Stress Co ncentration Factor 2
Stress Indices 2
Type of Weld 3
Welds in Pressure Vessel and Piping Design 3
Parameters that Affect FSRFs 6
Joint Configuration and Weld Detail 6
Welding Process and Practice 8
Cyclic Plasticity 11
Dissimilar Metal Welds 12
Residual Stress 12
Post-Weld Heat Treatment 13
Type and Degree of NDE Performed 13
Metallurgical Notch Effect 14
Status of Weld FSRFs 14
Published Data on Weld FSRFs 14
Generic Procedure for Determining FSRFs 24
Experimental Determination of FSRFs 24
Analytical Determination of FSRFs 25
Executive Summary 27
Abbreviations 28
Definitions 28
Introduction 28
Goal 29
Basis for the Approach 29
Position 29
Foundation 29
Post-Weld Heat Treatment 30
Background for Initiating This Project 30
FSRF Definition 30
Defining FSRF Based on NDE 30
The NDE Process 31
Weld Types 31
NDE Quality Levels 31
Basis For Establishing FSRF Values 31
Discussion of NDE Tech niques 32
RTm and UT m 33
Ground versus as-welded 33
Surface versus volumetric examination 33
Visual inspection 34
B ackside of partial and fillet welds 34
C onditions Peripheral to Quality Levels 35
I. Data From Other Fatigue Curves Used to Validate Weld FSRF 36
II. Comparisons to ASME Code S-N Fatigue Curve 43
III. FSRF Definition 49
1V Other Fatigue Issues 51
V. Level 7, Weld Toe Notches, and Non-Inspectable Weld Roots 52
C . E . Jaske
Fig . 2—Typical welded joint locations and categories (from Section III of the ASME Code).
Interpretative Review 3
(When a does not exceed 30 deg ., joint
Category B Butt Joint meets requirements for butt joints)
Fig . 3—Typical butt joints (from Section III of the ASME Code).
C) and nozzles (Category C only) of 2-inch or less used . Fillet welds may be used to transitions
nominal size may be socket welded . Category B between joined parts or to provide a seal . If
includes angle joints with offset angles not greater fillet welds are used, they must be ground to
than 30 degrees . For Category B joints with integral provide a smooth surface with transition radii
backing strips or backing strips that are not re- at their intersections with the joined parts.
moved, the ASME Code requires that an FSRF of at 4. Partial penetration welded nozzles and branch
least two be used for fatigue design analysis . Cat- piping connections. Partial penetration welds
egory C joints must be either a butt joint or a full may be used to attach nozzles and make branch
penetration corner joint . Figure 4 shows acceptable piping connections, provided that they meet the
details for Category C full penetration corner joints. ASME Code design requirements . Further-
Category D joints are either full or partial penetra- more, specific details for attaching nozzles by
tion welds made using one of the five following means of partial penetration welds are pre-
details: scribed by the ASME Code . If a fatigue analysis
is required, an FSRF of at least four must be
1. Butt welded nozzles and branch piping connec-
employed for partial penetration welded nozzles,
tions . These connections are made by means of
while branch piping connections may be ana-
full penetration butt welds, and backing strips
lyzed in accordance with Article NB-3600.
must be removed, if they are used.
5. Oblique full penetration nozzles . These connec-
2. Corner welded nozzles and branch piping con-
tions are made by means of full penetration
nections . These connections are made by means
welds, and backing strips must be removed, if
of full penetration welds, and backing strips
they are used.
must be removed, if they are used.
3. Deposited weld metal of openings for nozzles Category A, B, and C joints in vessels and similar
and branch piping connections . Full penetra- full penetration welded joints in other components
tion welds are used to make connections to must be examined by radiography and by liquid
builtup weld-metal deposits on components, penetrant or magnetic particle inspection . Ultra-
and backing strips must be removed, if they are sonic examination also will be required in the near
Id) le)
Fig. 4—Acceptable weld details for Category C full penetration corner joints (from Section III of the ASME Code).
future . Fillet and partial penetration welded joints, corner welded nozzles also must be examined
socket welds, and structural attachment welds must ultrasonically to ensure that the fusion zone
be examined by liquid penetrant or magnetic par- and base metal under the attachment surface
ticle inspection . Special radiographic techniques that are free of lack of fusion and laminar defects.
may include multiple exposures are required for 2. Corner welded branch and piping connections
Types 1 and 2 Category C full penetration corner that do not exceed a nominal size of 4 inches
welds (see Fig . 4) . Also, ultrasonic examination must need to be examined only with liquid penetrant
be performed to ensure that the fusion zone and base or magnetic particle inspection.
metal under the attachment surface of the Type 2 3. Weld buildup deposits, weld fusion zones associ-
Category C welds are free of lack of fusion and ated with the deposits, and base metal under
laminar defects. These examination requirements the deposits must be examined ultrasonically
help ensure that the welded joints have the desired to ensure that they are free of lack of fusion and
integrity. laminar defects.
Radiography and liquid penetrant or magnetic 4. Partial penetration welds must be examined by
particle inspection also are required for Category D liquid penetrant or magnetic particle inspec-
joints in vessels and similar joints in other compo- tion.
nents, except as indicated below: 5. Full penetration welds in oblique vessel nozzles
1 . Just as with Type 2 Category C corner welds, need not be examined radiographically if ultra-
Interpretative Review 5
sonic and liquid penetrant or magnetic particle (NDE), and local variation of material properties . In
inspections are performed in a specified man- addition to the direct effect of each parameter, inter-
ner. actions among the parameters may affect the FSRF
6 . Oblique full penetration welds in branch and of a welded joint. The following subsections discuss
piping connections, pumps, and valves are to be the major effects of each of the parameters sepa-
examined in the same manner as corner welded rately. Important parameter interactions also are
branch and piping connections. discussed, as is appropriate.
Again, these examination requirements are pre-
scribed to ensure that the welded joints have the Joint Configuration and Weld Detail
desired integrity. Joint configuration and weld detail normally have
This brief review shows that welds are important the greatest influence on weld joint FSRFs because
in pressure vessel and piping design. The ASME they are the primary factors that determine the
Code provides both fabrication and examination amount of local stress in a welded joint . Increasing
requirements for welded joints to ensure that they local stress at a constant nominal stress decreases
have sufficient structural integrity and strength, fatigue strength and, thus, increases the FSRF . In
including fatigue strength . Thus, except for crack- other words, factors that increase the concentration
like defects and piping configurations for which of local stress also tend to increase the FSRF of a
values are given in Article NB-3680, FSRFs greater welded joint.
than five need not be used in establishing Level A Butt welds in pressure vessels are often associated
Service Limits (Article NB-3222) for typical welded with joints between sections of unequal thickness.
joints in Class 1 components . When integral backing The ASME Code requires a uniformly tapered transi-
is used or backing strips are not removed, an FSRF tion region between such sections if the thickness of
of at least two must be employed . An FSRF of at least the thicker section differs from that of the thinner
four must be applied for partial penetration welded section by more than 25% of the thinner section's
nozzles, and branch piping connections may be ana- thickness . Harvey (1991) points out that the stress
lyzed in accordance with Article NB-3600 . Thus, it is distribution in a uniformly tapered transition region
recognized that pressure vessel and piping design can be approximated by that in symmetrical wedge
has a direct effect on the fatigue strength of welded loaded as illustrated in Figure 5 . The theoretical
joints. stress concentration factor, K t , (ratio of the maxi-
mum stress to the average stress) for this wedge is
Parameters That Affect FSRFs given by the following relation:
A number of important parameters may influence Kt = 2 tan (a)/[a + 0 .5 sin (2a)] (4)
the FSRFs for welded joints in pressure vessels and
piping . These parameters include joint configuration Figure 6 shows a plot of K t vs a, where the indicated
and weld detail, welding process and practice, amount section taper is equal to the cotangent of a in
of cyclic plasticity, dissimilarity of metals joined, radians . When the section taper is 3 to 1 or more, the
residual stress, post-weld heat treatment (PWHT), maximum stress is less than 10% greater than the
type and degree of non-destructive examination average stress . For this reason, uniform transition
ttftttttttftt ftttttftttftt
1111111 1111111Q
(o) ca) cc)
Fig . 5—Approximation of a tapered transition section (Harvey, 1991).
11 I 1 I I I 1 1111111 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
tapers of at least 3 to 1 are usually employed in weld profile . Also, the local details at the junction
pressure vessel design. between the taper and the uniform-thickness section
The tapered region at a welded butt joint is often will affect the stress concentration . Whereas the
offset as illustrated in Figure 7 . When such a joint is effect of offset can be taken into account by stress
axially loaded, the local stress near the weld joint is analysis, the effects of local details and profile are
increased . The effect of joint offset in pressure ves- usually accounted for by using an FSRF.
sels can be taken into account by means of stress Partial penetration welds have significantly lower
analysis . For piping, Article NB-3600 of the ASME fatigue strength than full penetration welds . As
Code provides the following equations for calculating pointed out by Harvey (1991), the SCF for a lack-of-
the secondary stress indices at welded transitions: penetration defect in an axially loaded butt-welded
0 .33(D °/t)0 .3 + 1 .5(8/t) but not >1 .8 (5a) plate is approximately 4 to 5 for defect lengths less
C1 =
than 20% of the wall thickness and is increasingly
C 2 = 1 .7 + 3 .0(8/t) but not >2 .1 (5b) greater than 4 to 5 as the defect length increases to
C 3 = 1 .0 + 0 .03(D ° /t) but not >2 .0 (5c) values greater than 20% of the wall thickness . With
such large SCFs, the corresponding FSRFs are ex-
where Do is the outside diameter, t is the wall pected to be large . In fact, as mentioned previously,
thickness, and 8 is amount of offset . The require- the ASME Code requires use of an FSRF of at least 4
ments for using Eqs . 5a, 5b, and 5c are given in for partial penetration welds because of the large
Article NB-3600. SCFs associated with such welds.
If an offset weld joint is not machined flat as shown As shown in Fig . 8, the amount of weld reinforce-
in Fig. 7, the fatigue strength is reduced additionally ment can significantly affect the fatigue strength of
by the stress concentration associated with the local welded joints (Harvey, 1991) . Weld reinforcement or
overfill refers to the extra thickness of the weld bead
compared with the thickness of the base metal . The
FSRF increases as the angle of reinforcement de-
creases or the amount of reinforcement increases.
The maximum fatigue strength (FSRF = 1 .0) is ob-
tained when the weld is ground flush, and the angle
reinforcement is 180 degrees or there is no reinforce-
When a single-V configuration is used for a butt
thickness (t) offset (8) weld, the joint will tend to warp in the direction of
the widest part of the V. As reported by Iida and Iino
Fig . 7—Offset weld joint . (1977), this type of warpage reduces fatigue strength.
Interpretative Review 7
For this reason, a double-V configuration is typically 10 and 11 . The names indicated in these figures are
recommended for a welded joint that is subject to the standard terminology for weld flaws and defects
cyclic loading. (AWS, 1989) . Each of these flaws or cracks will
Fillet welds and welded socket joints can be suscep- reduce the fatigue strength of a welded joint . Since
tible to fatigue damage . Figure 9 shows the details fatigue cracking typically starts at a surface, surface-
and dimensions for Section III, ASME Code fillet connected flaws and cracks are usually more detri-
welds and welded socket joints . When fillet welds are mental to fatigue strength than imbedded flaws or
used for transitions between parts or for seals, they cracks . The welding process must be controlled to
must be ground to provide a smooth surface with avoid the formation of such flaws and cracks . Addi-
transition radii between the weld and base metal. tionally, the weld must be examined nondestruc-
This type of preparation enhances weld joint fatigue tively to ensure that significant flaws and cracks are
strength . Fillet welds (see Fig . 9) also can be used to not present or that locations that require repairs are
make structural attachments to pressure vessels, properly identified . Producing sound, fatigue-resis-
provided that an FSRF of at least four is used if the tant welded joints necessitates the use of proper
weld is subject to cyclic loading. welding processes and practices.
Girth fillet welds are used to make welded socket Some important factors that affect the fatigue
joints, as shown in Fig . 9 . If the minimum values of strength of welded joints are incorporated in Ameri-
the secondary stress indices for a welded socket joint can Welding Society (AWS) design fatigue curves
equal 1 .09 tn , where to is the wall thickness of the (AWS, 1994) . Although these fatigue curves, which
nozzle or branch connection reinforcement, then the are shown in Fig . 12, are not applicable to pressure
product C 2 K2 equals 4 .2 . The value of C 2 K2 can be
vessels and piping, they illustrate the effects of
reduced when the secondary stress indices exceed
important parameters on the fatigue strength of
1 .09 tn . Socket joints should be avoided for material welded joints as determined by fatigue testing such
and environmental conditions that can cause crevice joints . Each curve is based on a statistical analysis of
corrosion . The crevices associated with socket joints
fatigue data from tests of components or actual
are likely to increase the potential of corrosion
welded joints and represents 95% survival with 95%
fatigue at such joints . Thus, it is generally desirable
confidence for the indicated category.
to avoid fillet and welded socket joints in locations
Curve A is for plain unwelded carbon steel pipe,
subjected to significant cyclic loading.
whereas the other curves apply to various types of
Welding Process and Practice weld joints in circular sections of similar material . To
Welding process and practice can greatly affect the produce weld joints with the highest fatigue strength,
fatigue strength of welded joints . Improper welding the final pass is removed by grinding to produce a
can produce the flaws and cracks illustrated in Figs . flush joint . For example, Curve B in Fig . 12 shows
Theoretical throat
The size of an unequal leg fillet weld is the shorter leg length of the largest right triangle which can pe inscribed
within the fillet weld cross section.
7 x min .
wall thickness
1/16 in . approx.
before welding
1/16 in . approx.
ttt~~~ before welding
lc) Minimum Welding Dimensions for Id) Minimum Welding Dimensions for
Socket Welding Flanges Socket Welding Fittings
Fig . 9—Details and dimensions of fillet welds and welded socket joints (from Section III of the ASME Code).
the allowable cyclic stress range as a function of weld joints covered by the AWS Code, but not rel-
number of load cycles for flush full-penetration butt evant to this report.
welds . This curve is below that for plain pipe (Curve Metallurgical factors often influence weld joint
A) and above that for as-welded full-penetration butt fatigue strength . Hydrogen-induced cracks or non-
welds (Curve C 1 ) . Of course, one should be aware metallic inclusions in the HAZ or weld metal can act
that, in some cases, grinding may produce other as crack-initiation sites . Hydrogen-induced cracking
undesirable results . For example, grinding austen- is caused by improper welding procedure . Inclusions
itic stainless steel welds can lead to intergranular in the HAZ of the base metal are a result of the
stress-corrosion cracking (IGSCC) problems in sus- steel-making process, while inclusions in the weld
ceptible combinations of material and environment. metal are a result of the welding process . If corrosion
Curve D covers members with welded attachments attack is possible, inclusions can act as sites for the
and full-penetration cruciform and T joints . The initiation and growth of pits that subsequently be-
remaining curves in Fig . 12 are for other types of come locations for fatigue crack initiation . Some
Interpretative Review 9
weld processes can cause elements to segregate joint detail, fatigue cracking often initiates at the
within the weld joint . This segregation can in turn weld toe and grows into the HAZ and base metal.
lead to local regions of material that are more Also, variations of material strength across the weld
susceptible to fatigue cracking or IGSCC than the joint can produce strain concentrations when the
overall weld joint. stress amplitude is large enough to cause cyclic
Local weld details play an important role in the plastic flow. These strain concentrations then act as
fatigue strength of welded joints . Because of weld- crack-initiation sites .
Interpretative Review 11
50 2000
10 -''.11111110111rcr.
(69) F C2 AND X2
(34 .5) ;~\U•I~~Z!!C::~~---mil
nni.!Ij~UIll DT E K X11
(13 .8) 1 50
2 10 4 4 6 8 10 5 2 4 6 8 10 6 2 4 6 8 10 7 4 6 8 10 8
Fig . 12—AWS design fatigue curves for welded joints in circular sections (AWS, 1994).
defects and notches in the LCF regime than in the Residual Stress
HCF regime because local plastic flow tends to Residual stress has a major effect on the HCF
reduce the stress concentrating effects of defects and strength of welded joints . It acts like a mean stress
notches in the LCF regime . However, these stress that increases both the maximum and minimum
concentrating effects are not reduced in the HCF values of cyclic stress . In the LCF regime, residual
regime . For this reason, FSRFs tend to be relatively stress becomes decreasingly important as the num-
small at short fatigue lives and increase to larger ber of cycles to failure decreases because of the
values at long fatigue lives . This effect of cyclic corresponding increase in the amount of cyclic plas-
plasticity is evident in Fig. 12, where the Curves A ticity. Plastic deformation mechanically relieves the
through E tend to converge at short lives and diverge residual stress, so when the cyclic stress amplitude
at long lives . Thus, the FSRF should be a function of is equal to or greater than the cyclic yield strength,
fatigue life or the analytical procedures should ac- there is no significant effect of residual stress on
count for the effect of cyclic plasticity. fatigue strength.
Dissimilar Metal Welds The ASME Code accounts for residual stress by
Welds made between ferritic and austenitic alloys applying a mean-stress reduction factor to the de-
are called dissimilar metal welds . The fatigue sign fatigue curve (Jaske and O'Donnell, 1977) . The
strength of these welds is affected by the same design fatigue curve is reduced in the HCF regime to
factors that affect the fatigue strength of other account for the maximum effect of mean stress using
welds . Additionally, the unique nature of these welds the Goodman relation or some other appropriate
makes them particularly sensitive to thermal fa- parameter that approximates the experimentally
tigue cracking . Because ferritic and austenitic alloys observed fatigue behavior. The maximum mean stress
have significantly different thermal expansion and that a material can sustain at a given cyclic life is
thermal conductivity properties, dissimilar metal estimated by subtracting the stress amplitude at
welds experience higher local strain than similar that life from the material's cyclic yield strength . As
metal welds when they are subjected to thermal long as this difference is greater than zero, a mean-
cycling . Fatigue cracks develop in the HAZ of the stress effect is predicted, and the design fatigue
ferritic base metal of dissimilar metal welds . Ther- curve is reduced . This approach assumes that the
mal diffusion of carbon at high temperature can residual stress will always be as high as the cyclic
reduce the fatigue strength of the ferritic material. yield strength.
The complexity of this problem makes thermal fa- In some cases, the residual stress can be reduced
tigue susceptibility difficult to characterize by an by heat treatment or special fabrication procedures.
FSRF. Procedures have been developed for predict- Warm prestressing may redistribute residual stresses
ing the creep-fatigue life of dissimilar metal welds and reduce their severity but also may produce
(Roberts et al ., 1985) . Also, the thermal fatigue residual stresses in some locations . If the residual
strength of dissimilar metal welds can be improved stress can be accurately predicted or measured, the
by using nickel-based filler metals rather than iron- design fatigue curve can be adjusted to take into
chromium-nickel austenitic alloy filler metals . account the effect of the actual level of mean stress.
Interpretative Review 13
For surface examination, rounded indications greater Published values of Kf exhibit considerable vari-
than 3/16 inch are not allowed . Also, the type of ability and should be used only for the conditions and
indication can affect fatigue strength . For example, materials for which they were developed . The type of
the ASME Code does not allow any types of cracks. loading and the definition of failure can affect the
Cracks are much more likely to be fatigue-crack values of K f determined by fatigue testing . Small
initiation sites than rounded defects. specimens tested under load control typically fail
Metallurgical Notch Effect once a significant crack initiates . However, fatigue-
Local variations in material properties can cause a crack propagation can significantly contribute to
corresponding localization of stress or strain in a total fatigue life under load-controlled cycling of
loaded component even when no notch or geometric large specimens or displacement-controlled cycling.
discontinuity is present . This type of stress or strain Much of the variability in Kf values can be elimi-
concentration is referred to as a metallurgical notch. nated if fatigue life is defined as the number of cycles
Metallurgical notches can develop at a welded joint to crack initiation . To the extent possible this ap-
because there is often a significant variation in local proach was used in the current study . However,
materials properties at welds . A welded joint is because the definition of crack initiation is not the
usually designed so that the weld metal is slightly same for all fatigue studies, the type of loading and
stronger than the base metal to avoid failure in the failure criteria may still have affected the FSRFs
weld metal . If the strength mismatch between the that were developed in the current work.
weld and base metal is too large, the base metal can Because different investigators use different defini-
yield and concentrate strain well before the weld tions for fatigue failure, it was necessary to make
metal yields. judgments as to which data were reasonable to
In ferritic steels, the fine-grained HAZ is normally compare . For example, in the long-life regimen near
stronger than the coarse-grained HAZ . Under cyclic or more than 10 5 cycles to failure, the fracture of
loading, the weaker area may be subject to cyclic small 6-mm diameter specimens was assumed to
plasticity even though the adjoining material re- give similar results to through-wall leakage in pipe
mains elastic . If the local area undergoes cyclic specimens with similar wall thicknesses . Also, as
softening, there can be a corresponding local accumu- pointed out later in the discussion of a generic
lation of strain . However, if the local area undergoes procedure for determining FSRFs, different defini-
cyclic hardening, there can be a corresponding in- tions of fatigue failure based on a consistent crack-
crease in the local stress . This type of behavior is
initiation criterion are expected to give similar re-
complex and difficult to model analytically, so these
sults . Although this approach is subject to some
effects are usually quantified by testing welded
small errors, it is reasonable to use considering the
joints rather than by their analysis . The test results
inherent variability in fatigue data and the varia-
then reflect both metallurgical and geometric notch
effects. tions in test procedures used by various investiga-
Status of Weld FSRFs The determination of Kf values for a variety of
materials and notches requires a large amount of
The section reviews the current status of FSRFs fatigue testing. To reduce the need for fatigue test-
for welded joints in pressure vessels and piping. ing, values of Kf have been correlated with values of
First, published data on weld FSRFs are reviewed.
Kt , which can be determined from elastic stress
Then, the current procedures for establishing them
analysis . A notch sensitivity factor, q, is used to
are presented and discussed . This information pro-
characterize a material's notch sensitivity in fatigue,
vides the background for the generic procedure for
and q is defined by the following expression:
determining FSRFs that is presented in the next
section of this report. q = (Kf – 1)/(Kt – 1) (6)
Published Data on Weld FSRFs The value of q can vary from 0 to 1 . When there is no
It is a well-established engineering practice to use effect of a notch on fatigue strength, Kf = 1 and q = O.
FSRFs to account for the effect of notches on fatigue The maximum notch effect occurs when K f = Kt and
strength (Dieter, 1976) . As was illustrated for welds q = 1 . Figure 13 shows a plot of q vs notch root
in Fig . 1, the fatigue curves for notched and un- radius, r, that is widely used for fatigue design
notched specimens are compared on the basis of purposes (Peterson, 1974) . Since q varies as a func-
net-section stress, and the FSRF or fatigue-notch tion of r, it is not truly a material constant and is
factor, Kf, at the fatigue limit is the ratio of the based on the results of fatigue testing.
fatigue limit for unnotched specimens to the fatigue The following expression was used to estimate the
limit for notched specimens . When a material does values of q that are shown in Fig . 13 (Peterson,
not exhibit a fatigue limit, the value of Kf is deter- 1974) :
mined at a specific fatigue life, such as 10 8 cycles to
failure . q=1/(l+air) (7)
Fig. 13—Fatigue notch sensitivity factor as a function of notch root radius (Peterson, 1974).
where a is Neuber's constant . The following values of less than Kt, an alternative approach is required . For
Neuber's constant were used to prepare the three this reason, Topper et al . (1969) applied Neuber ' s
curves shown in Fig. 13 : a = 0 .0025 for quenched and rule to LCF of notched specimens . Neuber's rule
tempered steel (most likely martensitic microstruc- states that Kt is equal to the geometric mean of the
ture), a = 0 .01 for annealed and normalized steel actual stress concentration factor, Kr , and the actual
(most likely ferritic or bainitic microstructures), and strain concentration factor, KE:
a = 0 .02 for aluminum alloy. Also, values of Neuber's Kt = (7,c u)v2 (8)
constant for low-alloy steel as a function of ulti-
mate tensile strength, S,, (Peterson, 1974), are pre- Values of K, and KE are not constant when yielding
sented in Fig . 14 . As shown, the value of a is an occurs . To apply Neuber's rule to fatigue, Topper et
inverse exponential function of ultimate tensile al . (1969) used Kf in place of Kt and defined KQ and K.
strength. in terms of stress and strain ranges . They found that
Since the above approach uses Kf values based on the parameter Kf(ASzeE) 112 = (OQOEE) w could be
the fatigue limit or long-life fatigue strength, it used to correlate the fatigue strength of notched
applies only to HCF. In the LCF regime, where specimens with the fatigue strength of unnotched
stresses exceed the yield strength and K f is much specimens, where AS is nominal stress range, De is
0 .02
o 0 .005
Interpretative Review 15
nominal strain range, E is elastic modulus, ,‘S,Q is fatigue behavior. Barsom and Vecchio (1997) and
local stress range, and De is local strain range . When Lundin (1988) have reviewed much of the available
the nominal stress-strain behavior is essentially fatigue data for weldments . Representative ex-
elastic, KAS=(OQOeE) 1 " 2 . To apply this parameter, amples of weldment fatigue testing are the studies of
Topper et al . (1969) estimated values of Kf from Kt Andrews and Jones (1991), Baudry, et al . (1986),
using Eqs . 6 and 7 . This approach provides a con- Booth (1980, 1981), Cole and Vittori (1991), Higuchi
stant FSRF that can be applied to LCF as well as et al. (1996a,b), Lawrence (1990), Nishijima et al.
HCF because it accounts for the effect of cyclic (1983, 1984a,b, 1985a,b, 1986a,b, 1987, 1990), Rad-
plasticity. ziminski et al . (1973), Vaessen et al . (1982), Vosi-
The parameter Kf(OSzeE) 112 can be applied in kovsky and Bell (1991), and Yagi et al . (1991a,b).
design using fatigue data for unnotched specimens, a This type of weldment fatigue data has been used to
Kf value calculated from Eqs . 6 and 7, and calculated develop design fatigue curves for highway bridges
values of AS and De . The data for unnotched speci- (Barsom and Vecchio, 1997), offshore structures
mens are plotted in terms of (OQO€ )112 vs fatigue life. (AWS, 1994), and Class 2 and 3 nuclear piping
This approach is restricted to predicting crack initia- (Rodabaugh, 1983) . This direct use of weldment
tion or failure where there is an insignificant amount fatigue data eliminates the need for employing
of crack propagation, such as is typically the case for FSRFs in design calculations.
the small laboratory specimens used to develop data The ASME Code design fatigue curves for Class 1
for ASME design fatigue curves . A fracture-mechan- nuclear pressure vessels and piping are based on
ics approach should be used to predict the portion of tests of polished unnotched specimens (Anon ., 1969;
fatigue life associated with crack propagation . Thus, Jaske and O'Donnell, 1977 ; English et al ., 1978), so
the parameter K f(ASOeE) 112 provides a straightfor- FSRFs should be employed when they are applied to
ward basis for defining FSRFs for fatigue-crack the design of weld joints . To evaluate fatigue design
initiation life. methods, Rodabaugh and Moore (1971), Rodabaugh
The Kf( . SAeE) 1i2 parameter also was used to (1983), Koves (1988), and Scott and Wilkowski (1995)
successfully predict the fatigue life of both notched have compared fatigue data for weldments and
weld-metal specimens and T-weldment specimens welded components with the ASME Code design
made from a carbon-manganese structural steel (van fatigue curves . Since the ASME curves incorporate
der Zanden et al ., 1972) . To account for the effect of safety factors, these comparisons do not yield direct
weld residual stress producing a cyclic mean stress measures of FSRFs.
under fatigue loading, they modified the parameter, Weldment fatigue-crack initiation data should be
based on the work of Smith et al . (1970), by incorpo- compared with the average fatigue curves from
rating maximum local stress, Amax, in place of &r. which the ASME design fatigue curves were devel-
Monotonic and cyclic stress-strain curves for the oped to obtain direct measures of FSRFs . In practice,
steel were used to compute the values of (Uma AE) 112 it often is difficult to obtain fatigue data for weld
for their fatigue life predictions . Thus, inelastic joints where crack-initiation life is well defined and
analysis is generally required to apply this approach there is a large amount of scatter in the fatigue data
to weldments . However, the analysis need not be used to define the average curves . Thus, when
complex and typically can be performed using simpli- fatigue lives for weld joints are compared with
fied rules and a hand-held calculator or personal fatigue lives for unnotched polished specimens, it
computer. should be kept in mind that the former fatigue lives
As shown by the above example, the determina- include some indeterminant amounts of crack growth
tion of FSRFs is generally much more complex for that are expected to vary as a function of size and
weldments than for notches . In addition to the section thickness, while the latter fatigue lives in-
influence of stress concentrations at local discontinui- clude significant data scatter.
ties, the fatigue behavior of weldments is influenced Once a significant fatigue crack initiates, remain-
by weldment imperfections and residual stresses ing fatigue life should be based on crack-growth
(Leshnoff and Riccardella, 1992) . Typical weldment analysis . Maddox (1986) showed that fracture-
imperfections, such as slag inclusions and porosity, mechanics methods and fatigue-crack propagation
are not crack-like defects, so they cannot be evalu- data can be used to develop fatigue curves for
ated using fracture mechanics and fatigue-crack weldments with lack of penetration defects . He used
propagation data . Thus, these imperfections should an initial crack depth of 0 .01 inch and a final crack
be considered as potential sites for fatigue-crack depth equal to 80% of the plate thickness in his
initiation and accounted for in FSRFs that are calculations . Thus, the fracture-mechanics approach
developed from fatigue tests of weld joint specimens can be used to predict the fatigue life of welded joints
or components. that contain significant crack-like fabrication flaws
The development of design information on weld- or fatigue cracks.
ments, including FSRFs, has concentrated on fa- The average fatigue curves that were used to
tigue testing of weldments because of the inherent develop the ASME design fatigue curves for carbon
complexities involved in analytically predicting their and low-alloy steels (Anon ., 1969) and austenitic
104 I I11111J 1 1IIIIIi
111111111 I IIlllld III01J 1 1111111 I 1 11111I 1 m id 1 1 I IIIni 1 t 111n~
10 10 1 3 5 107 9 1011
N f, cycles
Fig . 15—Average fatigue curves used to develop ASME design fatigue curves (Anon ., 1969 ; Jaske and O' Donnell, 1977;
English et al ., 1978) .
Interpretative Review 17
394,050 = 1 .24 . Of course, i = 1 .0 for girth butt welds 1—n /Sn
in carbon steel pipe. Ke=1 .0+ —1
Markl's fatigue curve for butt-welded carbon steel
pipe (Eq . 7) and dotted line) is compared with the for 1 .0 < Sn/(3Sm) < m (12b)
average ASME Code fatigue curve for Class 1 carbon Ke = 1 .0/n, for Sn/(3S m ) m (12c)
steel components (solid line) in Fig . 16 . Markl's curve
for welded pipe falls well below the ASME curve for where S,, is the range of primary plus secondary
unnotched base-metal specimens, and the two curves stress intensity, Sm is the allowable stress inten-
diverge in the LCF region . This divergence implies sity, and m and n are material parameters . The
that the FSRF varies as a function of fatigue life . The value of m is 3 .0 for carbon steel, 2 .0 for low-alloy
problem with this comparison is that the stress steel, and 1 .7 for austenitic stainless steel . The
amplitudes for the tests of unnotched base-metal value of n is 0 .2 for carbon and low-alloy steel and 0 .3
specimens were computed from strain amplitudes, for austenitic stainless steel . The variation of Ke
whereas the stress amplitudes for Markl's work were as a function of S n/(3S m ) is illustrated in Fig . 17 . In
computed from the elastic stiffness for tests con- the elastic region, Ke = 1 .0 . In the plastic region, it
ducted in displacement control. increases to a limiting value of 5 .0 for carbon and
FSRFs determined by direct comparison of results low-alloy steel and 3 .33 for austenitic stainless
in the LCF range often depend on fatigue life be- steel.
cause they include effects of plasticity . As pointed out Using S m = 20 ksi, m = 3 .0, and n = 0 .2, Ke values
previously, an alternate approach is to determine a were calculated and multiplied times stress ampli-
single FSRF for HCF and then account for the effects tudes calculated from Markl's equation to construct
of plasticity by analysis . For example, elastic-plastic the short-dashed curve shown in Fig. 16 . Also,
analysis can be used to compute strain-based stress Markl's equation was compared with the ASME
amplitudes for Markl's test results, so they can be average curve at 10 5 cycles, and an FSRF of approxi-
compared with the ASME Code fatigue curve. mately 2 .0 was found . Applying the FSRF of 2 .0 to
When shakedown limits are exceeded, the ASME the ASME curve gave the long-dashed curve shown
Code provides a simplified method for elastic-plastic in Fig. 16 . These two curves are in good agree-
analysis . An elastic-plastic factor, Ke , is computed ment, indicating that the ASME Code evaluation
and multiplied times the stress amplitude used to methods with an FSRF of 2 .0 can be used to predict
enter the design fatigue curve:
the fatigue behavior of butt-welded carbon steel
Ke = 1 .0, for Sn/(3S m ) 1 .0 (12a) pipe .
Carbon Steels
Markl's Equation
Markl's Equation * Ke
V1 106 - - - (Carbon Steels)/2 .0
Cl) 105
10 2 10 3 10 4 105 10 6
N f , cycles
Fig . 16—Comparison of Markl's equation for girth butt-welded carbon steel pipe with the average ASME code fatigue
curve for carbon steel .
Carbon Steel
Low-Alloy Steel
Austenitic Steel
r t 1 + i t r r r t l l l i 1 + t l t l i + + I 11
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ratio of Primary Plus Secondary Stress
Intensity Range to Three Times the
Allowable Stress Intensity [S n/(3S m )]
Fig . 17—Elastic-plastic factor as a function of the ratio of primary plus secondary stress
intensity range to three times the allowable stress intensity.
In design applications, Ke values are applied to fatigue data for butt-welded plates of a carbon steel,
calculated values of stress amplitude so that the a low-alloy steel, and a stainless steel, respectively.
allowable number of fatigue cycles can be obtained They tested axially loaded specimens fabricated
from the design fatigue curve . In the current work, from 20-mm-thick plate and evaluated the effect of
K e values were applied to fatigue data only so that an stress ratio, R (ratio of minimum to maximum cyclic
FSRF could be estimated. The estimated FSRF of 2 .0 stress) on fatigue strength . Their data for tests at
can be used to evaluate FSRFs for cases where stress R = -1 (fully reversed loading) are compared with
intensification factors have been developed for other the ASME average curves in Figs . 19 and 20 . Analy-
carbon steel weldments, as follows: sis of their data showed that FSRF values of 2 .00 for
the carbon steel and 1 .25 for the low-alloy steel
FSRF = 2 .0i for carbon steel (12)
provided reasonable correlations with the ASME
For example, an FSRF for the AISC Category C curves for carbon and low-alloy steels, respectively
weldments (see Eq . 10) is estimated to be 2 .0 x (Fig . 19) . An FSRF value of 2 .50 provided a reason-
1 .24 = 2 .48. able correlation for their data on Type 304-HP
Rodabaugh (1983) compared the results of fatigue stainless steel (Fig . 20) . The FSRF value of 2 .00 for
tests of 6-inch diameter piping components of SA106B carbon steel is the same as that for Markl's data,
carbon steel and Type 304 stainless steel with Markl's while the FSRF value of 2 .50 for Type 304-HP
equation . These tests were performed by the General stainless steel is the same as that deduced from the
Electric Company (Heald and Kiss, 1974) and speci- data for butt-welded Type 304 stainless steel pipe
men failure was defined as the development of a (Fig . 18) . Thus, as noted by Rodabaugh (1983), butt
through-wall crack . Rodabaugh (1983) found that welds in stainless steel have larger FSRFs than
the results for butt-welded carbon steel pipe were comparable butt welds in carbon steel.
close to or slightly above Markl's mean curve . In Figure 21 presents a modified Goodman diagram
contrast, most of the results for butt-welded stain- of fatigue strength (stress amplitude vs mean stress)
less steel pipe were slightly below Markl 's mean at 10 7 cycles to failure for the data of Nishijima et al.
curve, as shown by the open circles in Fig . 18 . After (1983, 1984a, 1986a) . The symbols at stress ampli-
applying Ke values to the data for stainless steel pipe tudes greater than zero indicate the fatigue data,
(solid circles in Fig . 18), an FSRF of 2 .50 was applied while those at stress amplitudes equal to zero indi-
to Curve A for austenitic steels to obtain a reasonable cate the ultimate strength of the steels . The dotted
correlation with the test data . This FSRF value of lines are best fits to the data for each steel, while the
2 .50 for butt-welded stainless steel pipe is greater solid lines are Goodman relations for each steel . The
than the value of 2 .00 previously developed for Goodman relation is a straight line between the
butt-welded carbon steel pipe. fatigue strength at R = -1 (zero mean stress) and
Nishijima et al . (1983, 1984a, 1986a) developed the ultimate strength and is used to adjust the
Interpretative Review 19
I 107 1 1 1 111111 I 1 I i 11111 I 1 1 11111 1 11 111111 1 i I I I I l4
Curve A
(Curve A)/2 .50
Markl's Equation
o Type 304SS Butt Welds
106 • Type 304SS Butt Welds *Ke
' ---. :
10102 3 105 6
Nf, cycles
Fig . 18—Comparison of fatigue data for girth butt-welded type 304 stainless steel pipe with ASME Code fatigue curve and
Markl's equation.
1 I 1107 111111
I I 1 1 11111 I I 1111111 1 1 1 1 11111 I 11IIII11 1 1111119 1 1 111111
Carbon Steels
(Carbon Steels)/2 .00
Low-Alloy Steels
- - - (Low-Alloy Steels)/1 .25
106 o SB42 Butt-Welded Joints
• SPV50 Butt-Welded Joints
--> No Failure
1 11111111
1 11111111 l 11111111 111111111 111111111 11111111 1 111111
102 101 3 104 5 6 107 8
N, cycles
Fig . 19—Fatigue of butt-welded steel plate (Nishijima et al ., 1983, 1984a).
Curve A
Curve B
Curve C
- - - (Curve A-C)/2 .50
106 • 304-HP Butt-Welded Joints
N, cycles
Fig . 20—Fatigue of butt-welded stainless steel plate (Nishijima et al ., 1986a).
20,000 1 1 1111111111 1
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000
Interpretative Review 21
ASME fatigue curves for the maximum effect of the development of "standard" fatigue curves for
mean stress . The Goodman relation is a conservative 50-mm diameter joints and evaluations of the effects
representation of the data for the carbon steel, but a of diameter, weld bead shape, wall thickness, slip-on
non-conservative representation of the data for the gap, and root defects on fatigue strength. The rotat-
low-alloy steel and the stainless steel. ing bending fatigue testing included the develop-
The maximum effect of mean stress is assumed to ment of standard fatigue curves for 20-mm diameter
occur when the stress amplitude plus mean stress joints and evaluations of the effects of PWHT, wall
equals yield strength for carbon and low-alloy steels thickness, and root defects on fatigue strength . The
or cyclic yield strength for stainless steel . These 20-mm diameter joints had significantly lower fa-
stress amplitudes are indicated by the horizontal tigue strength in rotating bending than in four-point
dashed lines in Fig. 21 . The data for the carbon and bending . The stainless steel joints has better fatigue
low-alloy steel are conservatively bounded by the strengths than the carbon steel ones . At 10 7 cycles to
predicted maximum effect of mean stress, but the failure, FSRFs for the 50-mm diameter joints were 4
data for the stainless steel at R = 0 .5 fall below the for the stainless steel and 5 for the carbon steel.
predicted maximum effect of mean stress, indicating Fatigue strength was increased by increasing wall
that this approximation may be slightly non-conser- thickness, placing a final refinement welding pass on
vative for stainless steel . Additional studies of the the weld toe, eliminating the slip gap, and implement-
effect of mean stress or stress ratio of the fatigue ing PWHT. Formulas were developed for relating the
strength of stainless steel weldments are needed to size of weld root defects to the FSRF.
provide more data for this type of evaluation. The "standard" fatigue curves for socket weld
Recently, Higuchi et al . (1996a,b) evaluated the joints developed by Higuchi et al . (1996a,b) are
fatigue strength of small-diameter (20 to 50 mm), compared with the ASME average fatigue curves in
socket-welded pipe joints and developed FSRFs for Figs . 22 and 23 . An FSRF of 2 .50 was needed to
those joints based on the results of their testing. correlate the results for carbon steel joints with the
They performed rotating bending fatigue tests on ASME average curve, as shown in Fig . 22 . In con-
carbon steel and Type 316L stainless steel joints to trast, an FSRF of 4 .00 was needed for the stainless
develop fatigue curves up to 108 cycles to failure steel joints, as shown in Fig . 23 . The value for carbon
(Higuchi et al ., 1996a) . Also, they performed four- steel joints is different from that of Higuchi et al.
point bending fatigue tests on joints of these same (1996b) because they based their value of 5 .00 on
steels to develop fatigue curves up to 10 7 cycles to their own fatigue data instead of on the ASME
failure (Higuchi et al ., 1996b). average fatigue curve . These FSRFs for socket weld
The four-point bending fatigue testing included joints are larger than those for butt welds.
Carbon Steels
(Carbon Steels)/2 .50
Std Sockets, 4 Pt Bending
- - - Std Sockets, Rotating Bending t
10 101 3 4 5 6 7 8
N, cycles
Fig . 22—Fatigue of carbon steel socket weld joints (Higuchi et at ., 1996a,b).
N, cycles
Scott and Wilkowski (1995) showed that fatigue Fig. 24 . The results are in the region of 10 5 cycles to
data for full-scale carbon steel butt-welded pipe can failure and fall well below the ASME curve and
fall well below the average ASME fatigue curve for Markl equation . An FSRF of 4 .00 is required to
carbon steel . The data that they reported are corn- correlate these data with the average ASME curve.
pared with the ASME curve and Markl's equation in Scott and Wilkowski (1995) attributed this low fa-
Carbon Steels
Markl's Equation
- (Carbon Steels)/4 .00
• Full-Scale Component Welds
N f, cycles
Fig . 24—Full-scale butt-welded pipe fatigue data (Scott and Wilkowski, 1995).
Interpretative Review 23
tigue strength to ASME Code acceptable imperfec- following subsections outline a generic approach
tions in the weld joints that provide sites for crack that can be used to develop FSRFs for welded joints
initiation under cyclic loading. If these fatigue lives used in pressure vessels and piping.
are predominantly crack propagation, the fracture-
mechanics approach used by Maddox (1986) may be Experimental Determination of FSRFs
applicable. Fatigue testing of welded joints is required to
develop FSRFs experimentally. The joints should be
produced using materials and procedures that are
Generic Procedure for Determining FSRFs
representative of their intended use . They should be
Values of FSRFs can be determined experimen- inspected to ensure that they contain no indications
tally or analytically. However, even the analytical that are unacceptable to the ASME Code . The weld-
approaches for determining FSRFs usually require joint test specimens should be subjected to cyclic
an experimentally based material parameter, such bending, tension-compression, or pressure loading
as the Neuber's constant defined by Eq . 7 . Experimen- using acceptable testing equipment . Figure 25 shows
tal approaches are based on fatigue testing . The typical weld joints and types of loading that are used
experimental procedures discussed in this section for fatigue testing. Straight butt joints or tee joints
are directed toward Class 1 components and may be are usually used for piping specimens . Vessels or
somewhat different from existing test procedures for pipes with end caps are used for pressure cycling.
Class 2 and 3 components, especially piping prod- The type of test and loading should be selected to
ucts . Based on this report, those existing procedures reflect those expected in the components for which
should be reviewed and modified if necessary. The the FSRF is being developed.
3. Butt Joint — Bending Load 7. Full-Penetration K Joint —
Bending Load
Interpretative Review 25
Nishijima, S ., et al ., Data Sheets on Fatigue Crack Propagation Properties Rodabaugh, E . C . and Moore, S . E ., Phase Report No. 115-10 on
for Butt Welded Joints of SPV50 (Si-Mn, 500N/mm2 YS) Steel Plate for Comparisons of Test Data With Code Methods for Fatigue Eval-
Pressure Vessels—Effect of Stress Ratio, NRIM Fatigue Data Sheet No . 46, uation, ORNL-TM-3520, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN,
National Research Institute for Metals, Tokyo, 1985a. 1971.
Nishijima, S ., et al ., Data Sheets on Fatigue Properties for Weld and HAZ Scott, P. M. and Wilkowski, G. M ., "A Comparison of Recent Full-Scale
Materials of SPV50 (Si-Mn, 500N/mm2 YS) Steel Plate for Pressure Vessels, Component Fatigue Data With the ASME Section III Fatigue Design
NRIM Fatigue Data Sheet No . 47, National Research Institute for Metals, Curves," Fatigue and Crack Growth : Environmental Effects, Modeling
Tokyo. 1985b. Studies, and Design Considerations, PVP-Vol . 306, American Society of
Nishijima, S ., et al., Data Sheets on Fatigue Properties for Butt Welded Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1995, pp . 129-138.
Joints of SUS304-HP (18Cr-8Ni) Hot Rolled Stainless Steel Plate—Effect of Smith, K. N ., Watson, P. and Topper, T. H ., "A Stress-Strain Parameter for
Stress Ratio, NRIM Fatigue Data Sheet No. 53, National Research Institute the Fatigue of Metals," Journal of Materials, 5, 1970, pp. 767-778.
for Metals, Tokyo, 1986a. Topper, T. H ., Wetzel, R . M. and Morrow, J. D., "Neuber's Rule Applied to
Nishijima, S ., et al ., Data Sheets on Fatigue Crack Propagation Properties Fatigue of Notched Specimens, " Journal of Materials, 4, 1969, pp . 200-209.
for Butt Welded Joints of SUS304-HP (18Cr-8Ni) Hot Rolled Stainless Steel van der Zanden, A. M., Robins, D. B . and Topper, T. H ., "Fatigue Life
Plate—Effect of Stress Ratio, NRIM Fatigue Data Sheet No . 54, National Prediction for Weldments With Internal Cavities," Testing for Prediction of
Research Institute for Metals, Tokyo, 19866. Material Performance in Structures and Components, ASTM STP 515,
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Materials of SB42 (C-Si, 420N/mm2 TS) Carbon Steel Plate for Boilers and American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1972, pp.
Other Pressure Vessels, NRIM Fatigue Data Sheet No . 57, National 268-284.
Research Institute for Metals, Tokyo, 1987. Vaessen, G . H . G ., de Back, J. and van Leeuwen, J . L., "Fatigue Behavior
Nishijima, S ., et al ., Data Sheets on Fatigue Properties for Weld and Base of Welded Steel Joints in Air and Seawater,"Journal of Petroleum Technol-
Metals of SUS304-HP (18Cr-8Ni) Hot Rolled Stainless Steel Plate, NRIM ogy, 34, 1982, pp . 440-446.
Fatigue Data Sheet No . 65, National Research Institute for Metals, Tokyo, Vosikovsky, O . and Bell, R ., "Attachment Thickness and Weld-Profile
1990. Effects on Fatigue Life of Welded Joints," Proceedings of the 10th Interna-
Peterson, R . E ., Stress Concentration Factors, John Wiley & Sons, New tional Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol . III-B,
York, 1974. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1991, pp . 339-362.
Radziminski, J . B ., Srinivasan, R., Moore, D., Thrasher, C . and Munse, Yagi, J ., Machida, S ., Tomita, Y., Matoba, M . and Soya, I ., "Influencing
W. H ., Fatigue Data Bank and Data Analysis Investigation, UILU-ENG-73- Factors on Thickness Effect of Fatigue Strength in As-Welded Joints for
2025, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1973. Steel Structures," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
Roberts, D. I., Ryder, R . H . and Viswanathan, R ., "Performance of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol . III-B, American Society of
Dissimilar Welds in Service," Residual-Life Assessment, Nondestructive Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1991a, pp. 305-313.
Examination, and Nuclear Heat Exchanger Materials, PVP-Vol . 98-1, Yagi, J ., Machida, S ., Tomita, Y., Matoba, M . and Soya, I., "Thickness
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1985, pp . 55-63. Effect Criterion for Fatigue Strength Evaluation of Welded Steel Struc-
Rodabaugh, E. C ., Comparisons of ASME Code Fatigue Evaluation tures,"Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Offshore Mechan-
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3243, E . C . Rodabaugh Associates, Hilliard, OH, 1983 . Engineers, New York, 1991b, pp . 315-322.
Fatigue Strength 29
different products . For example, all design codes and all significant flaws are expected to be detected.
may not use the same reject criteria for RT. These This defines a notch condition that is equivalent to
differences establish the overall quality of the prod- base metal with normal surface finish . From this it is
uct, i .e ., establish the probability of failure . This concluded that Category A welds, with their full
report does not address the accept-reject criteria ; it volumetric examination, should be considered as
is assumed that the ASME Code (1997) require- having the same fatigue quality as base metal.
ments are applied . In addition to material type and However, deleting some of the NDE required for
the accept/reject criteria, the foundations include: Category A welds may result in a significant flaw
remaining. The guidelines in this report were devel-
• High quality welds are developed ; this starts oped to address the condition of reduced NDE.
with the qualified welders, demonstrated weld
procedures, and testing requirements. FSRF Definition
• ASME Code rules for weld profiles. The following gives a brief definition for FSRF as
used in this report and a brief discussion of the
Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) relationship between FSRF and SCF. A more de-
The procedure is consistent with or without a tailed discussion is given in Appendix III . When a
PWHT. However, without a PWHT, the material may condition exists that is not included in the stress
not be consistent with the S-N curve test material analysis but will reduce the fatigue life, an FSRF can
due to a difference in ductility . The analyst must be used to determine the effective stress that is
consider this, but it is out of the scope of this report. consistent with the actual fatigue life . In practice,
The issue of higher residual stress is not relevant the FSRF is applied to the calculated alternating
because the ASME Code (1997) assumes the maxi- stress at a point prior to entering the S-N curve to
mum effect of mean stress. obtain the allowable cycles . Thus, the FSRF ac-
counts for a condition that is not included in the
Background for Initiating This Project
stress analysis model.
Fatigue quality, especially of welds, has been An SCF is defined as the total stress at a point
discussed extensively in meetings of the ASME (e .g ., notch location) divided by the nominal (mem-
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the PVRC, and the brane-plus-bending) stress at the cross section . At
PVP conferences . A large percentage of attendees the endurance limit, the FSRF and the SCF may
argue that welds should have an FSRF applied in the have close to the same value . The closeness is a
fatigue analysis . However, this position has invari- function of the severity of the notch relative to the
ably been challenged by requesting example cases applied stress.
where failure resulted from an inadequacy in the FSRF accounts for the effect(s) on the fatigue life
ASME Code (1997) fatigue analysis procedure . Only due to local structural discontinuities (notches) that
Section III NB and NC-3200 and Section VIII Divi- are not included in the fatigue model . The FSRF is
sion 2 have specific fatigue procedures, based on an based on the change in cyclic life, but for design use,
analysis that predicts the stress at a point (not based the FSRF is restructured as a stress ratio . There is a
on nominal applied load) . No fatigue failures have stress level that will cause fatigue failure, at every
been identified and documented as being caused by specific cyclic life, for a component without any
an ASME Code inadequacy. Thus, the argument on notches . If a notch is present, a lower stress level will
which the conclusion is based is invalid. cause fatigue failure at the same cyclic life . The ratio
A counterargument is that designers may be apply- of these two stresses gives the FSRF. This definition
ing FSRF values even though the ASME Code (1997) is discussed in more detail in Appendix III.
does not specifically require it . Although this may The NB-3200 rules for fatigue analysis are applied
occur, it is not an across-the-board practice . As a to a point ; thus, a weld would be analyzed at both the
minimum, the Code is open to criticism for a lack of root surface and the final surface . Each of these two
guidelines for defining and applying FSRF. locations might receive different NDE . For example,
The relationship between fatigue quality and NDE if there is a non-removed backing strip at the root
is further demonstrated by the ASME Code (1997) pass, it could not receive a surface examination (only
design rules coupled to NDE and FSRF . An example a volumetric) . As a result, the root pass location
is the comparison of the ASME Code Category A and might require an FSRF = 2 .5 . On the other hand, the
B welds and their use of backing strips . Both require final pass might receive a full surface examination
a full radiographic test (RT) ; Category A excludes (e .g ., MT and VT) and require an FSRF of 1 .6 or less
non-removed backing strips ; Category B allows non- (the next section discusses FSRF values in detail).
removed backing strips but requires an FSRF to Thus, the FSRF is not applied to a weld; it is applied
account for the backing strip effect . Therefore, if the to a weld surface.
NDE is not capable of detecting the existence of a
significant notch or flaw, an FSRF should be in-
Defining FSRF Based on NDE
cluded in the fatigue analysis.
The Category A weld receives a full volumetric The development of FSRF for welds is a multi-step
examination and a surface examination (PT or MT), process . The NDE processes are defined and the weld
Fatigue Strength 31
Table 1—Weld Surface Fatigue-Strength-Reduction Factors
Full penetration
Machined 1 .0 1 .2–1 .5 1 .5 2 .0 2–2 .5 2 .5–3 .0 3 .0–4 .0
As-welded 1 .2 1 .3–1 .6 1 .7 2 .0 2–2 .5 2 .5–3 .0 3 .0–4 .0
Partial penetration
Final surface
Machined n .a . 1 .2–1 .5 1 .5 2 .0 2–2 .5 2 .5–3 .0 3 .0–4 .0
As-welded n .a . 1 .3–1 .6 1 .7 2 .0 2–2 .5 2 .5–3 .0 3 .0–4 .0
Root n .a . n .a . n .a . n .a. n .a. n .a . 3 .0–4 .0
Toe–machined n .a . n .a . 1 .5 n .a. 2–2 .5 2 .5–3 .0 3 .0–4 .0
Toe–as-welded n .a. n .a . 1 .7 n .a. 2–2 .5 2 .5–3 .0 3 .0–4 .0
Root n .a. n .a . n .a . n .a. n.a . n.a . 3 .0–4 .0
Table 2—Criteria for Weld FSRF impact on fatigue quality is greater than that of
Quality the RT or UT.
FSRF Level Definition • As-welded surfaces can vary in quality from
excellent to poor . Therefore, it is appropriate to
1 .0 1 Machined or ground weld that receives a
full volumetric, and a surface that apply an FSRF to as-welded surfaces . The as-
receives MT/PT and a VT (visual). welded factor of 1 .2 is based on test data dis-
1 .0–1 .2 1 As-welded weld that receives a full volu- cussed in Appendix I.
metric, and a surface that receives
MT/PT and VT. • At the quality level where MT/PT is not per-
1 .2–1 .5 2 Machined or ground weld that receives a formed, surface flaws comparable to as-welded
partial volumetric, and a surface that conditions can exist . Thus, the machined and
receives MT/PT and VT.
1 .3–1 .6 2 As-welded weld that receives a partial as-welded conditions become equivalent (see
volumetric, and a surface that receives Table 1).
MT/PT and VT. • Volumetric examination is relevant to fatigue
1 .5 3 Machined or ground weld surface that
receives MT/PT and VT, but the weld quality even in the absence of surface examina-
receives no volumetric. tion . Its impact on fatigue life plays the same
1 .7 3 As-welded weld surface that receives role as the volumetric examination applied to
MT/PT and VT, but the weld receives no
volumetric. base metal, i .e., it demonstrates that the fabrica-
2 .0 4 Weld has received a partial or full volu- tion/weld process has been controlled . The FSRF
metric and the surface has received VT, should be less than that of no inspection but
but no MT/PT.
2 .0–2 .5 5 VT only of the surface ; no volumetric nor greater than VT-only.
MT/PT examination.
2 .5–3 .0 6 Volumetric only. The definition of quality levels presented in Table
3 .0–4 .0 7 Weld backsides that are non-definable 2 establishes the FSRF based on these relationships.
and/or receive no inspection .
Discussion of NDE Techniques
2 and establishes the concept of and UT,, Table 1 gives brief definitions to describe the
(more discussion later). quality levels ; these levels are given in an expanded
• All surfaces that receive MT or PT are expected definition in Table 2 along with the appropriate
to receive a visual examination (VT) ; the reverse FSRF for the level . In addition, some quality levels
is not necessarily true . Except for roots of par- have potential variations in the FSRF, and it can be
tial penetration and fillet welds, all weld sur- difficult to choose the appropriate FSRF value . For
faces are expected to have a VT. the final selection, the design engineer should con-
• A VT precludes severe surface notches, but it firm the desired quality level and review this with
does not preclude the existence of tight planar NDE and welding engineers . It is also appropriate to
indications . This is considered to be the level of discuss the NDE techniques when the quality level
examination used in the Harrison-Maddox test has a range for the FSRF. The following discusses
data evaluation (Appendix I .C), which shows the NDE techniques, their relationship to choosing a
that the data can be encompassed by an FSRF of quality level, and the reason for variations where
2 .0 to 2 .5 . Since VT is a surface examination, its they exist.
Fatigue Strength 33
addresses the surface . In summary, surface flaws mock-up for all welds . However, these are part of the
and notches are the most significant cause for fa- justification for the VT acceptance criteria . The
tigue damage and direct surface examinations mock-up need not be on the actual component being
(MT/PT and VT) are the best method for detection. considered, but it must be consistent with it . The
However, volumetric examinations are necessary for mock-ups can be evaluated by finite element analy-
assuring quality material, including quality weld ses (FEA) to define SCF, recognizing that SCFs are
deposit. conservative relative to FSRFs (Snow et al ., 1970).
Visual Inspection. A visual inspection (VT) The mock-up should be consistent with an SCF less
should be performed to the maximum extent pos- than 4 determined by FEA; if not, the surface may
sible . The FSRF for the "visual (VT) only" quality not meet a reasonable workmanship requirement.
level is 2 .0 to 2 .5 with the appropriate value depen- Therefore, the mock-ups and FEA are appropriate
dent on inspection quality and the required accep- for new weld conditions, and past data can be
tance criteria . Guidelines for acceptance criteria maintained for future assessments.
should be considered for ASME Code (1997) incorpo- The ASME Code NB-4424(c) (1997) permits 1/32"
ration rather than having it as the responsibility of undercuts (30 mils/0 .75 mm), but does not allow
the designer. The focus of this inspection and its cracks in either base metal or weld metal . Thus, this
acceptance criteria are to preclude severe notches, undercut is covered by the S-N curve design factor (2
which are the primary consideration in establishing & 20) . Also, it is a reject limit for VT and should be
FSRF. included in the defined acceptance criteria.
With today's tools, virtually every weld can receive In summary, a VT precludes severe surface notches,
a visual inspection except the backside of some but it does not preclude the existence of a crack-like
partial penetration welds, fillet welds, and where indication . Mock-ups are a good tool in defining
permanent backing strips are used . The quality of workmanship and in assuring that the necessary
the VT can vary substantially. For example, the final quality will be met . Engineering must design for or
surface of a typical pressure boundary weld (MT/PT concur with manufacturing on the workmanship
applied) is easy to (VT) inspect and to ensure that quality of the weld surface for consistency with the
the acceptance criteria have been met. At the other FSRF used in analysis . Together, design engineering
extreme, the backside of a thermal sleeve to nozzle and manufacturing must agree on acceptance crite-
weld may require a video camera to extend a few ria that is consistent with the design analysis and
inches into a 3/16" annulus to evaluate the acceptance doable.
criteria . However, for the vast majority of conditions, Backside of Partial and Fillet Welds. The
the VT should detect significant notches. backside (root) of partial penetration and fillet welds
The FSRF = 2 .5 relates to a significant notch as cannot be adequately inspected ; therefore, the root
the acceptance criteria. For difficult inspection condi- requires an FSRF of 3 to 4 . The final surface of these
tions, the procedure requires a workmanship sam- welds can receive a surface examination ; thus, the
ple . The design analysis alternatives are as follows: FSRF for the final surface should be less than 3 . The
(1) to assume no NDE (VT or RT/UT) and use an following discussion is a summary of this topic ; more
FSRF = 3 to 4 or (2) to justify a value between 2 .0 details are given in Appendix V.
and 2 .5 . A high quality workmanship sample and The root of a partial penetration J-groove (insert)
acceptance criteria based on this sample permit an welds is not expected to fuse through-thickness,
FSRF = 2 .0 provided the inspectors have adequate producing a notch at the root of unknown severity.
tools for making judgments, e .g ., clear access and When fillet welds are applied in the same manner,
5X VT. they would have the same type of notch at the root.
In addition to assessing notches, the VT should Since none of the standard NDE procedures can
address the blend (contour) from the weld to the base detect these notches, an FSRF = 4 is reasonable . To
metal . The key geometries are when the weld in- justify a reduced FSRF would require a weld-process
cludes a blend radius or there is a weld reinforce- development program. An FEA will often model this
ment . This always applies to fillet welds . The smooth- condition as a singularity that produces a large SCF
ness of the transition is the consideration. directly related to the FE grid refinement . The weld
Weld mock-ups can be used to define a workman- FSRF is applied to the local membrane-plus-bending
ship sample for a backside without direct access . The stress.
mock-up must be consistent with the geometric The root of a partial penetration attachment weld
condition, including the worst case fit-up that will be (e .g., attachment of a bracket to a shell) produces a
allowed in production . Thus, the workmanship sam- small flaw that is probably rounded and is parallel
ple ensures that the as-built backside should meet with the stress flow. Even though it receives no NDE,
the FSRF requirements of the analysis . Review of an FSRF = 3 is probably sufficient . Use of fillet welds
the backside of the mock-up gives the inspector an for the same application produces a much larger flaw
indication of what to expect ; anything less should be than the partial penetration weld . This large flaw
rejected. can be the full width of the bracket (being attached)
It is not the intent of this process to require a and may concentrate the parallel shell stresses . An
Fatigue Strength 35
quality levels and established the FSRF. The proce- addition, the sources are referenced and available
dure has been reviewed by many people within the for more detailed study as needed for any external
Babcock and Wilcox Co . and also by members of the acceptance of the proposed procedure . Thus, the
ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Subgroup appendix consists of the introduction with its summa-
on Design Analysis . These efforts were beneficial and ries and the detailed reviews of the four sources.
are appreciated. The following are the sources that were used to
assess the proposed procedure for setting FSRF
PVRC Reviewers values for welds:
A large number of people from PVRC have re-
viewed and commented on the report . The major A. WRC Bulletin 398 : Reduction of S-N Curves for
effort was by the special review team, consisting of Ship Structural Details, 1995 Based on data
Tom Ahl (CB&I), Rich Basile (Exxon), Jerry Bitner from University of Illinois (Stambaugh)
(Consultant), Woody Caldwell (Eastman Chemical), B. The (British) Welding Institute : Research Bul-
Owen Hedden (Consultant), and Robert Vecchio (Lu- letin Vol 17, No 5, May 1976 Fatigue Design
cius Pitkin) . This team made many suggestions that Rules for Welded Steel Joints (Gurney)
greatly raised the quality of the report. C. The (British) Welding Institute : Derivation of
We extend a special thanks to Sumio Yukawa Design Rules for Pressure Vessels (Harrison
(Consultant) for the final review and critique and for and Maddox, circa 1980)
upgrading the PVRC report into a WRC Bulletin. D. Structural Welding Code ANSI/AWS D1 .1-92,
References In general, each of the sources includes fatigue
ASME, Criteria of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Design
by Analysis in Sections III and VIII, Division 2, American Society of curves for welds that are based on full scale test data
Mechanical Engineers, 1969. using various weld-geometries . The fatigue curves
ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Rules for Construc-
tion of Nuclear Power Plant Components, NB, Class 1 Components and consist of a set of parallel fatigue curves that relate
Section VIII, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Division 2–Alter-
nate Rules, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997. to various weld configurations (called categories).
Barsom, J. M. and Vecchio, R ., "Fatigue of Welded Components," WRC
Bulletin, 422, June 1997. Their parallel-curve format allows FSRF to be readily
Gurney, T. R ., "Fatigue Design Rules for Welded Steel Joints," The calculated and based on geometry and loading . They
(British) Welding Institute, Research Bulletin Vol 17, Number 5, May 1976.
Hardraft, H . F. and Kuhn, P., An Engineering Method for Estimating all have at least one curve for base metal or ma-
Notch-Size Effect in Fatigue Tests on Steel, NACA (now NASA), Tech Note
2805, 1952. chined butt-welds . In the detailed review, FSRF
Harrison, J. D . and Maddox, S . J ., "Derivation of Design Rules for values are developed by normalizing the individual
Pressure Vessels," The (British) Welding Institute, circa 1980.
Heald, J . D . and Kiss, E ., "Low Cycle Fatigue of Nuclear Pipe Compo- curves by the base metal curve or by the full penetra-
nents," Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 96, August 1974, pp . 171–
178. tion, machined butt-weld curve . Therefore, the infor-
Jaske, C ., "Interpretative Review of Weld Fatigue-Strength-Reduction
and Stress Concentration Factors," WRC Bulletin, 432, 1998. mation from these four sources is the FSRF that the
Lundin, C . D ., "The Significance of Weld Discontinuities—A Review of sources are applying to various weld configurations.
Current Literature," WRC Bulletin, 222, December 1976.
Lundin, C . D ., "Review of Worldwide Weld Discontinuity Acceptance These FSRF are then related to the proposed FSRF-
Criteria," WRC Bulletin, 268, June 1981.
Lundin, C . D ., "Bibliography on Fatigue of Weldments and Literature for-welds procedure.
Review on Fatigue Crack Initiation From Weld Discontinuities," WRC
Bulletin, 333, May 1988. Summary of Each of the Four Sources
Neuber, H ., Theoretical Determination of Fatigue Strength at Stress
Concentration, Report AFML-TR-68-20, Air Force Materials Lab, Wright- A. WRC Bulletin 398. NDE for these welds is
Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, 1968.
O' Donnell, W. J . and Purdy, C . M ., "The Fatigue Strength of Members presented in a ship-building code . The maximum
Containing Cracks," Trans. ASME, 86, May 1964. FSRF is 3 .0 ; thus, the worst fillet weld category has
Petershagen, H ., "The Influence of Undercut on the Fatigue Strength of
Welds—A Literature Survey," Welding in the World, Vol . 28, 1990. an FSRF of 3 .0 . For configurations more relevant to
Peterson, R. E ., Stress Concentration Factors, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1974. Code pressure vessels, the maximum fillet weld
Stambaugh, K. A ., Lesson, D . H., Lawrence, F. V., Hou, C . Y., and Banas, FSRF is 2 .2 which is less than the recommended
G ., "Reduction of S-N Curves for Ship Structural Details," WRC Bulletin,
398, January 1995. value of 3 to 4 from Table 1 . Two of the categories
Scavuzzo, R. J ., Srivatsan, T. S . and Lam, P. C ., " Fatigue of Butt-Welded
Pipe," PVRC Grants #91-11, 92-12, 93-21, and 94-14, Welding Research have the same weld except one is ground and one is
Council, New York, February 1997.
Snow, A. L., Langer, B . F. and Gibbons, W. G ., " Low-Cycle Fatigue as-welded . The FSRF is 1 .2 for as-welded ; thus, it is
Strength of Notched Ni-Cr-Fe Alloy 600 and Low Alloy Steel," Journal of the same as recommended in Table 1.
Materials, 5, 1970, pp . 719–737.
SWC, "ANSI/AWS D1.1-92," Structural Welding Code, American Welding B. The (British) Welding Institute–Gurney.
Society, Miami, 1992.
Gurney 's work (1976) addresses backing strips . The
backing strip configuration, compared with the full
Appendix I butt-weld with transverse load, gives an FSRF = 1 .8.
Data From Other Fatigue Curves
Therefore, the ASME Code (1997) experience-based
Used to Validate Weld FSRF values of FSRF = 2 .0/2 .5 are conservative . The
Introduction proposed FSRF of 2 .5 (see Conditions Peripheral to
Four sources of information and data are dis- Quality Levels) is consistent with level 6 (RT/UT
cussed in this appendix . This introduction includes a only) Table 1 values of FSRF = 2 .5–3 .0 . Considering
summary of each of these sources, followed by a the Gurney work and the ASME Code experience, an
summary of the four sources relative to the FSRF-for- FSRF = 2 .0 is probably a more appropriate value.
welds procedure . The appendix then gives a more Gurney's maximum FSRF based on his as-rolled
detailed review of each of the four sources . In plate data is less than 3.
Full penetration
Machined 1 .0 1 .2-1 .5 1 .5 2 .0 2-2 .5 2 .5-3 .0 3 .0-4.0
As-welded 1 .2 1 .3-1 .6 1.7 2 .0 2-2 .5 2.5-3 .0 3.0-4.0
Partial penetration
Final surface
Machined n .a. 1 .2-1 .5 1 .5 2 .0 2-2 .5 2 .5-3 .0 3 .0-4.0
As-welded n .a . 1 .3-1 .6 1 .7 2 .0 2-2 .5 2 .5-3 .0 3 .0-4.0
Root n .a . n .a . n.a . n .a . n .a . n .a . 3 .0-4.0
Toe n .a . n .a . 1 .7 n .a . 2-2 .5 2 .5-3 .0 3 .0-4.0
Root n .a. n .a . n.a . n .a . n.a. n .a . 3 .0-4 .0
n .a . = not applicable .
Fatigue Strength 37
Welded beam with intermittent welds, bending Table A .1-FSRF
Partial penetration (double bevel) butt-weld, FSRF to:
as-welded, axial load Category Description (ksi) Plate Weld
E . Attachments—fillet welds
A Plate 24
NDE for these welds is presented in a ship-building B Full butt 19 1 .26
C Partial 16 1 .5 1 .2
code. D As-welded 13 1 .8 1 .4
The S-N curves are plotted in Fig . A .1 ; it shows E Fillets 11 2 .2 1 .7
parallel lines for each WRC category. How the cat- F 9 .5 2 .5 2 .0
G 8 3 .0 2 .4
egory A curve compares with the ASME Code is not
considered important because the material and the
design factors are different . The benefit is to define etries, the fillet weld FSRF is 2 .2 . This implies that,
FSRF based on the welds . Since the S-N curves are for pressure vessels, FSRF = 2 .2 is appropriate
parallel, FSRF can be readily calculated. provided NDE is applied.
Table A .1 shows the FSRF calculations based on Two of the categories have the same weld except
category A (base metal) and on Category B (full one is ground and one is as-welded:
penetration ground butt-weld) . First, the stress range
C. Partial penetration (double bevel) butt-weld,
at 1E6 cycles is obtained ; these are provided in the
ground, axial load
first column (1E6 Q) . Next, the stresses are normal-
D. Partial penetration (double bevel) butt-weld,
ized, first to the Category A stress range (column 2,
as-welded, axial load
FSRF to Plate), then to the category B stress range
(column 3, FSRF to Weld) . The normalized values The FSRF are 1 .5—1 .8 and 1 .2—1 .4 depending on
are the FSRF. whether they are normalized by WRC Category A or
The maximum FSRF in Table A.1 is 3 .0 . This B, respectively. They both give a factor of 1 .2 in going
indicates that the worst fillet weld has an FSRF of from a ground weld to an as-welded condition . This is
3 .0 based on base metal . For more relevant geom- relevant to pressure vessel welds.
Fatigue Strength 39
300 rr a. { .1
10' I0g
Endurance, N Cycles
Fig . B .1-S-N curves from Gurney (1976).
Number of Cycles, N
Fig . C .2-Data vs FSRF = 2 .0 .
Fatigue Strength 41
data is difficult to interpret and may not be consis- team does not understand the basis and believes
tent with how ASME Code analyses are done . Thus, that NDE will override the weld process . Classifica-
the FSRF = 2 may not be conservative . However, the tion III lumps all the conditions that are in the
FSRF = 2 certainly gives an indication that quality FSRF = 2 to FSRF = 4 weld quality level.
welds do not require FSRF > 2. Table C .2 shows the FSRF calculations based on
Harrison and Maddox develop three categories for Harrison and Maddox (1980) classifications . First,
use in the British design code ; these are shown in the stress range at 1E6 cycles is obtained ; these are
Table C .1 and plotted in Fig . C .3 . The first classifica- provided in the first column (1E6 o) . Next, the
tion indicates that base metal and flush welds with stresses are normalized, first to the Class I stress
MT/PT are equivalent. Classification II makes a range [column 2, FSRF to Plate (and ground weld)],
distinction by weld process, indicating that shielded then to the Class II stress range (column 3, FSRF to
metal arc (SMA) is a higher quality than submerged Weld) . The normalized values are the FSRF.
arc . The proposal does not address this ; the B & W Table C .2 FSRF are almost negligible compared
Table C .1-Harrison and Maddox : Weld Classification Table C .2-Harrison and Maddox : FSRF
A ~•
3 s a s
1o3 104 10 5 10 6 10'
Endurance, cycles
Fatigue Strength 43
60 414.0
5o 345.0
40 275.0
30 CATEGORY A 207.0
!III 13 .6
1 ~
2 3436789 6 2 3 4 5 6789 7 2
10 10 4x10 7
Test Code
Table 11 .A-1—AISC Fatigue Data for Category A Point Strain Cycles Strain FSRF
Fatigue Strength 45
Note that Snominal,alt is computed without SCFs or FSRFs
100 i.e . the allowable for each category has the FSRF "built-in"
• -1t CAT A
C) -4 CAT B
10 -N=.n--
-e- CATE
10000 100000 1000000 10000000
Fig . II .A-2-AISC (9th ed .) fatigue allowables.
8 n CAT A
6 * CAT B'
m .= +CATE
2 *CATE'
10000 100000 1000000 10000000
Fig . 11 .A-3-AISC (9th ed .) equivalent fatigue FSRFs . Note that the FSRFs inferred from the AISC fatigue allowables may not be comparable to
FSRFs used with ASME curves.
0 Weld Tests
1 .0E+5 1E+4 —
5— 5
2— 2
1 .0E+4 1E+3
3— 3
2— 2
3 2 5 2 3 52 3 52 3
1 .0E+2 1 .0E+3 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 5 1E+5
Cycles Cycles
+ + *
5— 5
2— 2 ma.
Fatigue Strength 47
Table II .B-1-Fatigue Tests of 1 1/2" and 4" Butt Welded Pipes*
1 .5" Diameter 4" Diameter
Specimen Displ . Strain Alt. Specimen Displ . Strain Alt.
No. Amp. Microin . Cycles No . Amp . Microin. Cycles
CS = carbon steel ; SS = stainless steel ; C = control; W = welded ; Disp . Amp . = Displacement Amplitude ; Strain Microin . = Strain (p
in/in) ; Alt . = Alternating.
*From Scavuzzo et al . (1997).
curve of the test data is drawn parallel to the control data, the designated stresses for the curves are
data-line, the reduction in cyclic life is small. divided by the modulus, E = 30E6 psi, to obtain the
Figure II .B-lb (CS, 4" pipe) shows a reasonable strains (E = Q/E).
level of scatter, over a relatively wide range of strain. Figure II .B-4 shows that there are three data
Figure II .B-lc (SS, 1 .5 " pipe) has only one control points well below the ASME Code "best fit" curve;
specimen . Its data point fits within the test specimen these are designated 1, 2, and 3 . All three are from 4"
scatter band . Figure II .B-ld (SS, 4" pipe) shows only pipe specimens . For the 1 .5" pipe specimens, the 2
3 data points ; it shows a reasonable distribution. lowest data points are designated as 4 and 5 . The
Figure II .B-2 (Fig . 19 from the PVRC report) following table shows the development of FSRF for
compares the best-fit for the 1 .5" pipe data to the these 5 data points. For this table, the FSRF are
Markl best-fit results . All of the data except one point related to the ASME Code failure curve . Also pre-
fall above the Markl curve . If a best-fit curve, sented, in the following table, is the FSRF for the
parallel to the Markl curve, were drawn starting at control data points, which are designated A and B for
the 1,500 cycle data point (4" pipe data), the best-fit the 1 .5" CS pipe ; the 4 " pipe has no control speci-
1 .5" data curve would still indicate a change in slope mens . The appropriate FSRF is based on the control
for the higher strains . Thus, the new welds may have specimen.
better fatigue quality than the Markl welds, but the The FSRF for the five test-data points represent
S-N curve is not a linear continuation below 2,000 the full specimen vs the smooth database (Code)
cycles . Figure II .B-2 is a stress/cycle plot . The report
specimen . The maximum value is 2 .3 . For this FSRF
indicates that the calculation of stress from the
definition, the FSRF for non-inspected welds is 2 .0 to
measured strain is consistent with the Markl ap-
2 .5 ; for RTm (modified radiograph) welds, it is less
proach . This figure also includes Heald and Kiss
than 2 .0 and perhaps as low as 1 .6.
(1974) data for comparison.
The second FSRF definition (the test-data point vs
Data Assessment the control-data points) is more appropriate because
Figure II .B-3 combines the 1 .5" and 4" pipe data the FSRF for the two control-data points represent
grouped by test material : CS(a) and SS(b) . It indi- the design factor (2 & 20) that is put on the smooth
cates that there is no substantial difference between test specimens . For the second FSRF definition,
the 1 .5" and the 4" pipe data ; a reasonable S-N curve FSRF = 2 .0 is probably sufficient for the non-
can be fit to the data. inspected welds and 1 .5 is sufficient for the RTm
Figure II .B-4 superimposes the ASME (1969) S-N condition.
"best fit" and the ASME Code (1997) S-N design The low FSRF for the control specimens is not
curves onto the CS data . To obtain strain values for surprising. The specimen thickness is comparable to
these curves for comparison with the piping test that of the smooth test specimens . Great care ap-
1 • • • f , t . .... .... . • . 1 • . . 1 t , 1 . • • 1 , t 1 -
100000 ~~
. s~
J . . .
! 1 , 1 1 •
. • • 1 . • t 1 „ 1
- -
. C$ CQt1TRQ ; t •▪ . . i • • . t . . i . . . . •
S. ` `• •~ .1~ t t . ..
10000 : : : ; : . . : : :
. . . .
: ; ; ; ;
▪ . . . . . .
X HEALQ'S bit'TA : S(5)' At ▪• - • t
pears to have been given to making the welds since allowable cycles . Thus, the FSRF accounts for a condi-
they appear to be a higher quality than the original tion that is not included in the stress analysis model.
Markl specimens . However, this does show the poten- For an applied membrane or bending load, the
tial conservatism in the ASME Code 2 & 20 design stress distribution is linear through the thickness . A
factor. To put it into perspective, Fig . II .B-4 also notch or flaw concentrates the stress, causing a
compares the specimen results to the ASME Code maximum stress (amax) to occur . The SCF is defined
design curve . All data points are above the design as the maximum stress divided by the nominal
curve . If these could be considered typical welds, no stress, i.e ., SCF = amax/anom where anom is either the
FSRF is necessary for predicting the fatigue life. applied membrane-plus-bending stress or the local
membrane-plus-bending stress (M + B) . Tradition-
Appendix III ally, the SCF is applied to the component or principal
FSRF Definition M + B stress prior to calculating the alternating
stress . Frequently, SCF predicts an overly conserva-
Many authors use the terms SCF and FSRF as if
tive cyclic life.
they were synonymous or as if the reader under-
The actual reduction in cyclic life, caused by a
stands their differences . However, the definitions for
notch or flaw, relates to test data . At an applied
FSRF are not consistent among authors . The defini-
stress level (S a '), testing the FSRF condition will
tion used in this report is as follows:
produce a reduced cyclic life (N i ') relative to the
When a condition exists that is not included in the stress no-notch condition . For the same cyclic life (Ni '), the
analysis, but will reduce the fatigue life, an FSRF is applied stress (Sa ) for the non-FSRF condition di-
used to obtain the effective stress that is consistent with vided by the applied stress for the FSRF condition
the actual fatigue life . Specifically, the potential for
flaws and notches is not included in FEA models . In (S a ') gives the FSRF. Thus, FSRF = S a/Sa '.
practice, the FSRF is applied to the calculated alternat- There are two tests that are used to determine the
ing stress prior to entering the S-N curve to obtain the FSRF. One determines the stress level for infinite life
Fatigue Strength 49
a. CS Butt Weld Tests
3 AA
b. SS Butt Weld Tests
• 1 .5" dia. Control Test
+ 1 .5" dia . Weld Tests
C 2
0 4" dia. Weld Tests
p 1E+4
+ +
+1 +0
1E+3 O
Q 5
(nominally > 1E6 cycles) for a notched or FSRF The second test approach determines the cyclic life
condition specimen (Sa ') relative to an un-notched (Ni ') of the notched or FSRF condition specimen at
(S a ) specimen . The FSRF is the ratio of S a/S a '. any specific stress level above the endurance limit.
However, this FSRF is accurate only at the endur- Using the cyclic life approach, FSRF' = N ;fN i ' where:
ance limit. Ni is the number of cycles to failure for the un-
At the endurance limit, the FSRF will be equal to notched geometry at the defined stress and N i ' is the
or lower than the SCF. If the applied stress level number of cycles to failure for the actual (notch)
were increased, the FSRF would decrease, but the geometry at the same stress level . The factor is
SCF does not change . Thus, the FSRF is a function of designated FSRF' because it is a cycle ratio rather
stress level as well as notch/flaw geometry. than a stress ratio . If multiple stress levels are
3 Test Data
Q—0 CS 1 .5" Control Tests
2 0 CS 1.5" Weld Tests
A CS 4" Weld Tests
tested both with and without the notch or FSRF and Kuhn (1952) gave a similar interpretation of the
condition, two fatigue curves can be generated . The Neuber theory. O'Donnell and Purdy (1964) address
FSRF can then be defined by a stress ratio at any the issue ; their approach relates to what is some-
specified cycle level. times called the DEL approach. Snow et al. (1970)
In the "FSRF for welds based on NDE " procedure, generated some interesting data, which give insight
the FSRF relates to the endurance limit value ; i .e ., to the potential impact of using an FSRF rather than
its value is constant for all stress levels . This is a an SCF. He showed that the FSRF can be a factor of 2
conservative approach but not as conservative as or even 5 lower than the SCF. The topic deserves a
using an SCF. In reality, the FSRF will decrease as full review, but this is considered beyond the scope of
the applied stress increases . The FSRF will go the current effort.
asymptotically to 1 .0 at the stress level that pro-
duces a crack in a few cycles.
Appendix IV
There are techniques for defining the FSRF based
Other Fatigue Issues
on a geometric SCF (at a notch) . They are based on
the Neuber theory (1968), which essentially says During the early reviews of this report, a number
that the controlling stress is the average stress over of questions were raised which have an impact on
some volume of material . The theory is that the the accuracy of the fatigue analysis . The questions
amount of material relates to the grain size, thus that do not directly relate to the FSRF for welds
making the correlation a material property . Peterson issue are presented in the following discussions.
(1974) presented his interpretation of the Neuber These are considered to be important issues that
theory but modified Neuber 's equations . Hardraft may not have consistent interpretations in the analy-
Fatigue Strength 51
sis community. In that sense, these related issues the proposed procedure for welds addresses undetec-
should be addressed separately, just as the "FSRF for ted flaws/notches, metallurgical notches are not in-
Welds" topic is being addressed separately, even cluded.
though an interaction exists between the topics . The
questions are presented close to how they were Applying an FSRF
stated . The discussion is presented as a singular The traditional approach is to apply the FSRF to
view without defense . The pressure vessel industry S a before entering the fatigue curve . This is the
would benefit from developing consistent guidelines. approach in the report . However, this is a complex
question and there are definable conditions where it
Should the Maximum Concentration may be overly conservative . For example, should
for a Weld in a Blend Radius Be 4 .0? FSRF be applied to peak thermal stress or to the
FEA can be used to calculate total component FEA stress at a singularity? Additional work is
stresses at a blend radius (design notch) . As an needed to address these issues.
alternate, an SCF (e .g ., from Peterson) could be Another example uses a fillet weld with the stress
applied to the membrane and bending stresses to direction parallel to the bead . The test data on fillet
obtain the total stress . If the blend radius included a welds show that welding direction vs load direction
weld, superposing a weld FSRF should be consid- has an impact on fatigue life . This can be interpreted
ered . The superposition of a design-notch SCF and as allowing the FSRF to be applied to the component
weld FSRF is currently considered an open question. stress . However, this is not necessarily true, espe-
The conservative approach is to do just that, super- cially across the board . It has thus not been incorpo-
pose them . For low total stress conditions, this may rated in the current work . Welding (direction) pat-
give reasonably accurate results . For high total terns are more prone to flaws oriented in a specific
stress conditions, this is probably too conservative. direction than random directions . Thus, applied
SCF are accurate only for elastic conditions ; when S }, stresses that are normal to the flaw will have less life
is exceeded, they rapidly lose accuracy. For high than those where the stresses are parallel to the
stress conditions, especially those caused by FSRF, flaw. This forces the mean curve to shift, but may not
most of the fatigue life is crack growth, not crack change the scatter band . Also, using this presumes
initiation . Once a crack is initiated, the impact of the that the welding patterns are consistent (especially
SCF and the FSRF decreases . This leads to the weld repairs) and known . Also, starts and stops must
conclusion that there is a maximum FSRF level that be controlled . The test results must address this or
makes sense, perhaps a value of 4 . Obviously, the they are self-predicting prophesies ; i .e ., all the test
applied stress level plays a role in this decision . In specimens were welded in one pattern and there is
summary, one might superpose the SCF and FSRF; if no other way to do it or the rules require this . Much
the combined value exceeds some value (e .g ., 4 or 5) more discussion is appropriate.
and Sa exceeds S3„ a reduction is appropriate. When the FSRF is developed from a geometric
SCF (at a notch), there is a basis for direction
Some Visual Inspections and Some Failure
Assessments Make It Appear orientation. It is consistent to apply the FSRF to the
That FSRF = 4 Is Inadequate principal stress (consistent with SCF direction) rather
For the proposed procedure, there is no worse than to Sa .
condition than no NDE . The available test data that
are relevant to pressure vessels indicate that FSRF -- Appendix V
4 should be acceptable as a maximum value . How- Level 7, Weld-Toe Notches,
ever, it may be possible to make welds that need an and Non-Inspectable Weld Roots
FSRF greater than 4 . If it can be shown that there
It is probably part of human nature to produce
are conditions where FSRF > 4 are appropriate, the
what is expected . If the design engineer says that
first choice should be redesign to allow for a higher
NDE is not required for a specific weld, the welder is
quality weld . Otherwise, the designer must assume
likely to give the weld less attention than he wbuld
an FSRF > 4 . The comment implies a visual (VT)
give to a weld that will receive a full NDE . The
should always be applied . As a minimum, non-
welding engineer is likely to use the least expensive
inspectable welds should not be used in areas of
process that will do the job but may be more prone to
significant stress . The ASME Code (1997) does not
flaws . We can also view the "human nature" from the
allow non-inspectable welds in high stress locations
positive side where full NDE is required . If the
for Class 1 pressure vessels . However, the issue of
inspection people detect a lot of rejectable flaws, the
" how high a stress is acceptable" is open.
grinders get a lot of work, the welders get more work,
The Procedure Does Not Address and even the inspectors get more work . However,
Metallurgical Notches management is likely to ask, " Why are you destroy-
The issue with metallurgical notches is calculating ing our profit margin?" They are liable to find a new
an accurate stress rather than addressing flaws. welding engineer and to develop a new welder quali-
Doing so requires a knowledge of the cyclic stress- fication program . The bottom line is that the knowl-
strain curves for both base and weld materials . Since edge of required NDE improves the weld quality.
Fatigue Strength 53
potential impact of micro-cracks on fatigue life. Non-Inspectable Weld Roots
Assembling available data and recommending test- Both partial penetration and fillet welds are used
ing to determine the impact are outside the scope of for attachments ; in addition, partial penetration
the current project. welds are used for small nozzle penetrations . For
In addition to the weld-toe notch, the blend of the attachments, the FSRF can be significantly different
weld to the base metal is significant to fatigue life. In for the partial penetration vs fillet welds . Figure
addition to presenting the three types of weld-toe V-2a shows the beveled weld-prep for the attachment
notches, Fig . V-1 shows an extreme, no blend radius partial penetration weld . Full penetration is not
condition . When the weld intersects the base metal expected ; thus, there is likely to be intermittent
at a right angle, there is a severe geometric notch
rounded flaws at the nose of the weld-prep (root).
regardless of undercut . This geometry precludes
These are fully embedded ; thus, their impact on
detecting a Type 2 weld-toe notch by MT/PT . It is
fatigue life should be minor. If there occurred a lack
appropriate to treat this location as non-inspectable
with an FSRF = 4. of bond between the bevel and the weld, one could
If the weld to base metal juncture has a defined project a significant concentration with an SCF > 3.
blend radius (Fig . V-1), the severity of the geometric However, the flaw is embedded and the stresses to be
notch is greatly reduced. With a sufficient blend concentrated would be low. Relative to the surface
radius, MT/PT or VT can be performed and the location, regardless of whether the stresses are
weld-toe notches can be detected . Thus, the blend imposed by the shell (shown in the figure) or imposed
radius may result in an FSRF of 2 .0 rather than by a load on the attachment, the FSRF would be
FSRF = 4 for no blend radius. significantly less than the SCF. An FSRF = 3 is
Type 1 Type 2
Wide and Curved Narrow and Crack Like
expected to be appropriate and should not present a notch at the root of unknown geometry or severity.
fatigue problem. Since none of the standard NDE can detect these
Figure V-2b shows the same attachment with a notches, an FSRF = 4 is reasonable. Unlike the
fillet weld . It is difficult to project whether the attachment weld, the root location may see signifi-
attachment (plate) will carry much load, regardless cant stress levels . Also, depending on the quality of
of whether the load is imposed by the shell (shown in the weld process, there may be a lack of bond
the figure) or imposed by a load on the attachment. between the weld and cylinder at the root pass . This
However, the large lack of bond between the attach- flaw may be very tight with a sharp root superposed
ment plate and the shell may respond to loads as a on the rounded root notch . It is more likely (with a
free surface (low constraint) . Since the ASME Code well-developed weld process) that the root of the flaw
(1997) required NDE will not detect these flaws and will have only a radius . Depending on the depth and
they could be severe, an FSRF = 4 could be realistic root radius, the FSRF will vary from 3 to 4.
unless the weld process is very well developed . As a An FEA will often model the root as a sharp corner
minimum, the fillet weld root should have a higher with no blend radius . This is a singularity that
FSRF than the partial penetration root for attach- produces a stress concentration with an SCF directly
ment geometries. related to the FE grid refinement . To reasonably
The ASME Code, Section III, Fig . NB-4244(d)-1 assess the stresses for a fatigue analysis, the FSRF
shows geometries for small nozzle and branch piping is applied to the membrane-plus-bending stress at
connections . These could be welded with either par- the location . Thus, the FSRF is caused only by the
tial penetration or fillet welds . The weld produces a welding notch.
Fatigue Strength 55