JOB - Matur - Téma B2 Poznámky

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Požiadavky na B2:
a) typy povolaní (fyzická a duševná práca), voľba povolania, jej motivácia
b) trh práce (ponuka pracovných miest a nezamestnanosť, rekvalifikácia, žiadosť o
zamestnanie, profesijný životopis, prijímací pohovor)
c) pracovný čas a voľný čas (efektivita práce, nové technológie)
d) pracovné príležitosti doma a v zahraničí, pracovné podmienky (mzda, sociálny systém)
e) kariéra verzus rodinný život
A.) typy povolaní (fyzická a duševná práca), voľba povolania, jej motivácia

Choosing a career is a very important step in everybody´s life. Most children and some students have not
clear ideas about their jobs. Boys usually want to be pilots, astronauts, designers, architects,
soldiers, ....................................................................................................................................................

Girls, on the other hand, dream about becoming actresses, teachers, singers, ballet-dancers, dressmakers,
hairdressers, nurses, doctors, ...........................................................................................
Some children want to follow their parents or parents want their children to work in the same line as they
did. Only few children have a clear idea of their careers. When I was a small boy/girl I wanted to be become
.................................. I was interested in .................................. but my parents wanted me to become
a ............................. . At elementary school I wished to become a ................... I wasn´t decided definitely
and that´s why I started to study the grammar school. There I found a final idea of my job. I decided to
become a ........................ after studying at university. I am interested in (subjects) ......................................

1.)What are the dreams of children about the future career?

2.)What did you want to become in your childhood?

3.)What were the ideas of your siblings or parents?

1.)manual jobs (physical work)
- ........................................................................................................................................

2.)non-manual jobs (intellectual work)

- ................................................................................................................................

3.)skilled jobs ...........................................................................................................................................

4.) unskilled jobs ....labourer - be taken up by an

employer, .........................................................................................................

miner barber priest blacksmith tailor dressmaker physician decorator shopkeeper baker

businessman shop-assistant salesman worker editor writer judge printer porter gardener

locksmith railwayman electrician engineer bookseller bank-clerk economist carpenter

stewardess butcher director conductor vet builder plumber librarian accountant surgeon musician

politician mayor (primátor) university lecturer interpreter translator

public relations officer (hovorca)

4.)What do you want to become now?

Describe your dream job and qualities you have and you would like to have but you need to
develop them. Give reasons.
Responsible for people´s life, be patient, to communicate in person with patients, be in charge
of nurses, supervise colleagues and younger doctors

5.)What don´t you want to become and why? I don´t want to become a ................... because he
has to ............... (work on shifts, work outside in the rain , work in bed and dangerous
conditions, .............................................................................................................................................
6.)What does a good and interesting job mean to you?
interesting, challenging, rewarding, well-paid, my hobby, friendly atmosphere, good relationship
responsibilities and duties:
to be responsible for, to deal with, to handle, to be in charge of, to involve, to control, to
check, to manage, to supervise, to advise, to treat, to look after, to communicate in person,
to run your own business, to set up/establish/ found a company

7.)What do you think is the worst job in the

world? .........................................,.........................................................................................................
8.)Have you had a chance to try the type of work you would like to do in the
future? ...................... ..........................................................................................................................

There are some homeless people. They can´t find a job or they don´t want to work. They live
outdoors, under the bridges, on the benches in the parks, they spend cold winter days at the stations.
They can´t cope with the problem and they live at the edge of society.

Can´t find a job – don´t have a qualification/skills

- live in the area with a high unemployment
- they don´t care about their appearance, scruffy – zanedbaný
- lifestyle: obiously have no place to live, ask for money , bag – žobrať
sleep on benches, homeless people shelters provide some food and beds for
Look at the photos and name different jobs, mention their duties and mental qualities essential to
do these jobs. Specify what kind of education/ qualification these jobs require.

Complete the chart with the appropriate information:

occupation duties mental qualities qualification

1 builder Build houses, skyscrapers, hard-working, physically Get a skill certificate,
bridges, strong, fit, Attend a vacational
2 pilot are in charge of driving a Careful, confident patient, Graduate from university,
plane, responsible for decisive, determined Master Degree
passangers on the board, special training
work on shifts
3 a postman Communicative, healthy, Special school, school-leaving
fit, certificate


1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10

B.) trh práce (ponuka pracovných miest a nezamestnanosť, rekvalifikácia,

žiadosť o zamestnanie, profesijný životopis, prijímací pohovor)
Some people must work very hard or work night shifts. They want to change their profession and that´s
why they study at evening courses. It is very difficult but many people overcome this trial and then they
can be satisfied with their work. They can be even promoted. Some people can´t work. They are old or
disabled. They must be supported by the state.

Why do some people study at evening courses? Change job, be promoted, get better-paid job

It´s not easy to GET/FIND WORK round these parts. Lots of women have worked in Austria. Office
workers (CLERKS) work eight-to-three. Lazy and irresponsible workers ARE FIRED (vyhodení z práce)
by the boss. BE SUCKED from work – vyhodený

MAKE REDUNDANT (prepustený)– there is no work for an employee (zamestnanec)

Now some people are unemployed. They need money for food, clothes and rent. They get an allowance
from a society. They must wait for a vacancy and must be REGISTERED BY AN EMPLOYMENT
SERVICE (úrad práce). Some of them give advertisements and apply for a free place in a competition.

9.)What do you think about high unemployment problem in many western countries?
Industrial revolution
Robots, machines cause a lack of job opportunites
10.)How could we prepare for a job interview and what clothes are good?

 After finding a suitable job, it is important to write a professional resume and covering letter that
match the requirements of the job you are applying for.
 Before attending the interview, it is necessary to do some research on the company the position you
are applying for, and the people conducting the interview.
 It is also a good idea to prepare possible answers to expected questions and
 also think of questions you would like to ask the interview committee members.

There are several types of interviews, ranging from the traditional face-to-face interview to telephone and
video interviews, that a candidate could attend. What the candidate needs to remember is that you NEVER
GET A SECOND CHANCE TO MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION. For that reason, it´s important to
make a good impression by following the DRESS CODE, BEING PUNCTUAL, PROFESSIONAL and
Knee-length dress

to take on new people – pribrať nových ľudí
to employ sb. – zamestnať niekoho
employer, employee, unemployed/ jobless, self-employed – živnostník, volunteer –dobrovoľník,
long-term/ permanent contract, short-term/ temporary contract, part-time job, full-time job,
seasonal job, casual job

C) pracovný čas a voľný čas (efektivita práce, nové technológie)

Working hours in Europe vary between 33 and 41 hours a week. In Slovakia, in most professions, working
hours are 40 hours a week / 8 hours a day. Some professions have long hours.
Work from 9 to 5 Work from 8 to 4 Some …. Work on shift

Shift work is typice for healthcare service (doctors, nurses) the emergency services (medical service,
firefighters, police officers) production and transportation.
In our country people usually start work at 8a.m. They normally have a lunch break at lunch time.
Some people have flexible working hours, which means, they can work at different times.

Example: An airline pilot has a very stressful job. He has to travel a lot and is responsible for passangers´
lives. On the other hand he makes loads of money. He has to work long hours, work nights /robiť nočné/
and at the weekends. Sometimes he has to work 10 hours without a break.

New technologies, especially the Internet, have enabled people to work from home (from a home office).
This is called teleworking. It is still not very common in our country.

11.)What would be the ideal work time for you? hour /auər/

lack of concentration at night, an early bird versus an owl (sova), prefer getting up early, go to bed at
regular hours
flexitime – employees with a family, in big cities - solves problem with commuting to work
12.)What dou you think of flexitime? It is good for people with no plans for days, young adults like going
to the gym in the morning,

13.)Do you have a part-time job during the school year?

......................................................................................................................................... ...................................
........................................................................................................................................... 14.)What job
experience have your siblings or friends had?
What did your job involve (vyžadovala)? Involved cooking preparing burgers, salads, chips,
serve the customers, customers had to come and pick up the order (objednávka)

cousin –worked as a gardener, brother – warehouseman, sister - waitress

15.)Will this work experience help you to decide what career to choose?
you can find out if you like this job or not, can realise the price of the education
16.)Do you prefer to have a summer holiday job or have free time? Why?
feel more mature, independent from your parents, I felt proud of myself
Have you ever bought anything for your part-time job money which wasn´t worth? You regretted spending
money on it.
I paid off my driving licence course.
17.)How did you feel when you received your first pay? did´t have to ask for money
saved up some of the money, put it on the current account / osobný účet, saving account /vkladná knižka
put money aside for rainy days – odložiť si na horšie časy
18.)If you haven´t had a summer job, describe the types of summer jobs you would like to have and
why. ................................................................................................................................................................
19.)What are some good on-the-job habits (pracovné návyky) that will help you to get a job again with the
same company?
Come on time, good relationship, concentrate on work, work hard, not avoid duties, don´t get disturbed
easily by mobile phones, willing to work long hours when necessary, flexible, trustworthy,
20.)What can people do to work more effectively on working time?
 they should concentrate on work,
 they should be organised,
 sort out/roztriediť/ documents immediately,
 take down the dates of meetings and appointments,
 shouldn´t smoke – it´s a waste of time,
 shouldn´t drink alcohol and too much coffee,
 should be relaxed and not be in a panic, ........................................................

 21.)Do you want to do the same work all your life or do you want to try a number of different jobs?

will fulfil / miss work experience/ climb a work ladder / will get promotion (povýšený)/ work at the same
ward in hospital, become an expert in the field you have been working in for years

D) pracovné príležitosti doma a v zahraničí, pracovné podmienky (mzda,

sociálny systém)
22.)What is more important for you – to earn a lot of money or to have a job you really like? Why?
isn´t as important as interest in the job
500 EUR month
pay living expences – životné náklady (rent, car, morgage, hire purchase, food, educiaton, fees,
23.)What are pros and cons of having one´s own 24.)What are pros and cons of working for
business and being self-employed? a company?

+ free time/ regular working hours (from 6 to
+ hava some benefits (car is provided, mobile
phones, bills are paid by the company,
+ can have your holiday in SK paid off
+have some limits, can set working hours, - earn less money
-you have no free time for yourself and family - do irrelevant work
-more responsibility - cooperate with impolite/ unkind
+earn more money colleagues - cope with them
- work long hours/ overtime - boss asks you to do/
- invest money in the company - doesn´t allow you to take days off
- responsible for employees during busy days in the company
- har decision to make some employees
25.)What qualities should a boss have?
responsible, trustworthy, talkative, hard-working, good at dealing with people, be well- organised, a bit
strict, gain respect, be fair, calm, shouldn´t be arrogant,............
E) kariéra verzus rodinný život
26.)Do people have time to relax? .................................................................................................................
Live a rat race – žiť upnáhľaný život, don´t manage their time wisely
some are workaholics – they love to work too much
workaholic, on maternity leave – materská dovolenka – take care of children, household,
do the shopping, feel tired, don´t sleep well, are very busy, feel lonely, no time for
, maternity pay, working mothers, to be under pressure
27.) Is it possible to have both a career and family life?
Traditionally it was father who was highly involved in a career, and the mother who devoted
most of her time to tasks at home. However, as a result of changing position of both
genders in society and equality between men and women, career has become a priority for
women as well. With the involvment of both partners and good management skills it is
possible to manage both – a well-ordered home and a successful career. I modern societies
i tis possible for both husband and rife to have a career and lead a family life.

28.)Is it better to have a career before starting a family?

After giving a birth to a child
In the past they used to get married when they were much younger (18,20)
Nowadays, people are used to getting married when they are older / over 27,30.
Average age is 30.
In modern societies, starting a family is postponed since women are settled in thein careers
before getting married and having children. In case a woman decides to follow a career goals
without being distracted by family dutin and responsibilities. On the negative side,it might be
hard to set a career aside for a couple of years.
Whether to prioritise career over family or to give preferences to family life over career, is an
individual decision for each person.

29.)Why is it difficult for men to maintain (udržiavať) a work-life balance?

If they hold management positions in companies, they perform a variety of tasks:
interviews, hiring new employees, evaluating employee performance, running meeting,
discussing opportunities during business lunches and dinners. On the one hand they work
long hours to secure their family financially, but on the other hand they miss the opportunity
to take part in their children´s lives and family life.

You have a successful career in business management. You earn a high salary to support your
family financially. Try to persuade your partner to become a stay-at-home mother/father with
your baby daughter. You start the conversation.
 Balancing work and family life is really stressful.
 You do not miss your children´s ´firsts´ (first words, steps, ….)
 You will save on childcare costs.

You have a promising career in law but your partner would like you to become a stay-at-home
mother/father with your baby daughter. You are not sure whether you would be a happy stay-
at-home mother/father.
 You worry you would feel lonely and depressed.
 It is hard to get back into the workplace.
 You family cannot survive on a single income.

PREPOSITIONS –PHRASAL VERBS WITH ON: Put each of the following words in the sentence.
maternity leave (materská dovolenka) the payroll (počet/zoznam zamestnancov)
the premises (firemné priestory) a good salary (dobrý plat) on duty (v službe)
on business (služobne) be on strike ( štrajkovať) the dole (brať podporu v nezamestnanosti)
commission (provízia) the job

1.My boss often sends me to Germany on ................................ – meeting, conferences, that sort of things.
2.As a nurse, I am often on ............................... all night, which is quite demanding.
3.Don´t worry if you have no experience. We´ll try you on ........................ .
4.Cindy is on .............................. with her second baby.
5.We can´t go by train because the railway workers are on ........................... .
6.The sales representatives work on ............................ , which means that the more they sell, the
more money they earn.
7.I must find a job as soon as possible. I am sick of being on ..................... .
8.There is nowhere to eat on .................................. of the company, so we usually have lunch at a
nearby restaurant.
9.There are over 400 employees on ........................ of this company, but most of them hardly ever come
to the office because they travel so much.
10.Why should I quit my job? I am on ........................., and I get on with the other members of staff, too?

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